Negligence of Primary School Education among the Orang Asli’s Students of Hulu Terengganu

Nik Nur Azizah N.H., Nurunsaadah S. – January 2019 Page No.: 01-04

The community of Orang Asli Semaq Beri in Hulu Terengganu is still experiencing the negligence in education although a formal education system had been introduced on 1974. Thus, this research is done to study the contributing factors of inadvertency in education among them. This research utilised a few data collection methods in field study such as observation, participation observation, interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The data on the achievement of Orang Asli’s students were taken to observe the negligence in education among them more precisely. The respondents were chosen among the teachers and students of Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Berua. The results of this study showed a few factors contributed to the negligence in education of Orang Asli’s community. The factors identified can be classified into two; internal and external factor.

Page(s): 01-04                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 15 January 2019

 Nik Nur Azizah N.H.
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300 Terengganu, Malaysia

 Nurunsaadah S.
Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300 Terengganu, Malaysia

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Nik Nur Azizah N.H., Nurunsaadah S. “Negligence of Primary School Education among the Orang Asli’s Students of Hulu Terengganu” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.01-04 January 2019  URL:

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Role of Destination Branding in Enhancing Indian Tourism

Sabari Shankar – January 2019 Page No.: 05-10

Indian tourism is likely to be the third largest tourism economy by 2028 and create 10 million jobs in Indian tourism sector. Statistics reports say that there is significant increase in the inflow of foreign tourists and domestic tourist visiting the destinations. This will upscale the economic growth, increase FDIs and generate new business avenues and thus it is predominant for destination marketers to analyses the significance of destination image in branding destination. This article is based on a wide research work on destination image, and an extract of the role of destination branding in enhancing Indian tourism has been portrayed. The areas carrying importance have been discussed theoretically.

Page(s): 05-10                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 15 January 2019

 Sabari Shankar
Pedagogical Research Associate, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, and Research Scholar, G.R. Damodaran Academy of Management, Coimbatore, India

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Sabari Shankar ” Role of Destination Branding in Enhancing Indian Tourism ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.05-10 January 2019  URL:

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Population Mobility and Dynamics of Street Vendors in Dar es Salaam and Coast Regions of Tanzania
Michael John Haule – January 2019 – Page No.: 11-19

Population mobility, particularly among street vendors, is experienced in all urban centres world over. Some of the movements include those from city centres outwards to the peri-urban and the adjacent rural areas. The reverse human movements are sometimes also vastly experienced but they are not a focus of this paper.
In the quest for knowledge about population migration and population mobility of street vendors from other regions of Tanzania to Dar es Salaam and Coast regions necessitated for an analysis to be done on the sources of migrations, i.e. regions from which they originated, through which they settled for the first time, call it transitional regions; to the permanent settlement areas, i.e. destination. The analysis was done by levels of education and types of business they engaged in.
A survey was conducted in Dar es Salaam and the Coast regions among 100 street vendors in 10 centres located along the Morogoro road; whereby 10 respondents were interviewed at each centre. Data were processed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) deploying descriptive statistics.
The paper, therefore, seeks to identify the existing patterns of population mobility; and based on the characteristics of the migrants, who are street vendors, uncover the existing relationship between human population mobility and the pace of urbanization.
The main findings of the study indicated that mobility of street vendors was highly influenced by presence of business opportunities which enhanced urban growth denoted by emergence of urbanism. The mobility demonstrated a three stage process, i.e. moving away from the source, living in transitional centre (regional town) prior to moving to Dar es Salaam and Coast Region, i.e. destination. Dar es Salaam had the highest levels of street vendors’ internal mobility with dominance of intra-urbanmobility. Men and women aged 30 years and above constituted the majority of the street vendors migrants in Tanzania.

Page(s): 11-19                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 15 January 2019

 Michael John Haule
Lecturer, Institute of Accountancy Arusha, P.O Box 69007, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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Michael John Haule “Population Mobility and Dynamics of Street Vendors in Dar es Salaam and Coast Regions of Tanzania” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.11-19 January 2019 URL:

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Is Human Freedom Conditional?

Adilya Zhilgildina – January 2019 Page No.: 20

The philosophical concept of human freedom is a discussion mired in controversy and mystery, viewed as it is from both religious and scientific perspectives.
Genetic and neurobiological research has shown our nature and behaviour to be governed by our brain processes and genetics. Psychologists and sociologists view our actions as somewhat mechanical, although done for real reasons of which we are unawareand which go beyond our conscious control.[1] The lack of scientific consensus as to whether human freedom results from nature or nurture encapsulates the philosophical concept of determinism, which reveals that both determine human behaviour.[2]

Page(s): 20                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 16 January 2019

 Adilya Zhilgildina

[1]. Fitzgerald, D. J. (1963, July). Freedom, Determinism and Moral Responsibility. In Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association (Vol. 37, pp. 81-84)
[2]. Baer, J. (2008). 16 Free Will Requires Determinism. Are We Free? Psychology and Free Will, 304
[3]. Baer, J., Kaufman, J. C., &Baumeister, R. F. (Eds.). (2008). Are we free? Psychology and free will. Oxford University Press
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[7]. Frederick, D. (2013). Free will and probability. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 43(1), 60-77
[8]. Kane, R. (2005). A contemporary introduction to free will
[9]. Qurbani, Q. (2017). Human Freedom and Moral Responsibility In The Light of Theistic Beliefs. Religious Inquiries, 6(11), 65-81
[10]. Koons, R. C. (2002). Dual agency: aThomistic account of providence and human freedom. Philosophia Christi, 4(2), 397-411
[11]. Bargh, J. A., and Earp, B. D. (2009). The will is caused, not ‘free’. Dialogue: Newsletter of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.Vol 24 No 1, 13-15.

Adilya Zhilgildina “Is Human Freedom Conditional?” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.20 January 2019  URL:

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Globalization: Is African Women’s Reproductive Health Getting Better or Worse? The Nigerian Experience

Titilayo Cordelia Orsaremi – January 2019 Page No.: 21-27

Beyond the economy; information and communication technology; politics; and even cultural differences between nations human reproduction in Africa has much implications for women’s participation in the process of globalization which is created and shaped by both gender. Accounting for social change in any human society implies a recognition of some relatively stable social and cultural elements. African women’s participation in the process of globalization is, to a large extent determined by their traditional sex role and their reproductive health especially because child bearing remains a vital function of the women. At the same time, globalization is expected to help improve the general well-being of men and women as global citizens. Hence the gate-keeping role of the government of any nation in the process of globalization is critical. This paper examines and assesses the efforts of the Nigerian government towards ensuring the reproductive health of women and girls by tapping into global best practices; and ensuring women’s active participation in the process of globalization. It uses the qualitative method, to analyse some indicators in the key reproductive health related policies, documents and practices in Nigeria against the recommendations of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and other key international and regional instruments to which Nigerian is signatory. It evaluates the level and quality of implementation of these instruments and documents in order to ascertain the effects of the government’s effort at enhancing Nigerian women’s reproductive health and ensuring their valued contribution to the globalization process. The analysis reveals the negative effect of the lack of domestication of CEDAW on women’s reproductive rights and reproductive health; a wide gap between existing policies and their implementation; and the resultant generally poor outcome of Nigerian women’s reproductive health especially in the rural areas. In conclusion, the paper argues for a genuine domestication of international best practices in addressing the socio-cultural constraints to women’s reproductive rights in Nigeria so as to achieve the desired women’s reproductive health and increase their chances of actively contributing to the process of globalization from their little corners of the world no matter how remote.

Page(s): 21-27                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 January 2019

 Titilayo Cordelia Orsaremi
Baze University, Abuja, Nigeria

[1]. Centre for Reproductive Rights, protocol on the rights of women in Africa .( February 2018
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Titilayo Cordelia Orsaremi “Globalization: Is African Women’s Reproductive Health Getting Better or Worse? The Nigerian Experience” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.21-27 January 2019  URL:

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Problems of Juridical in the Implementation of Housing Procurement Agreement Between Developer And Consumers in Kartasura

Novendri Amiruddin, Moch Najib Imanullah, Yudho Taruno Muryanto – January 2019 Page No.: 28-34

This study has purpose to examine and analyze juridical problems in the implementation of housing procurement agreements between developers and consumers. The research method in this study was empirical legal research, by conducting research on legislation related to the application of practices in the community, in the context of housing purchases through developers with the community. The results of the study concluded that in buying and selling houses between developers and consumers must be based on strict and open laws starting from brochures or information about home sales, in the initial implementation of the agreement in the form of Deed of Sale and Purchase Agreement to be made by and before public officials continued until the name behind the stage before the Land Deed Maker Officer (PPAT). However, there were still many obstacles in the practice that developers do not fulfill the principle of legal certainty and the high demand for housing by the community. The phenomenon that occurs is the buyer still lacks understanding and does not know his rights as a buyer or consumer. Thus it is necessary to increase the quality of services and clear and explicit information from the Developer/ developer to buyers or consumers so that there are no more things consumers are harmed.

Page(s): 28-34                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 January 2019

 Novendri Amiruddin
Master Program of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

 Moch Najib Imanullah
Lecturer Master Program of Law Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

 Yudho Taruno Muryanto
Lecturer Master Program of Law Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

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Novendri Amiruddin, Moch Najib Imanullah, Yudho Taruno Muryanto “Problems of Juridical in the Implementation of Housing Procurement Agreement Between Developer And Consumers in Kartasura” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.28-34 January 2019  URL:

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Boko Haram Cross-Border Insurgency and Humanitarian Situation in South-eastern Niger Republic

Labbo Abdullahi and Umar Farouk Mohammed- January 2019 Page No.: 35-40

Boko Haram started as a local group operating within the boundaries of Borno State in Nigeria. Not quite long, the group transformed into a regional insurgent organisation with global linkages and funding. The phenomenon became a trans-national disaster within the region of the Lake Chad Basin, especially across Nigeria-Niger border. The north-eastern Nigerians (Borno and Yobe States) and south-eastern Nigeriens (Diffa and Zinder Regions) were seriously affected by the activities of the group across borderlines. Hundred thousands of people were displaced; and consequently, the problems of refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees in Diffa and Zinder became humongous. Through content analysis of the existing literature and oral data, this paper examined humanitarian crisis in Diffa and Zinder consequent on cross-border insurgency. It is observed that, there are linkages between Boko Haram insurgency and humanitarian crisis in Diffa on one hand, and humanitarian problems in Zinder, on the other. The paper discovered that between 2015 and 2017, more than 252,305 Nigerians and Nigeriens have been in Diffa and Zinder suffering from the stigmatization of refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees. It is equally observed that, little of the needed humanitarian interventions have been achieved; because, the interventions by the Governments of Nigeria and Niger are not commensurate with the sufferings of the Boko Haram victims in Diffa and Zinder. Therefore, the paper calls for a Nigeria-Niger Inter-governmental Humanitarian Agency to cater for the needs of the victims.

Page(s): 35-40                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 January 2019

 Labbo Abdullahi
Department of History, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

 Umar Farouk Mohammed
Division of General Studies, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aleiro Kebbi State, Nigeria

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Labbo Abdullahi and Umar Farouk Mohammed”Boko Haram Cross-Border Insurgency and Humanitarian Situation in South-eastern Niger Republic” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.35-40 January 2019  URL:

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Adult Literacy Uncovered and the Need for Equal Educational Opportunity for All

Muhammad Alkali – January 2019 Page No.: 41-44

Nigeria is signatory to the universal declaration on human rights which listed among other things the right to educate as one of the fundamental right of citizens. Right from our national policy on education to the government and societies general attitudes to special adults in the literary arrangement, there is a glaring deficiency and lack of commitment in carrying these segments of our neglected society along. Available statistics shows that the segment accounts for over 25 million, which shows that this mass of citizens had all this while been neglected, abandoned and prevented from contributing to the socio economic development of the nation, rather they are made of no relevance and a menace to the society, to the shame of a great country like Nigeria. This paper therefore seeks to draw the attention of government, the society and all concerned to the need to redress this anomaly and rather turn this ugly trend to the benefit of those concerns and the nation in general.

