A Review of Women and Leadership in Tertiary Education in Cameroon: Adversities and Implications for Productivity
Vanity Mugob Nshukwi, Titanji Peter Fon, Joseph Besong Besong- November 2020 – Page No.: 01-12

This paper is anchored on leadership and women in tertiary education in Cameroon with a focus on productivity from the perspective of these women. The review dwells on the premise that possibilities for floundering among women leaders abound with adverse consequences on their productivity. There are multifold concerns regarding women in leadership positions within higher education institutions ranging from: ability to manage work and family responsibilities, difficulty of receiving adequate mentoring from women with greater longevity and issues related to gender bias. While these adversities exist, there is seemingly a low key empathetic and supportive response from their male counterparts. Albeit these challenges, this paper examines the status quo through the lenses of a conceptual review to comprehend what literature has posited in respect to the topic under discourse. While the paper acknowledges the paucity of empirical works that have investigated the topic within the context of Cameroon, calls are equally made for more research to understand women in leadership positions within higher education institutions in Cameroon as well as some possible recommendations to remedy the challenges they face. Primarily, the male administrators may engage in behavioural adjustments towards female colleagues, support the activities of their female counterparts due to their extra responsibilities and equally show more empathy to their female co-workers.

Page(s): 01-12                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 17 November 2020

 Vanity Mugob Nshukwi
Department of Educational Foundations and Administration Faculty of Education , University of Buea. P O Box 63, Buea Southwest Region, Cameroon

 Titanji Peter Fon
Faculty of Education, University of Bamenda P O Box 39, Bambili Northwest Region, Cameroon

 Joseph Besong Besong
Department of Educational Foundations and Administration Faculty of Education , University of Buea. P O Box 63, Buea Southwest Region, Cameroon

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Vanity Mugob Nshukwi, Titanji Peter Fon, Joseph Besong Besong “A Review of Women and Leadership in Tertiary Education in Cameroon: Adversities and Implications for Productivity” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume 4 issue 11, pp.01-12 November 2020 URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/01-12.pdf

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A Study on the Conditions of Women Construction Workers in Guwahati

Himadri Gogoi -November 2020 -Page No.: 13-22

The passion for this research stems from the desire to understand the position of women in the vulnerable parts of the informal economy. The study is predominantly based on women construction workers of Guwahati. The construction industry and its biasness along gender lines is something which is very much prevalent and needs continuous research. This research explores around the social security, working conditions and economic inequalities faced by the women construction workers. The research was demanding, but it has helped in discovering many different issues and perspectives on the topic.

Page(s): 13-22                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 November 2020

 Himadri Gogoi
Tata Institute of Social Science, Guwahati, India

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Himadri Gogoi, “A Study on the Conditions of Women Construction Workers in Guwahati” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume 4 issue 11, pp.13-22 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/13-22.pdf

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Adequacy of School Resources and infrastructure in relation to Pupils’ Performance in English subject at Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Examination.

Wandera N. Susan, Professor Winston Jumba Akala, Dr. Rosemary Khitieyi Imonje November 2020 Page No.: 23-29

School resources and infrastructure are very essential to the learning and teaching process. In exploring level of learner performance in Kenya Certificate of Primary Examinations, learning resources and school infrastructure is one of major indicators of the level of preparedness for enhancing learner performance. The study determined the relation of the adequacy of school resources and infrastructure on learner performance in Kenya Certificate of Primary Examination (KCPE) in English subject in public primary schools in Kenya. The study used descriptive survey design using purposive sampling technique. This enabled the study capture how levels of adequacy of school resources and infrastructure relate to learner performance in National Examination public primary schools in Machakos County. The unit of analysis was Public primary schools. The County has 842 Government run public primary schools out of which 86 schools were studied. Data was collected using observation schedules and questionnaires. Respondents were teachers who teach English subject. Study found that availability and usage of teaching and learning resources averaging 65 % and availability/adequacy and usage of school infrastructure averaging 60 % to correspond to learner performance scores in KCPE.

Page(s): 23-29                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 25 November 2020

 Wandera N. Susan Imonje
Department of Educational Administration and Planning, School of Education, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 30197- 00100 Nairobi Kenya.

 Professor Winston Jumba Akala
Department of Educational Administration and Planning, School of Education, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 30197- 00100 Nairobi Kenya.

 Dr. Rosemary Khitieyi Imonje
Department of Educational Administration and Planning, School of Education, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 30197- 00100 Nairobi Kenya.

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Wandera N. Susan, Professor Winston Jumba Akala, Dr. Rosemary Khitieyi Imonje, “Adequacy of School Resources and infrastructure in relation to Pupils’ Performance in English subject at Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Examination” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume 4 issue 11, pp.23-29 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/23-29.pdf

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Effect of Risk Response Planning on Completion of Women Groups Projects In Katulani Ward, Kitui County

Munyungu Faith Kavuli, Dr. Caleb Kirui- November 2020 Page No.: 30-33

This study sought to establish the effect of risk response planning on completion of women group projects in Katulani Ward, Kitui County. The research adopted a descriptive research design. Primary data for the study was collected using semi-structured questionnaires. The target population was 8 women Self Help Groups namely; Neema self-help group, Muuo self-help group, Mutethya self-help group, Woni self-help group, Wendo self-help group, Usenyo self-help group, Amani self-help group and Mumo self-help group comprising of 583 management staff and beneficiaries. A stratified sample of 30 percent was carried out which generated 175 respondents. Validity and reliability were carried out to test the accuracy and consistency of the research instruments. Quantiative data was analysed using descriptive statistics and presented in terms of tables. Multiple regression analysis was done to establish the effect of risk response planning on project completion. The study found that risk response planning positively and significantly influenced the completion of women group projects in Katulani Ward, Kitui County. The study concluded that risk response planning helps in the development of the procedures and techniques to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to the project’s objectives. They help in reducing the effect or probability of the identified or even the unidentified risks. The study recommended that the women groups in Katulani Ward should assign individuals who will be responsible for each risk and generate a response that can be used for each risk.

Page(s): 30-33                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 28 November 2020

 Munyungu Faith Kavuli
Department of Management Science, School of Business, Kenyatta University, Kenya

  Munyungu Faith Kavuli, Dr. Caleb Kirui
Department of Management Science, School of Business, Kenyatta University, Kenya

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Munyungu Faith Kavuli, Dr. Caleb Kirui, “Effect of Risk Response Planning on Completion of Women Groups Projects In Katulani Ward, Kitui County” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume 4 issue 11, pp.30-33 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/30-33.pdf

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The Social Media Platforms and Examination Malpractice among Secondary School Students: The Possible Way Out

Bello Alim Babi- November 2020 Page No.: 34-39

The pursuit of certificates and the behavioral issues in the society amidst poor performances are identified as some root causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria. The study revealed that issues of examination malpractice through social media platforms persists as a result of the escalation of mobile phones and tablets in the hands of students which enables them easy access to the internet and the modern social media platforms such as; Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and so on. This paper essentially examined the relationship that exists between examination malpractice and the social media platforms. Descriptive method was used for data collection with the aid of simple percentage and content analysis. A total of 5 teachers out of 52 teachers were selected as the respondents in the study. This represented 19.2% of the teachers’ sample. A total number of 5 teachers and a total number of 180 students out of 1800 senior secondary three students in public schools were selected which constituted 10% of the students’ sample, by means of random sampling technique from five (5) secondary schools in Yola – North local government council of Adamawa state, Nigeria. The paper found that the relationship that exists between examination malpractice and the social media platforms include the use of WhatsApp which makes students vulnerable to examination malpractice. The paper recommended among others that; examination malpractice should be discouraged by seizing the students’ internet and social media access during examination periods.

Page(s): 34-39                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 November 2020

  Bello Alim Babi
General Studies Department, School of Administrative and Business Studies, Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola, Nigeria

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Bello Alim Babi, “The Social Media Platforms and Examination Malpractice among Secondary School Students: The Possible Way Out” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.34-39 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/34-39.pdf

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An Analysis of the Influence of Information Technology and Procurement Process on Performance of NHIF, In Western Kenya

Patrick Opondo, Ibrahim Makina- November 2020 Page No.: 40-46

:Some organizations have implemented e-procurement technologies and succeed whereas others have failed to adopt the system after implementation with devastating consequences. E-procurement refers to use of internet-based systems to carry out procurement processes including research, sourcing, negotiations, ordering, receipts and post purchase reviews. Therefore, this study sought to establish the influence of information technology and procurement process on performance of National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF). The study targeted 154 employees and a sample size of 57 employees filled the questionnaires. The study area was three counties in western Kenya. Exploratory research design was used. Multiple regression was used to analyze results. Results revealed that information technology has positive and significant influence on performance (β = 0.529; p<.05). The study provides valuable information to the management of National Hospital Insurance fund who shall be able to develop interventions on information and communication technology Management will also be able to facilitate the integration of the procurement system in various department of the organization.

Page(s): 40-46                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 November 2020

  Patrick Opondo
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, University of Technology, Kenya

  Ibrahim Makina
Kisii University, Kenya

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Patrick Opondo, Ibrahim Makina. “An Analysis of the Influence of Information Technology and Procurement Process on Performance of NHIF, In Western Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.40-46 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/40-46.pdf

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Consequences of Defective Public Relation in Nigerian Special Libraries

Angbande, Dennis P, James N. Mngutyô – November 2020 Page No.: 47-52

Special libraries contribute significantly to national development. Unfortunately the connection between special libraries and national development has not been fully known and established for Nigeria and her institutions to understand due to defective public relations. The resultant effect has been unpalatable on Nigerian special libraries, Nigerian institutions and ultimately on national development. To address this, the paper examines the concepts of special libraries, national development, defective PR and went on to look at the relationship between special libraries and national development, and further discusses causes of defective public relation and the consequences on Nigerian special libraries and proffer the way forward and conclude that indeed defective PR has given Nigerian special libraries a neglected, undervalued, underfunded misconceived, misconstrued, misrepresented image among other effects such as lack of attention and so on that result to poor information resources and information services. Though surmountable, the task is her culean and the way forward among other things include building image of library, possession of higher qualifications; development of research and presentationskillswhich must start now as Nigerian society seeks accelerated national development.

