Impact of Oil Price Volatility on Exchange Rate in Nigeria
James Tumba Henry – February 2019 Page No.: 01-16
Crude oil price plays an important role in influencing the economies of crude oil exporting countries like Nigeria. This impact can either be negative or positive depending on whether the price of crude oil in the international market increases or decreases. Nigeria moved from managed float exchange rate regime in 1986 shortly after the adoption of Structural Adjustment Programme (in 1986) to a free float exchange rate regime. However, time series data have shown that oil price and exchange rate are correlated because a sudden change in the price of crude oil in the international market is always accompanied by a period of fluctuations in the exchange rate value of the currencies of oil exporting countries, especially when the economy is oil-export dependent. This study therefore is aimed at examining impact of oil price volatility on exchange rate in Nigeria. In doing this, annual time series data from 1986 to 2015 were utilized. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Bounds testing procedures was used for this study because the variables were integrated of order I(0) and I(1) and granger causality test were used to estimate the exchange rate and causality models respectively. The exchange rate model showed a good fit, 99 percent of the variations in the dependent variable were explained by the independent variables and hypotheses tested at 1, 5 and 10 percent levels of significance. The results indicated a negative but significant relationship between volatility of crude oil prices and exchange rates in Nigeria in the long-run. In the short-run, however, this relationship was negative and statistically not significant within the period of study. The results also showed money supply (M2), gross domestic product (GDP) and lending interest rate as important determinants of exchange rate in Nigeria in the short and long runs. The granger causality result indicated there is no causality between oil price volatility and exchange rate. The study recommended urgent shift in the Nigerian economy from crude oil export to none-oil exports through the exploration of other solid minerals and even agricultural produce. It also recommended swift effort to increasing Nigeria’s foreign exchange reserve in the short run so that it can serve as a shock absorber against crude oil price volatility that negatively affect the Naira exchange rate in the long run.
Page(s): 01-16 Date of Publication: 11 February 2019
James Tumba Henry
Department of Economics, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Adamawa State University, Mubi-Nigeria
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James Tumba Henry “Impact of Oil Price Volatility on Exchange Rate in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.01-16 February 2019 URL:
Information and Communication Technology and Youth Employment in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria
Angioha, P. Unim & Ugal, B. Upeh – February 2019 Page No.: 17-23
The issue of unemployment is not a new phenomenon in Nigeria. Thus, in recent years the rate has caused great concern not only to individuals but also to the general public as well as the policy makers. This study examine the effect information and communication technology have on youth employment in Calabar Municipality, Cross River state, Nigeria, in order to achieve the objective of this study, two specific objectives were raised for the study. To Examine the relationship between call center operator and youth employment in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria and to Assess if internet Café operator relates to youth employment in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria. The survey research design was adopted for the study. The study was carried out in Calabar Municipality. The population of the study is both male and female youths that reside in the study area. The study made use of two hundred (200) samples selected using the purposive sampling technique. The questionnaire was adopted as the main instrument for data collection. Data collected from the field was coded and analyzed hypothesis by hypothesis and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was the statistical tool for data analysis. Out of the 200 administered questionnaires for this study, only 157 respondents returned questionnaire were properly filled without missing values and mutilation, therefore the said number was used for the data analysis. Result revealed that there is statistical considerable relationship between call center operator and youth employment in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria and Internet Café operator statistical considerable relate to youth employment in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria. The study recommends amongst others that both the state and federal Government should as a matter of urgency provide all necessary facilities for the training of youth in ICT management so as to provide job opportunities for the teaming unemployed youth Calabar Municipality.
Page(s): 17-23 Date of Publication: 11 February 2019
Angioha, P. Unim
Graduate Students, Department of Sociology, University of Calabar, Nigeria
Ugal, B. Upeh
Department of Social Work, University of Calabar, Nigeria
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Angioha, P. Unim & Ugal, B. Upeh ” Information and Communication Technology and Youth Employment in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.17-23 February 2019 URL:
Unemployment and its Effects on the Institution of Marriage: A Sociological Study of Baramulla District
Zubair Ahmad Bhat – February 2019 – Page No.: 24-27
The social life and other social institutions of Muslims are based on the Islam, the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH are the main sources of Muslim culture and traditions. But throughout the world the customs and traditions of Muslims are not the same as several other factors determine the conduct of life in the contemporary society. The Muslim communities in India are deeply influenced by the Hindu customs and in the valley of Kashmir the changes are evident as marriage patterns among the Kashmiri Muslims have changed after the accession of the state with the union of India. According to Islamic law every Muslim who is adult (age of puberty) 15 years old is fit for getting married. In past the average age of marriage among the Muslim boys in the valley was 18-22 and in case of girls it was 15-20 as marriage was mostly arranged by the parents and other members of the family. The family while arranging the marriage looked for the property of the family and their social status, the number of domestic animals, agricultural land etc were the areas of investigation. However from the last three decades the perceptions of the youth changed due to various socio-cultural and political developments in the state. The growth and expansion of education among the youth, particularly among girls have deeply affected the institution of marriage and other social institutions. The present study will highlight the relationship between the institution of marriage and employment of the youth in Kashmir.
Page(s): 24-27 Date of Publication: 16 February 2019
Zubair Ahmad Bhat
Research Scholar, Barkatullah University Bhopal M.P India
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Zubair Ahmad Bhat “Unemployment and its Effects on the Institution of Marriage: A Sociological Study of Baramulla District” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.24-27 February 2019 URL:
An Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking
Ayedero Taiwo Martins – February 2019 Page No.: 28-34
Our main objective in this paper is to improve our logical thinking skills and to expose us to basic pitfalls in human reasoning. The most important critical thinking skill is the skill of making judgments, not spontaneous judgment that occurs in the twinkle of an eye, but those that require careful and deliberate reasoning. The purpose of studying Logic and Philosophy at this level of academic tutelage is to facilitate students’ thinking ability in tackling herculean tasks, addressing recalcitrant and intractable issues and been able to easily confront problem areas in their respective field of study. Good thinking therefore, is a necessary factor to securing excellent academic performance. Logic provides rigorous ground for whatsoever belief, position or opinion we are holding. It enables us to develop critical attitude in us to query and investigate some assumptions and presuppositions in our various disciplines that we often take for granted. It also enables us to identify common errors (fallacies) in human reasoning. As matter of fact, we need logic for good business plan and to manage personal, corporate or public affairs.
Page(s): 28-34 Date of Publication: 16 February 2019
Ayedero Taiwo Martins
Ekiti State University, Nigeria
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[18]. Adeniyi (2004, 34)
[19]. See Adeniyi 2000, p. 27
[20]. Dada S.O. (2001) p.135
[21]. Adeniyi, (2000)p28
[22]. 21 Ibid p. 33
[23]. Copi Irving & Cohen (2001) pp. 326
[24]. Adeniyi 2004, 27
[25]. Ibid pp.45
[26]. Ibid pp46
[27]. Copi Irving and Cohen (2001) p. 136
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Ayedero Taiwo Martins “An Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.28-34 February 2019 URL:
Prevalence of TaeniaSaginata and Fasciola Hepatica in Cows and Goats Slaughtered in Mbale Municipality Abattoir
Abdulkayyum Abubakar Ali – February 2019 Page No.: 35-41
The main purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of Taeniasaginata and Fasciola hepatica in cows and goats slaughtered in Mbale Municipality abattoir and to compare the prevalence rate of those parasites among the gender of cows and goats. Also to assess the level of knowledge among the local communities rearing the animals in regards to prevention and control of helminthes infestations. A quasi experimental design was used in this study. One hundred (100) tissue samples of liver, tongue and muscles of the cows and goats each were collected in well labeled polythene bags, taken to the parasitology laboratory for analysis using Postmortem method. One hundred and fifty (150) questionnaires were randomly distributed to the respondents. The results showed that the prevalence of Taeniasaginata and Fasciola hepatica was significantly higher in cows than in goats slaughtered in Mbale abattoir. Prevalence did not show a significant variation among the male and female cows and goats. The level of education among the local communities in Lira and Mbale significantly influenced the mode of animal grazing and source of drinking water for animals, while mode of meat consumption and defecating sites were not significantly influenced by the level of education. Based on the findings, the study recommended that public should be made aware of the helminthes infection (Taeniasaginata and Faciola hepatica) and the need to prevent their animals from getting into contact with these parasites so as to reduce their infestation rates. Further still, the government should assist farmers acquire drugs to deworm their infected animals and also offer extension services to them, sensitizing farmers on the knowledge of prevention and control of Taeniasaginata and Faciola hepatica.
Page(s): 35-41 Date of Publication: 16 February 2019
Abdulkayyum Abubakar Ali
Department of Environmental Health, Caliphate School of Health Technology, No. 2 Achida Road, Gawon Nama Area, Sokoto, Nigeria
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Abdulkayyum Abubakar Ali “Prevalence of TaeniaSaginata and Fasciola Hepatica in Cows and Goats Slaughtered in Mbale Municipality Abattoir” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.35-41 February 2019 URL:
Dialectics on the Constitutional Implications of Party Supremacy in Nigeria
Naphtali Ukamwa – February 2019 Page No.: 42-54
This paper interrogates the doctrinal conception and practice of party supremacy in Nigeria. It buttresses the argument that the doctrine of party supremacy has been negatively conceived and practised by Nigerian political elite. This is evident in charismatic-based party as opposed to value-oriented party. Party supremacy in Nigeria is not demonstrative and reflective of the popular will of party members but merely the predominance of party cabals, Chiefs and secretive bodies that constitute themselves into party leadership. Using a constitutional approach, this paper advocates the supremacy of the constitution and sovereignty of the people over party supremacy. It is also submitted that party structure and decision-making must foster democratic doctrine of inclusiveness, a core element of intra party democracy. It is further contended that party supremacy in Nigeria must be practically constitutionally checked and controlled, otherwise the abuse of it will implicitly and explicitly metamorphosed into one party system and the violation of citizens right to freedom of political association, assembly and expression. Most importantly, this paper establishes that hegemonic political party system and the arbitrary rule of godfatherism characterized the last sixteen years of Nigerian constitutional democratic rule which has given rise to the tendency of breeding executive tyranny, lawlessness and negation of the constitutional principle of separation of powers. Therefore, it is acknowledged that party autonomy is an indispensable instrumentality of party institutionalization but a further contention is that it must be subject to practices accustomed to constitutional democracy for the sole ends of good governance and nation building.
