Publication for Volume-2 Issue-10, October 2018 is in-process ..

The Impact of Militancy, Insurgency and Forced Displacement on Nigerian Economy

Boris Happy Odalonu, Eberechukwu Faith Obani – October 2018 Page No.: 01-08

This study presents the analysis of the impacts of militancy, insurgency and forced displacement on Nigerian economy. The study covered two geo-political zones (South-South and North-East) of Nigeria. The ob¬jective of the study is to understand and analyze impacts of militancy, insurgency and forced displacement in Nigerian economy. Qualitative method of data collection was used and data were analyzed using descriptive method of data analysis. The study is anchored on relative deprivation and frustration-aggression as a theoretical framework of analysis. It reveals that, the persistent injustice, inequality, marginalization, poverty and radical ideology gave room to militancy, insurgency and forced displacement. It also shows that Boko Haram insurgency in the North-East of Nigeria is the greatest single cause of displacement in which over 2.5 million people are refugees or IDPs as a result of it. It further demonstrates that these have not only challenged the security of the Nigerian state but also threatened its unity, economic development, territoriality and sovereignty. The study therefore recommends that, government at all levels and its parastatals as well as the multinational oil companies, should pay special attention to those areas concerned by making provision for higher level of infrastructural development in order to boost the economy and ensure security both to local and foreign investors. Furthermore, government should look inwardly and uproot the cause of insurgence in the North-East of Nigeria in order to put an end to forced displacement in the country.

Page(s): 01-08                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 15 October 2018

 Boris Happy Odalonu
Department of Political Science, Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu Enugu, Nigeria

 Eberechukwu Faith Obani
Department of Political Science, Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu Enugu, Nigeria

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Boris Happy Odalonu, Eberechukwu Faith Obani “The Impact of Militancy, Insurgency and Forced Displacement on Nigerian Economy” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.01-08 October 2018  URL:

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Fiscal Policy and Income Inequality: A Growing Concern for Less Developed Countries

Samuel B. Adewumi, Chinedu J. Ogbodo, Yakubu A. Aca, Ngozi B. Enebe – October 2018 Page No.: 09-17

This study examines fiscal policy and income inequality in Nigeria using data from 1981 to 2017. The variables of interest are income inequality (proxy by Gini coefficient), government social expenditure, government economic expenditure, real GDP, education (proxy by secondary school enrolment) and government tax. The result shows that income inequality Granger-causes government economic and social expenditure without a feedback, while education granger caused income inequality without a feedback. This means that government expenditure only respond to income inequality, while education causes a change in income gap. The impulse response function shows that shock in real GPD and education causes an upward trend in income inequality, while shock in government social and economic expenditure does not show any impact on income inequality. Also, government tax only shows an impact on income inequality in the first and second period, and its impact towards the other period are not so significant. We therefore conclude that fiscal policy through government expenditure has no significant impact on income redistribution in Nigeria, and the only fiscal variable that can achieve income redistribution is tax – which must also be used with cautions.

Page(s): 09-17                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 15 October 2018

 Samuel B. Adewumi

Department of Economics, University of Nsukka, Nigeria

 Chinedu J. Ogbodo

Department of Economics, University of Nsukka, Nigeria

 Yakubu A. Aca

Department of Accounting, A.B.U Zaria, Nigeria

 Ngozi B. Enebe

Department of Economics, University of Nsukka, Nigeria

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Samuel B. Adewumi, Chinedu J. Ogbodo, Yakubu A. Aca, Ngozi B. Enebe ” Fiscal Policy and Income Inequality: A Growing Concern for Less Developed Countries” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.09-17 October 2018  URL:

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Ethnicity in Africa: Euphemism for Political Pluralism
Yahaya Yakubu – October 2018 – Page No.: 18-23

Contrary to orthodox understanding which presupposes ethnicity as the bane of the instabilities that defines contemporary African. This study examines the existence of plausible properties of pluralism inherent in ethnic heterogeneity. Upon analyzing primary data using the online data analysis tool by Afrobarometer and reviewing relevant literature; the study argue the lacuna created by the in-existence of an organised and proficient civil society, resonates the reach of ethnicity in the region. Furthermore, it is of the opinion that ethnicity is not only existential; it constitutes the thorn of individual and group identity in contemporary African states. In its capacity, ethnicity remains of the most effective social mobility and collective action mechanism in contemporary Africa. The study concludes by arguing ethnicity as not problematic, rather it is problematized by ethnic entrepreneurs.

Page(s): 18-23                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 16 October 2018

 Yahaya Yakubu
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Dept. of Political Science & Int’l Relations, Nile University of Nigeria

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Yahaya Yakubu “Ethnicity in Africa: Euphemism for Political Pluralism” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.18-23 October 2018 URL:

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Effects of Colonialism on State Fragility in Africa

Yahaya Yakubu – October 2018 Page No.: 24-29

This research interrogates the uneasy nature of relationship that defines cohesion and social interactions across underlying ethnicities in contemporary Nigeria. Upon review of relevant literature, and posits that while the underlying nations and ethnicities collectively fought colonial domination as a nation, they soon regressed to their pre-eminent ethnic identities. A manifestation of this fragile relationship is depicted in amongst other instances, the 1966 civil war, the Niger Delta Insurgency and the renewed demand for Biafran state as well as the dreaded Boko Haram Insurgency. To address the uneasy relationship between ethnicities in Nigeria, the study posits constitutional amendments in the areas of resource exploration, wealth redistribution, abolishment of centralized fiscal control and revenue allocation as it propagates fiscal autonomy for states and regions.

Page(s): 24-29                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 16 October 2018

 Yahaya Yakubu
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Dept. of Political Science & Int’l Relations, Nile University of Nigeria

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Yahaya Yakubu “Effects of Colonialism on State Fragility in Africa” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.24-29 October 2018  URL:

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Teachers’ use of Cooperative Learning Strategy for Enhancing Academic Performance of Students with Cerebral Palsy in Special Secondary Schools for the Physically Disabled in Kenya

Molly Merrab Akinyi Ogalloh, Fransiscah Irangi Wamocho, Nelly Anne Otube – October 2018 Page No.: 30-38

The purpose of this study was to establish teachers’ use of cooperative learning strategy in achieving academic performance of students with cerebral palsy in selected special secondary schools for the physically disabled in Kenya. Performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination amongst learners with cerebral palsy in special secondary schools for the physically disabled in Kenya has remained poor compared to those in regular secondary schools. The major reason being the teaching approaches adopted by teachers which are dominated by teacher-centered approach. The study was based on constructivist theory that states that learners obtain knowledge through self-direction and interaction with their environment. The study adopted descriptive survey design and mixed methodologies in both data collection and data analysis. Observation check list, interview guides and questionnaires were used to identify how the teachers used cooperative learning instructional strategies for academic performance. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic approach while Quantitative data was analyzed descriptively using statistical tools and presentation given in visual displays. The study revealed that majority of the teachers preferred cooperative learning because all students get involved in the lesson. Major recommendations made were that there was need of spacious classrooms to accommodate students with Cerebral Palsy. There is also need to train more teachers in special needs education to use cooperative learning for academic performance. Special institutions should also be well funded to enable the teachers get relevant resources for better academic performance of students with Cerebral Palsy.