Page(s): 47-52                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 01 December 2020

 Angbande, Dennis P
University Library and Information Services, Benue State University, Makurdi

 James N. Mngutyô
Department of Library and Information Science,Benue State University, Makurdi

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Angbande, Dennis P, James N. Mngutyô “Consequences of Defective Public Relation in Nigerian Special Libraries” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.47-52 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/47-52.pdf

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Effectiveness of the Inclusion of Teachers with Disabilities in the Teaching and Learning Situation in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province Schools

Benny Chitsa PhD, Grace Moyo- November 2020 Page No.: 53-58

The study sought to establish the effectiveness of the inclusion of teachers with physical disabilities in the teaching and learning situation in Bulawayo Metropolitan province schools. It was guided by the theoretical framework of Bronfenbrenner’s social ecological systems theory. The mixed methods approach with case study were used to enable an in-depth exploration of purposively snowballed Bulawayo Metropolitan province schools. Questionnaire and interview were employed for generating interim and thematic analyzed data. This study revealed that teachers with disabilities were given minimal opportunities by schools thereby affecting their inclusion and effective curriculum implementation. Negative attitude, limited teaching aids, lack of funds and discrimination, stereotyping and stigmatization were some of the main challenges diluted the effectiveness of the inclusion of teachers with disabilities in the teaching and learning situation in schools. The study recommended that there is need for the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education to revise and review the education policy on the inclusion of teachers with disabilities in the teaching and learning and provide clear guidelines on how to accommodate them. It is recommended that there is need to cultivate and nurture positive attitudes towards the inclusion of teachers with disabilities to stakeholders such as school Heads, teachers without physical disabilities, students and parents in order to achieve the effective inclusion of teachers with disabilities in Zimbabwean schools. There is need for the teachers with disabilities to be given due recognition and equal rights in accessing all school facilities to achieve their effective inclusion in the teaching and learning situation. .

Page(s): 53-58                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 01 December 2020

 Benny Chitsa PhD
Zimbabwe Open University; Department of Psychology

  Grace Moyo
Candidate PhD with UNISA; Department of Psychology

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Benny Chitsa PhD, Grace Moyo, “Effectiveness of the Inclusion of Teachers with Disabilities in the Teaching and Learning Situation in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province Schools ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.53-58 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/53-58.pdf

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Investigating the Impact of Facebook on Students’ Social Behavior: SLIATE as a Case Study

D. A. Akuratiya, D. N. R. Meddage – November 2020 Page No.: 60-64

Facebook, the world’s largest social media site of today’s world is the new trendsetter on interpersonal communication, interaction, and socializing. It has changed the face of social relationships and has taken the socio-cultural settings into a new phase. This study investigates the impact of Facebook on students’ academic, social behavior, privacy, and physical health. A sample of 223 questionnaires was collected from participants of 20-24 years of age. The findings emphasized that Facebook is used for recreation and relaxation, remaining updated about trends, and for socializing. Besides, there is no significant adverse impact on students’ academic, social interactions, and physical health. Also, the study indicates that students are aware of how to safeguard their privacy and security virtually, which is a good sign.

Page(s): 60-64                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 02 December 2020

  D. A. Akuratiya
Department of Accountancy, Department of Information Technology, ATI-Dehiwala, SLIATE, Sri Lanka

  D. N. R. Meddage
Department of Accountancy, Department of Information Technology, ATI-Dehiwala, SLIATE, Sri Lanka

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D. A. Akuratiya, D. N. R. Meddage “Investigating the Impact of Facebook on Students’ Social Behavior: SLIATE as a Case Study” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.60-64 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/60-64.pdf

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Impact of Leadership Styles on Teachers’ Motivation in Public Secondary Schools in Katagum Local Government Area of Bauchi State

Gambo Alhaji Danladi, Mohammed Kawu- November 2020 Page No.: 65-68

The phenomenon of leadership is one of the most extensive social influence process known to human behavior. Any organisation, economic, political, business enterprise derives its continued existence from the successful guidance of human beings. This study was carried out to analyze the impact of leadership styles on teacher`s motivation in public secondary schools in Katagum local government area of Bauchi state. To achieve this objective, the researchers developed and administered a questionnaire on 100 teachers in public secondary schools in Katagum local government area of Bauchi state. Data analysis was made using Simple percentage, Mean and Standard deviation. It was recommended that further researches should be carried out on leadership styles and its effectiveness on teachers` efficiencies.

Page(s): 65-68                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 03 December 2020

  Gambo Alhaji Danladi
Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare Bauchi State of Nigeria

  Mohammed Kawu
Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare Bauchi State of Nigeria

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Gambo Alhaji Danladi, Mohammed Kawu “Impact of Leadership Styles on Teachers’ Motivation in Public Secondary Schools in Katagum Local Government Area of Bauchi State” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.65-68 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/65-68.pdf

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The Role of Digital Innovations in Information Management in Fostering Sustainable Development in Africa

Nyapela, Matthews Abijah – November 2020 Page No.: 69-75

Digital innovation in information management is an interdisciplinary program, which thoroughly blends together well-founded knowledge on the establishment and management of various systems of information alongside critical observation of the current digital innovation. Courtesy of fourth industrial revolution, the comprehensive achievement of these innovations will cause a dynamic and formidable boost in enhancing the achievement of the goals of the noble program for sustainable development in Africa. This sustainable development program in Africa is a global organization whose objectives include support to governments, scholarly institutions, local societies and businesses, for the purpose of enhancing and accelerating achievement of goals. The program’s initiative constitutes of the seventeen (17) global goals for sustainable development (SDGs), which is a major portion in the broader 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that is born out of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). I hereby endeavor to elucidate on the role played by the innovated digital information management in fostering each of the SDGs in Africa. The purpose of this paper is to investigate, ascertain, examine, assess, evaluate and establish the role of digitally innovated information management in facilitating the achievement of each of the seventeen global goals for the full satisfaction of their subsequent objectives. The subsequent objective of this paper is to clearly mark and define particular areas of significance in each of the seventeen goals in this program that are facilitated and enhanced by innovated digital information management.

Page(s): 69-75                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 24 November 2020

  Nyapela, Matthews Abijah
Phd Student, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Nairobi

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Nyapela, Matthews Abijah “The Role of Digital Innovations in Information Management in Fostering Sustainable Development in Africa” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.69-75 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/69-75.pdf

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Influence of Principals’administrative Styles on Teachers’ Performance in Aba Education Zone of Abia State, Nigeria

Ijekpa Benedicta Ada, Prof. Mkpa Agu Mkpa – November 2020 Page No.: 76-82

This survey study examines the influence of principals’ administrative styles on teachers’ performance in public secondary schools in Aba education zone of Abia State, Nigeria. The examination focuses on the areas of teachers’ punctuality to school, regularity to classes, and preparation of lesson notes. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study.
A sample of 40 secondary schools was selected in Aba Education zone. 22 of these schools were headed by male principals and 18 of them by female principals, including 295 teachers stratified randomly, and proportionally drawn from the zone.
The instrument for data collection was a set of “Teachers’ questionnaire” on principals’ administrative styles; “Observation schedule” on teachers’ lesson preparation (TLP); and “Inspection schedule” on teachers’ school and inspection schedule (TSIS) validated with a reliability index of 0.73, using test – re-test correlational statistics. Data were collected using 10 trained research assistants who returned with a total of 285 i.e. 98% of properly filled copies of the questionnaire. Mean was used to determine the principals’ styles of administration, ANOVA statistics was used to determine the influence of principals’ administrative styles on teachers’ punctuality to school and regularity to classes, while Chi-square statistics was used to test principals’ administrative styles and teachers’ preparation for lesson.
Results revealed that some schools practiced autocratic, some democratic, and some situational style of administration. Laissez-faire style of administration does not exist. It was also noted that most of the newly appointed principals and female principals tended to be autocratic while the highly experienced ones adopted situational style of administration. There was no significant influence of administrative styles on teachers’ punctuality to schools and preparation for lessons. However, there was a significant influence of administrative styles on teachers’ regularity to lesson. The paper recommends regular seminar and workshop for principals to harmonize their styles of administration and also properly-kept school records such as teachers’ time book and teaching audit.

Page(s): 76-82                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 03 December 2020

 Ijekpa Benedicta Ada
Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria

 , Prof. Mkpa Agu Mkpa
Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria

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Ijekpa Benedicta Ada, Prof. Mkpa Agu Mkpa, “Influence of Principals’administrative Styles on Teachers’ Performance in Aba Education Zone of Abia State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.76-82 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/76-82.pdf

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Implementasi Policy Revitalization of Local Values in Strengthening National Culture in Palu City

Hidayat, Muhammad Basir, Nawawi Natsir, Hasbullah – November 2020 Page No.: 83-102

This research focuses on 2 (two) problem formulations, namely How is the effectiveness of the implementation of the revitalization policy of local wisdom values in strengthening the cultural character of the nation in Palu City ?. How are the inhibiting and supporting factors for the implementation of the revitalization policy of local wisdom values in strengthening the cultural character of the nation in Palu City? This study uses qualitative research methods. The results show: The implementation of the revitalization policy of the local wisdom values of Palu City has been effective. This can be seen from the results of the analysis of the 6 (six) variables under study indicate that the implementation of the policy has gone according to expectations. However, in terms of output, the implementation of this policy has not been optimal. Inhibiting factors for implementing the revitalization policy of local wisdom values in Palu City, based on the results of the analysis of the 6 (six) variables studied, it shows that there are 2 (two) factors, namely the weakness of the executor’s ability to interpret the substance of the policy, still weak coordination between institutions Meanwhile, the supporting factors are the presence of adequate human and financial resources, the characteristics of the executing agent, the attitude of the implementing agency, and conducive economic, social and political conditions.

Page(s): 83-102                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 03 December 2020

Doctoral Student in Social and Political Sciences, Postgraduate Tadulako University, Indonesia

  Muhammad Basir
Departemen of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University, Indonesia

  Nawawi Natsir
Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Tadulako University, Indonesia

Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Tadulako University, Indonesia

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Hidayat, Muhammad Basir, Nawawi Natsir, Hasbullah, “Implementasi Policy Revitalization of Local Values in Strengthening National Culture in Palu City” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.83-102 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/83-102.pdf

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The Effectiveness of Strengthening Character Education In Boarding School

Windi Roni, Irawan Suntoro, Sowiyah- November 2020 Page No.: 103-107

The Effectiveness Of Strengthening Character Education In Boarding School. Purpose: This study is to describe: policies, implementation and control in strengthening character education in SMP IT Permata Bunda, Bandar Lampung City. Method: used in this research is a qualitative method with a phenomenological design plan. The data collection technique was carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation with ten informants. Result: the research shows that policies are implemented through planning and organizing. Implementation process through means of communication, resources, dispositions and organizational structure. Control is carried out through monitoring and evaluation activities obtained from student journal recap data, teacher control sheets and discipline books. Strengthening character education is integrated into three activities, namely learning, extracurricular activities and school culture habituation with indicators of religious character, integrity, cooperation, responsibility and care. Suggestion: schools as educational institutions are expected to be able to determine the characteristics of schools in implementing character education policies in shaping the character of students

Page(s): 103-107                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 03 December 2020

 Windi Roni
Department of Educational Management, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia

  Irawan Suntoro
Department of Educational Management, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia

Department of Educational Management, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia

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Windi Roni, Irawan Suntoro, Sowiyah, “The Effectiveness of Strengthening Character Education In Boarding School” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.103-107 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/103-107.pdf