Page(s): 42-54 Date of Publication: 18 February 2019
Naphtali Ukamwa
LL.B(Lagos), B.L (Abuja)(in view), Faculty of Law, University of Lagos, Nigeria
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Naphtali Ukamwa “Dialectics on the Constitutional Implications of Party Supremacy in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.42-54 February 2019 URL:
The Politics of State Capture in Zimbabwe
Teddy Mungwari- February 2019 Page No.: 55-67
This article demonstrates that Zimbabwe experiences serious problems of state capture. State capture began to be an issue in 2017 when factionalism between Team Lacoste and Generation 40(G40) reached its climax. However, state capture became topical in Zimbabwe in October 2018 following Reserve Bank Governor’s (RBZ) announcement of interventions through the 2018 mid–term monetary policy statement, particularly the 2% tax; which immediately triggered price increases and fuel crisis. The research question addressed in this article is: What is state capture and how is it manifested in Zimbabwe? Firstly, it systematically unpacks the phenomenon as a type of business- state relationship distinct from influence and corruption and outlines its types, features and essence. Secondly, the article explores state capture in contemporary Zimbabwe- focusing on the mining, banking, energy (fuel), agricultural sectors, government ministries (legislature, state media and judiciary), the security sector and Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission. The methodology and theoretical framework adopted in this study involves qualitative political economy approach. A combination of current research reports, analysis of newspaper articles and social media to illuminate the phenomenon and its manifestations. The article contributes to existing knowledge by not only clarifying a concept conflated with corruption but also analyzing the manifestations of state capture in Zimbabwe.
Page(s): 55-67 Date of Publication: 18 February 2019
Teddy Mungwari
PhD, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Language & Communication Studies, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe
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Teddy Mungwari” The Politics of State Capture in Zimbabwe” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.55-67 February 2019 URL:
Leadership and Good Governance: The Rwandan Experience
NDAGIJIMANA Ibrahim – February 2019 Page No.: 68-78
None can doubt about that, leadership and good governance are central to the success of any country on Earth or any company and economic sector. Promoting and getting it rights has a significant bearing on political, social and economic growth and the way that a given Country performs in all sectors.
Without a strong Leadership and governance can’t ever achieve any positive outcomes on related political, economic and social objectives of any political community and yet it is an imperative. The significance of leadership to governance is seeing in the fact that good leadership sets the strong stone of foundation and standard of governance. This paper engages in the conceptual analysis and examination of the governance and leadership phenomenon based on secondary data, analyzes its phenomenon in Rwanda.
Findings reveal that, for a long time, Rwanda was marked by bad governance based on dictatorship, politic of fear, segregation and exclusion of the people in the governance of their own country. In fact, lacked vision, engrossed with high rate of corruption and poverty, maladministration, political, social and economic instability, consequently Genocide against Tutsis in 1994. Even though elections were held in Rwanda, they were never based on the positive ideas or competence of the candidates but rather on ethnicity, origin, religion and other issues from which the country benefited nothing. After the elections, the elected leaders did not concern themselves with the needs of people’s problems they were allegedly representing.
To make our forefather’s dreams into reality, a country of milk and honey, new regime under the HE, Paul KAGAME leadership, ensured democracy, good governance and leadership where citizen’s are on top and center of everything, leaders are people’s servant and accountability is imperative if good governance and leadership is to be attained in Rwanda.
Note that, achieving leadership and good governance is one of the Rwandan greatest successes that determined the success of policies and programmes to promote Rwandan’s development.
Page(s): 68-78 Date of Publication: 19 February 2019
PhD Student in Governance and Leadership, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kigali Rwanda
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NDAGIJIMANA Ibrahim “Leadership and Good Governance: The Rwandan Experience” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.68-78 February 2019 URL:
The Effects of Market Location on Traffic Flow in Lagos State
OSOJA, ADEBAKIN OLUYINKA- February 2019 Page No.: 79-89
Markets playscrucial role in the economic life of the people, and they are essential in the distribution of commodity, however pointed out that the rapid growth of urban centres has generated management problems. The most important of these problems are the encroachment of the open spaces environment and health issues including solid waste management, water supply, housing, traffic congestion and water pollution respectively. This research is however aimed at identifying the significant impact of commercial activities on traffic flow on Lagos road in order to in order to recommend ways to curtail the menace.To achieve the aim and objectives hypotheses were formulated. In order to validate the hypotheses regression statistical tools was used. Regression estimates the coefficients of the linear equation, involving one or more independent variables that best predict the value of the dependent variable. The first hypothesis reveals a low coefficient of determination. This can be seen from R-squared of 0.24. The R-squared reports that the independent variables can explain 24 per cent of total variation in the influence of the market in traffic flow in the area, while 76% are accounted for by other variables other than the market location, where some of the traffic are influenced by the non-availability of parking space by the banks and other parameters.The second hypothesis reveals an average coefficient of determination; this can be seen from R-squared of 0.672, which reveals the market location will have 67% impact on traffic flow in the area, while the other 33% of the traffic gridlock in the area is not as a result of the presence of the market, the research thus reveals the market is greatly influencing traffic flow in the area.
The research however revealed that most of the shops and banks along the road are with small or no parking space, which thus result to their customer parking along the road, thereby inhibiting the free flow of traffic in the area. It can however be concluded that market location has negatively affected traffic flow in the study area, as the road thus not only lead to the market but connects with other places such as Ajangbadi, Shibiri etc., the road has been nightmare to motorist as enough provision is not made for parking which may be as a result of land use conversion, the available parking space is not properly utilized by motorist as they consider it too expensive, thereby causing many of the buyers to park their vehicles by the road side which invariably leads to traffic in the area.
Page(s): 79-89 Date of Publication: 19 February 2019
Department of Geography and Planning, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria.
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OSOJA, ADEBAKIN OLUYINKA” The Effects of Market Location on Traffic Flow in Lagos State” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.79-89 February 2019 URL:
Challenges Facing Islam in Promoting National Cohesion and Integration in Kenya
Michael G. Mwangi, Dr. Janet N. Kassilly and Dr. Nicholas K. Ombachi – February 2019 Page No.: 90-98
National cohesion and integration havebecome an area of interest at both the government and the civic levels in Kenya. This has been occasioned by high degree of social disintegration witnessed in the country especially around the electioneering periods. Islam as the second largest religion in Kenya has attempted to give its input in promoting a cohesive and integrated society. While undertaking the task, several challenges have stood on the way towards a successful contribution by the religion. The paper aimed at exploring the specific challenges that have complicated the work of Islam in the efforts. Evidence for the paper was collected using questionnaires, interview guides and focus group discussion guides. The study was largely qualitative and hence the data collected was organized into thematic areas for ease of analysis. The study found that political interference, increased radicalization, bad leadership and lack of enough resources were major barriers against the religion’s efforts for a cohesive and integrated society in Kenya. Other challenges include negative publicity and stereotypes against Islam and divisions among Muslims while approaching matters of public importance.
Page(s): 90-98 Date of Publication: 20 February 2019
Michael G. Mwangi
International Leadership University, Kenya
Dr. Janet N. Kassilly
International Leadership University, Kenya
Dr. Nicholas K. Ombachi
International Leadership University, Kenya
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Michael G. Mwangi, Dr. Janet N. Kassilly and Dr. Nicholas K. Ombachi “Challenges Facing Islam in Promoting National Cohesion and Integration in Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.90-98 February 2019 URL:
Examining Global Governance in Africa in Reference to African Union (AU)
Hassan Attahiru Gwandu – February 2019 Page No.: 99-106
Global Governance is a movement towards political integration of trans-national actors in response to issues that affect more than one state or region. It tends to involve institutionalizations. These institutions can be global institutions, regional institution and sub-regional institution for global governance; such as the United Nations, African Union, and ECOWAS. In the present globalized world, regions serve as an effective link amid the international and national systems. Most especially that regional organization, been regional entities are closer to the people and communities. Thus, the regional organization plays an intermediary role in building development and good governance in the world. This can be achieved by closely working from cultural and linguistic cohesion, to provide a forum for building trust and familiarity that is not conceivable on a global scale. Regional organizations can develop ground-breaking and active procedures of regional collaboration that could aid as models for the region by establishing common policies and resolving issues of contention. Therefore, the paperexamines the global governance from a regional perspective (Africa), with reference to the African Union (AU).
Page(s): 99-106 Date of Publication: 20 February 2019
Hassan Attahiru Gwandu
Department of History and International Studies, Federal University Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State, Nigeria
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Class Size and Its Impact on Academic Performance of Pupils of Choggu Demonstration Junior High School
Fuseini, Salifu Azindoo – February 2019 Page No.: 107-113
The study was carried out to examine the impact of class size on the academic performance of choggu Demonstration Junior High School pupils’. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. The population for the study was made up of pupils and teachers in the school. The Stratified Random Sampling method was chosen. It was deem appropriate because the various forms namely form one, two and three, constituted the strata and each stratum was represented in the study to enable the researcher make generalization. Sixty two pupils each from the various forms were therefore sampled from each stratum using the simple random technique. The main tools used in the study were questionnaire and interview. The findings revealed that large class size is caused by the introduction of education policies leading to inadequate classrooms in the schools and large class sizes have a negative impact on academic performance of pupils. It concludes that the main causes of larger class size were as results of Government Policies such as Capitation grant, FCUBE and other Religious factors. The study recommends that Ghana Education Service, District Assemblies and other stakeholders in Education should come to the aid the school.