Page(s): 30-38                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 16 October 2018

 Molly Merrab Akinyi Ogalloh
Department of Special Needs Education, Kenyatta University, P. O. Box 43844-00100 Nairobi, Kenya

 Fransiscah Irangi Wamocho
Department of Special Needs Education, Kenyatta University, P. O. Box 43844-00100 Nairobi, Kenya

 Nelly Anne Otube
Department of Special Needs Education, Kenyatta University, P. O. Box 43844-00100 Nairobi, Kenya

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Molly Merrab Akinyi Ogalloh, Fransiscah Irangi Wamocho, Nelly Anne Otube “Teachers’ use of Cooperative Learning Strategy for Enhancing Academic Performance of Students with Cerebral Palsy in Special Secondary Schools for the Physically Disabled in Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.30-38 October 2018  URL:

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Relevance of E-learning Teaching Activities (ELTA) to Achievement in Electricity Concepts by Technical College Students in Benue State, Nigeria: A Focus on Gender

J. O. Fatoki and S.E. Atamonokhai – October 2018 Page No.: 39-44

The study determined the relevance of e-leaning teaching activities to the achievement of technical college students in electricity in Benue State, Nigeria. The population of the study consisted of 724 Part II Students in Education Zone B of the 2013/2014 academic session. This number is made up of 543 males and 181 females. Two research questions and two hypotheses were asked and formulated respectively. An Electricity Achievement Test (EAT) was used to collect data with two lessons plans of which one was for the experimental group and the other for the control group. Two research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using analysis of covariance. The results from the study revealed that male and female students exposed to the ELTA obtained greater mean achievement scores in electricity than those taught with lecture method. It also revealed that ELTA was more gender friendly with respect to achievement in electricity. The study recommended this approach to be adopted in schools and the training of teachers in the teaching of electricity and related topics in Physics.

Page(s): 39-44                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 October 2018

 J. O. Fatoki
PhD, College of Agricultural and Science Education, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

 S.E. Atamonokhai
PhD, College of Agricultural and Science Education, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

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J. O. Fatoki and S.E. Atamonokhai “Relevance of E-learning Teaching Activities (ELTA) to Achievement in Electricity Concepts by Technical College Students in Benue State, Nigeria: A Focus on Gender” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.39-44 October 2018  URL:

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An Examination of the Biblical Dialogue on Poverty and the Poor

Rev. Dr. Manya Wandefu Stephen – October 2018 Page No.: 45-48

Poverty and presentations of such situations have been differently and at times adversely exegeted; bringing into question the biblical hermeneutics that Christians the world over subscribe to. The many interpretations have brought out varied perception and attitudes within the Christendom. Christians and none Christians alike of different persuasions; including socialists, anthropologists, economists, psychologists and most of all theologians, have come up with several convictions to the question, ‘why poverty?’ However, one may wonder, what the bible and bible traditions have to say about poverty. This paper carefully examines the biblical dialogue on poverty. poverty – difficult to define. To me, these are just but different shades of expression of the same concept. They are but lines that people draw concerning wanting situations that the poor people find themselves in.

Page(s): 45-48                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 October 2018

 Rev. Dr. Manya Wandefu Stephen
Alupe University College, Kenya

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Rev. Dr. Manya Wandefu Stephen “An Examination of the Biblical Dialogue on Poverty and the Poor” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.45-48 October 2018  URL:

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Macro-Economic Determinants of Kenya’s Trade Balance

Joseph Mutana, Chepng’eno Winrose, Ernest Saina – October 2018 Page No.: 49-55

Balance of Trade is an important component of any economy’s growth and development. Since independence, Kenya has been struggling with balance of trade deficit in its current account. Given limited empirical evidence of the cause of such deficits, this paper undertook to investigate macro-economic determinants of trade balance. The paper applied Vector Error Correction Model on a 54-year period data (1963-2016). We find that terms of trade, trade liberalization and FDI have a significant and positive long-run relationship with trade balance. Similar results are observed for the case of Gross Domestic Product. Furthermore, we find a negative and a significant long-run relationship between real exchange rate and trade balance. The study recommended the need for the government to employ strategies that could stabilise exchange rate. It also recommended that Kenyan government should create conducive climate for investment, and stable macroeconomic factors to enhance trade balance.

Page(s): 49-55                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 24 October 2018

 Joseph Mutana
School of Economics, Moi University, Eldoret Kenya

 Chepng’eno Winrose
School of Economics, Moi University, Eldoret Kenya

 Ernest Saina
School of Economics, Moi University, Eldoret Kenya

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Joseph Mutana, Chepng’eno Winrose, Ernest Saina “Macro-Economic Determinants of Kenya’s Trade Balance ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.49-55 October 2018  URL:

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Effects of Using New Media ‘Good News from Indonesia’ on Nationalism in Indonesia

Gunawan Wibisono, Ahmad Zuber, Bagus Haryono – October 2018 Page No.: 56-62

New media development has penetrated almost all lines of human life. Technology has become a part of everyday life. One of the most obvious is the use of new media. Various types of life necessities such as communication tools, access to information, shopping and means of transportation are very easy to use through new media. In addition, new media can also be a platform to spread good news that can generate positive enthusiasm. One of them is a Good News From Indonesia (GNFI). This study aims to prove the effect of the use of new media on the GNFI website on the behavior of nationalism in Indonesia. This type of research is quantitative with a multiple linear regression approach. The sample of this study is 270 respondents who use the site. Based on the t test, the results show that t count > t table, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted with a t value of 3,594 > 1,285. Based on the regression coefficient, it shows that nationalism behavior is influenced by the use of the website for 100%, while the remaining 89,7% is influenced by other variables.

Page(s): 56-62                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 24 October 2018

 Gunawan Wibisono
Master in Sociology Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

 Ahmad Zuber
Department of Sociology, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

 Bagus Haryono
Department of Sociology, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Gunawan Wibisono, Ahmad Zuber, Bagus Haryono “Effects of Using New Media ‘Good News from Indonesia’ on Nationalism in Indonesia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.56-62 October 2018  URL:

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An Analysis of the Philosophical Nexus of Educational Theory and Praxis

Elvis Omondi Kauka – October 2018 Page No.: 78-82

This Paper sought to examine selected Philosophical antecedents of Educational Theory and Praxis. Philosophical Analysis Method (PAM) was used to attempt precise answers to three specific questions: First, What are the Philosophical antecedents of Normative, Cognitive, Creative and Dialogical aims of Education? Secondly, Are there any Metaphysical, Axiological, Epistemological and Logical and basis for curriculum content? Lastly, Can teaching methods be elucidated Philosophically? Key inferences ascertain that indeed there is a way in which we can consider education as a philosophical activity given that Education and Philosophy are closely related activities. The symbiotic relationship between Philosophy and Education is such that Education derives its form from Philosophy’s branches of Metaphysics, Epistemology, Logic and Axiology while Philosophy receives its matter from Educational Praxis.