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Influence of Trainees’ Entry Qualification on Skill Development for Kenya’s Realization of Her Devevelopment Agenda

Selina Chepkoech, Ibrahim khatete, Genevieve Wanjala- November 2020 Page No.: 108-113

The purpose of the study was to examine how entry qualifications of trainees at Technical Vocational, Education and Training (TVET) institutions impact on skill development for Kenya’s development agenda. The study was a qualitative case study of three cohorts (2016, 2017 and 2018) being the groups that had done national examinations set by Kenya National Examinational Council (KNEC) at the time the study was carried out. Data was gathered using questionnaires and document analysis. Data analysis involved verification of the entry requirements for one to be enrolled in a given course vis-a-vi the policy governing admissions, actual enrolments in the courses offered and trainees’ performances at the Kenya National Examinational Council examination. The study established that there was strong correlation of 0.798** in a 2 tailed test between trainees’ initial qualifications and academic achievement, a measure of skill formation. However initial entry qualification of trainees was generally low with over 60 percent of the trainees having scored grade D+ and below in their pre-entry examination leading to poor academic achievement, a state that was more pronounced in Science oriented courses. It was further established that the main cause of low achievement of the trainees in the science oriented courses investigated were that the trainees had registered for the courses based on the minimum grade requirement but had poor grades in Science subjects. These findings indicated that Kenya was unlikely to achieve a manpower development needs if this trend continues. As such the study recommends for the need to revise minimum requirements in the cluster subjects to be considered for admission to various courses. The institutes should provide proper career guidance for prospective trainees to help them make informed choices regarding courses to be pursued not only on the basis of their interests but also on their academic abilities as demonstrated in their entry examination performances.

Page(s): 108-113                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 04 December 2020

  Selina Chepkoech1
University of Nairobi, Department of Education Administration and Planning

  Ibrahim khatete1
University of Nairobi, Department of Education Administration and Planning

  Genevieve Wanjala1
University of Nairobi, Department of Education Administration and Planning

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Selina Chepkoech, Ibrahim khatete, Genevieve Wanjala “Influence of Trainees’ Entry Qualification on Skill Development for Kenya’s Realization of Her Devevelopment Agenda” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.108-113 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/108-113.pdf

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Influence of head teachers’ collegial leadership on pupils’ academic performance at the Kenya certificate of primary education in Vihiga County, Kenya

Mavale Hudson Omega, Dr. Matula Daisy Phylisters, Prof. Akala Winston Jumba- November 2020 Page No.: 114-121

There is no school that can exist in a vacuum without the community. The head teacher should thus enhance a culture of peaceful co-existence between the school and the community in order to influence the effective utilization and sustainability of the available resources. Schools exist in the heart of each community and school-community links are beneficial. The main objective of this study was to establish the influence of head teachers’ collegial leadership on pupils’ KCPE performance. The study was based on scientific management theory. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The study participants were head teachers, teachers, pupils and education officers. The target population was 14860 that comprised; 371 head teachers, 4450 teachers, 10017 pupils’ council leadership and 22 education officers. A sample of 390 participants was selected to take part in the study. The researcher used stratified sampling technique to select sample schools and zones from the County. Simple random sampling was used to sample 77 head teachers, 154 teachers and 5 education officers while census sampling was used to sample 154 pupils’ council leadership. Questionnaires, interview guide and observation schedule were used to collect data. A pilot study was conducted in different schools and one zone from the neighbouring Nandi County to help refine the instruments. Questionnaires were validated by conducting a pre-test and through expert judgment by the supervisors. The Split-half technique that is administered once to the study participants was used to test instruments reliability. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as means, percentages and frequencies with the aid of SPSS and the findings presented using tables. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis and findings presented in narrative and verbatim form. The findings indicated that head teachers collegial relationship with parents or community does not assist with children completion of homework assignments and schools infrastructural development. However, the findings indicated that head teachers’ collegial leadership assists with pupil’s school attendance, discipline and academic outcomes. It was concluded that most head teachers have a collegial relationship with teachers that improve pupils’ academic performance. The results indicated a significant relationship between head teachers’ collegial leadership and pupils’ academic performance. The test of the null hypothesis on head teachers enhancing or not enhancing collegial leadership was rejected as shown by a p-value = 0.000. The study concludes that head teachers collegial leadership is the most significant influence on pupils’ academic performance at KCPE. The study recommended that the school head teachers and the County education office through the Ministry of Education should enhance head teachers training and capacity building in collegial leadership through in-service courses, workshops, meetings and seminars in order to improve school performance.

Page(s): 114-121                                                                                                                  Date of Publication: 04 December 2020

  Mavale Hudson Omega
University of Nairobi, Kenya

  Dr. Matula Daisy Phylisters
University of Nairobi, Kenya

  Prof. Akala Winston Jumba
University of Nairobi, Kenya

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[24] Wekesa, P.W. (2016). Influence of head teachers’ strategic leadership on pupils’ KCPE performance in public primary schools in Nambale Sub-County, Busia County, Kenya. Unpublished, master’s thesis, Kisii University, Kenya.

Mavale Hudson Omega, Dr. Matula Daisy Phylisters, Prof. Akala Winston Jumba, “Influence of head teachers’ collegial leadership on pupils’ academic performance at the Kenya certificate of primary education in Vihiga County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.114-121 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/114-121.pdf

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Mechanisms of Curbing Smuggling of Food Commodities from Uganda into Busia Town, Kenya

Daniel Munyoki Nduti, Rev. Sgt. (Rtd). Dr. Elijah Onyango Standslause Odhiambo- November 2020 Page No.: 122-137

Smuggling is a global phenomenon which is quite complex due to its complex operations and the diverse commodities involved. The means by which commodities cross the border is the main issue that makes the cross border trade illegal. This illegal trade is common on the Kenya-Uganda Busia border town. The objective was to evaluate the mechanisms put in place to curb cross-border smuggling of food commodities from Uganda influencing socio-economic status of households of Busia town, Kenya. The study utilized human needs and transnationalism theories to examine cross-border smuggling of food commodities from Uganda influencing socio-economic status of households of Busia town, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Stratified sampling technique was used to arrive at 8 strata, namely that of transporters, local residents, traders, trade agents, hawkers, revenue collectors, opinion leaders and that of government officers. Sample sizes of 193 respondents were selected from these strata and they were arrived at through census, purposive and snowballing sampling methods. Data collection instruments were Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), interviews, observation and questionnaires and secondary data through document analysis. Quantitative data was analyzed using appropriate descriptive statistics while qualitative data involved thematic and content analysis. The findings of study indicate that the social and economic effects of smuggling have both positive and negative effects on individual households, depending on the outcome in relation to an individual’s engagement in the activity. The study recommends that Kenya and Uganda governments work in collaboration come up with friendly policy on trading in food commodities so as to reduce illegal trade of food commodities.

Page(s): 122-137                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 05 December 2020

 Daniel Munyoki Nduti
Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government in Kenya

  Rev. Sgt. (Rtd). Dr. Elijah Onyango Standslause Odhiambo
Department of Peace and Conflict Studies Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya

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Daniel Munyoki Nduti, Rev. Sgt. (Rtd). Dr. Elijah Onyango Standslause Odhiambo “Mechanisms of Curbing Smuggling of Food Commodities from Uganda into Busia Town, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.122-137 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/122-137.pdf

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Akombo in Tiv Traditional Worldview: A Theological Discourse

Iorshager Terhemba Ph.D , Wayas, David Tarhom- November 2020 Page No.: 138-144

Many Foreign and some indigenous scholars have in the past undertaken several investigations on the concept of akombo with varying degrees of negative ideas. The false impression created and subsequent practical misrepresentation of this concept by scholars and adherents has changed the true meaning and essence of akombo over time. This work aimed at setting a theological basis for a correct understanding and practice of akombo. This was accomplished by investigating the religious role of akombo as healing and protective rituals and as divinities in Tiv belief system. Descriptive phenomenology was adopted and used to investigate and describe the conscious experience of akombo as a way of attaining a healthy, prosperous and long lasting life through interaction with the Supreme Being. When compared, significant difference in characteristics of akombo as rituals to that of divinities was noticed. While some divinities (primordial) were deified to become ancestors no akombo had such quality. Akombo were therefore, viewed to be means through which interaction with the Supreme Being was made feasible. The work recommended that practicing akombo in hygienic condition, an integration of modern socio-religious ideas into akombo belief and practice with frequent and intensive research on the concept by scholars will help redeem the faulty perception that akombo are divinities worshipped by the Tiv.

Page(s): 138-144                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 05 December 2020

  Iorshager Terhemba Ph.D
Department of Philisophy and Religion, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria

  Wayas, David Tarhom
Department of Linguistics and Nigerian languages, University of Nigeria

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Iorshager Terhemba Ph.D , Wayas, David Tarhom”Akombo in Tiv Traditional Worldview: A Theological Discourse” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.138-144 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/138-144.pdf

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The Quest for Socioeconomic Development in Kenya: A Review of the Impact of Public Infrastructure on the Voyage

Vincent Cheruiyot Kirui, Dr. Paul Kipyegon Sang – November 2020 Page No.: 145-158

This study is focused on “The impact of public infrastructure on sustainable socioeconomic development in the context of Coexistence and Shared Common Future; Transport and Communication; Creativity and Social Innovation; Living Standards and Social Equity”. The paper highlights the merits and the challenges that diminish the stakeholders’ expectations. The methodology used in this study is an in-depth review of existing literature on the roles of public infrastructure on socioeconomic reforms from various parts of the world. The study established that reliable, adequate and quality infrastructure (transport, energy, water and telecommunication) attract FDIs which in turn help in revitalizing economic strides. Oil and wind exploitation infrastructures in Northern Kenya provide local communities with employment opportunities, water, electricity and improved transport. Increased pollution in oil-sites proximities also featured in the findings as a retrogressive impact. This paper also adds to the available literature a more expanded concept of public infrastructure-Socioeconomic nexus that can encourage a holistic model of studying socioeconomic development in the context of the dynamics of the global geo-political system. It places the agenda of socioeconomic development to the affinity of the governance structures to public infrastructure.

