3rd International Conference on Accounting, Management & Economics (ICAME 2024)
Date: 29 - 30th October 2024 | Venue: Online - Webex Platform


Welcome to the 3rd International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics (ICAME 2024), organized by the Faculty of Management and Economics, Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI). The Conference will be held virtually from the 29th to the 30th of October 2024. The Conference will be jointly organized by the EuroMid Academy Turkiye, Gulf University, Bahrain, and Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia.

The Conference consists of two main events: paper presentations and an innovation challenge. It aims to create understanding and cooperation with local and international institutions with interests and expertise in accounting, management, and economics. This year’s theme is Enhancing SDGs through AI in Accounting, Management and Economics: Practices and Research.

We proudly invite all academicians, scholars and researchers to submit their papers, share their knowledge and new ideas, and discuss current developments in their respective fields. 

Authors of accepted papers may choose to publish their papers in one of the following the Conference’s special issue publication categories (conference fee is inclusive of publication):

–  Book of Abstract (RM300.00)

–  MyCite indexed Journals (RM500.00)

–  ERA indexed Journal (RM650.00)

–  Full Paper Proceedings/Chapters in book by Springer (Scopus Indexed) (RM1,600.00)

Abstracts of all presentations will be included in the book of abstracts. Full paper will be charged according to the journal publication category. Presenters without full papers (abstract only) will be subjected to an abstract book fee.

All Full Paper submissions are subjected to a peer-review process.

Full Paper Presentation

Innovation Challenge video presentation

Concurrently, we would like to invite innovators to participate in our innovation challenge. The competition’s objective is to provide a platform for innovators worldwide to present the results and findings of their innovations. The judging will be conducted online by the appointed panel of juries.

The Innovation Challenge fee is RM200 per entry.

The certificate will be awarded by our co-organizer, Gulf University, Bahrain.

All abstract submissions will be included in the book of abstracts.

About The Conferen​ce

The 3rd International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics (ICAME 2024) is a prestigious event organized by the Faculty of Management and Economics, Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI). Scheduled to take place virtually on the 29th and 30th of October 2024, the conference brings together a global community of scholars and professionals.

ICAME 2024 is jointly organized by Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI) in collaboration with the EuroMid Academy, Turkiye; Gulf University, Bahrain; and Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia.

This year’s conference focuses on the theme “Enhancing SDGs through AI in Accounting, Management, and Economics: Practices and Research”. The event aims to foster understanding and collaboration between local and international institutions with shared interests in these fields.

The conference features two key components:

  • Paper Presentations: Showcasing innovative research and findings.
  • Innovation Challenge: Highlighting creative approaches to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through AI applications in accounting, management, and economics.




Important Dates
Full Paper Due Dates
Innovation Challenge Due Dates

Conference Committees


 Dr Rosmini Ismail (Chair)

Conference Advisors

Conference Main Committee

Conference Organizing Committee

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