Page(s): 107-113 Date of Publication: 22 February 2019
Fuseini, Salifu Azindoo
Tutor and Head of Education Department, Tamale College of Education, Tamale, Ghana
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Fuseini, Salifu Azindoo “Class Size and Its Impact on Academic Performance of Pupils of Choggu Demonstration Junior High School” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.107-113 February 2019 URL:
Senior High School Students’ Challenges in Solving Word Problems Involving Linear Equation in One Variable in Tamale Metropolis
Fuseini Issahaku Ibrahim1 and Osei Yaw (Ph.D) – February 2019 Page No.: 114-120
This paper examined the challenges students in Senior High School face in solving word problems in linear Equations involving one variable. The Action Research designed was used for the study. This is because the study was about helping students to develop interest so as to overcome their difficulties. Population of the study consisted of students of Tamale Business Senior High School. The purposive sampling technique was used in the study. In all, 2H class made up of seventy (70) students consisting of 44 Boys and 26 Girls were purposively selected for the study. Students in 2H class have more difficulties in mathematics than the other classes hence the choice of the class. Test and interview were the main instruments used for the study. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that students had difficulties in solving non-routine word problems but could easily solved routine word problems. the researchers conclude that students had difficulties in solving non-routine word problems. Mathematics Teachers should involve students in series of non-routine word problems so as to enhance their approach in solving non-routine word problems relating to linear equations in one variable.
Page(s): 114-120 Date of Publication: 22 February 2019
Fuseini Issahaku Ibrahim
Mathematics and ICT Department, E.P. College of Education, Bimbilla, Ghana
Osei Yaw (Ph.D)
Mathematics and ICT Department, Tamale College of Education, Tamale, Ghana
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Fuseini Issahaku Ibrahim1 and Osei Yaw (Ph.D) “Senior High School Students’ Challenges in Solving Word Problems Involving Linear Equation in One Variable in Tamale Metropolis” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.114-120 February 2019 URL:
Analysis of Four Books on Qur’anic Sciences Written by Shaykh Abd Allah bnFoduye
Dr. Muhammad Sani Abdullahi Jos, Zayyanu Altine – February 2019 Page No.: 121-126
Shaykh ‘Abd Allah bnFoduye has numerous writings on various subjects in Islamic studies, but the area of this research is concentrated to the writings on ‘Ulum al-Qur’an (Qur’anic sciences), by Shaykh Abd Allah bnFoduye, the researchers will analyze some of his books on Qur’anic sciences, which include Al-Fara’id al-Jalilahwasa’it al-Fawa’id al-Jamilah Fi‘Ulum al-Qur’an (Great things on the sciences of the Qur’an), Miftah al-Tafsir (The key of al-Tafsir) and Sulalat al-Miftah (summary key) Diya’ al-Ta’wil Fi Ma’an al-Tanzil (Light of explanation in the meaning of the Qur’an), Kifayat al-Dhu’fa.’ and Nail al-Sul min Tafsir al-Rasul. The researchers also discussed the importance of revealing Qur’an in seven letters. The analytical method is used when conducting this research.
Page(s): 121-126 Date of Publication: 23 February 2019
Dr. Muhammad Sani Abdullahi Jos
Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
Zayyanu Altine
Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Department of Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
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Dr. Muhammad Sani Abdullahi Jos, Zayyanu Altine “Analysis of Four Books on Qur’anic Sciences Written by Shaykh Abd Allah bnFoduye” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.121-126 February 2019 URL:
School Inspectors’ Support towards Positive Adolescent Sexuality Development (A Case of Malawi)
Caroline Chiphinga-Mwale – February 2019 Page No.: 127-137
The study used convergent mixed methods design with conveniently sampled school inspectors to analyse their contribution towards positive adolescent sexuality development. A total of 8 inspectors (5 females and 3 males) provided information from the researcher’s workplace. Respondents demonstrated that school inspectors in Malawi offer limited support towards positive adolescent sexuality development due to inspectors’ personal stance on adolescent sexuality development, inadequate continuous professional development, regular routines, real life obligations and dominant circumstances.
Page(s): 127-137 Date of Publication: 23 February 2019
Caroline Chiphinga-Mwale
Master of Education Alumni, The University of Queensland, School of Education; Principal Inspector of Schools, Ministry of Education Science and Technology, Malawi
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Caroline Chiphinga-Mwale “School Inspectors’ Support towards Positive Adolescent Sexuality Development (A Case of Malawi)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.127-137 February 2019 URL:
Role and Developmental Activities of women in Panchayati Raj Institution of Shopian District of Jammu and Kashmir
Mohammad Iqbal Ganie- February 2019 Page No.: 138-140
The idea of Panchayati Raj is unquestionably Indian in foundation. Panchayati Raj bodies, which are real and useful democratic decentralized institutions, provide plenty opportunities for a huge number of rural people to take real and useful involvement in the progress and democratic decision-making process and to impart in the minds of the rural people a courage of self help, self reliance and self dependence and to obtain the skill in the art of local self-government. Panchayati Raj institutions have been playing a vital role in order to monitor these rural development programmes. However these institutions have been supportive in identifying genuine beneficiary in order to get most benefits out of these schemes. A various number of constraints, hurdles and deficiencies are also to blame for letdown of these rural development programmes. Various issues, aspects and dimensions related to Panchayati Raj Institutions in Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir are studied in this paper.
Page(s): 138-140 Date of Publication: 24 February 2019
Mohammad Iqbal Ganie
Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, Govt. Hamidia Arts and Commerce College Bhopal, Barkatullah University, Madhya Pradesh, India
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Mohammad Iqbal Ganie, “Role and Developmental Activities of women in Panchayati Raj Institution of Shopian District of Jammu and Kashmir” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.138-140 February 2019 URL:
Demographic Characteristics and Workers’ Performance in Public Service in Nigeria
Anne E. Omori, Peter U. Bassey – February 2019 Page No.: 141-146
There has been persistent poor performance among workers in Nigerian public organisations and Cross River State in particular over the years. The trend is exacerbated by changes in demographic variables. Previous studies have focused more attention on staff performance appraisal, commitment and job involvement with less attention paid to the influence of demographic characteristics (such as age, gender, marital status, work experience and educational level) on workers’ performance. This study therefore, examined the extent to which demographic characteristics predisposed workers’ performance in some selected public service in Cross River State, Nigeria. The survey design of ex-post facto was employed and the study was guided by five research questions and hypotheses. A total of 1,068 respondents were randomly selected to represent the entire population of public servants in Cross River State. Participants were 584 males and 484 females. Two validated instruments namely: Demographic Characteristis and Workers’ Performance scales was validated was used in collecting data for the study. The reliability co-efficient of 0.86 was obtained using test-retest method and Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis. Data was analyzed using percentage count, weight mean and Analysis of Variance statistics. The results showed that demographic characteristics significantly influence performance of workers in public service. By implications, the results of the study attest to the fact that even though workers’ performance may be influenced by other factors as portrayed by many scholars, performances of workers are equally affected by their demographic characteristics. Hence, adequate consideration should be given to employee personal characteristics in motivating them to a higher performance level. This study could be useful to government and human resource administrators as a measure of employee performance.
Page(s): 141-146 Date of Publication: 25 February 2019
Anne E. Omori
Ph.D., Institute of Education, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
Peter U. Bassey
Ph.D., Department of Educational Foundations, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
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Anne E. Omori, Peter U. Bassey “Demographic Characteristics and Workers’ Performance in Public Service in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.141-146 February 2019 URL:
Urban Expansion and Agricultural Land Use in Peri-Urban Makurdi, Nigeria
Iorliam, Tarungwa Sylvester & Ortserga, Daniel Serki – February 2019 Page No.: 147-156
This study explored the impact of urban physical growth on agricultural land use in peri-urban districts of Makurdi town from 1986 to 2016. Satellite data from RS images and GIS maps of the area in combination with data from questionnaire survey of 150 farmers and key informants were used for the study. Again RS and GIS techniques were used to analyse the data in conjunction with descriptive tools such as percentages, tables and pie charts. The result of the study shows that built up land use class expanded significantly in the city from barely 8.73% by 1986 to 64.15% in the year 2016. On the contrary the finding also shows that whereas agricultural land use occupied 32.6% of the city region in 1986, it decreased in the following three decades to 7.50% by 2016. Also from the findings all other land uses and land cover classes such as forest/vegetation, bare lands, and wetlands similarly declined in area coverage significantly in the period due to conversions. This finding shows that the city’s expansion was derived largely from conversion of other land uses/cover classes to built-up land use type especially mixed agricultural land use. From the result the highest land conversion to built up area was from mixed agricultural land use class. About 72% of prime agricultural land use class was converted and this accounted for 57% (more than half) of the growth of built up land use. Finally the survey result also shows a dramatic reduction in the sizes of farmlands owned by farmers now as against ten to twenty years ago. This development has likely effect on livelihoods and food security of urban and peri-urban residents. Consequently it has been recommended that an agro-ecological map of Makurdi town using zoning regulation be developed as part of a long term spatial development framework that can safe guard all prime agricultural lands from further encroachment by urban developments. And that further investigation be carried out to unravel the emerging livelihood and food security issues that could have aroused following depleting agricultural lands in the city’s peri-urban regions.
Page(s): 147-156 Date of Publication: 25 February 2019
Iorliam, Tarungwa Sylvester
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria
Ortserga, Daniel Serki
Department of Geography Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria
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Iorliam, Tarungwa Sylvester & Ortserga, Daniel Serki “Urban Expansion and Agricultural Land Use in Peri-Urban Makurdi, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.147-156 February 2019 URL:
Rape Post –Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Perception of Female Young Adults
Peter Unoh Bassey, Omori, Anne Emmanuel- February 2019 Page No.: 157-162
Millions of women and young girls all over the world are sexually abused, humiliated and traumatized. This study attempts to bring to the limelight the perception of young female adults on rape post-traumatic stress symptoms in Nigeria. Although several studies have examined rape and Posttraumatic stress disorder among women in developed countries, only a few study explicitly examined rape post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and perception using a population in Nigeria. Therefore this study investigated rape post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and perception of young female adults in Nigeria. This study adopted a descriptive survey design. The sample comprised 225 female drawn from four faculties in University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria through multi stage sampling technique. The instruments for data collection were Rape Post-traumatic Stress Symptom(r = 0.68) and Student Perception Rating (r= 0.64) Scales. The data collected was analyzed using simple percentage, frequency count, and inferential statistic of independent t-test. The results revealed among others that rape events are prevalence among young female adult. Also, young female adult have had experience of different rape traumatic stress disorder symptoms. The study suggests that the inclusion of sex education at all levels of education will create more awareness and enable students to learn from their peers’ diverse experiences and professional circumstances can meaningfully impact and assist students perceptions and understanding of handling rape post-traumatic stress disorder.