Page(s): 145-158                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 05 December 2020

 Vincent Cheruiyot Kirui1
Ph.D. Student, School of Business, Department of Management Science Kenyatta University, Kenya

  Dr. Paul Kipyegon Sang
Ph.D., Lecturer, School of Business, Department of Management Science, Kenyatta University, Kenya

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Vincent Cheruiyot Kirui1, Dr. Paul Kipyegon Sang “The Quest for Socioeconomic Development in Kenya: A Review of the Impact of Public Infrastructure on the Voyage” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.145-158 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/145-158.pdf

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Analysis Of Urban Structure And Healthy City: Ede Metropolitan City In Perspective

Anthony Ikpeme Ankeli, Muhammad Bashar Nuhu, Abass Iyanda Sule, Adegbile Moses Adeleke, Oluwole Titilayo Alabi – November 2020 Page No.: 159-167

Recent studies on urban structures in Nigerian cities have focused on a work trip and transportation, urban decay, population explosion and urban land use crisis in major urban centres like Lagos, Kano, Abuja, Port Harcourt and Ibadan which are the main commercial centres and industrial hubs of the nation. Studies of urban spatial structure concerning city health in medium-sized cities and towns like Minna in Niger state, Akure in Ondo state and Osogbo in Osun have received little or no attention not to talk of smaller cities like Otukpo, Ede, Otan-Aiyegbaju, Saki and others in that category. The scantiness of these studies has made it difficult to have access to adequate and appropriate information and database for any effective and meaningful planning for urban planning and the health of inhabitants of cities in this category. Hence this study examines the internal structure of Ede metropolitan city concerning its health. Ede, the traditional home of the warlord in Yoruba land, is one of the most important towns in the old Oyo Empire. As a theoretical work, secondary data sources were explored to analyse the spatial structure of the city growth, health and land use. The study recommends among others the identification and replacement of the rundown structure, the provision of basic amenities and concludes that the adherence to the above-suggested ideas will go a long way in ensuring a fair and sustainable healthy city in Nigeria that will be in line with the demand of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG).

Page(s): 159-167                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 05 December 2020

DOI : 10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41101

 Anthony Ikpeme Ankeli
Department of Estate Management and Valuation, Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Nigeria

  Muhammad Bashar Nuhu
Department of Estate Management and Valuation, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria

  Abass Iyanda Sule
Department of Estate Management and Valuation, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria

  Adegbile Moses Adeleke
Department of Estate Management and Valuation, The Oke Ogun Polytechnic, Saki, Nigeria

  Oluwole Titilayo Alabi
Department of Estate Management and Valuation, Yaba College of Technology, Lagos, Nigeria

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Anthony Ikpeme Ankeli, Muhammad Bashar Nuhu, Abass Iyanda Sule, Adegbile Moses Adeleke, Oluwole Titilayo Alabi, “Analysis Of Urban Structure And Healthy City: Ede Metropolitan City In Perspective” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.159-167 November 2020  DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41101

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An Evaluation of the Ramifications of Single Parenthood on the Academic Performance of Students in Second Cycle and Tertiary Institutions at Agogo Asante Akyem North District

Nicholas Aning Boadu, James Badu Afari ,Florencia Adai Nottinson, James Dasinor – November 2020 Page No.: 168-170

The researchers delved on the ramifications of single parenting on adolescents’ academic performance in second cycle and tertiary institutions at Agogo Asante Akyem North district-Ghana. The research methodology was descriptive research survey and primary data collection through questionnaires. Against this backdrop, the study was quantitative. Overall, the population of the study was about 6812 students from two secondary schools and three tertiary institutions. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 2150 students, depicting 39% of the population. The researchers provide justification that the sampling frame of targeting respondents from single parenthood background aided the collection of tentative and accurate responses from the respondents leading to discovery of pragmatic findings for practical decision making. Data was analyzed using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 22.0. Hypotheses testing were formulated at 5% significant level and found to have significant but adverse impact on the academic performance of adolescents within the district.
The researchers recommended a collaborative effort between school administrators and parents to provide psychological and economic assistance to students with single parenthood background for effective academic performance. The researchers further recommended that scholarship schemes should focus on needy but brilliant students from single parenthood background so as to cushion them off economic burdens and hardships and foster serene academic environment for all.

Page(s): 168-170                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 05 December 2020

 Nicholas Aning Boadu
Tutor (Social Studies Department) and Ag. Vice Principal, Agogo Presbyterian Women’s College Of Education, Ghana

 James Badu Afari
HOD(Social Studies Department), Agogo Presbyterian Women’s College Of Education, Ghana

  Florencia Adai Nottinson
Assistant College Secretary, Agogo Presbyterian Women’s College Of Education, Ghana

  James Dasinor
Senior Adm Assistant, Agogo Presbyterian Women’s College Of Education, Ghana

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Nicholas Aning Boadu, James Badu Afari, Florencia Adai Nottinson, James Dasinor, “An Evaluation of the Ramifications of Single Parenthood on the Academic Performance of Students in Second Cycle and Tertiary Institutions at Agogo Asante Akyem North District.” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.168-170 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/168-170.pdf

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An appraisal of venture Capital financing on the growth and development of small and medium scale enterprises in Kumbotso Local government area of Kano State

Ummi Ibrahim Atah & Safiyya Abubakar Abba- November 2020 Page No.: 171-178

This study aims to appraise the role of venture capital (VC) financing on the growth and development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Kano State. The SMEs growth and development in Nigeria is crippled due to lack of financing. The survival of SMEs requires not only financing from bank loans but other alternative sources. The advent of venture capital financing in Nigeria served as sustainable financing mechanisms to resuscitate SMEs’ performance. To achieve the research objectives, the study employs quantitative approach by distributing 50 questionnaires to the existing venture capital firms in Kano State. The simple random sampling technique was used to select 5 venture capitalist organizations in Kano State to participate in the study. The 50 questionnaires collected were analysed using descriptive statistics by using percentages and tabulation. Empirical findings demonstrated a substantial growth and development of SMEs through venture capital financing. The study also revealed that the operation of venture capital is successful, profitable and favoured SMEs in Kano State. Thus, entrepreneurs patronize and prefer venture capital financing than traditional banking loans. Therefore, it is recommended that proper policy framework should be developed to increase the number of venture capital firms in Nigeria. More so, awareness creation and provision of adequate fund are highly recommended.

Page(s): 171-178                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 December 2020

 Ummi Ibrahim Atah
Department of Economics, Saadatu Rimi College of Education Kumbotso, Kano State, Nigeria

  Safiyya Abubakar Abba
Department of Economics, Saadatu Rimi College of Education Kumbotso, Kano State, Nigeria

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Ummi Ibrahim Atah & Safiyya Abubakar Abba “An appraisal of venture Capital financing on the growth and development of small and medium scale enterprises in Kumbotso Local government area of Kano State” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.171-178 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/171-178.pdf

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Antecedents of Corporate Governance and Customer Satisfaction in the Banking Sector of Zimbabwe

Dr Faitira Manuere, Viriri Piason, Whami Martha, Taurai Manyadze- November 2020 Page No.: 179-182

Customer satisfaction remains one of the pillars of company performance in the banking sector of Zimbabwe. The aim of the study is to measure the relationship between customer satisfaction and corporate governance in the banking sector. There are thirteen commercial banks in Zimbabwe. These banks include Agriculture Development Bank of Zimbabwe, BancABC, First Capital Bank Limited, CBZ Bank Limited, Ecobank Zimbabwe Limited, Stanbic Bank Limited, Nedbank Zimbabwe Limited, Metbank, NMB Bank, Stanbic Bank, Steward Bank and ZB Bank. A review of extent literature shows that no study has been done to investigate the impact of corporate governance on customer satisfaction in the commercial banks of Zimbabwe. Therefore, this study makes use of two corporate governance variables. These are: CEO duality and outside directors. A structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data for this study. The systematic sampling technique enabled the research to generate a sample of 163 customers from the given commercial banks. Hierarchical regression tests were used to test the hypothesis in this study. The results showed that CEO duality is associated with poor customer satisfaction. However, there is no significant relationship between outside directors and customer satisfaction. The study recommends that commercial banks should provide both efficient and attractive services in order to lure more customers.

Page(s): 179-182                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 December 2020

  Dr Faitira Manuere
Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe

  Viriri Piason
Department of International Marketing, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe

  Whami Martha
Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe

  Taurai Manyadze
Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe

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Dr Faitira Manuere, Viriri Piason, Whami Martha, Taurai Manyadze, “Antecedents of Corporate Governance and Customer Satisfaction in the Banking Sector of Zimbabwe” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.179-182 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/179-182.pdf

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The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan’s Economic Growth and Its Impact on Employment

Bushra Sarwar, Lefen Lin – November 2020 Page No.: 183-191

Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a significant role in promoting the economic growth and employment level of a country. The current study was conducted to analyze the impact of FDI on economic growth and employment level of Pakistan. Time series and secondary data were used ranging from 1990 to 2017. The data of Gross domestic product (GDP) and FDI inflow was collected from the World development data indicator (WDI), while data on employment (EMP) from international labor organization (ILO) estimates. ADF test and AR root test methods were used for FDI, GDP, and EMP. Using the regression results of the VAR model, variable relations were explained among each other with their lag values. The results of GDP L1 value show that GDP positively affects FDI, FDI LI shows that FDI positively affects FDI, and EMP L1 shows that employment positively affects FDI. Using GDP as a dependent variable, the result of FDI L2 value shows that FDI negatively affects GDP, EMP L1 value shows, employment positively affects GDP, and GDP L1 value shows that GDP positively affects GDP. Using EMP as the dependent variable, the results of GDP L1 value shows a positive effect on employment, FDI L1 value shows that FDI has a positive effect on employment, and EMP LI value shows that employment has a positive effect on employment. Taking together all results, it has been predicted that FDI plays a positive role in enhancing economic growth and employment in Pakistan.

Page(s): 183-191                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 December 2020

 Bushra Sarwar
College of Finance, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China.

  Lefen Lin
College of Finance, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China.

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Bushra Sarwar, Lefen Lin “The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan’s Economic Growth and Its Impact on Employment” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.183-191 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/183-191.pdf

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Developing Education in Vietnam

Dr. Trinh Thi Kim Chi & Trinh Thanh Tung – October 2020 Page No.: 192-197

With noble goals and missions, it is the mission of “providing people with a good education”, education and training play an important role in the development of society, because it not only trains people who have knowledge, have good professional qualifications, but also train people who have good spirit, consciousness, moral and physical qualities, serving the socio-economic development. Today, all countries in the world, including Vietnam, consider investment in education and training to be investment in development not only for today’s generation, but also for the next generation, and identify development of education and training as a top national policy. In the context of international integration, Vietnam’s education faces many difficulties and challenges when our education is still too heavy on transmitting knowledge but not directed to the quality and capacity development of learners; the quality of the contingent of teachers and administrators is not equal; The infrastructure system still has many limitations. The problem is that Vietnam needs appropriate solutions to develop education to meet the requirements posed by citizens in the process of international integration as strongly renovate teaching and learning content, programs and methods at all educational levels, encourage lifelong learning, renovate the state management mechanism of education and training to suit the process of industrialization and modernization in Vietnam, build and develop a contingent of quality teachers and complete the national education system in an open, modern and connected direction

Page(s): 192-197                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 08 December 2020

 Dr. Trinh Thi Kim Chi
University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City.

  Trinh Thanh Tung
University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City.