Page(s): 78-82                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 26 October 2018

 Elvis Omondi Kauka
School of Education, University of Kabianga-Kenya

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Elvis Omondi Kauka “An Analysis of the Philosophical Nexus of Educational Theory and Praxis” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.78-82 October 2018  URL:

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Inflows of Foreign Direct Investment in Selected Sectors and Economic Growth in Nigeria

Ekine, Data Irene, Nnadi, Emmanuel Uchenna – October 2018 Page No.: 83-87

This study examined the inflows of foreign direct investment in selected sectors and economic growth in Nigeria from 1980-2015. The objectives of the study were to examine the impact of foreign direct investment in both manufacturing and telecommunication sectors on economic growth in Nigeria. A growth model was estimated via the co-integrated and ECM techniques to establish the relationship between the inflow of FDI in manufacturing and telecommunication sectors and economic growth (GDP). The variables were tested for stationarity via the ADF unit root test and found to be stationary. Also, the co-integration carried out using the Johansen co-integration technique showed that the FDI in both manufacturing and telecommunication sectors have a long run relationship with economic growth in Nigeria. The long run regression results depicted by the ECM reveal that there is a positive and significant relationship between foreign direct investment in telecommunication sector and economic growth. Also, foreign direct investment in manufacturing sector and economic growth were positively related. Thus, it was concluded that continuous inflow of foreign direct in manufacturing and telecommunication sectors has the tendency to induced Nigeria economic growth. Based on the findings, the study recommended the need for consistency in government policies directed specifically towards improving the business environment to attract foreign investors which will in turn impact positively on economic growth.

Page(s): 83-87                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 27 October 2018

 Ekine, Data Irene
Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

 Nnadi, Emmanuel Uchenna
Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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Ekine, Data Irene, Nnadi, Emmanuel Uchenna “Inflows of Foreign Direct Investment in Selected Sectors and Economic Growth in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.83-87 October 2018  URL:

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External Capital Inflows and Telecommunication Sector in Nigeria

EWUBARE, Dennis Brown, UDOH, Friday Okon – October 2018 Page No.: 88-92

The study examined the impact of external capital inflows on telecommunication sector in Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to examine the impact of, foreign portfolio investment, trade openness and foreign direct investment on telecommunication output. Thus, to achieve the stated objectives, data from the CBN statistical bulletin was collected and the econometric method of co-integration and Error Correction Mechanism were used to analyse the data. The ADF unit test result showedthat the variables; foreign portfolio investment, trade openness, foreign direct investment and telecommunication output were stationary at first difference. Also, the Johansen co-integration result showed that there exist two co-integrating equations among the variables. The ECM results showed a percentage increase in FDI will cause an increase in telecommunication output by 1.01905%. Also, a percentage increase in foreign portfolio investment will increase telecommunication output by 0.966238%. The coefficient of trade openness showed that a percentage increase in trade openness will increase telecommunication output by 0.629302%. The study asserts that foreign direct investment, trade openness and foreign portfolio investment are vital to the inflow of external capital in the telecommunication sector. Thus, it is recommended that government must create a conductive business environment by improving its infrastructural facilities assuring security of life and property and maintains policy consistency in order to boost investment in the country.

Page(s): 88-92                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 27 October 2018

 EWUBARE, Dennis Brown
Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

 UDOH, Friday Okon
Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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EWUBARE, Dennis Brown, UDOH, Friday Okon “External Capital Inflows and Telecommunication Sector in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.88-92 October 2018  URL:

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Review analysis on Agricultural Sector in Pakistan

Anam Javaid, Shahbaz Nawaz – October 2018 Page No.: 93-94

Agriculture plays an important role in economy of Pakistan as Pakistan is an agricultural country so it is important to utilize all the agricultural resources in a good way to achieve more benefits from it. The current study focused on the work that has been done in literature regarding agriculture. So the techniques that has been used by previous researchers can be analyzed in agriculturel area for Pakistan. also the future policies recommended by researchers can be seen from it

Page(s): 93-94                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 28 October 2018

 Anam Javaid
Lecturer, Department of Statistics, The Women University Multan, Pakistan

 Shahbaz Nawaz
Visiting Lecturer, (M. Phil Statistics) Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan

[1] Ahmad, Z., Khan, S. M., Abd_Allah, E. F., Alqarawi, A. A., & Hashem, A. (2016). Weed species composition and distribution pattern in the maize crop under the influence of edaphic factors and farming practices: A case study from Mardan, Pakistan. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 23(6), 741–748.
[2] Ahmed, M., Fayyaz-Ul-Hassan, & Van Ogtrop, F. F. (2014). Can models help to forecast rainwater dynamics for rainfed ecosystem? Weather and Climate Extremes, 5(1), 48–55.
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[4] Asghar, S., Sasaki, N., Jourdain, D., & Tsusaka, T. W. (2018). Levels of technical, allocative, and groundwater use efficiency and the factors affecting the allocative efficiency of wheat farmers in Pakistan. Sustainability (Switzerland), 10(5).
[5] Aslam, H., Liu, J., Mazher, A., Mojo, D., Muhammad, I., & Fu, C. (2018). Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Services in Mining Regions of Developing Economies: Case Study of a Coal Mining Project in Thar Coalfield, Pakistan. Water, 10(4), 481.
[6] Baloch, M. A., & Thapa, G. B. (2018). The effect of agricultural extension services: Date farmers’ case in Balochistan, Pakistan. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, 17(3), 282–289.
[7] Fayyaz, A., Lund-Thomsen, P., & Lindgreen, A. (2017). Industrial Clusters and CSR in Developing Countries: The Role of International Donor Funding. Journal of Business Ethics, 146(3), 619–637.
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[10] Pracha, A. S., & Volk, T. A. (2011). An edible energy return on investment (EEROI) analysis of wheat and rice in Pakistan. Sustainability, 3(12), 2358–2391.
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[12] Tang, L., Sun, D., & Pan, J. (2017). Application of Evaporative Cooling Ventilation technology to Turbine House of one power plant in Pakistan. Procedia Engineering, 205, 902–907.

Anam Javaid, Shahbaz Nawaz “Review analysis on Agricultural Sector in Pakistan” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.93-94 October 2018  URL:

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The Role of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) in the Prosecution of Smuggling Offences in Nigeria

Musa Omale – October 2018 Page No.: 95-104

This paper generally examines the crime of smuggling in Nigeria with particular emphasis on the role of the principal agency in-charge of the administration and combating of the crime. It examines the nature of smuggling offences under the Customs and Excise Management Act (CEMA), and found that the role of the NCS in this regard and as stipulated in the CEMA cannot be overemphasized. Under the guise of collaboration, other agencies engage in this statutory role of the NCS, which ought not to be. To this end the institutional frame work for combating smuggling is analysed culminating in the discussion on prosecution of offenders under CEMA. The appropriate sanctions for offenders is put in focus anchoring on the need for this to act as deterrent, so as to reduce smuggling to its barest minimum.

Page(s): 95-104                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 28 October 2018

 Musa Omale
Ph.D UNN; Deputy Comptroller, Nigeria Customs Service, Federal Operations Unit zone ‘C’ Owerri Imo State, Nigeria