Page(s): 41-44                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 January 2019

 Muhammad Alkali
Department of Adult Education and Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria

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Muhammad Alkali “Adult Literacy Uncovered and the Need for Equal Educational Opportunity for All” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.41-44 January 2019  URL:

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Analysis of Education Policy with Reference to Teacher Education using BOS Framework: An Example

Dr. Amina Noor – January 2019 Page No.: 45-53

This study serves an example for researchers to use the concept of Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) in the analysis of education policy. To simplify the method, the study delimited and investigated the directives for teacher education and training from the policy documents. To ensure a consistent, the study first identified some factors on adapting six paths of the first principle of BOS along with three set rules for interpretation. The second analyzed sample policy documents after testing on previous education policy. The analysis reveals that many policy directives were in line with BOS, e.g., inter-provincial collaboration across the training institutions, assessment of teachers’ needs, standards, quality of material, incentives, specialized and diverse practice-based training. The planning of these training should be on relevance, curriculum based and a continued process. The participation of stakeholders, community, donors and public-private partnership is also recommended to maintain the quality and resources for training.

Page(s): 45-53                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 20 January 2019

 Dr. Amina Noor
National Skill University, Islamabad, Pakistan

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Dr. Amina Noor “Analysis of Education Policy with Reference to Teacher Education using BOS Framework: An Example” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.45-53 January 2019  URL:

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Mobility Experience of Urban People: An Interpretative Study on Street Hawking Activities in the Urban Spaces of Dhaka City

Abontika Sara Israt – January 2019 Page No.: 54-60

This paper highlights the issues and problems associated with mobility and accessibility relating to informal street hawking in the urban spaces of Dhaka city. Mobility and accessibility is the foremost concern of a place that acts as a direction for the passer by. This is one of features that have a significant impact on users’ perception. The urban informal sector is a vibrant section of the urban economy worldwide. An organized street hawking in the urban spaces could be part of city precedence for the benefit of the city community. To evaluate the influence of mobility and accessibility in using the urban public spaces a multiple sources of evidence, which included the questionnaire survey and physical observation, were carried out in two study areas in Dhaka city. This study used a case study approach to make a comprehensive understanding of the current condition of street hawking in the city. Good accessibility is directly related to the uses’ thoughts and experiences; however, these elements could not cast a positive light on the walking or selling experience for this study. This study revealed that poor accessibility is a major hindrance affecting the use of the pedestrian environment of Dhaka city. The findings reveled across the case studies confirmed by the condition where poor facilities are seen. This study shown 50.8% of the respondents felt there are several problems with the walk ability, street view, traffic congestion and parking space and so on. Data synthesis indicates that, there is no noteworthy difference between questionnaire and observation survey to perceive accessibility issues. The findings discovered that the studied areas are in a vulnerable condition according to the identified issues. As vehicular space increases, pedestrian allocated space decreases resulting in pedestrian marginalization from city spaces and increased traffic congestion, accident and other fatalities.

Page(s): 54-60                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 21 January 2019

 Abontika Sara Israt
Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Abontika Sara Israt “Mobility Experience of Urban People: An Interpretative Study on Street Hawking Activities in the Urban Spaces of Dhaka City” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.54-60 January 2019  URL:

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Influence of School Environmental Variables on Students’ Performance in Junior Secondary School Mathematics in Gwer-East Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria

Tertindi NAAKAA, Joshua Abah ABAH, Gabriel Terfa ATONDO – January 2019 Page No.: 61-70

This study examined the influence of school environmental variables on students’ performance in Junior Secondary School mathematics in Gwer-East Local Government Area of Benue State. The study adopted an expo-facto design. A sample of 120 Junior Secondary School II students from ten schools was drawn out of a population of 3,482 JSS II students from Gwer-East Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria. A validated 20-item Influence of Environmental Variables on Students Performance Questionnaire (IEVSPQ) was used to collect data. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the four research questions raised for the study. The result revealed that nearness of school to noisy facilities has a negative influence on the performance of mathematics students in Junior Secondary Schools. Classroom size, library facilities and power supply influences the performance of mathematics students in Junior Secondary School to a high extent. It was recommended among others that school environmental variables should be taken into consideration in the siting and running of schools in order to enhance the students’ performance in Junior Secondary School mathematics.

Page(s): 61-70                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 22 January 2019

 Tertindi NAAKAA
Department of Mathematics Education, University of Agriculture Makurdi, Nigeria

 Joshua Abah ABAH
Department of Mathematics Education, University of Agriculture Makurdi, Nigeria

 Gabriel Terfa ATONDO
Department of Mathematics, Airforce Secondary School Makurdi, Nigeria

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Tertindi NAAKAA, Joshua Abah ABAH, Gabriel Terfa ATONDO “Influence of School Environmental Variables on Students’ Performance in Junior Secondary School Mathematics in Gwer-East Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.61-70 January 2019  URL:

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Secondary School Principals` Perceived Effects of Abusing Sustances in Day Secondary Schools in Bauchi Senetorial District of Bauchi State Nigeria

Yunusa Abubakar, Sule Saleh – January 2019 Page No.: 71-74

This study aimed at determining the secondary school principals` perceived effects of drugs abuse among students of day secondary schools. Descriptive research design was used for the study while questionnaire was adopted for data collection. The population of the study consisted of only principals of secondary schools. The samples of the study were 40 secondary school principals who participated in the study and simple random sampling was adopted to sample the school principals. Piloting was carried out in one secondary school. A sample of 01school principal participated in the pilot study. Test re-test method of reliability was used to ensure the reliability of the instrument and data obtained was computer analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The descriptive statistics that is, frequency distribution and percentages were used to analyzed data. The findings of the study revealed that availability of drugs, lack of effective guidance and counseling, family background; societal and influence of peer group were identified as the causes of drug abuse among day secondary schools students. The finding further identified high rate of school violence, exposing other students to drugs abuse and, mental illness as effects of drug abuse among students of secondary schools. The finding recommends that government should ensure policy formulation to address the menace of drug abuse in secondary schools while parents should monitor the affairs of their children and ensure they associate with good friends. Government should also intensify campaign against drug abuse and the dangers associated with the menace. Guidance and counseling unit and drug free club should be strengthening.

Page(s): 71-74                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 January 2019

 Yunusa Abubakar
Department of Education, Bauchi State University Gadau, Nigeria

 Sule Saleh
Department of Education, Bauchi State University Gadau, Nigeria

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Yunusa Abubakar, Sule Saleh “Secondary School Principals` Perceived Effects of Abusing Sustances in Day Secondary Schools in Bauchi Senetorial District of Bauchi State Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.71-74 January 2019  URL:

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A Functional Perspective of Education as the Bedrock of National Development in Nigeria

ABOLARIN Isaiah Ola – January 2019 Page No.: 75-80

True education is that in which learners are equipped with the ability to perceive accurately, think clearly, and act effectively. This equipping is accomplished via the three domains of education: cognitive, affective and sensory. In other words, education is said to be effective when learners acquire knowledge, develop skills, and adopt values. Education that fails to address these three domains cannot bring about significant development either for the individual or the society at large. Reports of a continuous downward trend in the quality of education have been a major concern for stakeholders for more than three decades. The deficiencies of the Nigerian education system could possibly be attributed to a faulty understanding of the components, goals and essence of education because the overriding perspective of education held by each society and culture determines the approach, plan and policies put in place to facilitate the educational process. This study therefore considered the components and goals of education, the difference between schooling and education, and the relationship between course of study and education. Using a plethora of books, articles and internet publications, the study analyzed different perspectives on education, its components and goals, with the intent of bringing forth a clear understanding of a functional education system. This approach is hinged on the assumption that a better understanding will lead to a re-appraisal of the current system of education in Nigeria in relation to its genuine alignment to the much touted desire for national development. The paper concluded that education can only be described as excellent when individuals and their societies are positively impacted by the knowledge acquired. Absence of tangible national development in terms of productivity of various sectors and poor standard of living, porous methods of handling crime and anti-social behavior, corruption and bad governance are clear indicators of a dysfunctional system of education. A system of education that fails to have positive impact on society may have succeeded at making people literate but has woefully failed in getting them educated. This study therefore recommended that stakeholders in the education sector be given proper orientation on what functional education is and how such can be adopted and utilized for national development.

Page(s): 75-80                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 January 2019

 ABOLARIN Isaiah Ola
Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria

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ABOLARIN Isaiah Ola “A Functional Perspective of Education as the Bedrock of National Development in Nigeria ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.75-80 January 2019  URL:

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Price Earning Growth Ratio as an Effective Tool in selection of Stocks for Investment – Evidence from Midcap IT Stocks Listed in NSE India

Dr. P. A. Mary Auxilia- January 2019 Page No.: 81-83

Investing in stocks is considered very risky if careful analysis of the company’s financial data is not done. Company’s credit worthiness and performance can be analyzed by examining the profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement. But an easiest tool available to determine the best stocks for investment is PEG (Price earnings to growth) ratio. In this context the research is done to find whether PEG ratio is an effective tool in selecting stocks for investment. Mid cap IT stocks listed in NSE India are selected for the study and PEG ratio is calculated before investment based on EPS CAGR and PE ratio. The performance of the stocks was tracked for five years and the data has been analyzed. The percentage return on investment is compared with market return to determine the efficiency of investment. The study proves that PEG ratio is an effective tool for investment as stocks with PEG less than 1 have given remarkably higher returns compared to the market return. Retail investors can use PEG ratio than PE ratio to identify stocks for investment with higher returns.

Page(s): 81-83                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 January 2019

  Dr. P. A. Mary Auxilia
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, India

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Dr. P. A. Mary Auxilia”Price Earning Growth Ratio as an Effective Tool in selection of Stocks for Investment – Evidence from Midcap IT Stocks Listed in NSE India” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.81-83 January 2019  URL:

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Porous Borders, Small Arms Proliferation, and Insecurity in Oke-Ogun Area of Oyo State, Nigeria

Adewoyin, Solomon Ademola – January 2019 Page No.: 84-89

Border security is critical and a necessity for the protection of lives and properties within a given territory. Nigeria land borders have become free entry and exit points for smugglers of all manner of contraband goods such as small arms who carry out their illicit activities with little or no reservations. Irrespective of where the border is located within the country and its geographic nature, porosity is a common feature shared by all borders in the country. The connection between porous borders, arms proliferation, and insecurity can be explained thus: porous borders paves ways for free flow of all forms of small arms in and out of Nigeria and most of this arms are found in the hands of non-state actors who use these weapons to ferment trouble and make the society hostile, ungovernable, and insecure. Nigeria’s extreme porous borders are a major cause of national security threat and may remain so for some time. This is because these borders both land and marine apart from being vast, are inadequately policed. The study examines the relationship between porous border, small arms proliferation, and insecurity in Oke-Ogun Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. The study highlights the role of border security in finding lasting solutions to the security challenges confronting the country.