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Dr. Trinh Thi Kim Chi & Trinh Thanh Tung, “Developing Education in Vietnam” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.192-197 October 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/192-197.pdf

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Colour Symbolism in a Nigerian Church: The Case of Prophet/Evangelist Abiodun Oladele of the Overcomers’ Evangelical Ministries International (Ori-Oke Asegun)

Oluwasegun Peter ALUKO, Ph.D., Adenike Oluwabukola IREYOMI- November 2020 Page No.: 198-202

Colour holds a specific significance in the life of people and plays a certain role even in the environment. Most people place emphasis on the colour they make use of in an everyday affair. On the religious scene, colour is also an important element in the day-to-day activities that churches place great emphasis on the kind of colour being used. One of the many churches is the Overcomers’ Evangelical Ministries International with its leader being an ardent user of a specific colour. Thus, this paper examines the colour symbolism in white and the charismatic leader’s preference for the white colour. It also assess the impact of the usage of the white colour on the charismatic leader and the church at large. The approach being employed for this paper is the descriptive phenomenological approach.

Page(s): 198-202                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 11 December 2020

DOI : 10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41102

 Oluwasegun Peter ALUKO, PhD.
Department of Religious Studies, Obafemi Awolowo University,Ile-Ife, Nigeria

  Adenike Oluwabukola IREYOMI
Department of Religious Studies, Obafemi Awolowo University,Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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Oluwasegun Peter ALUKO, Ph.D., Adenike Oluwabukola IREYOMI, “Colour Symbolism in a Nigerian Church: The Case of Prophet/Evangelist Abiodun Oladele of the Overcomers’ Evangelical Ministries International (Ori-Oke Asegun)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.198-202 November 2020  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41102

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An Exploration of Students Workplace Learning Placements Practice Of Universities in Uganda

Eric Douglas Kalanda, Francis Likoye Malenya, Elijah James Otiende- November 2020 Page No.: 203-211

Workplace Learning (WPL) has increasingly attracted the attention of higher education in Uganda. The inclusion of students’ placement in the academic programmes as a recommendation by national council for higher education has given WPL a more legitimate platform. As WPL is embraced the organisation of students’ placement as a basis of its meaningful and effective implementation remains in doubt. This study aimed at examining the activities involved in organizing students’ placement in universities in Uganda towards having an efficient and meaningful students’ placement. The study was conducted on the pre, during and post placement activities to examine its organisation. From the findings, most of the key activities necessary for effective students’ placements were positively rated while students’ self-placement attachment, placement supervision, placement procedure, adequate access to training facilities and systematic feedback to the hosting workplaces were deficient. The study recommended that the higher education institutions should maintain the students’ participation in seeking placement and augment with placement MoU’s and scouting, facilitate and monitor placement supervision and establish systematic placement feedback procedures. The hosting workplaces ought to offer students adequate access to their facilities if their contribution to WPL is to purposeful.

Page(s): 203-211                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 11 December 2020

DOI : 10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41103

  Eric Douglas Kalanda
Faculty of Vocational Studies, Kyambogo University, Kampala, Uganda

  Francis Likoye Malenya
School of Education Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya

  Elijah James Otiende
School of Education Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya

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Eric Douglas Kalanda, Francis Likoye Malenya, Elijah James Otiende, “An Exploration of Students Workplace Learning Placements Practice Of Universities in Uganda” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.203-211 November 2020  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41103

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The Effect of Management Support, Training Culture, Job Challenges And Career Opportunities on Employee Performance Through Adaptability and Skill Flexibility at Bank Jatim In East Java Province

Soeroso R., Ujianto, Slamet Riyadi – November 2020 Page No.: 212-217

This study aims to analyze the effect of management support, training culture, job challenges, and career opportunities on employee performance, through mediation of adaptability and skill flexibility on Bank Jatim employees in East Java Province. The study design uses an explanatory research approach. Research population was all employees at the main branch of Bank Jatim in East Java Province, amounting to 6,473 people. The sample was calculated by the Slovin formula and obtained a total sample of 380 people. Sampling technique using proportional random sampling. Data analysis techniques using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).
The results show management support has a significant effect on adaptability and skill flexibility, while the effect on employee performance is known to be insignificant. Training culture has a significant effect on adaptability, skill flexibility, and employee performance. Job challenges have a significant effect on adaptability and skill flexibility, while their effects on employee performance are known to be insignificant. Career opportunities have a significant effect on skill flexibility and employee performance, while the effect on adaptability is known to be insignificant. Finally, adaptability and skill flexibility have a significant effect on employee performance.

Page(s): 212-217                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 11 December 2020

 Soeroso R.
Faculty of Economics and Business, August 17, 1945 Surabaya University, Indonesia

Faculty of Economics and Business, August 17, 1945 Surabaya University, Indonesia

  Slamet Riyadi
Faculty of Economics and Business, August 17, 1945 Surabaya University, Indonesia

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Soeroso R., Ujianto, Slamet Riyadi, “The Effect of Management Support, Training Culture, Job Challenges And Career Opportunities on Employee Performance Through Adaptability and Skill Flexibility at Bank Jatim In East Java Province” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.212-217 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/212-217.pdf

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The Role of Line Managers and Practice of Strategic Human Resource Management: A Study Based on Sri Lankan Listed Companies

Thuduwage Lasanthika Sajeevanie – November 2020 Page No.: 218-220

Every manager in an organization is responsible for achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. Similarly, managing human resource function is also a responsibility of every manager in an organization. Organizations exist for a variety of purposes. Some produce goods for local or overseas consumption while others provide necessary services for profit or community benefit. In pursuit of their objectives, all organizations rely on the availability and effectiveness of several kinds of resources, which can be divided into finance, technology, and people. Some organizations emphasize their financial resources others rely on the quality of their employees, their human resources. Regardless of the particular resource emphasis in industry, human resource is usually the key ingredient for organizational success. The purpose of this research is to study the devolvement of line managers in Human Resource Management (HRM) activities in the Sri Lankan context. To achieve the objectives of this research the researcher adopted the quantitative approach. The research strategy of the study was the survey method. For the empirical study, all the elements of the population were considered. The research findings of the study fill the empirical knowledge gap in the Sri Lankan context concerning the practice of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM). The findings of this study revealed that there is a significant relationship between the line manager’s involvement in HRM activities and the practice of SHRM. This can be a guide for Sri Lankan organizations to increase the effectiveness of the Practice of SHRM to achieve organizational effectiveness.

Page(s): 218-220                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 11 December 2020

DOI : 10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41104

  Thuduwage Lasanthika Sajeevanie
Department of Human Resource Management, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka .

[1] Budhwar, P.S. (2000). Strategic Integration and Devolvement of Human Resource Management in the UK Manufacturing Sector, British Journal of Management, 11, 285-302.
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Thuduwage Lasanthika Sajeevanie, “The Role of Line Managers and Practice of Strategic Human Resource Management: A Study Based on Sri Lankan Listed Companies” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.218-220 November 2020  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41104

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Effect of Credit Services on Investment Growth of Jua Kali Enterprise in Kenya; Case Study of Narok Town

Natumoi Susan, Oluoch Oluoch – November 2020 Page No.: 221-229

In Kenya the Jua Kali sector contributes to the growth of the national economy significantly by creating employment and poverty reduction by giving basic needs to the needy. The sector faces a lot of challenges like luck of awareness, motivation and empowerment. Financial challenge is the main hindrance to the Jua Kali sector’s growth across the world. The Kenyan Government has developed institutions to help the sector grow. One worth mentioning is the Kenya Industrial Estate (KIE) which offers financial support and rural industrialization. Despite this effort, there was no significant growth in the sector. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim to shade light on effect of credit services on investment growth of Informal sector in Narok Town. The study adopted a survey research design targeting licensed Informal sector proprietors and credit officer in Narok town. . The study used a sample size of 171 respondents calculated from a population of 300 licensed Jua Kali proprietors. Then data was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively using SPSS and in line with the study objectives. The study concluded that business growth is influenced by the financial policy in place. In Jua Kali sector, the Interest imposed on loans, the repayment period, the Inflation (cash value) influences the growth rate of any business. Moreover, the study found out that financial access, economic growth and prompt loan repayment are also some of the effects of credit availability on growth of Jua Kali industry. Legal frameworks guarding how business men obtain loans forms part of the effects of interest rates to the growth and performance of Jua Kali sector. Informal sector provides employment even to the highly educated. Obtaining Credit facilities has direct proportion on business growth on the Jua Kali sector. The study recommends that; Lending institutions should always prescribe minimum loan requirement and proper policies to enhance on loan accessibility to Jua Kali Industry. Government should put in place proper policies to curb the challenge of inflation, high interest charged by bank institution to enhance Informal sector loan accessibility. Informal sector should enhance proper record keeping of information to putting in place proper management techniques in order to increase their chances of accession loans. Informal sector should always enhance account monitoring to enhance their chances of accessing loans. The government through the Youth & Women Fund, to train the Jua Kali Proprietors on basic financial aspects to enhance productivity and growth.

Page(s): 221-229                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 11 December 2020

 Natumoi Susan
Department of Economics, Accounting and Finance /Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

  Oluoch Oluoch
Department of Economics, Accounting and Finance /Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

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Natumoi Susan, Oluoch Oluoch, “Effect of Credit Services on Investment Growth of Jua Kali Enterprise in Kenya; Case Study of Narok Town” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.221-229 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/221-229.pdf

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Perceptions on Citizenship Education in Social Studies in Senior High Schools in Ghana

Dr. Isaac Atta Kwenin- November 2020 Page No.: 230-237

This study was designed to examine citizenship education in social studies as perceived by teachers and students in six senior high schools in the Kumasi Metropolis. Four research questions guided this investigation which was grounded on the literature of models of citizenship and citizenship education. Cross-sectional survey was adopted for the study. Multiphase sampling procedure was employed to select six senior high schools out of 17 senior high schools and 300 third year students, but all the 49 social studies teachers were selected (census) for the study because the study was specific to social studies. Questionnaires were used to solicit responses from both students and teachers. Statistical Product for Service Solution (SPSS, version 21) was employed to analyze the data. Frequencies, percentages and tables were used to present the data. The findings revealed strong consensus among teachers and students that citizenship education matters a great deal for students’ political development and for their countries. For the teaching practices, the study presents that the discussing and debating methods dominate citizenship education classrooms. The study concludes with recommendations to education policy-makers to consider teaching citizenship education as a specific subject such as History and Geography at the SHS level.

