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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XI, November 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Minority Question (Issue): The Root of Political Entanglement and Social Dilemma in Cameroon

 Divine Fuhnwi Ngwa, Phd
Department of History, Falsh, University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: In social organisations, the interpretation of ‘minority’ as a concept or notion is a difficult task, in that the perception of minority is not only multidimensional, but also depends on the context in which it is applied. Many believe that the use of the term is synonymous with conflict. For some, it is a pejorative and stigmatising word. It creates hatred and bitterness within the community. This paper argues that minority issues discourage unity and cohesion among people who are supposed to have a common destiny, interests and vision. Taking the case of Cameroon, no community thrives by remaining indifferent to minority issues. Furthermore, the question of the establishment of minority groups, and the determination of the extent of the privileges they can derive from their status, is an issue that policy makers must address. In a historical context and perspective, this article attempts to examine the problem. The bone of contention is that the application of special rights and privileges to minority groups is inappropriate, leading to conflicts and blockages. In addition, political entanglements and social dilemmas are commonplace due to a plethora of unanswered questions about the minority issue. Drawing on primary and secondary sources, the chronological approach is favoured in this study to examine the problem and come to the conclusion that minority issues need to be addressed in time to enhance progress, unity and development of a better Cameroon.

Keywords: Minority issue, political entanglement, social dilemma, Cameroon.


Conceptual Framework and Definition of Term (Minority)

The term ‘minority’ as mention earlier, is defined variously and the variance depict the different contexts and settings that people apply the term. Many are those who believe that the effective application of the word (minority) is synonymous to conflict. To some it is a derogatory and stigmatizing word. It generates hatred and bitterness amongst people. It is within this backdrop that our study provides a historical discuss that will enhance a comprehensive understanding of some practical realities of the notion of minority as applied in Cameroon and its communities.
The word minority has an academic and colloquial connotation and usage. Academically it refers to power differences among groups (Barzilai, 2003, 22). According to Mughal, a minority group has five characteristics: (1) suffering discrimination and subordination, (2) physical and/or cultural traits that set them apart, and which are disapproved by the dominant group, (3) a shared sense of collective identity and common burdens, (4) socially shared rules about who belongs and who does not determine minority


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