Page(s): 84-89                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 January 2019

 Adewoyin, Solomon Ademola
Ph.D, National Examinations Council, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria

[1]. Achumba, I. C., Ighomereho, O. S. & Akpor-Robaro, M. O. M. (2013). Security Challenges in Nigeria and the Implications for Business Activities and Sustainable Development. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 4 (2), 79-99
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[14]. Ukwayi, J. K. Okpa, J. T. Adewoyin, S. A. Angioha, P. U. Udom, H. T. (2017). Security Equipment and Policing in Central Senatorial District of Cross River State, Nigeria IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 22 (2), 06-14
[15]. Ukwayi, J.K., Adewoyin, S.A., John, T.O., & Ofem, N.O. (2017). Public perception of small arms epidemic and conflicts in Oke-Ogun Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. The International journal of humanities & social studies. 5 (2), 100-108
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Adewoyin, Solomon Ademola “Porous Borders, Small Arms Proliferation, and Insecurity in Oke-Ogun Area of Oyo State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.84-89 January 2019  URL:

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Good Faith In Implementation of House Ownership Credit in Private Company

Gilang Mahardhika, Moch.Najib Imanullah, S.H., M.H., P.hD, Dr. Arief Suryono, S.H., M.H – January 2019 Page No.: 90-97

This research aims to find out the process of house ownership credit implementation in the company and to indentify fulfillment and nonfulfillment of good faith principal between customer and PT. KandangKarya Perkasa. House Ownership Credit is a credit conducted to purchase a house or other consumptive needs with house as the collateral or assurance. This research uses juridical empirical approach. The nature of this research is diagnostic with statute approach, and conceptual approach. Technique of collecting data was conducted by interview, observation, and literature review with three steps, they are; data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Based on the research finding, it can be drawn a conclusion from general into specific issue. The actions which do not have good faith are shown n the implementation of house ownership credit, especially when a customer breach of contract (such as the customer does not pay home installment payment on due date), dishonest in giving information for administrative requirements, and the customer does not meet the requirements in applying for credit. Therefore, legal protection toward PT. KandangKarya Perkasa is conducted using preventive measure. It requires supervision, and binding agreement of credit assurance for both parties. Then it is also conducted using repressive measures by selling, auction of collateral goods, and emptying the house which is carried out in accordance with applicable procedure as stated in the agreement which has been made by both parties.

Page(s): 90-97                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 25 January 2019

 Gilang Mahardhika
Master Student of Legal Science, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

 Moch.Najib Imanullah, S.H., M.H., P.hD
Faculty of Law, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

 Dr. Arief Suryono, S.H., M.H
Lecturer of Faculty of Law, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

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Gilang Mahardhika, Moch.Najib Imanullah, S.H., M.H., P.hD, Dr. Arief Suryono, S.H., M.H “Good Faith In Implementation of House Ownership Credit in Private Company” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.90-97 January 2019  URL:

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Communal Conflicts in Ghana: A Case Study of the Dagbon Conflict

Winfred Kanda – January 2019 Page No.: 98-111

The main purpose of the study was to examine the Dagbon conflict as a type of Communal Conflict in Ghana. A descriptive survey was used for the study based on qualitative research method. Purposive sampling method was used to collect data. Data was also sourced from books and journal articles. The study revealed that there was non-adherence to the laid down succession plan, political interference and socio-economic problems as the main causes of the Dagbon Conflict. Also, output of productivity was affected badly. Even though there is relative peace, there is still tension between the leadership of the Abudu and Andani gates after several mediation efforts were used to maintain peace. The study therefore recommended that, politicians should desist from meddling in the traditional affairs of Dagbon Kingdom; government should create an enabling environment for investors to invest. The government and traditional authority of Dagbon Kingdom should organize the performance of the final funeral rites of the late chiefs to pave way for the selection and enskinment of the new Ya Na and finally leadership of the two gates should come to agreement and bury their differences in the interest of peace.

Page(s): 98-111                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 25 January 2019

 Winfred Kanda
Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Ghana

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Winfred Kanda “Communal Conflicts in Ghana: A Case Study of the Dagbon Conflict” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.98-111 January 2019  URL:

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The Medical Legal Protection in the Context of Doctor-Patient Relationship in An Emergency Condition

Nur Arifani Septi Dewi, Adi Sulistyono, Hari Purwadi – January 2019 Page No.: 112-115

This article aims to find out the doctor’s responsibilities and the protection of the doctor professional law in the relationship of doctors to patients in emergency conditions. The method used in this study is normative research. The data in this study were obtained from legal materials, which included primary legal material and secondary legal material. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the doctor is responsible for providing health services in the form of the best medical action to patients in the relationship between doctors and patients in emergency conditions without waiting for patient approval as long as it is in accordance with professional standards and standard operating procedures. Professional medical legal protection can be done by hospitals or the Indonesian Medical Disciplinary Board.

Page(s): 112-115                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 29 January 2019

 Nur Arifani Septi Dewi
Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A Jebres, Surakarta, Indonesia

 Adi Sulistyono
Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A Jebres, Surakarta, Indonesia

 Hari Purwadi
Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A Jebres, Surakarta, Indonesia

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Nur Arifani Septi Dewi, Adi Sulistyono, Hari Purwadi “The Medical Legal Protection in the Context of Doctor-Patient Relationship in An Emergency Condition” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.112-115 January 2019  URL:

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Impact of Social Networking Sites Usage on Students’ Performance

Diluxshy Ravichandran – January 2019 Page No.: 116-119

The primary focus of the students must be education, but unfortunately today’s students emphasize these sites that can be a complete waste of time. Social networks were just an electronic connection between users, but unfortunately they became addictive to students, adolescents and even adults. This paper presents the impact of social networks on students’ performance. Facebook destroys the future and academic carrier of school students. At the same time, it also aims to recognize the importance of using social networking sites by students in their academic and extra-curricular success with the help of a survey of data collection among more than 200 students from different schools in Trincomalee. The results of this study found an understanding of how students use online social networking sites, the time they spend and the type of information required and their overall performance. The study also makes recommendations on how to use online networks to improve academic objectives.

Page(s): 116-119                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 29 January 2019

 Diluxshy Ravichandran
Department of Business and Management Studies, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

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Diluxshy Ravichandran “Impact of Social Networking Sites Usage on Students’ Performance” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.116-119 January 2019  URL:

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Beyond Public Acknowledgement to Action: The Role of Government in Supporting Recovery from Trauma for Indigenous People as a Result of Past Policies of Forcible Separation and Assimilation

Karen Menzies – January 2019 Page No.: 120-127

Ten years have passed since Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd offered his famous apology to the generations of Indigenous Australians who were removed from their families and communities when they were children as the result of racist and ill-informed government policy guided by the principles of assimilation (Russell, 2018). At this time, the importance of acknowledgement and formal government apology was becoming better understood, not only in Australia but also in other colonized nations, as essential to public understanding of the collective, historical and intergenerational trauma that exists within Indigenous communities and facilitating healing (operationalized by the Australian government as improvement in health, education and employment outcomes). Formal acknowledgement opens the way for the nation to bear witness to its shared national history, and to prioritise government action in response.
The importance of societal endorsement is central to the two fundamental elements in the recovery from trauma. The purpose of ‘public acknowledgement’ seeks to gain public recognition of harm and define the experience or event as trauma at a societal level because the reaction from the wider society has a powerful influence and can ultimately shape the resolution of trauma (Herman, 1992,). The next critical element in the recovery of trauma is ‘community action’ whereby the society takes responsibility for the provision of assistance and support services to aid the recovery (Herman, 1992,). The success of an individual or group’s recovery from trauma can be measured by two things: ‘an accepting climate of public opinion which fosters the integration of trauma survivors and an absence of a rejecting climate of opinions compounding their isolation’ (Herman, 1992, p.71).

Page(s): 120-127                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 January 2019

 Karen Menzies

University of Western Sydney, NSW, Australia

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Karen Menzies “Beyond Public Acknowledgement to Action: The Role of Government in Supporting Recovery from Trauma for Indigenous People as a Result of Past Policies of Forcible Separation and Assimilation” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.120-127 January 2019  URL:

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Dual Contraception Prevalence among Seropositive Women in Discordant Marital Relationships in Nyatike Sub-County, Kenya

Ouma Mark Okungu Kadenyo, Dr. Paul Obino Ong’anyi, Prof. Alfred Agwanda Otieno – January 2019 Page No.: 128-137

HIV-discordant couples are faced with dual problem of preventing unwanted pregnancy and HIV transmission to uninfected partner. Dual contraception involving consistent use of condoms to prevent STIs/HIV infection and another more effective modern contraceptive for pregnancy prevention has been recommended to offer dual protection for discordant couples. However a large proportion of new HIV infections and unwanted pregnancies in Sub-saharan Africa still occur in stable HIV-discordant partnerships and Nyatike Sub-county in Migori County, Kenya is no exception. The objectives of this study were to find out the prevalence of dual contraception, and to find out the most common form of dual contraception among seropositive women in discordant marital relationships in Nyatike Sub-county in Migori County, Kenya. A cross-sectional survey design was employed. Fourteen health facilities were purposively sampled within Nyatike Sub-county. A total of 174 randomly sampled seropositive women in discordant marital relationships were subjected to interviewer administered semi-structured questionnaire. Two focused group discussions (FGDs) involving fourteen seropositive women randomly sampled were conducted. Additionally, the study involved 28 in-depth interviews with fourteen randomly sampled seronegative men in discordant relationships and fourteen purposively sampled healthcare providers (key informants). Quantitative data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages while Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. Tables were used to present research results. The study revealed low dual contraception prevalence 29.3%. Condom plus injections was the most used form of dual contraception to offer dual protection at 24.1%. Partner refusal, perceived and real side effects, religious beliefs and desire for biological child were the main barriers to dual contraception use. The study recommends formulation of HIV integrated FP programs that intensify efforts in improving knowledge of dual contraception use among seropositive women and its critical health benefits, coupled with encouraging constructive male partner communication and engagement in order to increase dual contraception uptake.

Page(s): 128-137                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 January 2019

 Ouma Mark Okungu Kadenyo
School of Arts and Social Sciences, Rongo University, Kenya

 Dr. Paul Obino Ong’anyi
Department of Social Sciences, Kibabii University, Kenya

 Prof. Alfred Agwanda Otieno
Population Studies and Research Institute, University of Nairobi, Kenya

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Ouma Mark Okungu Kadenyo, Dr. Paul Obino Ong’anyi, Prof. Alfred Agwanda Otieno “Dual Contraception Prevalence among Seropositive Women in Discordant Marital Relationships in Nyatike Sub-County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.128-137 January 2019  URL:

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The Relationship between Family type and Parental involvement on the Student’s Deviant Behaviour in Secondary Schools in Kericho County, Kenya

Janet Surum – January 2019 Page No.: 138-141

There have been growing concerns about the increasing manifestations of deviant behaviours manifesting themselves in the form of maladjusted behaviours among students in Kenya. Such behaviours have continued to lower the academic achievement among learners and the effects go on to affect the nation. These behaviours have an impact on the kind of citizens the country will eventually have and has continued to produce. It is important to shed more light on the causal factors hence find a defined way of dealing with this behaviour by determining its antecedents. The purpose of this study was to address this gap by examining the influence of family type and parental involvement on the student deviant behaviours in Kericho County, Kenya. The objective of this study was to identify the variables of the family type and parental involvement, and their influence on the student deviant behaviour. The study was anchored on Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory of Human Development. A sample size of 300 respondents was used from a target study population size [N] of 125650.These were students studying in secondary schools of Kericho County. The study adopted a quantitative research design. Stratified random sampling was used to select schools included in the study, the informants of the study were selected purposively. The data for the study was obtained through questionnaires. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using a pilot study on four schools which would not be included in the final study. Cronbach Alpha’s measure of internal consistency yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.84. Expert judgment and peer reviews were used to determine validity of the research instruments. Multiple regression was used as the data analysis method. Results of the study indicated a positive and significant relationship between the family type, parental involvement and the prevalence of the student deviant behaviour. The implication therefore is, parents ought to be sensitized on their critical role as members of the family unit in alleviating student deviant behaviours and thereby promoting academic achievement. If parents showed more involvement in the lives of their children both at home and at school, then deviant behaviour would be alleviated or minimized. The study recommends that the family type and parental involvement must be considered if at all the student deviant behaviours in Kericho County should minimize.