Page(s): 230-237                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 December 2020

DOI : 10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41105

  Dr. Isaac Atta Kwenin
Lecturer, Department of Business & Social Sciences Education University of Cape Coast. Ghana, West Africa

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Dr. Isaac Atta Kwenin “Perceptions on Citizenship Education in Social Studies in Senior High Schools in Ghana” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.230-237 November 2020  DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41105

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Evaluation of Football Curricular In Zambian Football Clubs of the MTN/FAZ Super League

Caphers Mizinga, Mildred Mutinta Cheeka – November 2020 Page No.: 238-241

This study is an evaluation of football curricular in clubs of the Zambian Mobile Telephone Network (MTN)/Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) Super League. The study inquired into the existence of a common football curricular in clubs of the MTN/FAZ super league. This study adopted the realist approach guided by a case study design, which aimed at understanding the relationship between the initial context, mechanism of change and intended outcomes of the Football Curricular (FC). The sample was composed of 111 respondents drawn from 12 selected football club, the Ministry of Sports, Youth and Child development, the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ), football administrators, and officials from National Sports Council of Zambia (NSCZ). Data was collected from sport coach educational documents; questionnaire, video recording, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and semi-structured. Data was analyzed qualitatively using the themes. The study revealed that football clubs in the MTN / FAZ super league had independent football curricular and identified some mechanistic blocks that prevented coaches from developing their knowledge, skill and understanding of the FC. The study recommended that a National Football Curricular (NFC) be designed by FAZ; CPD programmes for coaches should be developed and organizations such as Olympic Youth Development Centre (OYDC) and National Organization for Women in Sport Physical Activity and Recreation (NOWSPAR) should be assigned to spearhead CPD programmes.

Page(s): 238-241                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 December 2020

  Caphers Mizinga
David Livingstone College of Education, Ministry of Education, Livingstone District, Zambia

  Mildred Mutinta Cheeka
David Livingstone College of Education, Ministry of Education, Livingstone District, Zambia

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Caphers Mizinga, Mildred Mutinta Cheeka, “Evaluation of Football Curricular In Zambian Football Clubs of the MTN/FAZ Super League.” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.238-241 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/238-241.pdf

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The Influence of School Leadership, Work Environment and Teacher Work Commitment on the Performance of High School Teachers in Pringsewu District

Wahyu Dwi Candra, Irawan Suntoro, Riswanti Rini- November 2020 Page No.: 242-245

This study aims to determine whether there is a positive influence between the leadership of the principal, the school environment, and the work commitment of teachers to teacher performance. The subjects of this study were high school teachers in Pringsewu Regency. From a population of 131 teachers, 98 samples were taken with a proportional random sampling technique. The hypothesis was tested using the Spearman correlation. The results showed that: 1) there was no influence between principal leadership on teacher performance (Spearman’s rho = 0.008; sig (2-tailed) = 0.854> α = 0.01); 2) there is no relationship between the school environment and teacher performance (Spearman’s rho = -0.009; sig value (2-tailed) = 0.882> α = 0.01.3) there is no influence between principal leadership on teacher performance (Spearman’s rho = -0.033; sig value (2-tailed) = 0.589> α = 0.01.

Page(s): 242-245                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 December 2020

 Wahyu Dwi Candra
Department of Educational Management, University of Lampung, Indonesia

  Irawan Suntoro
Department of Educational Management, University of Lampung, Indonesia

  Riswanti Rini
Department of Educational Management, University of Lampung, Indonesia

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Wahyu Dwi Candra, Irawan Suntoro, Riswanti Rini, “The Influence of School Leadership, Work Environment and Teacher Work Commitment on the Performance of High School Teachers in Pringsewu District” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.242-245 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/242-245.pdf

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Ensuring Internal Quality Assurance in Colleges of Education in Nigeria: Benefits and Challenges

AWODUN, Adebisi O. (Ph.D) & BORIS, Olufunke Olutoyin (Ph. D) – November 2020 Page No.: 246-253

Education is an important tool for human and national development. It is a key to national development. In any educational system, quality education standards are the goals to which all staff, students and management should aspire to achieve. Over the years, Colleges of education have produced a large number of NCE teachers that teach in our primary and junior secondary schools, thus alleviating the manpower problems of the nation at those levels. The need for quality assurance in Nigerian Colleges of Education cannot be overemphasized in order to ensure quality of teaching and learning. This paper therefore, discusses the origin and evolution of Colleges of Education in Nigeria, Concept of Quality Assurance, and Education Quality Assurance in Colleges of Education, Internal Quality Assurance in Colleges of Education, Internal Quality Assurance processes, benefits of internal Quality Assurance and some challenges facing internal Quality Assurance in Colleges of Education in Nigeria. Based on the discussions, Conclusions and some recommendations were made.

Page(s): 246-253                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 14 December 2020

 AWODUN, Adebisi O. (Ph.D)
Department of Physics, College of Education, Ikere- Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria

 BORIS, Olufunke Olutoyin (Ph. D)
School of Education, College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria

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AWODUN, Adebisi O. (Ph.D) & BORIS, Olufunke Olutoyin (Ph. D) “Ensuring Internal Quality Assurance in Colleges of Education in Nigeria: Benefits and Challenges” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.246-253 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/246-253.pdf

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Rohingya Refugee Crisis and Its Impact in Bangladesh: A Critical Study on Governments’ Repatriation Steps, Domestic Employment Opportunities and the Role of NGOs

Abu Rushd Muhammed Shaikh, Mohammad Shakhawat Hossain, Md Mustafijur Rahman, Abdur Rahman Mohammad Thamim- November 2020 Page No.: 254-264

Rohingya as the worlds’ most persecuted ethnic group deserves a peaceful solution via international law and human rights act. Neighboring country, Bangladesh is not much capable enough to take ample responsibilities and burden. Repatriation can be a probable strategic settlement to ensure international peace and security. By means of existing reality, some interest groups within the country are highly encouraging them not to return their country of origin. This group has certain economic benefits from the influx, keeping the host economy into consideration. Vis-à-vis financial and other strategic interest create unsuccessful repatriation procedures that curtail security prospects of Bangladesh. As huge Rohingya influx creates a surplus labor at Cox’s bazar area, economically a very large group is in crisis situation and a small group is benefitted on it. This research endeavors to find out a linkage between the political aspect and the economic aspect, besides it examines whether economic factors or political factors are responsible for repatriation failure. This study tried to find out the economic impact of the influx in different groups and after that it focused on probability of such allegation. This paper also provides the probable measures to solve the matter in further occurrence.

Page(s): 254-264                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 December 2020

 Abu Rushd Muhammed Shaikh
M. Phil Researcher, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

  Mohammad Shakhawat Hossain
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

  Md Mustafijur Rahman
M.Phil Researcher, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

  Abdur Rahman Mohammad Thamim
Lecturer, Department of International Relations, Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), Bangladesh

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Abu Rushd Muhammed Shaikh, Mohammad Shakhawat Hossain, Md Mustafijur Rahman, Abdur Rahman Mohammad Thamim, “Rohingya Refugee Crisis and Its Impact in Bangladesh: A Critical Study on Governments’ Repatriation Steps, Domestic Employment Opportunities and the Role of NGOs” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.254-264 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/254-264.pdf

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Intrastate Conflict and International Peacekeeping Operations in the Central African Republic (CAR)

Ibrahim Abdullahi- November 2020 Page No.: 265-277

The Post-Cold war world politics witnessed a dramatic shift, while proxy wars and interstate conflicts peculiar to the Cold war era significantly declined, an intense trend of intrastate conflict began to manifest. The gruesome and atrocious nature of such violence with its concomitant trans-border effects attracted intervention from the international communities with intention of rescuing civilians and restoring peace and order. Records of successive peacekeeping interventions has shown that approaches are rather curative, which are geared towards a mere violence mitigation than a holistic conflict prevention mechanism. Despite massive troop deployment by the international community in the Central African Republic CAR, widespread and grave violation of human rights is not halted, leading to further escalations and the entanglement of the mission in the conflict. Most studies on humanitarian intervention focused largely on post-conflict intervention and this study attempts to critique this post-cold war posture and argue for a humanitarian intervention based on conflict prevention. The failure of the international community to stop the humanitarian crisis in the CAR underscores the need for this study on conflict prevention. Secondary data is adopted in the course of this study, using descriptive method of analysis to measure intensity of violence and the impact of the international peacekeeping operations in containing the conflict situation in the CAR. The following finding and recommendations are made: International actors predominantly share a pessimistic view of CAR, coupled with a general lack of commitment in the conflict and misunderstanding of the country’s internal dynamics. This perception shapes the type of engagement privileged by the international community in the CAR, which is mainly reactive in nature and designed to simply stabilize the country for the sake of regional affairs that are deemed to be of greater importance. The dominant reactive nature of the engagement in CAR produces an unsuccessful response, hence the need to reach an effective conflict prevention approach; International interventions in the CAR should be reoriented towards addressing state governance and the drivers of violence.

DOI : 10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41106

Page(s): 265-277                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 14 December 2020

 Ibrahim Abdullahi
Director, Khalil Integrated Academy (KHIA), Nigeria

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Ibrahim Abdullahi “Intrastate Conflict and International Peacekeeping Operations in the Central African Republic (CAR)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.265-277 November 2020  DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41106

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The Study of Popular Music on the Academic Performance of Students within Agogo Asante Akyem -North District: Any Association for Academic Discourse?

Richmond Amoh-Yeboah, Isaac Nyarko, Matilda Quainoo- November 2020 Page No.: 278-281

There remains an age -long perception that listening to music whilst undertaking an academic examination/exercise enabled students to subdue stress and augment their concentration leading to higher scores. Nonetheless, there are varied perceptions as regards the subject matter as others posit that music at the background of an examination hall or class only leads to divided attention of examinees, wasting their precious time and that performance of students ebbs more on talent or motivation other than mere playing of music at the background.
These uncertainties and ambiguities informed the basis of this quantitative study using primary data in the form of questionnaires administered to 130 respondents from a population of 350. The researchers hypothesized: students studying music performed better than their counterparts without music orientation and the results confirmed the hypothesis especially for quantitative courses, leading to a recommendation that the study of music should be taken seriously by educational stakeholders due to its industrial and academic opportunities in sub -Saharan Africa, especially Ghana.
The researchers further recommended that a general stance should not be taken against students listening to music during studies but should be treated on individual course merit since most students indicated in this research that they can comfortably listen to music and concurrently study when it comes to quantitative or numerical courses such as Mathematics etc.

Page(s): 278-281                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 15 December 2020

 Richmond Amoh-Yeboah
Agogo Presbyterian Women’s College of Education, Agogo Asante Akyem North

 Isaac Nyarko
Agogo Presbyterian Women’s College of Education, Agogo Asante Akyem North

  Matilda Quainoo
Methodist College of Education, Akim Oda

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[8] Nyarko, I. (2016). The influence of popular music among the youth of Ngleshie Amanfro, Accra. M.Phil. Thesis University of Ghana, Legon, Music Department http://ugspace.ug.edu.gh Psychonomic Science, 3, 325-326.

