Cross-Platform Development

Cross-platform mobile applications are gaining popularity in today’s time. If you want to get an app made, you will get two choices. You can choose between native and cross-platform mobile app development.

Flutter cross-platform development, an open-source framework may be preferred, but don’t just jump into it. In this quick post, we will be telling you the pros and cons of cross-platform development. Let’s get started!

A Little Something About Cross-Platform Mobile Applications

Cross-platform mobile apps have a single code base. So, they need to be compiled just once so that they can run on multiple operating systems and platforms.

The good part is that you can use only a single language to create a mobile application without any strict requirements.

The Pros of Cross-Platform Application Development

The benefits of cross-platform app development are too many. Various competitive advantages can help you address some serious challenges experienced by software vendors, businesses, and developers.

First, take a look at the pros of cross-platform app development.

  • You can reach out to a wider audience. That’s because businesses have to choose between iOS and Android. If you choose one, it means you lose the other market. But, with cross-platform app development, you can get the best of both worlds.
  • The development of apps will be faster. That’s because you need one code base. You don’t need two separate teams for iOS and Android development. The team will ensure that deadlines are met, and you wouldn’t have to wait for a long time.
  • The development cost is lower. You are looking at saving 30% more than developing apps for both platforms. One code base and project are enough to get the job done.
  • When it’s a native app, you have to make changes in the code for iOS and Android projects. It is faster and easier since changes will be made with a single multi-platform code.
  • Cross-platform development is also developer-friendly. There is no need to get into complexities because they just have to use a single framework and programming language. There are fewer barriers for the developer.

The Cons of Cross-Platform Application Development

There are a few cons too that you should be aware of.

  • There may be integration problems with the targeted OS. Since cross-platform applications have a high code complexity, be ready for a few integration issues.
  • You may face issues with limited user experience. The unified design might also cause hindrances in offering a favourable experience to the users.
  • There is just a single code used for creating the app, so you should not expect full functionality on all devices. The developers you hire may have to simplify the features of the applications to make sure users see consistency on different devices.

Summing Up

Now that you know the pros and Cons of cross-platform development, it is time to weigh both and make a decision.

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By James