Page(s): 138-141                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 January 2019

 Janet Surum
EAPM & PF Department, University of Kabianga, Kenya

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Janet Surum “The Relationship between Family type and Parental involvement on the Student’s Deviant Behaviour in Secondary Schools in Kericho County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.138-141 January 2019  URL:

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Analysis of the Implementation of Voluntary Assets Disclosure with Final Rates (VAD-FR) Policy in Indonesia

Ayun Fitri Hastuti, Dr. Isharyanto, S.H, M.Hum, Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, S.H., M.M – January 2019 Page No.: 142-147

This study discusses the Voluntary Assets Disclosure with Final Rates Policy imposed after the Tax Amnesty (TA) policy in Indonesia. The community considers this policy to be the second Tax Amnesty volume, but this policy further addresses the restorative aspects and aims to provide taxpayers with the opportunity to carry out tax payments before the tax team checks them. This study uses a literature study that is sourced from the Government Regulations and applicable Minister of Finance Regulations. The results of the study show that one of the objectives of the TA program that has passed is to anticipate the increasingly open information on Indonesia’s economic transactions, so that there is a need for special programs to improve tax compliance. Minister of Finance Regulation Number 165 / PMK.03 / 2016 still provides incentives and return opportunities to improve the level of tax compliance for taxpayers. To anticipate this, it is recommended that all taxpayers, both those who have joined the Tax Amnesty and those who do not, still have hidden assets to immediately utilize the VAD-FR procedure because this program has no time period. The low level interest of people who follow this policy has made the Ministry of Finance, especially the Tax Directorate, provide incentives and intensify socialization of the VAD-FR policy.

Page(s): 142-147                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 January 2019

 Ayun Fitri Hastuti
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia

 Dr. Isharyanto, S.H, M.Hum
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia

 Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, S.H., M.M
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia

Reference are not available.

Ayun Fitri Hastuti, Dr. Isharyanto, S.H, M.Hum, Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, S.H., M.M “Analysis of the Implementation of Voluntary Assets Disclosure with Final Rates (VAD-FR) Policy in Indonesia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.142-147 January 2019  URL:

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Concept of Human Dignity in Islamic Thought

Dr. Vaffi Foday Sheriff – January 2019 Page No.: 148-155

This paper focuses on human dignity in Islamic thought. It has been presented in seven segments beginning with an introduction and followed by conceptual definition of the related terms and the differences between dignity and pride. The paper also discussed the views of some Muslim scholars on Human dignity. It further examines the position of Islamic thought on some articles in universal declaration of Human Rights and the inherent Dignity. Moreover, some ethics that help in preserving human dignity are highlighted. The researcher adopted in writing this paper, a critical analytical method to achieve the objectives of the research.

Page(s): 148-155                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 January 2019

 Dr. Vaffi Foday Sheriff
Department of Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto-Nigeria

Reference are not available.

Dr. Vaffi Foday Sheriff “Concept of Human Dignity in Islamic Thought” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.148-155 January 2019  URL:

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Acquisition Modes of Collections in the Addabor and Centenary Libraries of the Tamale and Bagabaga Colleges of Education in Ghana

Abubakari Iddirisu – January 2019 Page No.: 156-162

This paper sought to explore the acquisition modes of collections in the libraries of Tamale and Bagabaga Colleges of Education in Ghana. The population consisted of all the library staff in both colleges. In all, the sixteenlibrary staffs of the two libraries were use as respondents. Centenary Library has four library staff and Addabor library has twelve library staff. The entire population was used for the study. Archival and structured interview were used as data collection instruments/tools of the study. The study findings revealed that the two libraries largely build their collections through donations aside the few collections from purchase, exchange, interlibrary loan and consortia. The findings also indicated that donation was the most infectious (bookworm, termites, fungi, silverfish, rodents, booklice) acquisition mode in the Addabor and Centenary libraries.
The study concludes that both libraries largely build their collections through donations and gifts. The purpose of the study was to add to academic knowledge of the field, fill literature gap, serve as a policy document to acquisition librarians, Ministry of Education and Princof in their bid to building relevant collections to meet user needs. The recommendations from the study which include recruitment of more professional librarians, training of acquisition librarians, provision of enough funding, provision of enough infrastructure, provision of preservation chemicals for the treatment of infected collections and assertiveness in the refusal of being dumping grounds for irrelevant collections. Collections of libraries are acquired to meet the objective of advancing knowledge and wisdom to promote sustainable and comprehensive education for national development.

Page(s): 156-162                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 31 January 2019

 Abubakari Iddirisu
Assistant Librarian, Addabor Library Department and Information Literacy Unit, Tamale College of Education, Ghana

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Abubakari Iddirisu “Acquisition Modes of Collections in the Addabor and Centenary Libraries of the Tamale and Bagabaga Colleges of Education in Ghana” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.156-162 January 2019  URL:

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Effect of Study Environment towards Learning

Abubakar Ayuba Fusami – January 2019 Page No.: 163-169

The study seeks to unveil the effect of students’ study environment on their learning considering productive performance of school students study environment when compared to unproductive study environment. School learning environment is limited by a number of factors employed to address the relationships between characteristics students’ learning environment in the context of the individual student. Do specific nature of students’ study environments within which students learn (such asstudy location, study time, silence, noise etcetera) have any real impact on the quality of learning outcomes or will students do well irrespective of their study environments? Such questions are not just theoretically interesting, but also have a practically significant for school educators seeking to understand the impact for their design approach to decisions on students’ study environment. The research uses questionnaire in data collection where random sampling technique was administered to obtain the views of the students with regard to their study environment. The result shows significance to some of these factorswhile others do not.

Page(s): 163-169                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 31 January 2019

 Abubakar Ayuba Fusami
Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics, ATBU Bauchi Nigeria

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Abubakar Ayuba Fusami “Effect of Study Environment towards Learning” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.163-169 January 2019  URL:

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Effects of Terrorism on Nigeria’s National Security

Dr. Orkar, Oryina Michael-David, Shaminja, Tersoo Solomon, Nev, Timothy Terwase – January 2019 Page No.: 170-175

For any nation to achieve development and national security all sectors must be at optimum levels of operations. Terrorism in the recent past has been a menace to society. This has been in operation in foreign lands but today is on the increase in Nigeria. The major thrust of this paper is to find out whether and how terrorism has affected Nigeria’s national security. The method adopted for this study is survey design. Questionnaires were administered and relevant data generated from responses. On the premise of the findings of this research, this study concludes that terrorism has negative effects on Nigeria’s national security. The study therefore, recommends modernization and harmonization of intelligence gathering mechanisms in Nigeria, placement of structures of good governance as well as a reorientation of Nigeria towards participating in voting activities and intelligence gathering.

Page(s): 170-175                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 31 January 2019

 Dr. Orkar, Oryina Michael-David
Strategy and Governance, Programme, Institute of Food Security, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria

 Shaminja, Tersoo Solomon
Department of Sociology, University of Abuja, Nigeria

 Nev, Timothy Terwase
Market and Institutions Programme, Institute of Food Security, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria

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Dr. Orkar, Oryina Michael-David, Shaminja, Tersoo Solomon, Nev, Timothy Terwase “Effects of Terrorism on Nigeria’s National Security” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.170-175 January 2019  URL:

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A Study of Employee Attrition Rate at Selected Manufacturing Industry

Jasneet Kaur, Harish K.Padmanabhan – January 2019 Page No.: 176-181

Employee attrition means not only loosing employee, it also reflects to loss customer from organization. The impact of employee attrition proves negative sign in terms of less productivity and employee morale. Higher rate of employee attrition shows failure of organizational efficiency in terms of retaining skilled employee. The main objective of this study is to examine the work related causes for employee dissatisfaction at work place that results to attrition. The outcome of this research can be utilized for redesigning the HR policies and practices and take corrective actions to reduce the attrition rate.

Page(s): 176-181                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 02 February 2019

 Jasneet Kaur
Student, Department of MBA, SNJB KBJ COE, Maharashtra, India

 Harish K.Padmanabhan
Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, SNJB KBJ COE, Maharashtra, India

[1]. Harish K.Padmanabhan (2019), “A Study on Impact of Employee Absenteeism in Selected Manufacturing Industry”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research, Volume 06, Issue 01, ISSN 2394- 0697. Pp 14-20.
[2]. Bhagyashree More & Harish K.Padmanabhan (2017), “A Comparative Study on Employees Job Satisfaction Level Using Herzberg Two Factor and Maslow’s Need Theory With Reference to Manufacturing Industry”, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, Volume I, Issue I, January 2017, ISSN 2454 -6186, Pp 33-38.

[3]. T. Narayana Rao & T. Subbarayudu (2017), “Nine Elements that Trigger Employee Attrition – A Study on BPO’s Vishakapatnam”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research , Volume -4, Issue -6, Pp 18-23.
[4]. N.Silpa (2015), “A Study on Reasons of Attrition and Strategies for Employee Retention” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 12, Pp.57-60.
[5]. Brijesh Kishore Goswami & Sushmita Jha (2012), “Attrition Issues and Retention Challenges of Employees”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 4, ISSN 2229-5518,Pp-01-06.
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Jasneet Kaur, Harish K.Padmanabhan “A Study of Employee Attrition Rate at Selected Manufacturing Industry” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.176-181 January 2019  URL:

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Management of Financial Inclusion Strategy in Nigeria

Alphonsus Chukwu Ajugwe, PhD. – January 2019 Page No.: 182-191

Financial Inclusion is becoming a very important component in the financial system because of its obvious advantages as a stimulus to economic growth and stability. This underpins the fact that Financial Inclusion is regarded as panacea for poverty alleviation in the developing countries. To this end, the Central bank of Nigeria (CBN) has been on the driver’s seat for the introduction, projection, and the success of the scheme in Nigeria.
The aim of this paper is to critically examine and to illustrate different strategies adopted by the CBN in particular and other governmental agencies in stimulating Financial Inclusion, the extent of the success of the scheme, its positive impact on the economy and challenges facing full realization of the objectives of Financial Inclusion in Nigeria.

Page(s): 182-191                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 02 Febuary 2019

 Alphonsus Chukwu Ajugwe, PhD.

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Alphonsus Chukwu Ajugwe, PhD. “Management of Financial Inclusion Strategy in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.182-191 January 2019  URL:

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The Relationship between HIV and AIDS Impact and Services Delivery among Moi University Staff

Dr. Naftal Michira Nyang’ara – January 2019 Page No.: 192-195

The unprecedented effect of HIV and AIDS in Africa cannot be over-emphasized as it takes its toll mainly on the active age population of 15-49 years. This age group is the main workforce of any nation and, unfortunately, the most vulnerable to infection of HIV. There has been growing concern about the devastating impact of HIV and AIDS in many workplaces. In response, many universities have developed university specific HIV and AIDS policies for impact mitigation in the workplace. Moi University is a public institution with a large workforce hence targeted in the current study. Realizing the negative impact that HIV and AIDS has on workplaces and the importance of having an HIV and AIDS workplace policy, this study sought to determine the relationship between HIV and AIDS impact and services delivery by the staff of Moi University. The study, whose main concern was about services delivery at Moi University, targeted teaching staff, non-teaching staff and senior management. To achieve this objective, the study used ex-post facto research design and stratified sampling technique in the selection of the study sample. A study sample made up of 330 participants was used for the study. The study utilized both qualitative and quantitative methods in data collection. These included Workplace Testing Questionnaire, document analysis and semi-structured interviews. Primary data was collected by use of self-administered questionnaires and interview schedules, while secondary data was collected from libraries. The study used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v 22.0) program to analyze the data collected. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically through coding. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The descriptive statistics included frequencies and means. Correlation analysis was used to test hypotheses (to test the relationship between the independent and dependent variables). The findings revealed that 25.2% agreed and 17.0% of the participants strongly agreed that they knew of a staff member who had died from HIV. It also emerged that 37.2% of the participants believed that HIV had led to loss of tacit skills. The analysis revealed that there was a significant positive relationship between teaching staff and non-teaching staff (r= .657), senior management and non-teaching staff (.529) senior management and teaching staff (r= .479). The study concluded that HIV and AIDS had impact on services delivery. Following this, the study recommended more involvement of senior top level university managers for clear understanding that HIV and AIDS is a workplace problem with serious consequences on services delivery. The study is, therefore, expected to be of great significance to universities in addressing the impact of HIV and AIDS on services delivery.