[1]. Catherine sources, Angus, Stevenson (eds) concise oxford English Dictionary (11th Edn. New York, Oxford University Press, 2004) p. 204. See also Encarta encyclopedia 2004, which sees smuggling as carrying goods into a country secretly because they are illegal or in order to avoid paying duty on them
[2]. K. Olugbesan, smuggling, the crime, the law (Stevman law publications, Lagos 1993) P.68
[3]. O.B.C Nwolise ” smuggling as International Economic Terrorism” a commissioned paper presented at the Nigerian customs service seminar, held at Ladi Kwali conference centre, Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Abuja, 15th to 19th Dec., 1997
[4]. Sections 46, 47,63 and 64 CEMA
[5]. No 45 of 1992, now in cap. N100 LFN, 2004 herein after “NCSB” Act”
[6]. M. Omale, Nigeria customs services, law and practice (Cinnamon Press, International, Shomolu, Lagos, 2000)
[7]. Sections 1 (1), 1 and 3 respectively. Section 3 of the NCS bill 2012 now provided for the establishment of a body to be referred to as “the customs service”
[8]. SOG Ango: The role of Nigeria customs service in the realization of vision 2010 (spectrum books limited 1998) p.3.
[9]. See Nigeria customs service, monthly order Nos. 1-5 (January – May, 1996), p.4
[10]. First published in 1958, then as cap. 84 LFN 1990 and presently in C.45 LFN, 2004
[11]. SOG Ango op. cit p.16
[12]. B.H Mohammed, “Introductory address by the director, department of customs and excise, on the occassion of the opening of the customs and excise seminar, November 16, 1989 in Report of senior officers seminar for 1989, (Abuja, Dept. of customs and excise, 1989). P.5
[13]. See also section 251 (1) (c) constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999
[14]. 2006 WRN I .
[15]. Section 176 (3) of CEMA. Section 260 (3) of the 2016 NCS Bill has however removed the limitation of time for criminal prosecution
[16]. Sections 19, 43, 46, 47, 50, 51, 53, 54 63, 64, 162 are all instances of breaches of the CEMA that can attract punishment accordingly.
[17]. Op.cit
[18]. Op.cit
[19]. (1897) A.C 22
[20]. Now cap 123 LNF 2004
[21]. (1944) K.B. 146
[22]. Per Aniagolu JSC in Trenco (Nig) Ltd V. Africa Real Estate Ltd (1
[23]. Cap c. 20 LFN. 2004
[24]. (1956 57) I E RIR
[25]. Sections 46 and 47 of CEMA is reproduced in section 239 of the Nigeria Customs Service bill 2012 but the word smuggling is specifically used, the punishment prescribed is that if the goods are chargeable with duty, excise tax or other tax, to imprisonment for a term of the three years and to a fine of six times the true value of revenue lost and forfeiture of the item smuggled.
[26]. Customs, Excise and preventive service (management)Act, 1993
[27]. Rupees is the India national currency
[28]. New Zealand customs and Excise Act, 1996
[29]. (1891) IQB AT 167
[30]. This is an importing document containing among other things the proper description of the goods.
[31]. The German customs in this case made a seizure of 20 tons of Indian hemp concealed behind the compartment of a container accommodating the metal scrap, the container was aboard the then Nigerian national shipping line (NNSL) refer to in K-Olugbasan, op.cit. p8
[32]. Sunday Times, February, 17, 1980 cited in K Olugbesan op.cit., p.12
[33]. The section defines economic and financial crimes to mean: non-violent criminal and illicit activity committed with the objective of earning wealth illegally either individually or in a group or organized manner thereby violating existing legislation governing economic activities of government and its administration and includes any form of fraud, narcotic drug-trafficking, money laundering embezzlement, bribery, looting and any form of corrupt malpractices, illegal arms deal, smuggling, human trafficking and child labour, illegal oil bunkering and illegal mining, tax evasion, foreign exchange malpractice including counterfeiting currency, theft of intellectual property and piracy, open market abuse, dumping of toxic wastes and probibited goods etc.
[34]. N. Ribadu, “Implication of Economic and Financial crimes on the National Economy”. Paper presented to the Defence Adviser in conference at Abuja on the September 10, 2004 (unpublished).
[35]. Forgery as dealt with in sections 362 – 380 of the PC and 463 – 489 of the cc prescribes on the average for imprisonment ranging from 7 – 14 years.
[36]. M. Omale, Trans-National Crimes (TNC) in Nigeria: focus on smuggling LPR Vol.9, (2016) p. 43
[37]. See section 10 criminal procedure Act cap c.42 LFN, 2004 compare with section 8 of CEMA
[38]. Cap. c. 45, LFN, 2004
[39]. Smuggling: A threat to national security, being a paper presented by Elder J. G. Buba, former Comptroller-General of customs at the 2006 security watch lecture held on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 30th -31st at Ladi Kwali Hall, Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Abuja
[40]. Punch Newspaper, Friday, February, 2009, Tell Magazine, February 23, 2009, p.15
[41]. Vanguard Newspaper, Wednesday, 10 September, 2008, p.2
[42]. Deadly cargo, Daily sun Newspaper, Wednesday, October, 27 2010, p.6
[43]. Via a letter Ref: NCS/INV/083/017/ ABJ/HQ of February , 23, 2017 from the Comptroller General Customs, addressed to the National Security Adviser
[44]. Cap. p19, LFN, 2004
[45]. An international lecture delivered by the inspector General of Police represented by the AIG Zone 2 Head quarters Lagos, Azubuko J. Udah Esq, Npm, mni at the Nigerian Swedish chamber of commerce
[46]. Ibid
[47]. Ibid
[48]. W.O. Nwaucha; “Immigration Nigerian Experience “ (Opinion Research and communications Ltd, Owerri, Imo Stat, 2007
[49]. Ibid
[50]. Section 6(1) EFCC (Establishment Act 2004)
[51]. This is often referred to as the co-ordinating role of EFCC.
[52]. John Funsho Olorunfemi, “unbundling or merger of Nigerian EFCC with ICPC”, which way?, UBLJ (2003) vol. 14 No. 1, pp 68-90.
[53]. See FRN v. Osahon (2006) WRN 1: Decree 14 of 1979
[54]. Legal seat is a unit within the enforcement section of the NCS
[55]. See FRN v. Osahon (2006) WRN 1: Decree 14 of 1979
[56]. Legal seat is a unit within the enforcement section of the NCS
[57]. See FRN v. Osahon (2006) WRN 1: Decree 14 of 1979 Legal seat is a unit within the enforcement section of the NCS
[58]. English Customs and Excise Management Act, 1979, customs and Excise Act cap 472 Laws of Kenya, Revised edition 2000 (1996)
[59]. J. F. Olorunfemi, , “When smuggling may attract death sentences in Nigeria” (2009) Vil J. vol 5 No. 1 p.120

Musa Omale “The Role of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) in the Prosecution of Smuggling Offences in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.95-104 October 2018  URL:

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School Factors Influencing Secondary Student Dropouts in Nyamira County, Kenya

Jane Kemunto Nyabuti – October 2018 Page No.: 105-109

The study was on the factors that make students to drop out of secondary schools in Nyamira District. The factors were researched under three categories: School-related, socio-economic and political factors. Simple random sampling was used select 14 schools that had participated in KCSE since 2006. A total of 56 class teachers, 14 head teachers and 280 form 3 students were purposively selected giving a total population of 350 respondents.Triangulation technique was used which included Questionnaires for teachers and students, interviews with school principals and observation of school setting and of important document. However, 45 (80.3%) of teachers’ and 273 (97.5%) of students’ Questionnaires were returned. It was found out that majority of the student blamed their schools for being responsible for their dropping out, yet there were other factors. It was therefore concluded that dropping out of school must be viewed as a multi causal problem. The major recommendation was that schools should improve their facilities and learning environment.

Page(s): 105-109                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 29 October 2018

 Jane Kemunto Nyabuti
Department of Educational Administration, Curriculum and Teaching, School of Education University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, PO BOX 2500, ELDORET, Kenya.