Richmond Amoh-Yeboah, Isaac Nyarko, Matilda Quainoo,”The Study of Popular Music on the Academic Performance of Students within Agogo Asante Akyem -North District: Any Association for Academic Discourse?” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.278-281 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/278-281.pdf

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The Role of Development Partners in Creating a Knowledge-based Society: The Panacea to the Youth Challenges in Education in Kenya

Jackson Nzusyo Mutavi & Awuor Ponge- November 2020 Page No.: 282-287

The education policy in the Kenya Vision 2030 emphasizes on providing globally competitive quality education, training and research to her citizens for national development and enhanced individual wellbeing. There is a mismatch between the skills possessed by the job seekers and those required by industry, which leads to under-utilization of the existing human resources capacity and poor state of infrastructure and equipment for research and higher education and training. The country’s training institutions are also either inadequate or lack the essential facilities and technology to prepare students for the challenging market demands. The stakeholders in the education sector called for the introduction of a curriculum that would provide flexible education pathways for identifying and nurturing the talents and interests of learners early enough to prepare them for the world of work, career progression and sustainable development. It is interesting to note that there are so many programmes being initiated and funded in the country by foreign Governments, but very few are in the education sector. Kenya has however, had various actors who have come forward to help address the education challenges in attempts to build a knowledge society. This paper is about some of the partners that have been instrumental in this front. It addresses the main challenges affecting the youth in the education sector in attempt to build a knowledge society; and it appreciates the role of the international partners in moving in to address the issues critical to the development of the knowledge society.

Page(s): 282-287                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 17 December 2020

  Jackson Nzusyo Mutavi
African Policy Centre (APC)

  Awuor Ponge
African Policy Centre (APC)

[1] AFIDEP. (2015). ‘Harnessing Youth Potential for Economic Growth.’Policy Brief No. 50 of June 2015. Collaboration between National Council for Population and Development, Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis and African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP).
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Jackson Nzusyo Mutavi & Awuor Ponge “The Role of Development Partners in Creating a Knowledge-based Society: The Panacea to the Youth Challenges in Education in Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.282-287 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/282-287.pdf

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Roles of Police in Conflict Management: A Critical Review of Literature

Edmore M. Chijoko, Mqemane Tshababa, Columbus Jagada, Edward Tshuma, Matilda Singende, Tenson Ngwenya, Charles Musavengana – November 2020 Page No.: 288-294

This paper reviews the roles of police in conflict management to situate the police in peace and security obligations in the world. Police as first responders to national crises ranging from crime, domestic and public violence, terrorism and international conflict have to be able to handle conflicts at all levels. The review clarifies roles of police in maintaining peace and tranquillity of states regarding these conflict situations. It also discusses the available opportunities which the police can exploit to guarantee sustainable and ineffaceable internal peace and security amidst a myriad of challenges, problems and issues regarding peace and security. Using the Critical Literature Review method, the authors established that police actions either exacerbate the polarity between conflicting parties through unreflective actions that escalate conflicts or manage to resolve the issues through strategic actions aimed at achieving broad objectives for peace and tranquillity. The involvement of police in international and regional peacekeeping missions also places the police in the broader perspective of international conflict management. Through participating and collaborating with other stakeholders who include intergovernmental organisations, other state security agencies, non-governmental organizations and private players, the roles of the police in conflict management span local, regional and international levels. Individual actions of police officers while executing their duties are also crucial. Therefore, the authors recommend that Police officers should be trained in conflict management and international relations at the grass-root level to conscientise them on peace and security matters. Further empirical studies are required to evaluate the police’s readiness and competency in conflict management.

Page(s): 288-294                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 17 December 2020

 Edmore M. Chijoko
Zimbabwe Republic Police Staff College (An Associate College of the University of Zimbabwe)

  Mqemane Tshababa
Zimbabwe Republic Police Staff College (An Associate College of the University of Zimbabwe)

 Columbus Jagada
Zimbabwe Republic Police Staff College (An Associate College of the University of Zimbabwe)

  Edward Tshuma
Zimbabwe Republic Police Staff College (An Associate College of the University of Zimbabwe)

 Matilda Singende
Zimbabwe Republic Police Staff College (An Associate College of the University of Zimbabwe)

 Tenson Ngwenya
Zimbabwe Republic Police Staff College (An Associate College of the University of Zimbabwe)

  Charles Musavengana
Zimbabwe Republic Police Staff College (An Associate College of the University of Zimbabwe)

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Edmore M. Chijoko, Mqemane Tshababa, Columbus Jagada, Edward Tshuma, Matilda Singende, Tenson Ngwenya, Charles Musavengana “Roles of Police in Conflict Management: A Critical Review of Literature” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.288-294 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/288-294.pdf

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The Role of Civil Society in Peace Building in Somalia

Abdiwahid Ali Ahmed, Dr. Lecturer Başak özoral – November 2020 Page No.: 295-302

The transformation of the international system from a bipolar system to unipolar system during the 1990s substantively ended interstate wars on one hand but also saw the emergence of intrastate conflicts. The internal dynamics of these intrastate conflicts increased the complexities of peace building efforts as issues of international law such as state sovereignty deterred the direct intervention of states in the internal affairs of other states. Consequently, practitioners in peace building have had to rely on alternative mechanisms such as civil societies as viable partners in conflict resolution. Although civil societies have been extensively explored in peace initiatives in other parts of the world, research on civil societies in Somalia remains limited. This thesis therefore adopts an in-depth qualitative analysis of the role of civil societies in Somalia’s peace-building initiatives. The thesis lays emphasis on thematic areas including protection of civilians from violence; monitoring of conflict; advocacy for human rights; inter-group social cohesion; socialization to peace values and democracy; facilitation of open dialogue; and as entry points for peace building.

Page(s): 295-302                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 17 December 2020

 Abdiwahid Ali Ahmed
Master Student, Institute Social Science, Department of African Studies and International Relations, Istanbul Commerce University, Istanbul, Turkey

  Dr. Lecturer Başak özoral
Lecturer Political Science And International Relations Undergraduate Program , Department of African Studies and International Relations, Istanbul Commerce University, Istanbul, Turkey

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Abdiwahid Ali Ahmed, Dr. Lecturer Başak özoral, “The Role of Civil Society in Peace Building in Somalia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.295-302 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/295-302.pdf

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Youth Drug Abusers: Barriers in Help-Seeking

Joan J. J. Sim, Kamsiah Bt Ali- November 2020 Page No.: 303-311

The trend of drug abuse is increasing in Malaysia and a significant number of them are youths. Past studies discover that youths do not seek professional help or do not even seek help when they are abusing drugs. Thus, it is important to understand the reason behind them. This is crucial as drug abusers are always hiding their identity. The study aims to identify the barriers which keep the youth away from seeking help. Methodologically, the study employs qualitative approach to have in-depth understanding about the barriers faced by the young drug addicts in seeking help for treatment. The study is carried out in a drugs rehabilitation centre in Kuching area targeting the youths who are currently undergoing treatment in the centre. Majority of them are not admitted voluntarily. The sampling is identified using purposive technique. Instruments used for the study includes in-depth interview by using guided interview questions. The findings are analysed using content analysis to develop themes through the verbatim data. The study enquires about their experiences on drug abuse and their journey to the rehabilitation centre. Thus, the major finding indicates the barriers faced by them during the journey. Most of the respondents never had the intention to seek help until the family members took action. They had made drugs abuse behavior as part of their youth culture. Majority of the respondents are lack of awareness on the existing help system and concern on the legal action if they expose themselves. The findings of the study have implications on the community with the drug abusing youth in prevention and recovery policy.

Page(s): 303-311                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 17 December 2020

 Joan J. J. Sim
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

  Kamsiah Bt Ali
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

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Joan J. J. Sim, Kamsiah Bt Ali, “Youth Drug Abusers: Barriers in Help-Seeking” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.303-311 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/303-311.pdf

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“ICT Integration in Teaching and Learning in Practicum”: What is the Conception of Pre-Service Teachers in Mccoy College of Education?

Linus Mwinkaar, Peter Paul Yelletuo – November 2020 Page No.: 312-317

The study focused on pre-service teachers’ knowledge and conception of ICT integration in teaching and learning in McCoy College of Education, Nadowli in the Upper West Region of Ghana. The study was hinged on Technology Acceptance Model. The study used descriptive survey. Census sampling was used to select all the 44 pre-service teachers in their final year of training for the study. The study used questionnaire to collect the data. Descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages were used to analyse the quantitative data. The study’s findings showed that greater number of the pre-service teachers possess knowledge in ICT, have good conception about ICT integration in teaching and learning, and are willing to use ICT in teaching. It is recommended that pre-service teachers be given more training in ICT and be exposed to the ICT integration in teaching and learning in their colleges of training. Management of the college and other colleges of education should encourage, motivate and supervise pre-service teachers to integrate ICT in their daily learning and practicing how to teach.

Page(s): 312-317                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 17 December 2020

 Linus Mwinkaar
Department of Education, McCoy College of Education, Nadowli, Ghana

  Peter Paul Yelletuo
Department of Education, McCoy College of Education, Nadowli, Ghana

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Linus Mwinkaar, Peter Paul Yelletuo, ““ICT Integration in Teaching and Learning in Practicum”: What is the Conception of Pre-Service Teachers in Mccoy College of Education?” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.312-317 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/312-317.pdf

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An Investigation into the Causes and Effects of Women Political Underrepresentation in Ogun State, Nigeria

Elias Mabel Oyindamola; Prof. Azeez Olaniyan- November 2020 Page No.: 318-325

Nigeria has been described as a patriarchal nation because of the low level of women political participation. Women are expected to partake in governance and the decision-making process of a nation because their challenges can only be understood and effectively solved by themselves. Therefore, it has become necessary to identify the causes and understand the effects of low political underrepresentation of women in Nigeria. This study employed the use of primary and secondary data to identify the causes and effects of women’s underrepresentation in the political sphere. Primary data was obtained by administering 100 questionnaires and interviews at Obafemi/Owode Local Government in Ogun state; 97 of these questionnaires were returned. The secondary sources of information include published journals, theses, papers from academic conferences, and an online repository of information. This study identified some causes of women’s political underrepresentation in Nigeria. The effects of poor representation of women in governance and decision-making process were discussed. Possible solutions identified to the identified challenges were highlighted and concrete recommendations were made.

Page(s): 318-325                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 December 2020

DOI : 10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41107

  Elias Mabel Oyindamola
Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

  Prof. Azeez Olaniyan
Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

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Elias Mabel Oyindamola, Prof. Azeez Olaniyan “An Investigation into the Causes and Effects of Women Political Underrepresentation in Ogun State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.318-325 November 2020  DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41107

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Impact of Auditing on VAT Compliance: A case study of small VAT operators in Blantyre City of Malawi

Lovemore George Mwanandi November 2020 Page No.: 326-343

The perception of many tax professionals and other scholars is that VAT auditing has a positive effect on compliance of VAT operators and the study was carried out to assess that belief. Quantitative data was collected from a sample of 353 respondents using probability sampling technique and 101 respondents responded positively representing a 29% response rate. The study established that there was a weak insignificant negative relationship between VAT compliance and audit and that only 1 % of VAT operator’s compliance is explained by VAT audits. In the circumstance, the study informed that VAT audits do not make a substantial impact on VAT compliance in Malawi. This means that VAT compliance cannot in any way be affected by audit rates in Malawi and that audit productivity and effectiveness does not add much value to compliance and revenue.