Page(s): 192-195                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 02 February 2019

 Dr. Naftal Michira Nyang’ara
Department of Psychology, School of Education, Laikipia University, P.O. Box 1100-20300, Nyahururu- Kenya

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Dr. Naftal Michira Nyang’ara “The Relationship between HIV and AIDS Impact and Services Delivery among Moi University Staff” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.192-195 January 2019  URL:

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Marketing of Financial Services by Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria

Ajugwe, Chukwu Alphonsus, PhD. – January 2019 Page No.: 196-204

Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria are facing business uncertainty triggered by current economic recession, conflicting banking circulars and regulations issued by the Central bank of Nigeria(CBN) almost on monthly basis, coupled with globalization and introduction of banking technology that ushered in electronic processes and procedures. These brought about stiff competition among the DMBs. Consequent upon; banks must adopt aggressive marketing strategies to survive. Banks in order to penetrate and retain their marketing segments must employ effectively and efficiently the right marketing mix. The process involves planning, scanning the environment to determine the needs of the customers and producing the right financial products that will actually satisfy their financial need sat profits. Such marketing strategies will lead to effective financial service delivery wish will make the banks not only to attract new customers but will retain the old ones.
This paper will critically analyzed different financial products offered by DMBs, the impact of such financial services on the economy and the challenges facing the banks in offering such services.

Page(s): 196-204                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 02 February 2019

 Ajugwe, Chukwu Alphonsus, PhD.

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Ajugwe, Chukwu Alphonsus, PhD. “Marketing of Financial Services by Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.196-204 January 2019  URL:

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Teachers’ Attitude as a Correlate of Students’ Academic Performance

Ekperi, Paul Madukwe, Ude Onwuka, Wike Young Nyejirime – January 2019 Page No.: 205-209

The classroom climate which is often times set by the teacher is determined by the teacher’s attitude. Attitude as a major determinant of a person’s behavior influences the way a teacher relates with the students and thus affects students’ academic performance. The study examined teacher’s attitude as a correlate of students’ academic performance in geography. Descriptive survey design was adopted and a sample size of four hundred selected from a population of nine hundred and sixty-eight using the Taro Yamane sample size formula. Two research questions and a research hypothesis were proposed in line with the study objectives. Average Mean Score was used to analyze responses for the research questions while Multiple Regression Analysis was used to test the research hypotheses. The findings show that attitude of teachers correlated positively and significantly with students’ academic performance. Poor government attitude to teachers, lack of job satisfaction, poor remuneration and delayed salary, students’ learning interest and absence of teaching materials/instructional aid were found to influence the attitude of teachers. The paper strongly recommends among others thatsalaries and remuneration of teachers should be paid as at when due; teachers should go beyond Instruction and focus on the interpersonal aspects of teaching; constant in-service training should be provided for teachers and also provision should be made for teachers to attend educational conferences both locally and internationally as this would help them grow on the job.

Page(s): 205-209                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 03 February 2019

 Ekperi, Paul Madukwe
Institute for Development Studies, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria

 Ude Onwuka
Center for Environmental Management & Control, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria

 Wike Young Nyejirime
Department of Human Physiology, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria

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Ekperi, Paul Madukwe, Ude Onwuka, Wike Young Nyejirime “Teachers’ Attitude as a Correlate of Students’ Academic Performance ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.205-209 January 2019  URL:

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Conditional and Unconditional Cash Transfer Programs: The Recent Experiences around the World

Omar Ben Haman – January 2019 Page No.: 210-219

Cash transfer programs have become the most popular government welfare paradigm for many developing countries in this new millennium. Cash transfer programs run by providing a small cash transfer to the parents (very often those below the poverty line) could be contingent on certain conditions, such as sending children to school or visiting doctors regularly. Cash transfer programs that have been implemented in many countries across the world, aim to meet basic human development targets. In recent times, cash transfer programs have been carried out in 52 countries. This paper summarises the experiences of some countries with cash transfer programs, analysing and discussing program components and design—such as, payments mechanisms and beneficing identification, as well as selecting lessons learned. Also, attention will be given to show the connectedness between cash transfer programs and gender perspective. This paper will also shed light on cash transfer program as a mechanism for social inclusion. Finally, the most common criticisms of cash transfer programs will be given. This paper attempted to rely on reports and articles, especially by the scholars working on cash transfer programs who have produced several studies since 2000. This paper serves as a useful reference for researchers and academics working on the cash transfer programs.

Page(s): 210-219                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 05 February 2019

 Omar Ben Haman
University of Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Omar Ben Haman “Conditional and Unconditional Cash Transfer Programs: The Recent Experiences around the World” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.210-219 January 2019  URL:

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A Review of ‘Doctor Maria Montessori’s Handbook’ By Dr. Maria Tecla Artemisia Montessori

Janet Surum, Elvis Omondi Kauka – January 2019 Page No.: 220-224

Maria Tecla Artemesia Montessori was born of Alessandro Montessori and Renilde Stoppani in 1870 in the town of Chiaravalle, Italy. Both parents were well educated; Allesandro was an accountant while Renilde is described an avid reader. After her Secondary Education she was admitted to the medical school of the University of Rome in 1890, becoming the first woman to join a medical school in Italy. She qualified as a doctor in July 1896. Dr Montessori worked as a researcher at the psychiatric clinic of the University of Rome, as a volunteer in 1987, a stint that led her to develop a deep interest in the needs of children with learning disabilities. In 1901 Montessori developed her studies of educational philosophy and anthropology, and subsequently lectured and taught students at different levels and age. In 1902 she enrolled for the philosophy degree course at the University of Rome where she studied theoretical and moral philosophy, history of philosophy, and psychology, but did not graduate. She also pursued independent study in anthropology and educational philosophy, conducted observations and experimental research in elementary schools. Later on, she applied them to her Casa dei Bambini (The children’s house), a novelty learning centre she established for children in 1907. By 1909, Doctor Montessori gave her first training course in her new approach to around 100 students which was followed by massive Montessori movements in Europe, India, U.S.A and later on, all over the world.

Page(s): 220-224                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 05 February 2019

 Janet Surum
Tutor of Educational Psychology, EAPM & PF Department, University of Kabianga, Kenya

 Elvis Omondi Kauka
Lecturer of Philosophy of Education, Department of Educational Foundations, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya

[1]. Lillard, A Lillard, A (2017). Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius. New York, New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 351–376. ISBN 978-0-19-998152-6.
[2]. Lopata, C., Wallace, N.V, and Finn, K. V. (2005). “Comparison of Academic Achievement Between Montessori and Traditional Education Programs”, Journal of Research in Childhood Education 20/1, pp. 5–13

Janet Surum, Elvis Omondi Kauka “A Review of ‘Doctor Maria Montessori’s Handbook’ By Dr. Maria Tecla Artemisia Montessori” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.220-224 January 2019  URL:

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Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Society: A Case of Imarisha Savings and Credit Cooperative Society in Kericho County, Kenya

Joyce Chepkoech Rere and Kipkorir Sitienei Simon – January 2019 Page No.: 225-227

Leadership is known globally for the most productive performance. Performances of organisations are directly affected by leadership styles. In Kenya the use of leadership is a major challenge in the management of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies and thus affecting performance. The study was aimed at assessing effect of leadership on performance of savings and credit cooperative society: a case of Imarisha savings and credit cooperative society in Kericho County, Kenya. The objective of the study was to establish the effect of transformational leadership style on performance. The study was important to provide knowledge on the effect of leadership on performance of savings and credit cooperative society and provide a solution to mismanagement and thus improved performance. The main theory of the study was transformational theory. The study covered the effect of leadership on performance. The study used descriptive research design. The population comprised of all staff of Imarisha savings and credit cooperative society. Simple random sampling was used. A sample of 27 management staff and 36 support staff was drawn from the purposively selected savings and credit cooperative society and used in the study. The study used two sets of questionnaires one for management staff and another for support staff. The questionnaires were piloted to validate and test its reliability before the actual data collection. Data was collected through administration of two sets of self administered questionnaires to the selected respondents. The data was processed and analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20 and presented using frequency distribution tables and charts. An analysis of the major findings in study indicated that coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.790 therefore about 79.0% of the variation in effect of leadership styles on performance is explained by transformational leadership style. The study recommended that management staff should be trained on new methods of leadership so as to keep up with current leadership styles. It was hoped that the findings would be of significance to organisational leadership of Imarisha Savings and Credit Cooperative Society, World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU), KUSCCO, SACCO Society Regulation Authority-Kenya (SASRA), Ministry of co-operative development, Non-Governmental organizations, policy makers, researchers, and managers of financial institutions.

Page(s): 225-227                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 05 February 2019

 Joyce Chepkoech Rere
University of Kabianga, Kenya

 Kipkorir Sitienei Simon
University of Kabianga, Kenya

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Joyce Chepkoech Rere and Kipkorir Sitienei Simon “Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Society: A Case of Imarisha Savings and Credit Cooperative Society in Kericho County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.225-227 January 2019  URL:

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Relationship between Principals’ Transformational Leadership Styles and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Secondary Schools in Gatundu North Sub County Kiambu County, Kenya

Naomi Wairimu Kariga and Kositany Conrad – January 2019 Page No.: 228-231

This research project explored the link between transformational style of leadership adopted by principals in secondary schools in Gatundu North Sub-County and the teachers’ job satisfaction. The principal leadership style was viewed as behaviour in a working process, which influences all school relevant performances. Teachers’ job satisfaction refers to the affective attitude of teachers towards their role, derived from the evaluation of characteristics of the job itself. The aim of this research was to define relationship between school principal transformational leadership style and teachers’ job satisfaction. The study sought to establish whether principals’ transformational styles stimulate teacher job satisfaction. The study was guided by the Herzberg’s two-factor motivator theory, to test the levels of job satisfaction among teachers under transformational leadership. The dependent variable for the study was teachers’ job satisfaction while the independent variable was principals’ transformational leadership style. The study used correlation design to collect data from the study population of 34 principals and 590 teachers from all the 34 secondary schools within the region. The principals were selected using stratified random sampling while teachers were selected through purposive random sampling. The sample size comprised of 10 principals and 130 teachers. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was used to collect information from the samples. The data collected was scored and coded for statistical analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistics was used. Descriptive statistics was analyzed using frequencies, means and percentages and presented in tables and figures. The hypothesis was tested at α = 0.05 using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The results provided evidence that there was a significant relationship between principals’ transformational leadership style and teachers’ job satisfaction. A major recommendation of the study was that the board of institutions should integrate programmes such as seminars, workshops in order to sharpen the leadership skills of their principals. This will assist the principals adopt the leadership styles that would enhance the satisfaction of teachers on their job.