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Jane Kemunto Nyabuti “School Factors Influencing Secondary Student Dropouts in Nyamira County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.105-109 October 2018  URL:

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The Study of Depression and Loneliness among Elderly Women

Nurun Saadah S., Lukman Z.M., Syafiq M.S., Zulaikha M.Z., Bukhari W.M.Y., M.Y. Kamal – October 2018 Page No.: 110-113

Depression and loneliness among elderly women who live in the home care institution have become a world phenomenon in developed countries. These mental health diseases are most common factors that lead to the deficiency of daily routine activities such as socializing and many more. However, in third world countries or developing countries, depression and loneliness are being studied differently and no legit findings of the relationship between these two variables. Hence, this research is to identify the relationship between depression and loneliness among elderly women in-home care institution. Method of this research used quantitatively. The respondent in the institution is 180 people. This research used University of California Los Angeles Loneliness Scale (UCLA LS) and Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9). This research used the Pearson Correlation Coefficient to identify the relationship between depression and loneliness. The result showed the relationship between depression and loneliness among elderly women in an institution is r=0.828 and it is significance in p>0.003. As a conclusion, the depression and loneliness among elderly women in the home care institution is significance and it brings to the new dimension of knowledge and practicality about these mental health diseases especially in third and developing countries.

Page(s): 110-113                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 29 October 2018

 Nurun Saadah S.
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300 Terengganu, Malaysia

 Lukman Z.M.
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300 Terengganu, Malaysia

 Syafiq M.S.
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300 Terengganu, Malaysia

 Zulaikha M.Z.
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300 Terengganu, Malaysia

 Bukhari W.M.Y.
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300 Terengganu, Malaysia

 M.Y. Kamal
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300 Terengganu, Malaysia

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Nurun Saadah S., Lukman Z.M., Syafiq M.S., Zulaikha M.Z., Bukhari W.M.Y., M.Y. Kamal “The Study of Depression and Loneliness among Elderly Women” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.110-113 October 2018  URL:

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Aggressive Behaviors and Depression: What are the linked? A Case Study among Drug Abuser

Syafiq M.S, Lukman Z.M., Nurun Saadah S. – October 2018 Page No.: 114-119

Research about depression and aggressive behavior always in hot debate. Among drug abuser, the connection is still controversial. Hence, it is important to study the relationship between depression and aggressive behavior as well as the most contributing factor of aggressive behavior caused by depression. This is a quantitative method in which using a survey to complete the study. Data were collected from 200 drug abusers in east coast prison in Malaysia. As a result, the connection between depression and aggressive behavior was high and the most contributing factor was physical aggression. Hence, it is crucial to the prison to take a proactive action to cure the mental health illness or drug abuser.

Page(s): 114-119                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 October 2018

 Syafiq M.S
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300 Terengganu Malaysia.

 Lukman Z.M.
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300 Terengganu Malaysia.

 Nurun Saadah S.
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300 Terengganu Malaysia.

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Syafiq M.S, Lukman Z.M., Nurun Saadah S. “Aggressive Behaviors and Depression: What are the linked? A Case Study among Drug Abuser” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.114-119 October 2018  URL:

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Problems of School Management and Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Calabar Education Zone, Cross River State, Nigeria

Owan Valentine Joseph, Nwannunu Blessing Iheoma, and Madukwe Esther Chijioke – October 2018 Page No.: 120-127

This study investigated problems of school management and secondary school students’ academic performance in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State. Two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted an ex-post facto research design. Proportionate stratified sampling technique was employed in selecting a sample of 3616 students out of the population of 18, 078 students. “Problems of School Management Questionnaire (PSMQ),” and Senior Secondary Mathematics Achievement Test (SSMAT) were the instruments designed by the researcher, were used for data collection. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics; while the null hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance using population t-test and multiple regression analyses where applicable. Microsoft Excel 2016 spreadsheet program was used in the analysis of data. Findings from the study revealed among others that; secondary school students’ academic performance in Calabar Education zone is significantly high, disciplinary control, classroom management, and teachers’ motivation significantly influence secondary school students’ academic performance respectively. Based on these results, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were made.

Page(s): 120-127                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 October 2018

 Owan Valentine Joseph
Department of Educational Administration and Planning, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria

 Nwannunu Blessing Iheoma
Department of Educational Administration and Planning, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria

 Madukwe Esther Chijioke
Department of Educational Administration and Planning, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria

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Owan Valentine Joseph, Nwannunu Blessing Iheoma, and Madukwe Esther Chijioke “Problems of School Management and Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Calabar Education Zone, Cross River State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.120-127 October 2018  URL:

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Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge and the Sustenance of Local Livelihood Strategies in Buabua and Kimbi ─ the Lake Nyos Gas Disaster Resettlement Camps, NWR of Cameroon

Augustine Toh Gam, Nobert Tohnain Lengha, Reeves Meli Fokeng – October 2018 Page No.: 128-139

Natural disasters in most parts of the world have resorted to many fatalities, forced migration and involuntary resettlement of the affected population. Lake Nyos Gas Disaster of 1986 which killed about 1,746 people and led to forced migration of over 15,000 affected people and the subsequent resettlement of survivors in resettlement camps in near by administrative sub-divisions in the North West Region of Cameroon is one of such natural catastrophies. The paper evaluates the use of Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge (IAK) in agriculture and how it has helped to sustain the livelihood of this environmentally traumatized resettled population. The study sampled two of these resettlement villages (Buabua and Kimbi) to access Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge (IAK) and the sustenance of local livelihood strategies. Field campaigns including the administration of semi-structured questionnaires and focus group discussions (FGDs) facilitated the collection of data on IAK practices and how this knowledge helps in sustaining local livelihoods. A total of 24 Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge (IAK) were identified, with 54.16% of them used in crop cultivation, and 45.83% in livestock farming including the raising of small ruminants, poultry and piggery production. IAK shows successful results after being applied as there is increased crop and livestock yields. The use of IAK in agriculture has led to sustainable and efficient land use within the study area. Despite the rising use of IAK and potential benefits in agriculture and the sustenance of local livelihoods in Buabua and Kimbi, survivors still express a strong desire to return to the former disaster zone. The underlying reasons behind this phobia is mainly small land sizes ranging from 30-50 square metres that were allocated to households for both crop cultivation and grazing, and the fact that the limits between grazing and crop land are not clearly demarcated. Prospects for agricultural expansion within the area are therefore slim and need to be addressed.

Page(s): 128-139                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 31 October 2018

 Augustine Toh Gam
Department of Geography and Planning, Faculty of Arts, University of Bamenda, Cameroon

 Nobert Tohnain Lengha
Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Cameroon

 Reeves Meli Fokeng
Department of Geography and Planning, Faculty of Arts, University of Bamenda, Cameroon

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Augustine Toh Gam, Nobert Tohnain Lengha, Reeves Meli Fokeng “Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge and the Sustenance of Local Livelihood Strategies in Buabua and Kimbi ─ the Lake Nyos Gas Disaster Resettlement Camps, NWR of Cameroon” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.128-139 October 2018  URL:

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Gender Considerations in Contemporary Nigerian Politics

Rabia Shehu Fodio, Murtala Marafa, Dr. Umar Ubandawaki, Dr. Sirajo Muhammad Sokoto – October 2018 Page No.: 140-144

A number of Scholars believe that a certain involvement in social and public affairs is essential for a woman in order for her to perform her motherly role effectively. Her role as educator necessitates her performing a role in the public affairs of society. She must participate in those affairs outside the scope of the house, vis-a-vis politics. They believe that this public involvement and participation in politics is important for a better and superior performance of her more private role as wife and mother. The essence of education in general, whether it takes place at school or at home, is to create a good human being and a good member of society. Now, if a woman is expected to educate future generation and prepare them for their future life as good human beings, she must be given a basic training and a basic experience of what public life is and what public interest is all about particularly as it affects politics.