Page(s): 157-162 Date of Publication: 25 February 2019
Peter Unoh Bassey
Ph.D, University of Calabar, Nigeria
Omori, Anne Emmanuel
Ph.D, University of Calabar, Nigeria
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Peter Unoh Bassey, Omori, Anne Emmanuel”Rape Post –Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Perception of Female Young Adults” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.157-162 February 2019 URL:
Addressing Ethnic and Cultural Diversity through Cultural Responsive Pedagogy: Pushing For Equity Pedagogy and Cultural Competence in the Nigerian Educational System
Chia, Ogheneovo Esther – February 2019 Page No.: 163-170
The continuous search for better living standards and globalization has encouraged the movement of people from different parts of the world. This has posed a great strain on education in the 21st century. Diversity in the classroom is on the increase, adopting effective and efficient teaching practices that suits all the learning needs of multicultural and ethno linguistically diverse students is becoming imperative. There is a growing need for the educational system in Nigeria to move from the “one-size-fits-all” model of education to more culturally relevant pedagogy where education is built around the learner, rather than the learner being required to fit with the educational system. This article seeks to address ethnic and cultural diversity through cultural responsive pedagogy; it is aimed at having an all-inclusive classroom and pushing for pedagogies that promote equity and cultural competence in the Nigerian educational system. The article outlines the roles and need for infusing cultural responsive pedagogy into the educational system. It is also aimed to promote the creation of conducive classroom conditions, and support educational stakeholders in the creation of education systems that are responsive to ethnic and cultural diversity. Through the reviews of various literatures, the paper placed emphasis on the need to advance tolerance for diversity, developing respect, values of responsibility across all levels of education.
Page(s): 163-170 Date of Publication: 25 February 2019
Chia, Ogheneovo Esther
Department of General Studies Education, Federal College of Education Zaria, Nigeria
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Chia, Ogheneovo Esther “Addressing Ethnic and Cultural Diversity through Cultural Responsive Pedagogy: Pushing For Equity Pedagogy and Cultural Competence in the Nigerian Educational System” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.163-170 February 2019 URL:
Critical Analysis of Credit Management in Nigeria Banks
Ajugwe Chukwu Alphonsus. Ph.D – February 2019 Page No.: 171-179
It is noteworthy to stress that management or administration of credit is a critical task facing every bank in the world of which Nigerian banks are inclusive. Specifically, the application requires experience and in-depth knowledge of banking practice. And for its effective performance, top management must be involved because of its critical importance in the overall performance of the bank and the fact that credit administration can impact either positively or negatively on the financial position of the bank. It determines the liquidity of the bank and how solid is the capital structure as well, the combination of both is imperative to determine how healthy the bank is.
A positive lending policy will ensure a constant flow of income to the bank which will lubricates their liquidity mechanism and making it possible to meet its cash demand as and when due, remains sound and resilient, and impact positively on its profitability for the benefit of the stakeholders or shareholders. This important task is not only achieved through the intermediation functions of the bank that triggers the injection of funds to the real sector of the economy, which stimulates economic growth and development. Nevertheless to stress that negative administration of credit will lead to the accumulation of bad debts in the books of the banks, dry up their liquidity, and led to the erosion of their capital. The continuous erosion of capital will trigger the folding up of the bank or lead to a merger or simple acquisition of the weaker banks by the stronger banks; typical examples are Skybank acquired by the Polor is bank or Diamond Bank that merged with a stronger Access bank.
Therefore, this paper will critically analyze the importance of credit management by the banks, and carefully crutinize its positive and negative impacts on the financial position of the banks and the economy as a whole. And recommend major steps to be deployed by the banks to ensure good credit management that will usher in confidence in the lending policy of the banks, by enunciating steps to be taken in the administration of credits to eliminate the possibilities of the loans crystalizing into bad debts.
Page(s): 171-179 Date of Publication: 25 February 2019
Ajugwe Chukwu Alphonsus. Ph.D
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Ajugwe Chukwu Alphonsus. Ph.D “Critical Analysis of Credit Management in Nigeria Banks” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.171-179 February 2019 URL:
The Nexus between Globalization and Income Inequality in Sri Lanka
H.R.A.C. Thilanka – February 2019 Page No.: 180-184
This study examines the impact of globalization on income inequality in Sri Lanka for the period of 1980-2015 based on the Cointegration technique and Vector Error Correction Model. The results of the study show that foreign direct inflows affect negatively the income inequality in long run implying that FDI inflows help to mitigate the income inequality. However, trade openness affects positively the income inequality in long run showing that although the country engages in global trade and does have comparative advantages, the income accumulation through this process is convergent. Moreover, School enrollment ratio (primary) has the negative impact on the income inequality implying that increasing the school education level may lead to have high level of employment and then it leads to decrease the income inequality through the distribution of income. These findings of the study lead to timely guidance for policy compilations on income inequality in the country. The government can tend to give more incentives for attracting FDI while imposing proper restrictions on imports, incentives for more exports and ensuring fair distribution of benefits from external trade. Moreover, it is necessary to create more employment opportunities to rise up the labor force participation through increasing the level of education.
Page(s): 180-184 Date of Publication: 26 February 2019
H.R.A.C. Thilanka
Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
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H.R.A.C. Thilanka “The Nexus between Globalization and Income Inequality in Sri Lanka” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.180-184 February 2019 URL:
Bamileke Businessmen in the Realm of Political Transition in Bamileke Region of Cameroon, 1990-2000
Nzeucheu Pascal, Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge – February 2019 Page No.: 185-195
In the Bamilike County of Cameroon the businessmen prior to the 1990s were not interested in party politics. After independence they were not interested in politics and concentrated in building wealth. The creation of a monolithic systemon 1st September 1966, made it that they were simple militants of the political system and went about doing their businesses successfully. The re-emergence of multi-party democracy in 1990 changed the perception of the businessmen toward political participation. To protect their businesses most of them became militants of Cameroon Democratic Movement (CPDM) in their various home towns in order to preserve their businesses while other defected from CPDM to join the opposition or created their own political parties. Following this change, the Bamileke businessmen actively participated in the 1996 council election, 1992 and 1992 legislative elections. During this political exercised they exhibited their financial capabilities of distributing electoral gifts and propagating their political platforms. This paper attempts to explain why the businessmen became involved in politics and participated in elections. It also expounds on the effects of transition from monolithic to multi-party system in the Bamileke region in the 1990s.
Page(s): 185-195 Date of Publication: 27 February 2019
Nzeucheu Pascal
History Department, Faculty of Arts, The University of Bamenda, Cameroon
Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge
Vice Dean, Faculty of Law and Political Science, The University of Bamenda, Cameroon
References are not available.
Nzeucheu Pascal, Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge “Bamileke Businessmen in the Realm of Political Transition in Bamileke Region of Cameroon, 1990-2000” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.185-195 February 2019 URL:
Democracy and National Security Challenges: The Nigerian Experience
Dr Orkar, Oryina Michael-David, Shaminja, Tersoo Solomon and Nev, Timothy Terwase – February 2019 Page No.: 196-201
Till the recent past Nigeria has been ruled by several military dictatorships. Upon her return to democratic rule, Nigeria has been faced with several national security challenges. Most of these challenges were not only carried over from the many years of military dictatorship but arose as a result of many years of military dictatorship. It is a truism that the military handed over several pending national security issues to the incoming democratic regime. The present day Nigeria has been able to witness handing over from one democratic regime to another. This paper highlights a few issues of concern in relation to Nigeria’s national security. The major task of this paper is to find out whether democratic regimes in Nigeria have been able to maintain Nigeria’s national security. With this question in view, the study used primary data in answering the question through survey design and collection of data from relevant states as means of generating data. The results of the study show that Nigeria’s democratic government have the capacity and also have been able to maintain Nigeria’s national security. More can be done in this area, so recommendations were made towards further enhancement and greater maintenance of Nigerians National Security.
Page(s): 196-201 Date of Publication: 28 February 2019
Dr Orkar, Oryina Michael-David
Strategy and Governance Programme, Institute of Food Security, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria.
Shaminja, Tersoo Solomon
Department of Sociology, University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria.
Nev, Timothy Terwase
Market and institutions Programme, Institute of Food Security, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi Nigeria.
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Dr Orkar, Oryina Michael-David, Shaminja, Tersoo Solomon and Nev, Timothy Terwase “Democracy and National Security Challenges: The Nigerian Experience” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.196-201 February 2019 URL:
Housing Scheme Developments and Social Amenities in Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) Plantations, 1947-1961: A Historical Analysis
Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge, Obi Godfred Ayuk – February 2019 Page No.: 202-208
Plantation involvement in worker’s care in the CDC in Cameroon was a phenomenon that practically began after the Second World War. Management provision for workers’ welfare in the broader sense was virtually non-existent in the German plantations before 1945. This neglect was in striking contrast to the care given to the security and recreation of the senior staff who were all or nearly all, expatriates. With the exception of a few bungalows laid down by the German planters, there were no recreational facilities of any kind provided by estates for workers in the German plantations in Cameroon. The absence of facilities in estate communities was of far more significance than any, comparable to lack of facilities attached to factories. This paper argues that the CDC implemented a policy that prompted the building of housing camps in the plantations. It examines the nature of houses and measures implemented to improve accommodation conditions of the workers. The housing facilities for labourers and administrative staff inherited by the Corporation were far below modern standards and even further below those, which the Corporation would have wished ultimately to institute throughout the estates. Apart from the Corporation’s own desire in the matter of improving such facilities, the obligations placed upon it by law required the earliest possible remedial action. Consequently, plans were made for the improvement of accommodation housing, throughout the area covered by the estates and the institution of other social welfare services for the employees. How far the Corporation undertook the project of better housing for the labourers is the main concern of this paper. It further examines social amenities provided by the Corporation meant to better the welfare conditions of workers. However it is noted that the housing conditions and amenities were fairly inadequate.