Page(s): 228-231                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 05 February 2019

 Naomi Wairimu Kariga
University of Kabianga, Kenya

 Kositany Conrad
University of Kabianga, Kenya

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Naomi Wairimu Kariga and Kositany Conrad “Relationship between Principals’ Transformational Leadership Styles and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Secondary Schools in Gatundu North Sub County Kiambu County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.228-231 January 2019  URL:

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African Integration: Hurdles of Movements of goods and People Son the Bamenda-Mamfe-Ekok-Ikom–Abakaliki–Enugu Corridor Since 2014

Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge – January 2019 Page No.: 232-236

The trans-community road Bamenda-Enugu corridor is 443 km long. The Cameroon road sections Bamenda-Mamfe- Ekokis 203 km and the Nigeria road sections Mfum-Ikom-Abakiliki-Enuguis 204 km. The road network cuts across the North-West and South West Regions of Cameroon and Cross River, Ebonyi and Enugu states of Nigeria. The project was financed by African Development Bank (ADB) , borrowers Cameroon and Nigeria. It was constructed by China Communication Construction Company (CCCC) and CIMA International as control mission between July 2008 and December 2013. The total length of the road was divided into three lots, the first lot from Bamenda-Batibo-Numba, while the second phase from Numba- Bacou-Akajbe and the third links Mamfe-Ekok border.
The Project has a considerable socio-economic dimension, and its environmentally sustainable. Its total cost appraisal was 423 US million dollars, of which the bank provided 288 million US dollars loan and a grant of 25million US dollars. The balance was financed by the World Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Government of Nigeria, Government of Cameroon and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Page(s): 232-236                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 06 February 2019

 Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge
Vice Dean, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Bamenda, Cameroon

References are not available.

Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge “African Integration: Hurdles of Movements of goods and People Son the Bamenda-Mamfe-Ekok-Ikom–Abakaliki–Enugu Corridor Since 2014” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.232-236 January 2019  URL:

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Excluding Women’s from Political Institution through Educational Deprivation

Younas Khan, Mussawar Shah, Fakhrudin, Naushad Khan, Atta Ullah, Rehan, Zakir Ullah – January 2019 Page No.: 249-255

The major objective of the present study was to examine educational impediments to women political status in District Dir (L)-Pakistan. A sample size of 186 of different political organization was randomly selected from total population 714. A conceptual frame work comprises of dependent variable women political status and independent variable’s educational deprivation. Moreover, dependent variable was indexed and cross tabulated with independent variable. Chi-square test statistics was applied to ascertain the relationship between dependent and independent variable respectively. In Bi-variate analysis, a highly significant (P=0.000) association was found between dependent variable women political status and independent variable indicators; Higher is the rate of education more would be women in politics; education proved to be true instrument in making right decision to poll; education empower women to work shoulder to shoulder with men; higher rate of democracy sustenance is embodied in education for all; and education enlightens political awareness among masses. The study concluded that, Education has been rewarded to be a male dominated and male leading institution. Dynamics of female involvement shoulder to shoulder with men are if taken in account from the developed countries, may lead to changing this scenario, which will ensure to dethrone the partisan character of male dominance.

Page(s): 249-255                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 06 February 2019

 Younas Khan
Mphil Scholar in Sociology, Department of Rural Sociology, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan

 Mussawar Shah
Professor & Chairman Department of Rural Sociology, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan

Mphil Scholar in Sociology, Department of Rural Sociology, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan

 Naushad Khan
Pro-vice chancellor, Islamia College University Peshawar, Pakistan

 Atta Ullah
Mphil Scholar in Sociology, Department of Rural Sociology, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan

Mphil Scholar in Sociology, Department of Rural Sociology, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan

 Zakir Ullah
Mphil Scholar in Sociology, Department of Rural Sociology, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan

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Younas Khan, Mussawar Shah, Fakhrudin, Naushad Khan, Atta Ullah, Rehan, Zakir Ullah “Excluding Women’s from Political Institution through Educational Deprivation ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.249-255 January 2019  URL:

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Cameroon Public Administration: Civil Servants Involvement in Politics and the Impact on State Performance

Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge – January 2019 Page No.: 243-248

The public service in Sub Saharan Africa has always been the tool available to governments for the implementation of their developmental agenda. In this direction, civil servants constitute a vital force in the day to day functioning of the State. Cameroon somehow presents a startling deviation from this standard as civil servants freely combine public work life and political militancy. This paper from this perspective contends among other issues that the involvement of civil servants in partisan politics creates a precarious balance between productivity and performance in the civil service. The problem is that the thin divide between the civil service and political parties wears down the financial resources of the state. It is also observed that patrimonial political links contribute to break down the spirit of discipline, hard work, and meritocracy and encourages corrupt practices like, lack of accountability, bribery, nepotism, misappropriation and embezzlement of public funds. The end of the Federal System of Government in 1992 merged the Civil Servants of West and East Cameroons. The end result was that workers in the Public Sector became militants of the ruling party, Cameroon National Union (CNU)/ Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM). The Public Service was politicised which made the re-emergence of Multipartym of 1990 impossible for opposition parties to win any major election.

Page(s): 243-248                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 06 February 2019

 Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge
Vice Dean, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Bamenda, Cameroon

Reference are not available.

Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge “Cameroon Public Administration: Civil Servants Involvement in Politics and the Impact on State Performance” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.243-248 January 2019  URL:

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Green Energy Strategies on Sustainable Development Goal Seven on Affordable Clean Energy at Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited

Samuel Olinjo, Joyce Mugure Nderitu, Honnon Samuel Kosney – January 2019 Page No.: 249-255

The strong forces arising from the dynamic environment has made organizations in today’s world to re-think on how to do business in order to fully satisfy their stakeholders and remain relevant in the unfolding dispensation. In any given business environment, innovative adoption strategy has to be employed to provide tactical mode that satisfy the customers. The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of green energy strategies and united nations sustainable development goal on affordable clean energy in Kenya; A case study of Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited (KenGen). The researcher adopted a case study design with a census Population of 10 respondents comprising of the Chief Executive Officer and 9 Executive Directors who forms the executive board committee at KenGen. The findings of the study indicated that green energy strategies are adopted for the provisions of affordable clean green energy for the organization. The Kenya electricity generating company considers green energy strategies to be valuable tools as they help in attaining the strategic goals while ensuring the energy is affordable, reliable and sustainable to the consumers. The study recommends that the organization should increase the investment in training employees on the green energy strategies for it is a good way to enhance the adoption of the green energy strategies and their operationalization. The strategic planning should also be incorporated in these strategies for it will ensure that the strategies are achieved and will allow creativity and innovation to the strategies hence, facilitate the achievement for the affordability of clean green energy.

Page(s): 249-255                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 06 February 2019

 Samuel Olinjo
Business Administration, University of Nairobi, Kenya

 Joyce Mugure Nderitu
Business Administration, University of Nairobi, Kenya

 Honnon Samuel Kosney
Business Administration, University of Nairobi, Kenya

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Samuel Olinjo, Joyce Mugure Nderitu, Honnon Samuel Kosney “Green Energy Strategies on Sustainable Development Goal Seven on Affordable Clean Energy at Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.249-255 January 2019  URL:

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The Central African Republic’s Conflict and Its Impact on Cameroon, 2002 – 2016

Ernest Dzelamonyuy, Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge – January 2019 Page No.: 256-261

The African continent holds an unenviable record of being one of the most conflict prone continents of the world. This trend began immediately after most of the countries in the continent attained independence in the 1960s. These conflicts necessitated the involvement of sub – regional, regional and international organisations and come with consequences for the particular country as well as its neighbours. The main aim of this paper is topresent the conflict in the Central African Republic and to examine its consequences on the neighbouring Cameroon. The aim here is to expose the spill over potential of African conflicts that are otherwise considered as internal. The paper is divided into three parts. Part one deals with a synoptic overview of the conflict drivers and its main protagonists. Part two deals with efforts towards its resolution while part three dwells on the consequences of the conflict on Cameroon.
The paper argues that internal conflicts in African states have spillover effects on neighbouring countries and have the potential of turning latent grievances in those neighbouring countries into full bloom conflicts. This was done through the use of primary and secondary sources in the form of interviews, documents, journals and conference resolutions. These were carefully examined to arrive at the findings of the paper which attest to the spillover quality of African conflicts.

Page(s): 256-261                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 06 Febuary 2019

 Ernest Dzelamonyuy
PhD Student, Department of History and Archeology, University of Bamenda, Cameroon

 Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge
Vice Dean, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Bamenda, Cameroon

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Ernest Dzelamonyuy, Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge “The Central African Republic’s Conflict and Its Impact on Cameroon, 2002 – 2016” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.256-261 January 2019  URL:

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Contemporary Issues Affecting the Rights and Obligations of Landlords under Extant Laws in Nigeria and England

Jonathan Ekperusi, ESQ. – January 2019 Page No.: 262-269

The rights and obligations of landlords in Nigeria have been affected by a series of legislative interventions and case law over the years. Every State in Nigeria has its own Landlord and Tenant Law. The application of the general principles of leasehold law reflects the context of the particular letting. In England as in Nigeria, there are many distinct statutory codes radically different in various respects, but with the general policy of limiting the rent that a landlord can collect, restricting his right to recover possession of premises at the end of a lease or during the term created, among others. In Nigeria, prior to the enactment of the Land Use Act 1978, leases and tenancies existed in contradistinction to freehold estates in land, in terms of duration and tenure, ranking next to freehold interests. The reduction of all interests in land to a right of occupancy by the Land Use Act marked a paradigm shift in nomenclature and largely tenure. Under the present system of landholding in Nigeria, a right of occupancy has the semblance of a lease while the leasehold interest is akin to a sublease. An assignment of a lease implies an assignment of the residue of the term while a transfer of a measure of same is known as an underlease. While the new forms of estate that can be created under the Land Use Act may be strange to the English Lawyer, the nature of leases and tenancies, the obligation of the parties thereto, and the mode of termination of same, among others, are still governed by the old common law principles and rules either in their original form or as modified by local statutes. The paper reveals that the law of landlord and tenant in England has evolved much more than where it is in Nigeria. The affinity between Nigeria and England, should encourage Nigeria to take advantage of robust developments in England, such as the duty on landlords not to engage in retaliatory evictions, the obligation on residential landlords not to let premises to illegal immigrants, and the liability of landlords for certain anti-social behaviour of their tenants. The device of ‘break clauses’ gives additional rights to landlords to recover demised premises earlier than anticipated. The paper addresses the dire need to check the activities of illegal immigrants across Nigerian borders and the residency status of persons in volatile areas like the North East region and certain hotspots in the North of Nigeria, as well as the menace of so-called Fulani cattle herders wreaking havoc in Nigerian Communities by legislation that imposes checks on landlords in the affected areas in allowing non-Nigerians to reside in their premises.

Page(s): 262-269                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 Febuary 2019

 Jonathan Ekperusi, ESQ.
Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria

[1]. AA Utuama, (ed.), Critical Issues in Nigerian Property Law (Malthouse Press Ltd 2016)
[2]. E Chianu, Law of Landlord and Tenant (2nd edn, Lawlords Publications
[3]. EH Burn, and J Cartwright, Cheshire and Burn’s Modern Law of Real Property (18th edn,Oxford University Press 2010)
[4]. IO Smith, Practical Approach to Law of Real Property (rev edn, Ecowatch Publications 2013)
[5]. TO Elias, Nigerian Land Law(4th edn,Sweet & Maxwell 1971)
[6]. RA Onuoha, Basic Principles of Nigerian Land Law (ANON Publishers 2010)
[7]. RA Onuoha, Thesis on Land Use Act & Critical Issues of Reform Plus New Draft Rules & Regulation for Enforcement (ANON Publishers 2013)
Articles and Chapters in Books
[8]. E Schatzberger, ‘The Immigration Act 2014: Not on the List You ‘re Not Coming
[9]. In; Landlords Forced to Discriminate’ [2015] (5) The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, 395 – 407
[10]. F Sadiq and J Bates, ‘A Landlord’s Liability for Acts of its Tenants: X v.
[11]. Hounslow LBC and Mitchell v. Glasgow City Council’ [2009] (12) (1) Journal of Housing Law, 9 – 14
[12]. J Luba and J Compton, ‘An End to Retaliatory Evictions?: New Measures on Repossession by Private Sector Landlords’ [2015] (19) (3) Landlord & Tenant Review, 113 – 118
[13]. MT Lonegrass, ‘Eliminating Landlord Retaliation in England and Wales – Lessons from the United States’ [2015] 75 Louisiana Law Review, 1072 – 1123.
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[15]. P Orji and L Meyer, ‘The Spectrum of Compliance in the Break Clauses of Commercial Leases’ [2015] 5 The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, 408 – 416
[16]. RA Onuoha, ‘Compulsory Acquisition without Compensation Under Nigerian Law’ in AA Utuama (ed.), Critical Issues in Nigerian Property Law (Malthouse Press Ltd 2016) 29

Jonathan Ekperusi, ESQ. “Contemporary Issues Affecting the Rights and Obligations of Landlords under Extant Laws in Nigeria and England” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.262-269 January 2019  URL:

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Women’s Family Rights in Islām: Issues and Solutions

Dr. Abu Nasar Mohammad Abdul Mabood – January 2019 Page No.: 270-274

Islām permits marriage to protect the sex from illegal use and make a sound, happy and peaceful family like a heaven practicing husband’s and wife’s duties and availing rights. So, Islām requires that the both have to treat each other with respect and love. Allāh refers to the bond of love and affection of a husband and wife in the Qur’ān;“And of His signs is, that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find repose in them, and He set between you affection and mercy, verily in this are signs for a people who ponder.” This determines the proper status of the wife in Islām. A husband must treat with his wife honorably, kindly and with mutual respect, behave gently one another, and take decision with mutual discussion. That is the family rights of women in Islām. The author attempts to focus in this paper the family rights of women in Islām and its implementation to our Muslim society and solutions.