Page(s): 140-144                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 31 October 2018

 Rabia Shehu Fodio
Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sokoto State University, Sokoto – Nigeria

 Murtala Marafa
Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sokoto State University, Sokoto- Nigeria

 Dr. Umar Ubandawaki
Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sokoto State University Sokoto – Nigeria

 Dr. Sirajo Muhammad Sokoto
Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sokoto State University, Sokoto – Nigeria

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Rabia Shehu Fodio, Murtala Marafa, Dr. Umar Ubandawaki, Dr. Sirajo Muhammad Sokoto “Gender Considerations in Contemporary Nigerian Politics” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.140-144 October 2018  URL:

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Do Volunteer Management Practices Retain a Volunteer? A Case Study in Global Peace Malaysia (GPM)

Bukhari W.M.Y., Lukman Z.M., Zulaikha M.Z., Nurun Saadah S., M.Y. Kamal – October 2018 Page No.: 145-150

Various volunteer organizations, groups and individuals are recognized in volunteerism but it does not last long. Volunteers have a great and heavy responsibility if they serve under the aegis of the organization or agency, all policies and policies must be respected and respect the privacy of certain parties, especially those that need to be protected. The relationship between management practices and volunteer retention was not thoroughly examined by previous researchers leading to a lack of solutions that volunteer organizations could undertake. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate facts and statistics on the relationship and correlation between the management and retention practices of volunteers at the Global Peace Mission (GPM) of Malaysia. The Quantitative Method was used to carry out this study of GPM Malaysia where 110 volunteers were registered as respondents to this study. The information obtained through this study will be analyzed in detail by using the descriptive method, Pearson Collaboration Relations, and Recreational Variety. There is a high relationship between management and retention for registered volunteers at GPM Malaysia. Through the findings of this study, management practices in volunteerism are a very important factor in maintaining an individual in volunteerism. As such, good management will enhance the retention of volunteers in an organization.

Page(s): 145-150                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 31 October 2018

 Bukhari W.M.Y.
Faculty of Applied Social Science, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu Malaysia.

 Lukman Z.M.
Faculty of Applied Social Science, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu Malaysia.

 Zulaikha M.Z.
Faculty of Applied Social Science, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu Malaysia.

 Nurun Saadah S.
Faculty of Applied Social Science, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu Malaysia.

 Nurun Saadah S.
Faculty of Applied Social Science, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu Malaysia.

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Bukhari W.M.Y., Lukman Z.M., Zulaikha M.Z., Nurun Saadah S., M.Y. Kamal “Do Volunteer Management Practices Retain a Volunteer? A Case Study in Global Peace Malaysia (GPM)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.145-150 October 2018  URL:

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Influence of Work Environment on Anxiety Levels of Employees of the Kenya Meat Commission, Machakos County, Kenya

Harun Issack Hassan – October 2018 Page No.: 151-158

This study sets out to analyse the influence of work environment on anxiety levels of employees of the Kenya Meat Commission with the aim of coming up with preventive measures. The study employed an ex post facto research design to guide the study. The study’s target population were all employees of Kenya Meat Commission Machakos County, Kenya, thus 427. The research utilized a questionnaire to collect information. Simple random, stratified and purposive sampling techniques to obtain a sample size of 201. The data collected was analysed and found out that participants level of interpersonal relations influences their level of anxiety where the poorer participants in interpersonal relations the higher the level of anxiety, that participants level of personal control influences their level of anxiety, and that participants level of motivation affects their level of anxiety where the more the participant is motivated the lesser the level of anxiety. Among the recommendations to the above findings is to increase the social activities in the working place, training the participants to cultivate self-control and to develop and maintain motivation levels to ensure suppressed levels of anxiety in the organisation for work productivity.

Page(s): 151-158                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 05 November 2018

 Harun Issack Hassan
Masters Student, Mount Kenya University, Kenya

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Harun Issack Hassan “Influence of Work Environment on Anxiety Levels of Employees of the Kenya Meat Commission, Machakos County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.151-158 October 2018  URL:

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The Perception of Social Work Students on Human Trafficking in Malaysia

M. Zulaikha, Z.M Lukman, C. Azlini, R. Normala, M.Y. Kamal – October 2018 Page No.: 159-165

The issue of human trafficking in Malaysia has been debated for decades. It is a transnational crime that is rapidly growing across the world compared to drugs and weapons smuggling. Human trafficking could affect the country’s safety and sovereignty. This transnational and domestic issue targets women, children and foreign workers as exploitable victims. Various proactive approaches have been taken by the government to provide safety and protection mechanism for victims of human trafficking and establish Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants (ATIPSOM) Act 2007 in order to punish the offenders and to tighten the state border control that involves cooperation from different parties. Even though Malaysia’s position constantly changes in the annual human trafficking report by the U.S. ambassador in Malaysia, Malaysia continues to work hard in order to place in the top tier in overcoming human trafficking crime. This descriptive study is done by using the questionnaire in the research to explore social work students’ knowledge of human trafficking in Malaysia. The findings of this study show that students do understand and have the general and specific knowledge about human trafficking and that they are serious about human rights that are supposed to be received by the victims. However, there are a number of social work students who are less interested in helping trafficking victims in the future. Research and special education need to be given to the students so that it could make the students want to help the victims and obtain the additional knowledge about human trafficking not only in Malaysia but also in the whole world.

Page(s): 159-165                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 06 November 2018

 M. Zulaikha
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu

 Z.M Lukman
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu

 C. Azlini
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu

 R. Normala
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu

 M.Y. Kamal
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu

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M. Zulaikha, Z.M Lukman, C. Azlini, R. Normala, M.Y. Kamal “The Perception of Social Work Students on Human Trafficking in Malaysia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.159-165 October 2018  URL:

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Impact of Ancient Arabic Dialect on Morphological and Grammatical Studies

Dr. Muhammad Garba Wali – October 2018 Page No.: 166-169

In the name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful.
All praise do to Allah who said in His holy book the Qur’an that “differentiation of your languages and colors of skins are some signs of His supremacy” 1
It’s undoubtedly that, with extensive and careful observations one will came to concludes that morphology and Grammatical studies contain reasonable rules and regulations that mainly have ideological difference among Arabic linguistics. And reasons of these come to existence due to environmental differences and manner of usage in one community from another.
This paper titled “Impact of Ancient Arabic Dialect on Grammatical and morphological Studies; It is an attempt made by the writer to survey some differences in some particular presentations of some scholars on the two fields.
The paper will deal with following areas after introduction:-
– Relationship Between Dialect and Language
– Ancient Arabic Dialect and Grammatical Studies
– Ancient Arabic Dialect in Morphological Studies
– Conclusion

Page(s): 166-169                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 06 November 2018

 Dr. Muhammad Garba Wali
Department of Arabic Language, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto – Nigeria

[1]. Qur’an Chapter 30: 22
[2]. Ibrahim Aniss (Dr); Fil-lahjatil Arabiyyah , P.16.
[3]. Abduhu Arrajee (Dr.); All’ahjatul Al-arabiyya Fil qira’atil Qur’aniyya, P.51.
[4]. Muhammadu Adibu Abdulwahid Jamran; Mu’ujimul Fasihi minal lahjatil Arabiyya, Al’ainakan. 1st Edition,1421H/2000, P.10-20.
[5]. Dawud Salum (Dr.); Dirasatul Lahjatil Al-arabiyyatil Qadeem. Berut, P. 24.
[6]. Ibid, P.57.
[7]. Ibid, P .58.
[8]. Al’akabariyyu; I’irabul Qur’an, P89, 752. And Al’ausiyyu; Tafsir ruhid ma’anee P,16.
[9]. Al’hamzawee, Alaa’u Isma’il (Dr.); Daurul lahjati fit Taq’eedin Nahweyyi (Analytic studies for “Hamail Hawa’ami’I” of Imam sayuti, P.7-11 .
[10]. Ibid, P.14.
[11]. Al’alusiyyu, vol-7. P 18.
[12]. Alhamzaweeyyu, P.17.
[13]. Ibid, P.19-20.
[14]. Amyal Badeeu Yaqub(Dr.); Almu’ujamul Mufassalu, val.11, P.1071.
[15]. Qur’an chapter 18; 2. And see Al’lusiyyu P.121 and 256.

