How to Succeed your Contingent Valuation?

Naoufel Benfadil – March 2018 Page No.: 01-08

The Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) is one of many ingenious methods developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s to evaluate non-market goods. It represents the most promising approach developed to determine the public’s willingness to pay or to accept for public goods. However, like all sophisticated methods, it presents challenges and the use of contingent valuation surveys to obtain individuals answers to hypothetical situations is not easy at all. In order to be successful, we must follow some method guidelines perfectly and therefore evaluate and use the results of the CVM with confidence.

Page(s): 01-08                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 19 March 2018

 Naoufel Benfadil
Structure Research on Environment and Sustainable Development, University of Mohamed V,
Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences, Souissi, Rabat, Morocco

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Naoufel Benfadil “How to Succeed your Contingent Valuation?” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 3, pp.01-08 March 2018  URL:

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Impact Assessment of Capital Market on Industrial Growth and Development in Nigeria from 1985-2015 (A Survey of Nigeria Capital Market)
Augustine Okon Jacob – March 2018 – Page No.: 09-14

This study examined whether or not stock market promotes industrial growth and development in Nigeria. To achieve this objective, multiple linear regression analysis was used to establish the relationship between capital market and industrial growth and development from 1985-2015. The result indicated that there is a jointed long- run positive relationship between industrial growth and development for all the stock market variables used. By 95.58% R-squared and 94.85% adjusted R-squared, the result showed that industrial growth and development in Nigeria is adequately explained by the model for the period between 1985 and 2015. By implication 94.85% of the variation in the growth of industrial activities is explained by the independent variables. The result of the study stabled a jointed long-run positive links between the stock market and industrial growth and development. The capital market variables captured in the model such as market capitalization, money supply, government expenditure and interest rate, they both have positive and negative relationship with industrial productivity, except the constant term and level of money supply (MS). Government is therefore advise to put up measures to stem up investors’ confidence and activities in the market and increase market capitalization so that it could contribute significantly to the sector, and suggested pursuit of policies geared towards rapid development of the stock market. Also, all sectors of the economy should act in a collaborative manner such that the optimum benefits of linkages between the stock market and industrial growth and development can be realized in Nigeria.

Page(s): 09-14                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 19 March 2018

 Augustine Okon Jacob
Department of Management, School of Management Science, Heritage Polytechnic, Ikot Udota, Eket

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Augustine Okon Jacob “Impact Assessment of Capital Market on Industrial Growth and Development in Nigeria from 1985-2015 (A Survey of Nigeria Capital Market)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 3, pp.09-14 March 2018 URL:

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An Assessment of Rainfall Distribution Pattern and Climate Extremes in Southern Nigeria

Ibeabuchi U, Egbu, A. U and Kalu, A. O. – March 2018 Page No.: 15-24

Choosing a probability distribution to represent the precipitation depth at various durations has long been a topic of interest in climatology and hydrology. The annual rainfall data for 38 years (between 1972 and 2013) were collected from the Nigerian meteorological stations Agency (NIMET) for nine weather stations southern Nigeria. The data were then processed to identify the maximum and minimum rainfall received a day (24hrs duration). The mean, mode, median, skewedness and standard deviation for the study period was derived. The average nearest neighbor analysis was performed to study the distribution of weather stations and rainfall, the results revealed a dispersed (1.88) distribution and the rainfall is well distributed in the study area. The annual mean daily rainfall received was 2.24mm/day for Abeokuta, 1.36mm/day for Calabar and Enugu, 2.03 mm/day for Ikeja, 1.32 mm/day for Port Harcourt, 0.04 mm/day for Benin, and 0.01 mm/day for Ibadan. The median of 0.69mm/day was record for Abeokuta, 0.43mm/day for Calabar and Enugu, 0.59 mm/day for Ikeja, and 0.43 mm/day for Port Harcourt, while the mode of 0.01mm/day was record for Abeokuta, 0.04mm/day for Calabar and Enugu, 0.12 mm/day for Ikeja, and 0.04 mm/day for Port Harcourt. The standard deviation of 7.12 mm/day was record for Abeokuta, 3.10mm/day for Calabar and Enugu, 4.29 mm/day for Ikeja, and 2.59 mm/day for Port Harcourt. This indicates a very large range of fluctuation during the period of study between the coastal area and inland. The rainfall data were analyzed to identify the best fit probability distribution for each period of study using the Rainfall Distribution (Bulletin 17B). The Normal distribution method was used to study climate and weather extreme. The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression was used to model and predict relationships of weather station in term of rainfall return period or occurrences, trend and location. The scientific results clearly established that the analytical procedure devised and tested in this study is suitably applied for the identification of the best fit probability distribution of weather parameters. Also, the study has presented facts on climate extremes for present and future study..