Page(s): 270-274                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 February 2019

 Dr. Abu Nasar Mohammad Abdul Mabood
Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

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Dr. Abu Nasar Mohammad Abdul Mabood “Women’s Family Rights in Islām: Issues and Solutions” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.270-274 January 2019  URL:

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Indonesian Identity in Indonesia-Malaysia Border Community

Adolfo Eko Setyanto, Ignatius Agung Satyawan, Sri Herwindya Baskara Wijaya, Salieg Luki Munestri – January 2019 Page No.: 275-278

This article described the Indonesian identity in Indonesia-Malaysia border area. The method employed in this study was qualitative one with phenomenological approach. The goal of research was Indonesian citizens residing in Sebatik Island, North Borneo. This study viewed the extent to which the integration of Indonesian and Malaysian cultural identity occurs. Indonesians residing in border area had encountered Indonesian crisis as characterized with the emergence of double nationality. The factors leading to the emergence of Indonesian identity crisis were economic, political, and social-cultural. Variety of attempts had been taken by both government and civilians to solidify Indonesian identity in border community.

Page(s): 275-278                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 February 2019

 Adolfo Eko Setyanto
Department of Communication, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

 Ignatius Agung Satyawan
Departmen of International Relations, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

 Sri Herwindya Baskara Wijaya
Department of Communication, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

 Salieg Luki Munestri
Departmen of International Relations, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Adolfo Eko Setyanto, Ignatius Agung Satyawan, Sri Herwindya Baskara Wijaya, Salieg Luki Munestri “Indonesian Identity in Indonesia-Malaysia Border Community” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.275-278 January 2019  URL:

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Concept of Al-‘Amm (General) and Al-Khass (Specific) in the Glorious Qur’an: The Perspective of Shaykh ‘Abd Allah BnFoduye

Dr. Muhammad Sani Abdullahi Jos – January 2019 Page No.: 279-283

Muslims have from earliest times applied themselves not only to the message from Allah-the Qur’an-but also to its setting and framework, and the preoccupation with these ultimately developed into the sciences of or ‘knowledge’ about the Qur’an, known as “‘Ulumal-Qur’an.”
‘Ulum al-Qur’an (Qur’anic Sciences) covers many areas such as asbab al-Nuzul (causes of revelation), the knowledge of Makki and Madani revelations, the knowledge of the various forms (al-Ahruf) it was revealed in, the understanding of its al-Nasikhwa al-Mansukh abrogated rulings and verses, the knowledge of the various classifications of its verses (Muhkam and Mustashabih, ‘Amm (general) and Khass(specific), Mutlaq and Muqayyad among the others).Therefore, the paper attempts to discuss the definition of Qur’anic sciences, Scope of Qur’anic Sciences, Aim and Objectives of Qur’anic Sciences, and Significance of Qur’anic Sciences to the Muslim Ummah. Furthermore, the two concepts that are Al-Ammand Al-Khass among the various topics in the Qur’anic sciences will be discussed extensively under the perception or views of ShaykhAbd Allah BnFoduye. The analytical method is used while gathering data of this research.

Page(s): 279-283                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 08 February 2019

 Dr. Muhammad Sani Abdullahi Jos
Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

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Dr. Muhammad Sani Abdullahi Jos “Concept of Al-‘Amm (General) and Al-Khass (Specific) in the Glorious Qur’an: The Perspective of Shaykh ‘Abd Allah BnFoduye” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.279-283 January 2019  URL:

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Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Dynamics in the Administration of Public Organizations under the President Buhari’s Democratic Dispensation in Nigerian Health Sector

OBETA, Uchejeso; OBI, Mabel; GOYIN, Longul; OJO, James – January 2019 Page No.: 284-290

Abraham Maslow became one of the foremost spokesmen of humanistic psychology who emphasized the positive side of humanity. The theory of Hierarchy of needs made motivation and job satisfaction immensely popular and helpful in assessing administrative performance. Though some corrupt behaviours which includes bribery, misappropriation, nepotism, fraud, embezzlement, extortion, favoritism, rigging of elections, and falsification of voters register, over-invoicing, money laundering, examination malpractices, health professionals’ rivalry and security challenges such as Gbokoharamism, Herdmanisn, kidnapping and assassination exist in the current President Buhari administration with serious effects on the health sector, the Buhari administration has done a lot in consideration of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs ranging from physiological, safety, belongings, esteem and self – actualization needs with very high expectations in the health sector.The chance for another term for President Buhari could be an opportunity to accomplish the Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs among Nigerians and in Health sector in particular.

Page(s): 284-290                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 08 February 2019

 OBETA, Uchejeso
Department of Public Administration, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

 OBI, Mabel
Department of Public Administration, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

 GOYIN, Longul
Department of Public Administration, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

 OJO, James
Department of Public Administration, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

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OBETA, Uchejeso; OBI, Mabel; GOYIN, Longul; OJO, James “Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Dynamics in the Administration of Public Organizations under the President Buhari’s Democratic Dispensation in Nigerian Health Sector” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.284-290 January 2019  URL:

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Criminal Responsibility of Subsidiaries That Causes State Loses

Rosiani Niti Pawitri, Adi Sulistiyono, Albertus Sentot Sudarwanto – January 2019 Page No.: 291-294

The existence of a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE’s) is an implementation of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Where it has a strategic position to improve people’s welfare. As time goes by, SOE’s are required to change so the company has high competitiveness and creativity in global competition, one of which is by forming a state-owned holding. The phenomenon of the formation of state-owned holding in Indonesia raises interesting problems related to the legal responsibility of state-owned subsidiaries which result in state losses whether it is charged with corruption or not. This research is conducted using normative legal research. Types of data used in this research are secondary data with primary and secondary legal material. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the criminal liability of state-owned subsidiaries that causes state losses in which the loss is a business loss cannot be snared by corruption. This is in line with the Constitutional Court Decision Number 62/PUU-XI/2013 provided that the directors have implemented business judgment rule as stipulated in Article 97 paragraph (5) of the Company Law.

Page(s): 291-294                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 09 February 2019

 Rosiani Niti Pawitri
Student of Magister, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

 Adi Sulistiyono
Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

 Albertus Sentot Sudarwanto
Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

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Rosiani Niti Pawitri, Adi Sulistiyono, Albertus Sentot Sudarwanto “Criminal Responsibility of Subsidiaries That Causes State Loses” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.291-294 January 2019  URL:

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Role of Religious Leaders in Reconciliation Process in Sri Lanka

Aruna Jayathilaka, Moahmed Ansari – January 2019 Page No.: 295-299

Religion plays a vital role in modern conflicts through creating a powerful impact on peace building. The values contained in great religious teachings are essential to address and eradicate root causes of conflicts and attributes of religions including reliability as a trusted institution, a respected set of values, moral warrants for opposing injustice on the part of governments, unique leverage for promoting reconciliation among conflicting parties, a capability to mobilize communities are important in promoting peace and reconciliation. This study investigates the role of religious leaders in the process of post war reconciliation in Sri Lanka. Study applies qualitative methods by interviewing the project stakeholders of a particular project ‘Collective Engagement for Religious Freedom’ which covers eight districts in Sri Lanka.

Page(s): 295-299                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 09 February 2019

 Aruna Jayathilaka
Lecturer in Political Science, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka

 Moahmed Ansari
Program Officer, National Peace Council, Sri Lanka

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Aruna Jayathilaka, Moahmed Ansari “Role of Religious Leaders in Reconciliation Process in Sri Lanka” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.295-299 January 2019  URL:

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Retirement Anxiety, on Psychosocial Issues and Social Adjustment and Counselling Needs among the Potential Retirees

ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka, DALHATU, Hafsatu, AYELABOWO, Odunitan Abidemi, YUSUF, Muhammad – January 2019 Page No.: 300-307

Retirement is a major event in a people’s life time. It implies end of the person’s work phase of life and the starting of a new one. To some people, the years in retirement may be longer than those of childhood and adolescence. This period comes with daunting challenges if not well prepared for. The transition to retirement depends on financial circumstances, attitude, health, the reaction and behaviour of loved ones and friends. Retirement entails adjustment to increase leisure time, decrease income generation, increase health concerns and changes in identity and interpersonal relationship. This paper is to examine retirement anxiety, counselling needs of potential retireeand issues the aged adults face in adjusting to retirement and counselling needs of potential retirees, this group of people to make a successful life transition. Economic effect and Psychological effects of disengagement from a work life and the challenges of societal life issues are discussed. These effects include partial identity disruption, decision paralysis, diminished self-trust, experience of a post retirement void.It was suggested that retirement anxiety should be taken into consideration by government in all sectors through sensitization, programmes, seminars and workshops to prepare the potential retirees on issues concerning retirement anxiety, there should be concerted effort of the counsellors’ to the potential retirees to make sure that needs, such as additional income, healthy living, accommodation, acceptance from the society and living successful retirement life taking care of to reduce anxiety, anxiety management strategies such as sharing of worries, learning on how to cope with every situation, stepping back from issues that cause stress among others should be enhanced with the help of counsellors’ to reduce the level of anxiety among the potential retirees.

Page(s): 300-307                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 09 February 2019

 ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education and Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

 DALHATU, Hafsatu
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education and Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

 AYELABOWO, Odunitan Abidemi
Department of Educational Foundations, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria

 YUSUF, Muhammad
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education and Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

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ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka, DALHATU, Hafsatu, AYELABOWO, Odunitan Abidemi, YUSUF, Muhammad “Retirement Anxiety, on Psychosocial Issues and Social Adjustment and Counselling Needs among the Potential Retirees” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.300-307 January 2019  URL:

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Guidance and Counselling: A Remedy for Community Development

ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka, AYELABOWO, Odunitan Abidemi, DALHATU, Hafsatu – January 2019 Page No.: 308-312

This paper discussed how Guidance and Counselling is a remedy to the challenges that pose serious detriments to the development of a community such as unemployment, inadequate productivity among others, types of community development is also discuss in theses paper such as food security, health care among others and suggested ways to fix them. The remedy to all these issues are embedded in an effective guidance and counselling services. It was suggested that counsellors should be more committed to their work and voluntary offer cognitive behavioural therapy to youths during career talks and PTA meetings in schools and during orientation of youth corps at camp (NYSC). Government should come to the aid of guidance and counselling in Nigeria by making the services available, effective and sustainable across all the educational institutions and other social institutions.

