The Causes and Effects of Industrial Disputes by the Academic Staff Union of Colleges of Education: A Case Study of Federal College of Education, Zaria

Yusuf Halilu Zakari – January 2018 Page No.: 01-07

Education plays a crucial role in driving the process of sustainable national development. This originates from the central position it occupies in nation building but unfortunately, industrial disputes have remained pervasive in the nation’s tertiary education sub – sector. This work is premised on determining the causes and effects of industrial disputes by the Academic Staff Union of Colleges of Education (COEASU) with special reference to the Federal College of Education, Zaria (FCEZ) from 1999 – 2014. It puts firmly that, the recent industrial dispute between the Colleges of Education Academic Staff Union (COEASU) and Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) relates to class dispute which is aimed at protecting the interest of the present and future working force of the Colleges of Education (CoEs) and sister institutions against any form of exploitative tendencies from the Federal Government. The study adopted the experimental survey research and it studied a population of staff and students of the Federal College of Education, Zaria (FCEZ) wherein a sample size of 268 was drawn from the population accordingly using probability sampling. A total of two hundred and sixty – eight (268) questionnaires were administered to the sampled respondents by means of the simple random sampling (SRS) technique while the data was analysed utilizing the Chi – square inferential statistical test.The research findings revealed that while the frequency of dispute(s) in the college system still remains low till date, the causes of dispute were not limited to the non – payment of workers’ entitlements, lack of conducive working environment, but more importantly government’s penchant renege for agreements. Also, the effects include loss of man – hour, poor academic performance amongst others. However, it recommends that COEASU should explore effectively the principles of collective bargaining through dialogue; periodic needs assessment so as to address infrastructural deficiencies in the Colleges; and the government should at all times respect and fulfil agreements reached with the union so as to boost productivity in the system through effective industrial relations.

Page(s): 01-07                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 January 2018

 Yusuf Halilu Zakari

Department of Economics, School of Arts and Social Sciences,Federal College of Education, P.M.B. 1041, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.

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Yusuf Halilu Zakari “The Causes and Effects of Industrial Disputes by the Academic Staff Union of Colleges of Education: A Case Study of Federal College of Education, Zaria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 1, pp.01-07 January 2018  URL:

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Factors Affecting Buying Behavior of Ecofriendly Cars
Romi Sainy – January 2018 – Page No.: 08-12

The aim of the customer study is automobiles. The study is being carried out to understand the awareness of customers on environment friendly cars. The study has been conducted keeping in mind age group, geographical area and other factors of the respondent.

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 Romi Sainy
Jaipuria Institute of Management Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

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Romi Sainy “Factors Affecting Buying Behavior of Ecofriendly Cars” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 1, pp.08-12 January 2018 URL:

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ATL, BTL and TTL Marketing in Education Industry

Dr. Nidhi Arora – January 2018 Page No.: 13-15

Guardians know that the cost of education has raised these years. As of now, there is merciless rivalry among different private education institutions. Though quality and employability are the fundamental worries of capable foundations, cash stamping organizations which point high rate of return bait and occupy the guardians and the understudies through appealing promotions, by by passing consumer loyalty. Be that as it may, the accomplishment of these foundations will be conceivable just in the short run. A very much planned instructive advertising methodology is the need of great importance for guaranteeing achievement and survival in the market.

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 Dr. Nidhi Arora
Banasthali Vidyapith, Vanasthali, Rajasthan

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Dr. Nidhi Arora “ATL, BTL and TTL Marketing in Education Industry” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 1, pp.13-15 January 2018  URL:

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