Dr. Muhammad Garba Wali “Impact of Ancient Arabic Dialect on Morphological and Grammatical Studies” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.166-169 October 2018  URL:

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Effects of Agricultural inputs on Agricultural Productivity in Kenya: A Johansen Co-integration Approach

Harrison Kimutai Yego, Sharon Jebiwot Keror, Mathew Kipkoech Bartilol, Silas Kiprono Samoei, Carol Jeruto Rotich – October 2018 Page No.: 170-175

This paper empirically determined the effects of Agricultural inputs on agricultural productivity in Kenya utilizing time series data from 2001 to 2016. With agricultural productivity as the dependent variable, the study used a cointegration method to determine vector error correction estimatesof a Cobb-Douglass function. All factors kept constant a unit increase in Agricultural credit results to a to around 1.9% increase in agricultural productivity. An approximately 0.2% increase would be realized in agricultural productivity with a unit increase in agricultural capital formation. Climatic variables i.e. rainfall and temperature also influenced agricultural productivity positively with 0.8 and 4.4 coefficients respectively.Regarding Cobb-Douglas elasticity terms, the overall effect of the four variables (credit, capital formation, rainfall and temperature) results to an increasing returns to scale since7.2>1.

Page(s): 170-175                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 November 2018

 Harrison Kimutai Yego
Department of Agricultural Economics and Resource Management, Moi University, Kenya

 Sharon Jebiwot Keror
Department of Agricultural Economics and Resource Management, Moi University, Kenya

 Mathew Kipkoech Bartilol
Department of Agricultural Economics and Resource Management, Moi University, Kenya

 Silas Kiprono Samoei
Department of Agricultural Economics and Resource Management, Moi University, Kenya

 Carol Jeruto Rotich
Department of Environmental Sciences, Kenyatta University, Kenya

[1]. Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. (2014). Economic Survey 2015
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Harrison Kimutai Yego, Sharon Jebiwot Keror, Mathew Kipkoech Bartilol, Silas Kiprono Samoei, Carol Jeruto Rotich “Effects of Agricultural inputs on Agricultural Productivity in Kenya: A Johansen Co-integration Approach” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.170-175 October 2018  URL:

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Sociological Study of Marginalized Tamil Youth in Tea Estates

Samarakoon MT – October 2018 Page No.: 176-185

This study intends to look at life style of Indian Tamil youth in Hatton. Hatton is a town in Nuwara-Eliya and it is a main center of the Sri Lankan tea trade. According to the department of census & statistics in Sri Lanka the population of Indian Tamils was 33.06% in Hatton district. Their contribution in the estate sector to the economy of Sri Lanka is remarkable. But many studies and data showed that since the number of many years socio-economically their average of living is lower and they are a marginalized group in Sri Lanka. The question is asked to need how it exist their issues still and predominantly, the pertinent question g is why this Indian Tamils who from up country facing the most extreme poverty and how they are marginalizing from society. This study examined three key factors: 1) the way of marginalized hill country Indian Tamils; 2) The pattern of the lifestyle and its shape in the hill country Tamil youth; 3) changing lifestyle and future of the young generation of the up country Tamils. The methodology employed in the study was date from questionnaire and from the observations/experience of the authors. Overall, the study found that the life style has been slightly changing in the up country communities especially young people of those communities try to find new way for their life.

Page(s): 176-185                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 November 2018

 Samarakoon MT
Professor in Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

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Samarakoon MT “Sociological Study of Marginalized Tamil Youth in Tea Estates” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.176-185 October 2018  URL:

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Barriers of Implementing Green Business Practices of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in the Tourism Industry

Fauzul Mafasiya Fairoz and Chathuranga J.A.T. – October 2018 Page No.: 186-192

The Green business practices are considered as one of the most important factor to achieve business and environmental sustainability. This research is an attempt to examine the barriers of adopting green business practices of Small and Medium scale Enterprises (SMEs)in the tourism industry in Hambantota district of Sri Lanka. Survey method was applied and questionnaire method was used to collect data from the respondents. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Findings show that lack of access to technology and high cost for financing are indicated as the main barriers of adopting green business practices among SME tourism entrepreneurs. Further, results revealed that they could gain several benefits as well through implementing green business practices and as a result, most of them have been reduced their operating cost.

Page(s): 186-192                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 08 November 2018

 Fauzul Mafasiya Fairoz
Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka

 Chathuranga J.A.T.
Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka

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Fauzul Mafasiya Fairoz and Chathuranga J.A.T. “Barriers of Implementing Green Business Practices of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in the Tourism Industry” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.186-192 October 2018  URL:

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The Roles of Counseling towards Promoting Women’s Mental Health

Buhari Lawal, Lawali Bello – October 2018 Page No.: 193-197

This paper highlights generally on the gigantic roles that counseling can play toward the promotion of good mental health of women. The paper specifically pointed out the common mental health issues experiencing by nowadays women as well as the factors affecting women’s mental health which are the causative elements of mental illness. The paper also examined the important of effective counseling as decisive intervention for the treatment of mental illness as well as the techniques for preventive measures on women’s mental health. The authors finally recommends the intervention of government, non-governmental organizations and other donor agencies to actively play a gigantic role in the creation, co-ordination, organizing, supervision and funding of strong organization that will render a comprehensive and intensive services particularly for women’s mental health.

Page(s): 193-197                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 November 2018

 Buhari Lawal
Primary Education Board, Sokoto, Nigeria

 Lawali Bello
Teachers Service Board, Sokoto, Nigeria

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Buhari Lawal, Lawali Bello “The Roles of Counseling towards Promoting Women’s Mental Health” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.193-197 October 2018  URL:

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Interest Rate and Domestic Private Investment in Nigeria

INIMINO, Edet Etim, ABUO, Michael Abang, BOSCO, Itoro Ekpenyong – October 2018 Page No.: 198-206

The study examined interest rate and domestic private investment in Nigeria from 1980 to 2015. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and Autoregressive Distributed Lag model were used as the main analytical tools. The ADF unit test result revealed stationarity of the variables at order zero and one, which satisfied the requirement to employ the ARDL Bounds testing approach. The ARDL Bounds test revealed the existence of a long run relationship among the variables. Moreover, the result revealed that monetary policy rate has negative and significant effects on domestic private investment both in the short and long run. Maximum lending rate has a positive effect on domestic private investment both in the short and long run and was significant in the short run. Prime lending rate has negative and insignificant effects on domestic private investment both in the short and long run. However, the gross domestic product has a negative and insignificant effect on domestic private investment in both the long run and the short run. Based on these findings, the study recommended amongst others that: The monetary authorities should ensure that the relevant macroeconomic fundamentals including growth, lending rates, inflation, etc. move in the right direction. This would enable potential and domestic investors to plan and weigh costs and benefits of investing in the country. Government must play an active role to ensure peace and stability. If there is instability in the country then it becomes rather difficult to attract investors. Thus, peace and stability must be guaranteed in order to attract investment. Government should invest in hard infrastructure particularly power, roads, railways and housing to help the various sectors of the economy to function very well thereby making the business environment friendly which will in turn enhance the growth and development of the country.