Page(s): 326-343                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 December 2020

  Lovemore George Mwanandi
Private Industry Practioner

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Lovemore George Mwanandi, “Impact of Auditing on VAT Compliance: A case study of small VAT operators in Blantyre City of Malawi” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.326-343 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/326-343.pdf

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The evolution of marketing research topics in developing countries over the decade: evidence from the Middle East

Ghaith M. Al-Abdallah – November 2020 Page No.: 344-346

Marketing and business research topics vary between the different regions of the world, while developed and well-developed countries are leading the world scientific research, developing countries need to focus on research relevant to their situation. This, in many cases, means doing research that has been already covered in developed countries. While the genuine (new-to-the-world) level of such research may not be high, the contribution to the theoretical and practical knowledge about developing countries is very important. Many elite journals do not understand this point clearly, and some of them would reject a research from a developing country because it has been covered in developed ones. However, the results obtained from such research may not be the same, not to mention that the interpretation of such results could be very different. Accordingly, researchers in developing countries may end up repeating some to the examined topics in developed countries but with special focus on their own markets macroenvironment and special circumstances, this would provide insightful understanding of these markets even if the topic itself is not considered new in the academic community. Therefore, the leading research topics covered in developing countries during the past decade are very different from the one covered in developed countries. In this editorial we will go through the main trends that dominate the marketing research in developing countries in the Middle East. We will follow my colleagues and I research of active and contemporary topics in the Middle East starting 2010 till the end of 2020.

Page(s): 344-346                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 21 December 2020

DOI : 10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41108

  Ghaith M. Al-Abdallah
American University of Madaba, Jordan

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[24] Mustafa, S. & Al-Abdallah, Gh. (2020) The evaluation of traditional communication channels and its impact on purchase decision, Management Science Letters, Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 1-12.

[25] Al-Abdallah, Gh. (2013) the Effect of Customer-Company Relationship on Internet Adoption in Jordanian Small and Medium Enterprises. Paper abstract presented at the Second International Conference on Global Business Environment, International Foundation for Research and Development, Bangkok, Thailand.
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Ghaith M. Al-Abdallah “The evolution of marketing research topics in developing countries over the decade: evidence from the Middle East” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.344-346 November 2020  DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41108

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The Influence of Family Communication Patterns on Muslim Families in Choosing Halal Food in Thailand

Kuhafeesah Rongso, Prahastiwi Utari, Andre Rahmanto – November 2020 Page No.: 347-351

This study aims to determine how to examine how the value of family communication patterns in choosing halal food among Muslims in ethnic minority Thailand. What influence and limitations are there? How is consistency and communication in food choices? Choosing halal food is very important for Muslims. Factors in choosing halal food affected family communication style. In other words, each family has a different way of communicating, here it is mostly consensual communication, although it is open to opinions and discussions, but is subject to parental rules. Nowadays, food is processed in different ways, and the processing process cannot be realized whether it is correct according to Islam or not. Thus leading to food, Shubahat (The suspicion of food), but there are still Muslims eating it. And this is also an obstacle to food choices. For Muslims who do not care about halal or haram, they must admit that they eat everything that has been processed. The method is used as a qualitative approach with a case study strategy. Data were collected by questionnaires, interviews, and direct observation of the research objective From the results of the study, and it can be concluded that the value and influence on the communication style of Muslim families in Thailand are very important in choosing halal food not only in this country. But in every country with a small number of Muslims, Be careful when choosing food In each family, the method of communication differs depending on the parent’s policy.

Page(s): 347-351                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 21 December 2020

DOI : 10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41109

 Kuhafeesah Rongso
Communication Management, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

 Prahastiwi Utari
Communication Management, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

 Andre Rahmanto
Communication Management, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

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Kuhafeesah Rongso, Prahastiwi Utari, Andre Rahmanto, “The Influence of Family Communication Patterns on Muslim Families in Choosing Halal Food in Thailand” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.347-351 November 2020  DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41109

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Use of Serials for Research by Postgraduate Students in University Libraries in Benue State, Nigeria

NYIYONGO, Teryima Victor, Asen Anita Tersur (CLN), TOFI, Simon Ternenge (CLN) – November 2020 Page No.: 352-360

This study investigate use of serials for research by postgraduate students in university libraries in Benue State, Nigeria. The main purpose of the study was to determine the use of serials for research by postgraduate students in university libraries in Benue State, Nigeria. The study employed a survey research design where entire population of 387 library registered postgraduate students of 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 academic sessions in three (3) universities in Benue State was used for the study because the population is manageable and accessible to the researcher. Thus, there was no sample. Two (2) research questions were raised and a null hypothesis formulated in line with the objectives to guide the study. The research instruments was a structured questionnaire which was subjected to face and content validity. Cronbach Alpha method was used to determine the internal consistency of the questionnaire items and the analysis yielded a Cronbach Coefficient Alpha of 0.80. The questionnaire was administered by the researchers and a response rate of 387 (100%) was recorded. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages (%), mean ( ) and standard deviation (SD) to answer research questions while inferential statistics of Chi-square was used to test the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the findings revealed that Serials were readily available for research activities in university libraries in Benue state. Findings also revealed that majority of the postgraduate students were challenged among others, by difficulty in locating needed serials, inadequate storage facilities; journals articles not indexed for easy access and inadequate power supply; lack of awareness of serial materials and poor attitude of library staff towards users. Results further revealed that the null hypothesis tested was rejected which implies that the opinions of postgraduate students differed significantly on the use of serials for research activities. Finally, conclusion and recommendations were made based on the findings of the study.

Page(s): 352-360                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 December 2020

  NYIYONGO, Teryima Victor
Benue State School of Nursing, Makurdi, Nigeria

  Asen Anita Tersur (CLN)
HOD, Cataloguing and Classification Division, Library and Information Services, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria

  TOFI, Simon Ternenge
Benue State School of Nursing, Makurdi, Nigeria

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NYIYONGO, Teryima Victor, Asen Anita Tersur (CLN), TOFI, Simon Ternenge “Use of Serials for Research by Postgraduate Students in University Libraries in Benue State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.352-360 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/352-360.pdf

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The Mental Health Impact of Sexual Violence: Attending To the Unmet Needs of Rape Survivors in Bayelsa State

Endurance Avah Zacchaeus, Lawrence Ayah Iruo- November 2020 Page No.: 361-371

Current statistics show an alarming rise in the incidence of sexual violence and rape in Nigeria. This, potentially, constitutes a major mental health challenge. Apart from physical health impacts, research has consistently shown a strong nexus between sexual violence and poor mental health including suicide among survivors. Nevertheless, in Nigeria, the response of individuals, government agencies and organisations to cases of sexual violence and rape has predominantly been medico-legal, while ignoring the psycho-social and mental health aftermaths. Therefore, rape survivors are left with unmet short-term, intermediate and long-term mental health care needs. This paper reviews sexual violence, rape in particular being the most prevalent form of sexual violence in our communities with a view to enhancing understanding of the problem among the public and drawing attention of concerned authorities and critical stake-holders. It specifically addresses relevant concepts of sexual violence including definition, prevalence, factors that may influence its occurrence as well as common mental health consequences and psychological interventions for survivors. The paper concludes with key recommendations aimed at addressing rape survivors’ psychological support and mental healthcare needs as well as preventive strategies aimed at checking the menace in Bayelsa State, and Nigeria in general.

Page(s): 361-371                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 December 2020

 Endurance Avah Zacchaeus

Bayelsa State Ministry of Health, Yenagoa, Nigeria

  Lawrence Ayah Iruo,

Department of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing,Faculty of Nursing Sciences,Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island,
Bayelsa State, Nigeria

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Endurance Avah Zacchaeus, Lawrence Ayah Iruo, “The Mental Health Impact of Sexual Violence: Attending To the Unmet Needs of Rape Survivors in Bayelsa State” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.361-371 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/361-371.pdf

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Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: Prospects and Challenges

Adijat Olubukola OLATEJU, Rasaq Akonji DANMOLA, Abubakar Wambai AMINU- November 2020 Page No.: 372-377

Entrepreneurship development is not a new tool for poverty reduction across the globe. However, with the recent awareness of the need to make the environment healthy for people, planet, and bio diversity, the need for sustainable entrepreneurship has been in the limelight. For sustainability to be achieved in terms of economic, social and environment, entrepreneurs both in developed and developing countries have been encouraged on the need to go green in their business activities. However, in most developing countries like Nigeria, the awareness is low. In view of this, this study focuses on this grey area of research by conceptualizing what sustainable entrepreneurship is all about. Specifically, the study explains the concept of sustainable development and sustainable entrepreneurship, examines the prospects in sustainable entrepreneurship, and identifies some challenges that could be encountered when entrepreneurs embarked on sustainable entrepreneurship. This will help to create awareness for both existing entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs on the need to go green in their business activities, which will eventually help to safeguard people and the environment from environmental issues such as pollution and degradation and at the same time enhances profitability.

Page(s): 372-377                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 24 December 2020

DOI : 10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41110

 Adijat Olubukola OLATEJU

Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria

  Rasaq Akonji DANMOLA
Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria

 Abubakar Wambai AMINU

Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, Bayero University Kano, Kano State, Nigeria.

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Adijat Olubukola OLATEJU, Rasaq Akonji DANMOLA, Abubakar Wambai AMINU, “Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: Prospects and Challenges” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.372-377 November 2020  DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2020.41110

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In-service Teacher Training Programs in Libya: EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and Training Efficiency

Talal M. Amara – November 2020 Page No.: 378-385

The current study focuses on the perceptions of EFL teachers of the in-service training programs in Libya. It also attempts to find out the impact of the in-service training programs on teachers. A survey was sent to 59 EFL teachers across the country. 10 more teachers were interviewed to find out their views of the training. The results of the study reveal that teachers found the in-service training programs very helpful, and provided them with new teaching skills. However, most participants complained about the lack of necessary materials and technological devices without which implementing these new teaching skills and strategies will not be as productive as it should be. The author strongly recommend the Libyan ministry of education and other stakeholders to provide teachers with all necessary materials needed for classroom learning.

Page(s): 378-385                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 24 December 2020

  Talal M. Amara
Sabratha University, Libya

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Talal M. Amara “In-service Teacher Training Programs in Libya: EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and Training Efficiency” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-4-issue-11, pp.378-385 November 2020  URL: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/378-385.pdf

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