Page(s): 15-24                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 19 March 2018

 Ibeabuchi U

 Egbu, A. U

 Kalu, A. O.

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Ibeabuchi U, Egbu, A. U and Kalu, A. O. “An Assessment of Rainfall Distribution Pattern and Climate Extremes in Southern Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 3, pp.15-24 March 2018  URL:

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Driving Business Performance through Culture Change at City Luxury Hotel

Olive Nerurkar – March 2018 Page No.: 25-26

In January, 2017, a new General Manager Rishi Anand was appointed to take over the City Luxury Hotel a 187 room property located in Mumbai. The hotel was plagued with problems of lower than average guest satisfaction scores, low sales and profits, employee morale and motivation was low, and departments were not working together. According to Mr Anand, “The Hotel could not focus on the necessary changes required to improve guest satisfaction, employee satisfaction and operational performance in the last few years.

Page(s): 25-26                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 01 April 2018

 Olive Nerurkar
Associate Prof, Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Vimanagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India

[1]. Pareek, U. (1994). Studying organizational ethos: the octapace profile. The 1994 Annual: Developing Human Resources, 153-65.

Olive Nerurkar “Driving Business Performance through Culture Change at City Luxury Hotel” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 3, pp.25-26 March 2018  URL:

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Growth of Agriculture Trade in the Indian Economy
M. Tamizharasan – March 2018 – Page No.: 27-32

India is the world largest producer of major agriculture products and it is based on agro-climatic conditions and rich in natural resources and it improves the living conditions of rural people. Indian agriculture products are strong position in the global market in recent times. This study explained why there is increase in agriculture imports and decline in agriculture exports in India. The objectives of the study is divided into three categories such as: the first objective is the growth of agriculture imports and exports, balance of trade, the second objective is the Share of agriculture imports and exports and trend analysis and the third objective is the share of agriculture GDP to total GDP and the relationship between agriculture imports and exports and total GDP. This study is based on the time series data from 1990-91 to 2014-15 of the value of crores in Rupees. The data were collected from Agricultural Statistics at A Glance 2016 and Hand Book of Statistics on The Indian Economy 2016-17. The study analysis of agriculture imports and exports are calculate based on annual growth rate, index numbers, percentage, compound growth rate and the simple linear regression model and semi-log linear regression models are used.

Page(s): 27-32                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 01 April 2018

 M. Tamizharasan
Ph.D., Research Scholar, Department of Econometrics, School of Economics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai-625 021, Tamil Nadu, India

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M. Tamizharasan “Growth of Agriculture Trade in the Indian Economy” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 3, pp.27-32 March 2018 URL:

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Health Care Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria
UDEORAH, Sylvester Alor F., OBAYORI, Joseph Bidemi , ONUCHUKU, Okey – March 2018 – Page No.: 33-36

The paper examined the impact of health care expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria for the period of 1980 to 2016. The data used in the study were sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin. The study used Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) as proxy for economic growth as the dependent variable; health care expenditure (HE) as the major independent variable while education expenditure (EE) as a check regressor to enhance the explanatory power of the model. The study used descriptive statistics and Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) test as the estimation techniques of data analysis. The Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schemidt and Shin, (KPSS) unit root test preceded the GMM test in order to establish the stationarity of the variables. The descriptive statistics result revealed that RGDP has an average of N31292.50billion; health care expenditure has an average of N10322.47billion while education expenditure has an average of N45895.95billion during the period of study. The GMM result revealed that the coefficient of health care expenditure with positive sign which conformed to economics theory is not statistically significant at 5% level. The coefficient of education expenditure conformed to economics theory (i.e. positive) and statistically significant at 5% level. The study concluded that health care expenditure had no significant impact on economic growth while education expenditure had positive significant impact on economic growth in Nigeria during the period of study. The study recommended that the government should redesign her policy toward health care expenditure in particular and human capital development in general and put in place machineries for implementing and monitoring this policy for effective implementation. This will make health care expenditure to significantly impact economic growth in Nigeria.

Page(s): 33-36                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 09 April 2018

 UDEORAH, Sylvester Alor F.
Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

 OBAYORI, Joseph Bidemi
Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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UDEORAH, Sylvester Alor F., OBAYORI, Joseph Bidemi , ONUCHUKU, Okey “Health Care Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 3, pp.33-36 March 2018 URL:

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