Page(s): 202-208 Date of Publication: 27 February 2019
Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge
Vice Dean, Faculty of Law and Political Science, The University of Bamenda, Cameroon
Obi Godfred Ayuk
History Department, Faculty of Arts, The University of Bamenda, Cameroon
Reference are not available.
Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge, Obi Godfred Ayuk “Housing Scheme Developments and Social Amenities in Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) Plantations, 1947-1961: A Historical Analysis” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.202-208 February 2019 URL:
A Comparative Analysis of Job Position, Income and Quality of Husbands’ Care of Women Working in The Public and Private Sector Organisations in Imo State, Nigeria
Nwokorie, Chinedu N., Iheriohanma, E. B. J. – February 2019 Page No.: 209-222
The study specifically examined the effect of job position and income of women on the quality of husbands’ care. The public and private sector organizations in Imo State, Nigeria were our focus in the study. This study is anchored on the Rational Choice Theory. The quantitative data for this study were collected from 524 respondents selected from two privately owned and two publicly owned organizations in Imo State, while the qualitative data were from 8 key informants interviewed. The objective of this study is to examine whether the job position and income of women working in private or public sector can affect quality of husbands’ care. The quantitative data were analyzed using a combination of correlation coefficient, chi-square, cross-tabulation, mean and standard deviation, and one-way ANOVA. The hypothesis revealed that, though the women in the lower cadre show more care for their husbands, position and income of women do not significantly influence the quality of husband care. The study suggests that the position of a woman in her work place and her income should not affect the attention and care for her husband, especially in terms of his emotional needs, as this may lead to his looking outside the house. Lack of adequate attention, respect, satisfaction and frequent absence of the woman from the home can result in a gradual emotional distancing between spouses, lead to marital separation, increase the rate of family conflict and spousal and marital distress. These should be avoided for a healthy society.
Page(s): 209-222 Date of Publication: 27 February 2019
Nwokorie, Chinedu N.
Department of Sociology, Imo State University, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.
Iheriohanma, E. B. J.
Directorate of General Studies, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
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Nwokorie, Chinedu N., Iheriohanma, E. B. J. “A Comparative Analysis of Job Position, Income and Quality of Husbands’ Care of Women Working in The Public and Private Sector Organisations in Imo State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.209-222 February 2019 URL:
What went wrong with: National Conferences Supervising Transitions to Multiparty Rule in Francophone Africa, since 1989 – A Re-visitation
Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge – February 2019 Page No.: 223-231
After the fall of communism in 1989, the winds of democracy swept from Eastern Europe to French-speaking Africa and provoked a popular need for multiparty politics. One-partyism had lost its importance. Advocates of change advocated the Sovereign National Conference as a means of transition from one-party to multi-party. It began in Benin and became very popular throughout sub-Saharan Francophone Africa. The dictators quickly realized that it was a way to take power away from them and they quickly took steps to end the transition. Their initiative nevertheless led to the introduction of multi-party politics but not to a genuine democratic culture, the people’s wish. Democracy has become a sham because it is not just about holding elections and legalizing hundreds of political parties. No one has ever sought to know who is organizing, sponsoring and proclaiming the election results, nor is it concerned about whether democratic values have actually transformed society, the ultimate goal of this system. As a result, because of the presidential majorities, people have returned to the dictatorial single party except for a few countries like Benin. In most countries, therefore, the presidential monarchy still prevails.
Page(s): 223-231 Date of Publication: 27 February 2019
Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge
Vice Dean, Faculty of Law and Political Science, The University of Bamenda, Cameroon
References are not available.
Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge “What went wrong with: National Conferences Supervising Transitions to Multiparty Rule in Francophone Africa, since 1989 – A Re-visitation” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.223-231 February 2019 URL:
Likeable Attributes of Beauty Product Consumer Purchase Intention (With Special Reference to Kandy Area in Sri Lanka)
H.M.W.M.Herath, K.P.N.S.Parakramage – February 2019 Page No.: 232-234
Advertisements attract the customer to purchase a certain product. Advertising through television is one of the most effective medium to communicate. In promotion, TV has assumed significant importance as it combines both visual and oral communication. Also TV advertisements are considered one of the most effective medium to influence the purchase decision of consumers. According to the Yang and Smith (2009) the audience perceives the advertisements by the product advertised or the brand is one of the most researched issues regarding the processing of creative advertisements.
Scholars who are Kim-Shyan Fam and David S. Waller (2007) found the implication being that advertising likeability provides the potential to facilitate consumer responsiveness, if most impacting factors are held constant. According to the Haley & Baldinger (1991) liking an advert has even been shown to be the strongest factor linked with persuasion and sales, and is thus considered a very important measurement of advertising effectiveness. Advertisements that are liked by consumers will be given greater mental processing for their buying decision. Also likeable attributes of advertisements get more attention of customers and augment their brand loyalty towards their products.
Page(s): 232-234 Date of Publication: 28 February 2019
Department of Management Sciences, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka
Department of Management Sciences, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka
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H.M.W.M.Herath, K.P.N.S.Parakramage “Likeable Attributes of Beauty Product Consumer Purchase Intention (With Special Reference to Kandy Area in Sri Lanka)
” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.232-234 February 2019 URL:
Ethnic Pluralism in Nigeria, Adverse Effects and the Way Forward
Aboh, Fidelis Isomkwo & Okom, Emmanuel Njor – February 2019 Page No.: 235-238
If Nigeria is a project that requires the collective efforts of the diversity of its ethnic nationalities to survive, then we are faced with a threat of its collapse as a single entity given the perception of its constituents about national issues along the lines of ethnic divide. As a socio-political entity run according to the principles of federalism, one would think that the unity-in-diversity ideology of national integration should be upheld rather than the diversity-in-unity ideology. Politics, work and business opportunities, admissions into schools (especially tertiary institutions), sharing of the national largess, marriages, to mention but a few, are all conducted along the lines of divisive ethnic consciousness. This is a desktop research which looked at the problems of ethnic pluralism as they affect the corporate existence of Nigeria as a unitary entity. It also proffered solution on the way out of the woods of divisive ethnic consciousness.
Page(s): 235-238 Date of Publication: 28 February 2019
Aboh, Fidelis Isomkwo
University of Calabar, Nigeria
Okom, Emmanuel Njor
University of Calabar, Nigeria
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Aboh, Fidelis Isomkwo & Okom, Emmanuel Njor “Ethnic Pluralism in Nigeria, Adverse Effects and the Way Forward” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.235-238 February 2019 URL:
Domestic Violence against Women and Children’s Nutritional Health Outcomes: A Bargaining Power Approach in Pakistan
Qurra-tul-ain Ali Sheikh, Altaf Hussain Solangi, Prof. Dr. Mahpara Begum Sadaqat – February 2019 Page No.: 239-269
This paper mainly aims to examine the effects of domestic violence on maternal and children health using bargaining power model. The proposed model represents how domestic violence weakens woman’s stability and influences her health care decisions by declining the probability of health inputs. Data from Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (2012-13) is used and 13,558 women (aged 15-49) are arbitrarily chosen from different regions of Pakistan. A bargaining power approach is used to check the various impacts of domestic violence on mother’s health inputs (antenatal visits, iron intake, breastfeeding and prenatal care) and children’s nutritional health outcomes (stunting, wasting and underweight). In order to estimate the probability of women’s health inputs and children’s health outcomes, probit estimation technique is used. OLS technique is also used to analyze the reduced-form specification of mother’s health inputs (number of antenatal visits). Results showed that domestic violence reduces the probability of woman’s iron intake, breastfeeding and prenatal care by 10.8, 24.5 and 6.7 percent, respectively. Physical violence increases the probability of under nutrition (stunning, wasting and underweight) among children by 10.4, 10.9 and 15.0 percent, respectively. On the basis of empirical results, this study proposes auxiliary efforts for condensing high prevalence of domestic violence and its afterwards detrimental effects on maternal and child’s health. Initiatives and programs are required on urgent basis for progressing women’s empowerment, through easy access to education and economic opportunities that may not only counteract the risk of domestic violence but also improve the long term growth of many children in Pakistan.
Page(s): 239-269 Date of Publication: 28 February 2019
Qurra-tul-ain Ali Sheikh
Ph. D candidate, Applied Economics Research Centre (AERC), University of Karachi, Pakistan
Asst. Prof. (Economics Department), Govt. Girls Degree College, Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan
Altaf Hussain Solangi
M. Phil Candidate, Institute of Business Administration, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan
Prof. Dr. Mahpara Begum Sadaqat
Department of Business Administration, Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan
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Qurra-tul-ain Ali Sheikh, Altaf Hussain Solangi, Prof. Dr. Mahpara Begum Sadaqat “Domestic Violence against Women and Children’s Nutritional Health Outcomes: A Bargaining Power Approach in Pakistan” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.239-269 February 2019 URL:
An Intervention Study to Improve Interpersonal Relationship Skills
N.Vipulan, V.Piratheepa – February 2019 Page No.: 270-273
The recent educational reforms are emphasizing to gain skills that could develop personalities. There are many problems faced during teaching and learning activities due to lack of skills among the students. Daily teaching and learning behavior have been observed of the students studying in secondary school that, they are having difficulties in communication methods, using words, activity forms, conflict of ideas, and communication skills. In this juncture, understanding the importance of this problem, this study has been carried out to improve the inter personal relationship skill and identify the factors which are influencing in interpersonal relationship skill and put forward the suggestion to improve the skill. Twenty five percentage samples were selected who have lack of Interpersonal Relationship Skills among the forty students in the class. Specific problems regarding the interpersonal relationship skills have been identified through observations, Questionnaire and discussions. Activities have been planned and implemented to solve this problem. Progresses have been recorded in reflective journals and strength and weaknesses also identified of each intervention. After intervention of planned activities, satisfactory progress has been assessed through the analysis and that, it has improved from 0-36 % to 71 – 100% in planned intervention. The progress in each intervention has been observed and reorganized the activities for further improvement.