Page(s): 308-312                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 February 2019

 ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education and Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

 AYELABOWO, Odunitan Abidemi
Department of Educational Foundations, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria

 DALHATU, Hafsatu
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education and Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

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ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka, AYELABOWO, Odunitan Abidemi, DALHATU, Hafsatu “Guidance and Counselling: A Remedy for Community Development” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.308-312 January 2019  URL:

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A Philosophical Perspective on Death

Elvis Omondi Kauka – January 2019 Page No.: 313-315

This essay examines death from a preliminary Philosophical perspective by scrutinising the positive side of death. It infers that death is a cosmologically, socioeconomically and morally useful phenomenon. It also adduces to the fact that the most logical step to take in life is to accept death and prepare for it, instead of wallowing in endless fear. It is further deduced that death may not be the end of life if at all it is the case that humans are Hylemorphic beings. The essay limits itself to analysis, and part descriptions and prescriptions. The fact that death is an unavoidable but feared Phenomenon, this essay anticipates to open and motivate crucial discussions on the existential assimilation and serene embrace of death.

Page(s): 313-315                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 February 2019

 Elvis Omondi Kauka
Department of Educational Foundations, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya

[1]. L.Mattei, L .(1994). Introduction to Philosophy. Nairobi: Consolata Institute of Philosophy.
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[4]. Wittgenstein, L. (1922). Tractatus Logico- Philosophicus. London: Paul Kegan.

Elvis Omondi Kauka “A Philosophical Perspective on Death” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.313-315 January 2019  URL:

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Manifestation of Aggressive Behaviour Based on Gender in Secondary Schools in Bungoma County, Kenya

Carolyne Otieno Wakoli – January 2019 Page No.: 316-322

Gender substitutes a structure of social practice that establishes relations of power, attitudes and hierarchies, not only among people, but also among groups and institutions, which would simply overcome the analysis or individual perception of being male or female. Studies done on adolescents indicate that there are gender differences in the manifestation of aggressive behaviour and these differences are more significant during adolescence than at any other stage in development. Further studies done indicate that boys are more likely to exhibit physically aggressive behaviours, while girls are more likely to exhibit relationally aggressive behaviours. Therefore, this study attempts to explain if there is a difference in manifestation of aggressive behavior based on gender in secondary schools in Bungoma County.

Page(s): 316-322                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 February 2019

 Carolyne Otieno Wakoli
Alupe University College, School of Education and Social Sciences, P.o Box 845-50400, Busia, Kenya

[1]. Aloka, P., & Bujuwoye, O. (2013). Gender difference in decisions on student disciplinary panels of selected Kenya secondary schools. African journal online, 5252-5271.
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[5]. Kemunto, D. (2011). The Relationship Between Classroom Environment and Students’ Aggressive Behavious in Keumbu, Kissi. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Kenyatta University, Kenya.
[6]. Krejcie, R.V., & Morgan, D. W. (1970) Determining sample size for research activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement.
[7]. Makabila, J. S. (2010). Too much talk, but very little reaction. The Saturday standard Ltd.
[8]. Muchiri, M. A. (2012). Relationship between perceived parental nurturance and problem behaviours among secondary school students in selected countries in Kenya. Unpublished PhD Thesis- Kenyatta University.
[9]. Pereira, B., Goncalves, D., & Silva, M.A.L. (2010). Involvement of Girls and Boys with Bullying: An Analysis of Gender Differences. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol (12), 6820- 6831.
[10]. Walters, K. Cross, S., & Show, P. (2010). Aggression, political violence and terrorism. Cartagena de India cohimbe, South America.

Carolyne Otieno Wakoli “Manifestation of Aggressive Behaviour Based on Gender in Secondary Schools in Bungoma County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.316-322 January 2019  URL:

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The Implementation of Pretrial Object Extention on Suspect Determination After the Constitutional Court Ruling No.21/PUU-XII/2014 Viewed from the Perspectives of Justice and Legal Certainty

Andhi Subangun, Prof. Dr. Supanto, S.H., M.Hum, Dr. Widodo Tresno Novianto, S.H., M.Hum – January 2019 Page No.: 323-331

This study investigated the implementation of pretrial object extension on suspect determination after the Constitutional Court Ruling No. 21/PUU-XII/2014 viewed from the perspctives of justice and legal certainty through pretrial decision.
This study is a categorized as normative study which analyzes various kind of pretrial decisions after Constitutional Court (also known as MK) Ruling No 21/PUU-XII/2014, whether the implementation of pretrial decision making has considered the principal of justice and the legal certainty.
This current study used cases approach, in which it was done by specifically examining and analyzing the cases that have become pretrial decision.
The results of the study informed that the implementation of pretrial judge’s decision after the emergence of Constitutional Court Ruling No.21/PUU-XII/2014, in the implementation of the pretrial judge’s decision after the Constitutional Court RulingNo. 21/PUU-XII/2014, there weresome decisions referred to the Constitutional Court (MKNo. 21/PUU-XII/2014) and some were not. Pretrial decisions referred to the Constitutional Court Ruling tended to provide a sense of justice and legal certainty sincethe pretrial judges had examined evidence possessed by law enforcement officers before deciding someone as a suspect regardless whether the results were granted or rejected.Meanwhile, pretrial decisions that did not refer toMK No. 21/PUU-XII/2014 tended not to give a sense of justice and legal certainty because judges questioned the matters outside of the evidence possessed by investigators so that this can lead to misuse of authority by pretrial judges. In the implementation of pretrial decisions, one another is sometimes contradictory, so it created legal uncertainty.
Given the above conditions, pretrial judges should consequently implement the Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA)No. 2 Year 2016 to create the same procedure and fair decision in pretrial case handling.

Page(s): 323-331                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 February 2019

 Andhi Subangun
Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

 Prof. Dr. Supanto, S.H., M.Hum
Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

 Dr. Widodo Tresno Novianto, S.H., M.Hum
Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

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Andhi Subangun, Prof. Dr. Supanto, S.H., M.Hum, Dr. Widodo Tresno Novianto, S.H., M.Hum “The Implementation of Pretrial Object Extention on Suspect Determination After the Constitutional Court Ruling No.21/PUU-XII/2014 Viewed from the Perspectives of Justice and Legal Certainty” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.323-331 January 2019  URL:

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Psychological Effects of Soot Pollution on Academic Functional Capacity

Larry O. Awo, Enebi Y. Atanu, Anyahie A. Azunwo, and George Duru – January 2019 Page No.: 332-336

Empirical evidences on the psychological effects of sooth pollution due to gas flaring activities in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria is hugely unknown. We examined the effects of exposure to soot pollution on academic functional capacity of staff and students of a Federal Polytechnic in Bonny Island, Rivers state, Nigeria. One hundred and sixty five (165) male and female participants aged 18-44 years (M= 29.36; SD = 8.14) took part in the study. Exposure to sooth pollution and academic functional capacity depletion were measured by means of questionnaires. Regression analysis results revealed that exposure to soot predicted academic functional capacity depletion, gender was also a predictor of academic functional capacity depletion, and academic functional capacity depletion was more among staff than students. Consistent exposure to soot disrupts teaching and learning activities in the Polytechnic. A call, is therefore made, for the minimization of gas flaring activities and soot pollution in academic towns in order to ensure a conducive environment for teaching and learning activities by staff and students.

Page(s): 332-336                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 February 2019

 Larry O. Awo
General Studies School, Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas, Rivers State, Nigeria

 Enebi Y. Atanu
Department of Statistics, Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas, Rivers State, Nigeria

 Anyahie A. Azunwo
Department of Petroleum Marketing and Business Studies, Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas, Rivers State, Nigeria

 George Duru
Department of Pension Services, Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas, Rivers State, Nigeria

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Larry O. Awo, Enebi Y. Atanu, Anyahie A. Azunwo, and George Duru “Psychological Effects of Soot Pollution on Academic Functional Capacity” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.332-336 January 2019  URL:

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Relationship between School Environment and Students’ Aggressive Behaviour in Bungoma County, Kenya

Carolyne Otieno Wakoli – January 2019 Page No.: 337-344

Adolescents spend much of their lives in activities associated with their school and the school’s social, psychological and learning climate all have a strong impact on the emotional and social development of young people. School climate refers to the atmosphere or ethos of a school, and the nature and quality of the interpersonal relationships and communication patterns within the school. It follows that the culture of a school clearly plays a role in shaping students’ experience, and research has emphasized the importance of developing a positive school climate in order to reduce school violence. This study was carried out to determine the relationship between the school environment and the students’ aggressive behaviour in Bungoma County in Kenya.

Page(s): 337-344                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 February 2019

 Carolyne Otieno Wakoli
Alupe University College, School of Education and Social Sciences, P.O Box 845-50400, Busia, Kenya.

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Carolyne Otieno Wakoli “Relationship between School Environment and Students’ Aggressive Behaviour in Bungoma County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.337-344 January 2019  URL:

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Geo- Politics in South China Sea: A Historical Perspective

Md. Salman Sohel, Gazi Abu Horaira, Md. Shahidul Islam – January 2019 Page No.: 345-349

The water has been depicted “the next oil” for its strategic natural resources availability, reserves oil, and natural Gas. So it has strong influenced on geo-strategies, international politics and global securities. Many scholars articulated, in coming decades, the South China Sea will be central point of conflict in Asia .The U shaped South China Sea among the most critical water political flash zone where several nuclear states compete to hegemony. The South China Sea (SCS) often called second Middle East for its deflagration and disagreement with stakeholder and non-stakeholder states. The power struggle and The American dominance in Southeast Asia in the name of some approaches (Freedom of navigation, pivot to Asia policy and Asia Reassurance Initiative Act into Law) make the situation more challenges and encourage the skirmishes. There are consequently deep-rooted miss-understanding and historical hostility in this region among China and other nations. This paper purposes to deep understand about geo- political phenomenon of South China Sea. This attempts to reveal the interferences of U.S and her allies that’s fuel acute tension in East Asian region. This study also examines how the South China Sea territorial disputes colored into concern matter of international politics .

Page(s): 345-349                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 11 February 2019

 Md. Salman Sohel
Department of Public Administration, Jagannath University (JnU), Dhaka, Bangladesh

 Gazi Abu Horaira
MBA in Project in Management, Faculty of Business Management & Globalization, LIMKOKWING University of Creative and Technology (LUCT), Malaysia

 Md. Shahidul Islam
Field Research Officer, Social Sector Management Foundation (SSMF), Bangladesh

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Md. Salman Sohel, Gazi Abu Horaira, Md. Shahidul Islam “Geo- Politics in South China Sea: A Historical Perspective” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.345-349 January 2019  URL:

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The Place of History in Health Care Service Delivery: How Useful to Nigeria’s Health Care System

Labbo Abdullahi – January 2019 Page No.: 350-354

History is a collection of records of the past happenings and experiences. Historians ask when, where and what happened in the past and historical records answer such questions satisfactorily. A number of epidemic and endemic diseases as well as illnesses and treatments occurred in the past upon which records are kept in various medical institutions and centres for historical researches. Health care practitioners ask such questions as when, where and how a disease or illness started and what type of treatments have been given over time. Historical records and oral interactions with patients answer such questions and throw light for further health care services. History also, reviews key issues in health care developments, provide insights into the challenges confronting health care delivery, bring out past mistakes including medical errors and make a compelling case for change. This article adopted qualitative approach and analyzed the extent to which history plays vital roles in health care service delivery. It is discovered that historical records are essential assets in ensuring that health care institutions and services are run effectively and efficiently. The records support not only clinical decision-making, but also health care policy-making in general and provide the reasons for the failures and successes of the past policies and services. Finally, the article shows how useful can the use of history be, in Nigeria’s health care system.

Page(s): 350-354                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 February 2019

 Labbo Abdullahi
Ph.D, Department of History, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

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Labbo Abdullahi “The Place of History in Health Care Service Delivery: How Useful to Nigeria’s Health Care System” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 1, pp.350-354 January 2019  URL:

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