Evaluation of Instituional Arrangements for Sustainable Forest Resources Management in Edo State, Nigeria

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Evaluation of Instituional Arrangements for Sustainable Forest Resources Management in Edo State, Nigeria

David E. Eighemhenrio
Department of Geography And Regional Planning, Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State, Nigeria

The unending decrease of the world’s forest resources has become a great global debate. Ineffective forest resources management strategies have often be blamed for the uncontrolled rate of forest resources harvests. Institutions, the fourth factor of production in the economy, matters so much, because of cost – benefit effects. Forestry in developing countries often suffer from poor supply of institutions and so not only becomes less competitive than that of developed countries, but also less well managed than other sectors in the same countries. These underscore this research; evaluation of institutional arrangements for sustainable forest resources management in Edo State. The research aims to evaluate the performance of the state’s legal framework and give recommendations for ensuring sustainable forest resources management. The data for the study were captured through questionnaire administration, Focus group discussions, interview schedules, oral testimony field observation and institutional decomposition. A total of 50 senior staff of the ministry of Agriculture and the department of Forestry were interviewed. Results from the studies shows that there are 48 governments forest reserves totaling 439,139.02 hectares. The government manages forests through legal frameworks. It was discovered that the richness in terms of biodiversity of the forests was on the decline, trees spacing becoming wider, timber harvests were continuous and the whole essence of government management, is revenue driven. The paper recommends that both the government and the local people should diversify their sources of income to reduce dependence on forest resources, establishment of forests management committees embracing all the forest stakeholders, sharing the proceeds from forests among the stakeholders, as these will ensure sustainable forest resources management in the state.

Keywords: Sustainable, forest resource management, institution.


Human development from antiquity has been tied to forest resource use. For instance, wood construction found at the Kalamo Falls in Tanzania, was dated 60,000 years old (Enabor, 1981). So far human development has been associated with the destruction of forest for settlement, farming, hunting, exploitation of forest products and other pursuits.
Forestry and sustainability are inseparable programmes. In principle, sustainability seeks after continuity while forestry is practically a non-use, if it is a short term activity. To the extent that the forestry purpose is to provide a variety of goods and services for one generation to another, it means that the critical factor is that of relevance from one age to another (Adeyoju, 1999)
On the other hand, the long term fortune of forestry depends largely on the institutions in place as well as the performance of the managers. It means that irrespective of the sustainability strategy and the enabling environment, the human role is indispensable. Indeed, an institution is worthy of its name and purpose to the extent of its craft and operational performance (Adeyoju, 2001).
Forest resources are natural endowments that serve as life support system; which include Timber and Non-Timber forest products. In Edo state, forest, resources include economic trees such as Iroko, African Walnut, Obeche, Ebony