Page(s): 270-273 Date of Publication: 01 March 2019
J/Hindu College, Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Department of Geography University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
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N.Vipulan, V.Piratheepa “An Intervention Study to Improve Interpersonal Relationship Skills” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.270-273 February 2019 URL:
The Effectiveness of Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang or PKPU to Avoid the Debtor’s Bankruptcy (Law Number 37 of 2004)
Sherly Nelsa Fitri, Adi Sulistiyono, Yudho Taruno Muryanto – February 2019 Page No.: 274-279
This study has purpose to determine the effectiveness of PKPU in avoiding the bankruptcy of debtors. This legal study was included in a normative legal research with perspective method. The legal material used in this study were primary legal materials, and secondary legal materials, through the documentation study (literature studies), and analyzed by using deduction techniques. The results of the study showed that Law Number 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and Delaying Obligations of Debt Payments (UUK-PKPU) has not been very effective to avoid the debtor bankruptcy, this is one of the form of imbalance in the position between debtors and creditors in PKPU.
Page(s): 274-279 Date of Publication: 01 March 2019
Sherly Nelsa Fitri
Master Program of Law, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia
Adi Sulistiyono
Lecturer Master Program of Law Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
Yudho Taruno Muryanto
Lecturer Master Program of Law Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
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[11]. Maswandi, Tan Kamello, Budiman Ginting, Baik, Bankruptcy Practices in Indonesia Relating to Legal Protection for Solvent Debtor, International Organization Of Scientific Research (IOSR), IOSR Volume 21, Edisi 1, Ver. 5 (Jan 2016), P 99, Issue1/Version-5/M0211599103.pdf
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[14]. Law Number 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and Delaying Obligations of Debt Payments
Sherly Nelsa Fitri, Adi Sulistiyono, Yudho Taruno Muryanto “The Effectiveness of Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang or PKPU to Avoid the Debtor’s Bankruptcy (Law Number 37 of 2004)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.274-279 February 2019 URL:
The Impact of Construction of Drainage and Culvert Project on the Rural Dwellers of Irasa Community of Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
Gladys Modupe Kayode, Dr (Mrs.) Mary Olufunke Adedokun – February 2019 Page No.: 280-283
The study examined the impact of a community driven development project involving the construction of roads and culvert in Irasa, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. The objective of the study is to assess the impact the project have on the social economic wellbeing of the inhabitants of the community, determine the factors affecting the implementation of the project and identify possible ways of sustaining the project. Three research questions guided the study. The instrument used for data collection was combined observation, questionnaire administration and interviews. Results obtained revealed that the construction of drainage and culvert impact positively on the conveyance of farm products from inhabitants’ farms as well as on trading activities. Vehicular access to school, site of the maternity centre and the main road to the community were equally improved upon. No difficulties were experienced in the mobilization of community members for the project, as well as in monitoring of the project as personnel saddled with responsibilities concerning the project were dedicated and the community members participated actively in every facet of the project. Difficulties were experienced in funding of the project. Thus, the project is considered as important infrastructures that should be taken seriously especially by the policy makers.
Page(s): 280-283 Date of Publication: 02 March 2019
Gladys Modupe Kayode
Department of Adult Education and Community Development, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
Dr (Mrs.) Mary Olufunke Adedokun
Department of Adult Education and Community Development, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
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Gladys Modupe Kayode, Dr (Mrs.) Mary Olufunke Adedokun “The Impact of Construction of Drainage and Culvert Project on the Rural Dwellers of Irasa Community of Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.280-283 February 2019 URL:
Education and Awareness among Muslim Women of Madhya Pradesh: A Case Study of Noor Mahel Asoka Colony Bhopal
Zulfqar Ashraf Wani – February 2019 Page No.: 284-286
This research work is all about the education and awareness among women folk, particularly women of Bhopal. Here, we discussed the problems related to education and awareness about the programmes of education. Education is the basic need of life. No. society can progress without education. It is said that an individual is born only as a biological being in the world but soon after becomes a social being. This Trans formation from biological to social takes place through socialization and education. Education is an attempt to shift their Knowledge to the younger members of the society. Thus education is a process that develops the personality and interest capabilities of a child. It socializes the child to play adult roles in society and provides the necessary Knowledge and skills for the individual to be a responsible member of the society. As part of the socialization process, it inculcates among new members the norms, values and cultural heritage of a society. Socialization is a primary and informal process where by an individual shapes his or her own behavior in accordance with the social expectation of others.
Page(s): 284-286 Date of Publication: 03 March 2019
Zulfqar Ashraf Wani
Research Scholar, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Barkatullah University Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Reference are not available.
Zulfqar Ashraf Wani “Education and Awareness among Muslim Women of Madhya Pradesh: A Case Study of Noor Mahel Asoka Colony Bhopal ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.284-286 February 2019 URL:
Infusion of Marginalised Voices in Peer Counselling Strategy to Alleviate Drug Abuse in Rural Learning Ecology: Need Analysis
Munyaradzi Chidarikire – February 2019 Page No.: 287-293
The study was necessitated by the absence of a peer counselling strategy formulated by and for the stakeholders in Chivi, Zimbabwe rural learning ecologies. Reviewed literature substantiated that peers had the capacity to influence one another to avoid drugs and the use of drugs, using a peer counselling strategy. I realised that there was a gap in terms of a specific peer counselling strategy in relation to drug abuse in rural learning ecologies. The research study involved participants within Zimbabwean rural learning ecologies in a formulating peer counselling strategy that was culturally grounded. That gave voice to the marginalised and brought transformation on how previous peer counselling strategies are formulated. The study adopted Critical Emancipatory Research (CER) as a lens. CER allowed participants from rural learning communities, who are marginalised, to participate in formulating a peer counselling strategy in Zimbabwe. I adopted the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, which buttresses the theoretical framework CER as they advocate CER. Both PAR for empowerment and emancipation of the marginalised members of the rural learning community. I used the Free Attitude Interview to generate data. The researcher analysed the data, made findings, determined implications, and did strategy formulation. The research results revealed that there was a need for peer counselling strategy formulated through the inclusion of views of rural learning communities. Moreover, the research found that, most peer counselling strategies in Zimbabwe are western in nature and lack suitability to assist rural learners. Furthermore, I noted that there are threats to peer counselling strategies, such as lack of peer counselling trainings. The significance of a peer counselling strategy was portrayed in Zimbabwe urban learning communities. This shows conflict of power, domination and social injustice perpetuated by urban dwellers on the rural communities in terms of formulation of a peer counselling strategy.
Page(s): 287-293 Date of Publication: 02 March 2019
Munyaradzi Chidarikire
School of Education, Educational Psychology, Student Bachelor of Honours in Educational Psychology – Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe
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Munyaradzi Chidarikire “Infusion of Marginalised Voices in Peer Counselling Strategy to Alleviate Drug Abuse in Rural Learning Ecology: Need Analysis” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.287-293 February 2019 URL:
Socio Cultural Values and their Effect on Development- A Study of Muslim Women in Bhopal City
Pervaiz Ahmad Parrey – February 2019 Page No.: 294-298
Every society has set of values, beliefs, traditions and habits known as their socio cultural values. These values shape how we approach risk, how we view careers our perceptions of money, and our ideas of an ideal life style. Values are those criteria according to which a group or a Society judges the importance of persons, patterns, goals and other Socio cultural objects. The present study is conducted in Bhopal city with the intention to investigate the socio cultural values of Muslim women and their effect on development. The main focus is given on age, religion, education level, family income and the changing gender roles and for this purpose data was collected from 300 respondents by using multi stage systematic random sampling method.
Page(s): 294-298 Date of Publication: 02 March 2019
Pervaiz Ahmad Parrey
Research Scholar, Department of Sociology & Social Work, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
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Impediments against Peer Counselling Strategy for Alleviating Drug Abuse in Zimbabwean Rural Learning Ecologies
Munyaradzi Chidarikire – February 2019 Page No.: 299-305
There is high drug abuse in Zimbabwe rural learning ecologies, many learners are failing academically, and have behavioural and other social problems. To mitigate the drug abuse problems in Zimbabwean rural learning ecologies, peer counselling strategy has been mooted as one of the key methods of dealing with drug abuse. This study used qualitative approach and used Participatory Action Research as methodology and Critical Emancipatory Research as theoretical framework and focus group discussions to generate data. Critical discourse analysis was used to analyse data after transcribing, verified and put it in themes.However, some of the impediments generated from the research empirical data were: inadequate knowledge and lack of understanding of what a peer counselling strategy entails, the fact that the Guidance and Counselling subject is not examinable; Some recommendations: more training workshops to enhance peer counselling knowledge; examining Guidance and Counselling and giving teacher counsellors and peer counsellors incentives.
Page(s): 299-305 Date of Publication: 02 March 2019
Munyaradzi Chidarikire
School of Education, Educational Psychology, Student Bachelor of Honours in Educational Psychology – Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe
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Munyaradzi Chidarikire “Impediments against Peer Counselling Strategy for Alleviating Drug Abuse in Zimbabwean Rural Learning Ecologies” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.299-305 February 2019 URL:
Unveiling the Urban Transition Characteristics from the Dar es Salaam City Centre Outwards: A Perception of Street Vendors of Tanzania
Michael John Haule – February 2019 Page No.: 306-314
Urbanization is a process of expansion of cities to areas which were previously rural. Street vending is a type of small business practiced by petty traders who are either static or mobile within and/or along streets. This particular type of business dominates many of the developing world cities Dar es Salaam inclusive, where statistics indicate the presence of about 700,000 street vendors. Since Dar es Salaam is among the fastest growing cities of Africa, it is of interest investigating and unveiling the perceptions of street vendors on the city regarding its urbanization, a phenomenon concomitant with expansion of petty businesses. At this juncture, it is of significance to underpin the critical need to establish the street vendor’s perceptions on the urbanization of Dar es Salaam. The major findings of the study indicated that urbanization is characterized by rapid spatial expansion coupled with expansion of street vending business into urban fringes. Moreover, urbanization was not commensurate with expansion of social services delivered by Local Government Authorities (LGAs), i.e. social service delivery tended to lag behind the pace of urbanization. The influence of LGAs on street vendors was observed fading with increasing distance away from the city centre and vice versa; while the same pattern was observed for typology of industrial and agricultural products offered for sale by street vendors.. Thus the findings provide an insight indicating the way the city expands, while transforming urban fringe areas into urban, this needs to be appreciated by the inhabitants of respective areas, the actual key players and beneficiaries of the observed spatial change and development. We, therefore, recommend that respective LGAs be pro-active in the planning and executing of the urban development agenda. Social service delivery and administration of urban areas be uniformly applied while addressing issues in the entire areas of jurisdiction.