Page(s): 198-206                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 11 November 2018

 INIMINO, Edet Etim
Department of Economics, University of Uyo, Nigeria

 ABUO, Michael Abang
Department of Economics, University of Uyo, Nigeria

 BOSCO, Itoro Ekpenyong
Department of Economics, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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INIMINO, Edet Etim, ABUO, Michael Abang, BOSCO, Itoro Ekpenyong “Interest Rate and Domestic Private Investment in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.198-206 October 2018  URL:

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Good Governance: Ethos & Ethics

Rajib Kahar & Pulak Nath – October 2018 Page No.: 207-210

Good governance is a buzzword which have gained prominence in the 21st century, with the advent of technology. It is a powerful tool through which human civilization can attain the attributes of sustainable development. It is a citizen friendly phenomenon that bridges the gap between the state & its stakeholders. On the other hand, poor governance will create chaos in the society thereby disrupting the functioning of the state and retarding the overall developmental process.
There are numerous impediment in the form of lawlessness, poverty, corruption, illiteracy, unemployment, etc. which may deter the aim of achieving good governance in totality. Thus, it is imperative that in this modern era of globalization effective measures should be taken to ensure implementation of the policies that are necessary for successful & efficient governance. The essential features and shortcomings must be identified and emphasis should be laid upon innovative approaches.

Page(s): 207-210                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 11 November 2018

 Rajib Kahar
Assistant Registrar, National Institute of Technology Silchar (Assam), India

 Pulak Nath
Assistant Registrar, National Institute of Technology Silchar (Assam), India

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Rajib Kahar & Pulak Nath “Good Governance: Ethos & Ethics” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.207-210 October 2018  URL:

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Value Added Tax and Economic Growth in Nigeria

INIMINO, Edet Etim, OTUBU, Osaretin Paul, AKPAN, James Essien – October 2018 Page No.: 211-219

The study examined value added tax and economic growth in Nigeria from 1994 to 2015. The econometrics methods of Co-integration and ECM were employed as the main analytical techniques. The Co-integration result revealed the existence of a long-run relationship among the variables. The Parsimonious Error Correction result revealed that value added tax, exchange rate and interest rate have a significant relationship with economic growth in Nigeria during the period of study. While, private domestic investment has no significant relationship with economic growth in Nigeria during the studied period. Also, the coefficient of the parsimonious ECM has the appropriate sign that is negative and statistically significant. Meaning that, the short run dynamics adjust to long run equilibrium relationship. The study therefore concluded that VAT revenue impacted on economic growth in Nigeria positively during the period of study. In the light of the above, government should boost VAT revenue. This can be achieved by removing all administrative loopholes, ensure all the companies in Nigeria are registered to make VAT collection easy, and sanction any company that do not remit VAT revenue adequately.

Page(s): 211-219                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 11 November 2018

 INIMINO, Edet Etim
University of Uyo, Nigeria

 OTUBU, Osaretin Paul
University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

 AKPAN, James Essien
Department of Economics and Management Science, Nigerian Police Academy Kano, Nigeria.

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INIMINO, Edet Etim, OTUBU, Osaretin Paul, AKPAN, James Essien “Value Added Tax and Economic Growth in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.211-219 October 2018  URL:

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Nexus between Internet Penetration and Financial Inclusion in Nigeria

Michael Chukwunaekwu Nwafor – October 2018 Page No.: 220-226

This study examined the relationship between internet penetration and financial inclusion in Nigeria. Frequencies, percentages and tables were used to present data while obtained data was tested for empirical evidence using Two-staged regression analysis in E-views 10. Findings revealed that internet penetration has significant impact on financial inclusion in Nigeria within the period under review. It was recommended that there is need for the adoption of highly internet based transactional policies that will ensure that the financially excluded is reached easily.

Page(s): 220-226                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 November 2018

 Michael Chukwunaekwu Nwafor
Department of Accounting and Finance, Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu, Nigeria

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Michael Chukwunaekwu Nwafor “Nexus between Internet Penetration and Financial Inclusion in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.220-226 October 2018  URL:

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Contribution of Selected Social Factors to Relapse among Recovering Alcoholics in Asumbi and Jorgs Ark Rehabilitation Centres, Kenya

Kositany Conrad – October 2018 Page No.: 227-230

Drug abuse is a major global problem and in Kenya there has been increasing alcohol and drug abuse with serious negative effects. Treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholism is expensive and in many cases non-conclusive. Deaths from alcoholism are also a major loss to families and to society. This study sought to find out the contribution of selected social factors to relapse among recovering alcoholics of Asumbi and Jorgs Ark rehabilitation centres in Kenya. This study adopted the descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprised of 93 relapsed alcoholics and rehabilitation counsellors in Asumbi and Jorgs Ark rehabilitation centres in Kenya. A sample of 67 recovering alcoholics and 13 counsellors was drawn from the two purposively selected rehabilitation centres and used in the study. The instruments for data collection were questionnaires. The data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings of this study indicated that the selected social factor that mostly contributed to relapse was hanging around alcoholic friends.

Page(s): 227-230                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 November 2018

 Kositany Conrad
University of Kabianga, Department of Education, Administration Planning & Management and Psychology & Foundations P. O. Box 2030-20200, Kericho, Kenya

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Kositany Conrad “Contribution of Selected Social Factors to Relapse among Recovering Alcoholics in Asumbi and Jorgs Ark Rehabilitation Centres, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.227-230 October 2018  URL:

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Assessing Eating Disorder and Stress amongst Dancers: Case Study in Malaysia

Zulaikha M.Z., Lukman Z.M., Bukhari W.M.B, Nurun Saadah S, Kamal M.Y. – October 2018 Page No.: 231-235

Art industries related with creativity and beauty. However, it affects the person mentally and physically especially among dancers. Eating disorder and stress is not a new issue among dancer but often becomes a hot issue among scholars and practitioners. Hence, in this research, it is important to identify the relationship between stress and eating disorder among dancer in Malaysia. 157 dancers involved in this study quantitatively in which using survey as a main technique. In analyzing information obtained, descriptive and Pearson Correlation Coefficient has been chosen. As a result, the connection between eating disorder and stress among dancer is high. It can be concluded that 157 dancers need to seek help from dietitian and psychiatrist to help them improving their nutrition and good mental health.

Page(s): 231-235                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 November 2018

 Zulaikha M.Z.
Faculty of Applied Social Science, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300, Terengganu, Malaysia.

 Lukman Z.M.
Faculty of Applied Social Science, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300, Terengganu, Malaysia.

 Bukhari W.M.B
Faculty of Applied Social Science, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300, Terengganu, Malaysia.

 Nurun Saadah S
Faculty of Applied Social Science, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300, Terengganu, Malaysia.

 Kamal M.Y.
Faculty of Applied Social Science, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300, Terengganu, Malaysia.

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Zulaikha M.Z., Lukman Z.M., Bukhari W.M.B, Nurun Saadah S, Kamal M.Y. “Assessing Eating Disorder and Stress amongst Dancers: Case Study in Malaysia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 10, pp.231-235 October 2018  URL:

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