Page(s): 306-314 Date of Publication: 04 March 2019
Michael John Haule
Institute of Accountancy Arusha, Dar es Salaam Campus, P.O Box 69007, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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Michael John Haule “Unveiling the Urban Transition Characteristics from the Dar es Salaam City Centre Outwards: A Perception of Street Vendors of Tanzania” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.306-314 February 2019 URL:
Marital Satisfaction and Stability: Efficacy of Counselling
ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka, OKOLIE, Benedicta Onuegbu, MUSA, Tabitha, SHEHU, Nasir, DALHATU, Hafsatu – February 2019 Page No.: 315-321
This paper discussed the efficacy of counselling in marital satisfaction and stability in marriages. The paper covers some aspect of marriage, marital satisfaction, marital stability as a firm, steady well balance and healthy marital relationship between couple; as each member fulfills his/her role in the relationship, premarital counselling and marital counselling. Studies have shown that marriage has been a traditional component of family socialization, supported by religious and social guidance on mate selection and marital roles performance. The paper defined marital satisfaction as a mental state that reflects the perceived benefits and cost of marriage to a particular person and the important qualities of a relationship or marriages such as responsibilities of each person in the marriage, provision of food, procreation and support for each other opening up to new experience among others. The paper also discussed some factors that tend to influence marital stability and satisfaction such as attitudes, in-laws, communication, roles, family background, personalities traits among others. Many marriages today, end in divorce due to lack of marital satisfaction and stability. In spite of the couple’s attitude toward religiosity or the secular basis for their relationship and the efforts of psychologists, the divorce rates have continued to rise. Trends show an increase in the number of couples seeking assistance prior to marriage. Efficacy of marital counselling including helping couples understand expectations of marriage, the task of parenthood, understand the value of premarital laboratory testing (e.g. genotype), to distinguish between marriage and friendship and, understanding the realistic qualities of a good partner (e.g. loving, patience, dedication, caring and understanding). Marriage preparation strategies documented in professional literature advocate this as well. Effort couples put into their relationship is associated with satisfaction. Furthermore, counselling professionals, in growing numbers, suggested there are benefits to learning more about marriage stability and satisfaction.
Page(s): 315-321 Date of Publication: 06 March 2019
ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education & Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
OKOLIE, Benedicta Onuegbu
Department of Educational Foundations, School of Education, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria
MUSA, Tabitha
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education & Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
SHEHU, Nasir
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education & Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
DALHATU, Hafsatu
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education & Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
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ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka, OKOLIE, Benedicta Onuegbu, MUSA, Tabitha, SHEHU, Nasir, DALHATU, Hafsatu “Marital Satisfaction and Stability: Efficacy of Counselling” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.315-321 February 2019 URL:
Drought Perceptions and Coping Strategies among the Marginalized and Resource Poor Households in the Sudan Savanna Zone: A Case Study of Babura Community, Jigawa State, Nigeria
Ahmed Abubakar, Musbahu Abubakar Jibrin, Najib Abdullahi, Aminu Hussaini, Khalifa Mukhatar Usman – February 2019 Page No.: 322-329
This research examines drought perceptions and coping strategies to drought among small holder’s farmers in Babura and its environs. The objective of the study is to examine the awareness of farmers on drought issues as well as to assess the socio economic effects of drought in the study area, and identify the farmer’s adaptation strategies within the farming system in the area. A total of 150 questionnaires were administered to farmers whom were purposively selected. The study findings revealed that farmers are well aware and have much experience on drought. It affects the yield out-put, soil degradation and infestation of pests and diseases. The study conclude by recommending some adaptive and mitigation measures such as irrigation, planting drought resistant variety and afforestation among others.
Page(s): 322-329 Date of Publication: 06 March 2019
Ahmed Abubakar
Sule Lamido University, Kafin-Hausa, Nigeria
Musbahu Abubakar Jibrin
Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
Najib Abdullahi
Sule Lamido University, Kafin-Hausa, Nigeria
Aminu Hussaini
Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
Khalifa Mukhatar Usman
Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto, Nigeria
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Ahmed Abubakar, Musbahu Abubakar Jibrin, Najib Abdullahi, Aminu Hussaini, Khalifa Mukhatar Usman “Drought Perceptions and Coping Strategies among the Marginalized and Resource Poor Households in the Sudan Savanna Zone: A Case Study of Babura Community, Jigawa State, Nigeria ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.322-329 February 2019 URL:
The Effectiveness of Illegal Subsidized Fertilizer Eradication in Ngawi Regency
Tri Boy Siahaan, Hartiwiningsih, Hari Purwadi – February 2019 Page No.: 330-334
Agriculture is a leading sector in Ngawi Regency. Ngawi residents still rely on agriculture as livelihood. There are serious obstacles that hinder the development of agriculture such as the scarcity of subsidized fertilizer and the rampant illegal subsidized fertilizer sold at high prices to farmers. This study analyzes the effectiveness of eradicating illegal subsidized fertilizer in Ngawi Regency. The results of the study show that the eradication of illegal subsidized fertilizer in Ngawi Regency has not been effective. The case of illegal subsidized fertilizer trade has increased along with the high demand for fertilizer and limited supply to meet farmers’ needs. Efforts that can be made in eradicating illegal subsidized fertilizer in Ngawi to support the improvement of farmers’ welfare are: (1) Following up on all reports of illegal subsidized fertilizer circulation, (2) Taking firm action against illegal subsidized economic criminals in collaboration with agencies that is Agriculture Office of Ngawi Regency related to expert witness in the trial process of the defendant. (3) Increasing the participation of the community, especially farmers, in reporting economic crime of illegal subsidized fertilizer; (4) Ngawi Regency Agriculture Service is urged to inform about HRP subsidized fertilizer and available quota of fertilizer periodically to farmers and farmer groups..
Page(s): 330-334 Date of Publication: 06 March 2019
Tri Boy Siahaan
Post Graduade Program of Law Studies, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia
Post Graduade Program of Law Studies, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia
Hari Purwadi
Post Graduade Program of Law Studies, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia
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Tri Boy Siahaan, Hartiwiningsih, Hari Purwadi “The Effectiveness of Illegal Subsidized Fertilizer Eradication in Ngawi Regency” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.330-334 February 2019 URL:
Technology, Innovation and Performance Perspectives of Small to Medium Enterprises in the Manufacturing Sector of Zimbabwe
Dr. Faitira Manuere, Nelia Eta Marima, Taurai Manyadze – February 2019 Page No.: 335-339
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of innovation (technological, product and process) on the performance of small to medium enterprises in the manufacturing sector of Zimbabwe. The concept of innovation was quantified in terms of three variables, such as technological innovation, product innovation and process innovation. The survey design was used in this study. Therefore, a sample of 20 SMES in the greater Harare were chosen using the purposive sampling method. Only those SMEs that have been in operation for more than five years were chosen to participate in this study. The questionnaire approach was used to collect primary data which was subsequently analysed using the ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation matrix. The results of the study showed that there is a positive relationship between innovation (technological, product and process) and the performance of SMEs in the manufacturing sector of Zimbabwe.
Page(s): 335-339 Date of Publication: 06 March 2019
Dr. Faitira Manuere
Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe
Nelia Eta Marima
Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe
Taurai Manyadze
Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe
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Dr. Faitira Manuere, Nelia Eta Marima, Taurai Manyadze “Technology, Innovation and Performance Perspectives of Small to Medium Enterprises in the Manufacturing Sector of Zimbabwe” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.335-339 February 2019 URL:
Utility of Educational Resources on Access and Equity of Subsidized Secondary Education in Kenya
Dr. Bomett Emily Jepchirchir (Ph.D.) – February 2019 Page No.: 340-343
The Kenya Government announced the release of 2.9 billion for subsidized secondary education and allocated Ksh. 10,265 to every child to cater for tuition and operational costs annually. The purpose of this study is to assess the determinants of access and equity to subsidized secondary education in Eldoret West, Uasin Gishu County. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of educational resources on access and equity to subsidized secondary education in public secondary schools in Eldoret West. The target population comprised of the Sub-County Education Officer, 16 Head Teachers and 227 class teachers was used. Purposive and stratified simple random samplings were employed. Questionnaires and Interview schedules were the main data collection instruments. The Quantitative data was analyzed using both inferential and descriptive statistics such as frequency tables and measures of central tendency while qualitative data were reported thematically. The study results revealed that there was a significant relationship between educational resources and access and equity to subsidized secondary education (p=0.001). The study concluded that the government should allocate more funds to schools to enable them expand their educational facilities to accommodate the high number of students seeking secondary education.
Page(s): 340-343 Date of Publication: 07 March 2019
Dr. Bomett Emily Jepchirchir (Ph.D.)
Department of Educational Management and Policy Studies, School of Education, Moi University, P.O Box 3900, Eldoret, Kenya
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Dr. Bomett Emily Jepchirchir (Ph.D.) “Utility of Educational Resources on Access and Equity of Subsidized Secondary Education in Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.340-343 February 2019 URL:
The Amounts of Bursary Allocation: Focus on Kenyan Secondary Schools Internal Efficiency
Prof. J.S.K Achoka & Namachanja Edwin Wafula – February 2019 Page No.: 344-348
Secondary school education is very critical in any education system because of the crucial role it plays in catalyzing national development. Consequently, maintaining a high student enrolment at this level should be a priority for all countries. The Constituency Bursary Fund (CBF) was established by the government of Kenya through an Act of Parliament in 2003. The study was guided by classical liberal theory of equality of opportunities. The study was designed to determine equity implications in bursary awards on the internal efficiency of secondary schools. The objective of the study was to establish the relationship between the amounts of bursary allocated and the internal efficiency in secondary schools; to investigate the relationship between bursary allocation and the internal efficiency in secondary schools. This study employed a mixed methods design. Data was collected through questionnaire and interview schedule. Qualitative data were analyzed through themes, while quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The study established that there was a positive and significant relationship between amount of bursary allocated and school fees balance of the recipients in bursary allocation to students which indicates that with a unit increase in bursary contribution there is an increase in school fees charged in secondary schools. The findings of the study will provide useful information to educational stakeholders in the management of secondary schools that will be useful in improving the management of secondary schools.
Page(s): 344-348 Date of Publication: 07 March 2019
Prof. J.S.K Achoka
Department of Education Planning and Management, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya
Namachanja Edwin Wafula
Department of Education Planning and Management, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya
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Prof. J.S.K Achoka & Namachanja Edwin Wafula “The Amounts of Bursary Allocation: Focus on Kenyan Secondary Schools Internal Efficiency” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.344-348 February 2019 URL:
Dynamic of Gross Enrolment Rates: Access and Equity of Subsidized Secondary Education in Kenya
Dr. Bomett Emily Jepchirchir (Ph.D.) – February 2019 Page No.: 349-352
The subsidized secondary education was introduced as a result of Kenya’s effort to attain Education for All (EFA) as indicated in the Sessional Paper no. 1 of 2012. The subsidized secondary education was implemented in February, 2008 by the Coalition Government. This was to reduce the cost of education for parents, increase access to education and to increase transition rates from primary to secondary transition rates in coping with the United Nations aim to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of gross enrolment rates, on access and equity to subsidized secondary education in public secondary schools in Eldoret West. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population comprised of the Sub-County Education Officer, 16 Head Teachers and 227 class teachers was used. Purposive and stratified simple random samplings were employed. Questionnaires and Interview schedules were the main data collection instruments. The collected data was analyzed using both inferential and descriptive statistics such as frequency tables and measures of central tendency. The study results revealed that there was a significant relationship between gross enrolment rates and access and equity to subsidized secondary education (p=0.005). The study concluded that subsidized secondary education has enabled more students to access secondary education. The average number of students per class has been increasing over the years. However, measures should be put in place to ensure school resources are used well.
Page(s): 349-352 Date of Publication: 07 February 2019
Dr. Bomett Emily Jepchirchir (Ph.D.)
Department of Educational Management and Policy Studies, School of Education, Moi University, P.O Box 3900, Eldoret, Kenya
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Dr. Bomett Emily Jepchirchir (Ph.D.) “Dynamic of Gross Enrolment Rates: Access and Equity of Subsidized Secondary Education in Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.349-352 February 2019 URL:
Academic Anxiety among Women in Academic Environment in Sokoto State: Implications for Counselling
ADEJARE Toosin Adeyinka, DALHATU, Hafsatu, OKOLIE Benedicta Onuegbu, SHEHU, Nasir – February 2019 Page No.: 353-360
The paper discussed the issue of academic anxiety among women in academic environment by looking at the concept of anxiety and academic anxiety. The paper also focused on the cause of academic anxiety such as environmental factors, genetic factors, Medical factors amongst others. The paper also identified how academic anxiety can be diagnosed through the help of school counsellor, clinical psychologist and mental health professionals. The paper stated how to handle academic anxiety by getting enough sleep, study smarter, visualize success amongst others. For academic anxiety to be controlled and reduces, the paper advocates the use of therapeutic approach in handling the issue through the use of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as a counselling approach of assisting women suffering from academic anxiety. The paper concluded that academic anxiety is fast becoming on the increase among women because of the family and society challenges the encounter on their day to day activities and there recommends that developing healthy eating pattern, exercising regularly, keep their eyes on issues or things that pressurize them, reduce cattier, kola and chocolate consumptions amongst others.
Page(s): 353-360 Date of Publication: 08 March 2019
ADEJARE Toosin Adeyinka
Department of Educational Foundations, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
DALHATU, Hafsatu
Department of Educational Foundations, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
OKOLIE Benedicta Onuegbu
Department of Educational Foundations, School of Education, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria
SHEHU, Nasir
Department of Educational Foundations, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
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ADEJARE Toosin Adeyinka, DALHATU, Hafsatu, OKOLIE Benedicta Onuegbu, SHEHU, Nasir “Academic Anxiety among Women in Academic Environment in Sokoto State: Implications for Counselling” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.353-360 February 2019 URL:
Rajeev Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojana: An Analysis in 12th Five Year Plan
Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava – February 2019 Page No.: 361-365
India has emerged as a the fastest growing major economy in the world as per the central Statistics Organisation (CSO) and international Monetary Fund (IMF) and it is expected to be one of the top three economic power of the world over the next 10-15 years. India GDP is estimated to have increased 6.6 per cent in 2017-18 and expected 7.3 per cent in 2018-19to but India, one among the leading economies of the world is predominantly rural, Almost 70% its population is in rural area, as per the census 2011 near about 120 cr population is living in rural area & their economic & social development is the only key indicator of growth & development of Indian economy to achieve this fully it is important that rural population of India have to access modern facilities mainly adequate supply of electricity.
Page(s): 361-365 Date of Publication: 11 March 2019
Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava
Assistant Professor, Vanita Vishram Women’s College of Commerce Surat, Gujarat
(Affiliated with VNSGU, Surat, Gujarat)
[1]. Improving electricity services in rural India – Vijaymodi working paper series,\centre on globalization and sustainable development-planning commission,
[2]. Impact of power sector reform on poor – a case study of south and south eastasia – nehamishra and viveksharma, teri, india.
Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava “Rajeev Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojana: An Analysis in 12th Five Year Plan” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.361-365 February 2019 URL:
Understanding of the Batik Laweyan Solo Creator for Copyright (Study of Law Number 28 of 2014 Concerning Copyright)
Chandra Adi Mauli – February 2019 Page No.: 366-371
The focus of the discussion in this study is the First Copyright Law as an embodiment of penetration of the legal culture of Western (capitalist) countries with individualistic nuances as positive law. Secondly, the culture of the laws of the local community where the Copyright Law is applied as a living law in society (Living law).The purpose of this paper is to know and explain not the implementation of the law as a positive law (positive law) in this case what is meant is the Copyright Act, in an Indonesian society and the Batik Laweyan craftsmen in particular, so that it is expected to explain why Copyright Law cannot function optimally in Indonesia which is marked by the many violations or piracy of a copyrighted work. The method in this writing is a qualitative method with the Sociological Research approach, while the paradigm used as the basis is the Paradigm of Social Definition with the aim of understanding social behavior through interpretation by explaining the path of development and its consequences according to its causes. Based on the social definition paradigm, the theory used is interactionism theory, which mainly emphasizes sociopsychological perspectives, the main goal of which is the individual in his personal personality and the interaction between internal opinion and one’s emotions with social behavior. With the Symbolic Interaction Theory approach, in this study will be able to further reveal the behavior of certain community groups by interacting with existing social behavior. And also with the Phenomenology Theory is that human action becomes a social relationship if humans give a certain meaning or meaning to their actions, and other human beings also understand their actions as appropriate which means that humans are social beings, so that the awareness of daily life is an absolute magnification.
As for the study findings it turns out, the Copyright Act in the application in the Laweyan Batik Craftsman community is in conflict with the Javanese legal culture that promotes harmony between neighbors, ewuhpekeweuh, tepasliro, mutual cooperation. If the law of copyright is strictly enforced, it will result in disturbance of neighborly living conditions. Because most Batik Laweyan craftsmen live next to each other even there is still a kinship, so that when it comes to demanding or monopolizing a work, it will lead to neighboring reluctance. They assume that even the art of batik is their property from the property of their ancestors so that anyone can imitate and make it.
Page(s): 366-371 Date of Publication: 11 March 2019
Chandra Adi Mauli
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
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Chandra Adi Mauli “Understanding of the Batik Laweyan Solo Creator for Copyright (Study of Law Number 28 of 2014 Concerning Copyright)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 2, pp.366-371 February 2019 URL:
A Survey of the Proleferation of Small Arms and Cattle Rusttling in Birnin Gwari Local Government Area of Kaduna State and Its Implication to National Security
Suleiman Amali, Ilim Moses Msughter, Lawal, O. YA – February 2019 Page No.: 372-384
This study investigates the security implication of cattle rustling in Birnin Gwari local government area of Kaduna state. The major objective of the study was thus to assess the connection between proliferation of small arms and cattle rustling and then examine the security implication on the society. To achieve this grand objective, specific objectives were outlined as thus: to highlights the factors that influence the proliferation of small arms and light weapons in Birnin Gwari local government, highlight the factors that facilitates and sustain catte rustling in Birnin Gwari local government area. The study was also interested in enumerating the obstacle that affects eradication of the phenomenon and to suggest what can be done to eradicate the phenomenon in the society. The study utilised both the primary and secondary data for its analyses. A multi stage sampling techniques was used to collect data from the respondents. The total number of respondents that participated in the study was 375. The study also used the in-depth Interview method to interview police officers who were considered as key informants for the study. The data obtained from the respondents were quantitatively and qualitatively analysed. The study found out that the proliferation of small arms and light weapons is very high in Birnin Gwari local government area. The major factor identified as facilitating the proliferation of small arms in Birnin Gwari was political thuggery, and thick vegetation of the Birnin Gwari communities was discovered to provide hide out for armed bandit hence facilitating the phenomenon of cattle rustling. It is therefore the recommendation of this study that political offices in Nigeria be made less attractive to discourage the use of thugs for election. Also s stiffer penalties and effective enforcement of laws should be embarked on. The study also suggests that the borders need to be closely monitored for what goes in and pout of the state and country. Finally the study suggests that employment opportunities be created to engage the youths who are the major perpetrators armed conflict and violence.
Page(s): 372-384 Date of Publication: 12 March 2019
Suleiman Amali
Department of Sociology Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Nigeria
Ilim Moses Msughter
Department of Sociology Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Nigeria
Lawal, O. YA
Registry Department Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Nigeria
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