International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)

Intelligent irrigation system using ML and IoT

Manjunath G S, Sudarshan- May 2023 Page No.: 01-09

To realize IoT promise in commercial-scale applications, integrated Internet of Things (IoT) platforms are required. The key challenge is to make the solution flexible enough to fulfill the demands of specific applications. A platform which is IoT-based which is used for smart irrigation with a adaptable design is created so that it allows developers to quickly link IoT and machine learning (ML) components to create application solutions. The design allows for a variety of customized analytical methods for precision irrigation, allowing for the advancement of machine learning techniques. Impacts on many stakeholders may be predicted, including IoT specialists, who would benefit from easier system setup, and farmers, who will benefit from lower costs and safer crop yields.
The typical irrigation procedure necessitates a large quantity of use of precious water, which results in waste of water. An intelligent irrigation system is in desperate need to decrease the wastage of water during this tiresome process. Using Machine learning (ML) and the Internet of Things (IoT),it is possible to develop an intelligent system that can accomplish this operation automatically and with minimum human intervention. An system which is enables using IoT and trained using ML is highly recommended and is suggested in this paper for optimum water consumption with minimal farmer interaction. In agriculture, IoT sensors are used to capture exact field and environmental data. The data being collected is transferred and kept in a cloud-based server that uses machine learning to evaluate the data and provide irrigation recommendations.

Page(s): 01-09                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 22 May 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8501

 Manjunath G S
Dept. of ISE, BNMIT, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Dept. of ECE, BNMIT, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

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Manjunath G S, Sudarshan “Intelligent irrigation system using ML and IoT ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.01-09 May 2023 DOI:

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Assessment of Technical Potential of Floating Solar Photovoltaic System for Electricity Generation in Zambia

Chrispin LUMPOTE, Mabvuto MWANZA – May 2023 Page No.: 10-22

Sustainable hydropower development provides a basis for a reliable and stable power source that is economical and environmentally friendly. Zambia is heavily dependent on hydropower whose hydrological pattern is facing serious threats from frequent droughts and severe weather conditions affecting power generation. However, Zambia’s hydropower is characterized by larger water reservoirs (Mulungushi, Itezhi Tezhi, Kafue Gorge and Kariba North) receiving high solar energy exceeding 2000 kWh/m2 per year. Hence, integration of floating solar PV systems with hydropower could help boost hydropower production during dry periods and save loss of water through vapor. The paper aims at assessing the technical potential of integrating floating solar PV systems for electricity generation on the existing larger hydropower water reservoirs. The findings indicate that larger hydropower reservoirs have a total surface area of 11,146 km2 equivalent to an annual theoretical solar energy potential of 25,610TWh.At 10% of the total coverage of all the surface areas, the technical potential is estimated at 172.76 GWP (Monocrystalline), 141.44 GWP (CIS) and 116.10 GWP (CdTe) equivalent to an annual solar electricity generation potential of 304 TWh, 244 TWh and 211TWh respectively. In short, Zambia has huge potential for integration of floating solar with hydropower using the existing power grid infrastructure to increase on the electricity generation for the nation. Additionally, the solar energy profile fits well with the electricity demand profile for Zambia which makes it a better alternative for the energy mix of the country. These findings are vital to providing a guide to decision-makers for the inclusion of floating solar energy in the future national energy mix and conservation of land.

Page(s): 10-22                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 22 May 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8502

 Chrispin LUMPOTE
Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Zambia, P.O.Box32379, Lusaka

 Mabvuto MWANZA
Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Zambia, P.O.Box32379, Lusaka

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Chrispin LUMPOTE, Mabvuto MWANZA “Assessment of Technical Potential of Floating Solar Photovoltaic System for Electricity Generation in Zambia ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.10-22 May 2023 DOI:

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Cannabis sativa: Release of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Affecting Air Quality

Ravindra B. Malabadi, Kiran P. Kolkar, Raju K. Chalannavar, Moumita Mondal, Lavanya L, Gholamreza Abdi, Himansu Baijnath- May 2023 Page No.: 23-35

This review paper highlights about the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of Cannabis plants. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a large group of chemicals harmful to human health that are readily released into the atmosphere and participate in atmospheric photochemical reactions. Floral Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are often involved in defence and pollinator attraction. Cannabis cultivation and consumption may lead to additional environmental impacts. Studies found out that Cannabis plants emit a significant amount of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) which could cause indoor air quality issues. Indoor Cannabis cultivation is energy-consuming, mainly due to heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and lighting. Energy consumption leads to greenhouse gas emissions. Common compounds to all the tested hemp cultivars include β-myrcene, ϒ-caryophyllene, α-pinene, β-pinene and limonene, reflecting species specificity in the emission of these compounds. β-Myrcene was the most abundant compound in most of the outside hemp cultivars. The terpenes had an earthy musky, and fruity smell may contribute to the odour in Cannabis samples at the vegetative stage, flowering stage, and drying/curing stage. All hemp cultivars are the prolific emitters of terpenoids. The oxidation of highly reactive Biogenic Volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) from Cannabis plants can lead to the formation of ozone and secondary Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (e.g., formaldehyde and acrolein). In hemp production, considerable odorous emissions occur during field retting. However, more research is needed to address how outdoor air quality is influenced by Cannabis cultivation facilities (CCFs) emissions.

Page(s): 23-35                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 27 May 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8503

 Ravindra B. Malabadi
Department of Applied Botany, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri-574199, Mangalore, Karnataka State, India

 Kiran P. Kolkar
Department of Botany, Karnatak Science College, Dharwad-580003, Karnataka State, India

 Raju K. Chalannavar
Department of Applied Botany, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri-574199, Mangalore, Karnataka State, India

 Moumita Mondal
Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Major Arterial Road, AA II, Newtown, Kolkata- 700135, West Bengal, India

 Lavanya L
Department of Biochemistry, REVA University, Bangalore -560064, Karnataka State, India

 Gholamreza Abdi
Department of Biotechnology, Persian Gulf Research Institute, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, 75169, Iran

 Himansu Baijnath
Ward Herbarium, School of Life Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville Campus, Private Bag X54001, Durban 4000, South Africa.

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89. Malabadi RB, Kolkar KP, Chalannavar RK, Lavanya L, Abdi G. Cannabis sativa: The difference between Δ8-THC and Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). International Journal of Innovation Scientific Research and Review. 2023; 5(4): 4315-4318.
90. Malabadi RB, Kolkar KP, Chalannavar RK, Lavanya L, Abdi G. Hemp Helps Human Health: Role of Phytocannabinoids. International Journal of Innovation Scientific Research and Review. 2023; 5 (4): 4340-4349.
91. Malabadi RB, Kolkar KP, Chalannavar RK, Lavanya L, Abdi G. Medical Cannabis sativa (Marijuana or drug type): Psychoactive molecule, Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC). International Journal of Research and Innovations in Applied Science. 2023; 8(4): 236-249.
92. Malabadi RB, Kolkar KP, Chalannavar RK, Lavanya L, Abdi G. Cannabis sativa: Botany, Cross Pollination and Plant Breeding Problems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN APPLIED SCIENCE (IJRIAS). 2023; 8 (4): 174-190.
93. Malabadi RB, Kolkar KP, Chalannavar RK. Cannabis sativa: Industrial Hemp (fiber-type)- An emerging opportunity for India. International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovations (IJRSI). 2023; X (3):01-9.
94. Malabadi RB, Kolkar KP, Chalannavar RK, Lavanya L, Abdi G. Medical Cannabis sativa (Marijuana or drug type): Psychoactive molecule, Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC). International Journal of Research and Innovations in Applied Science. 2023; 8(4): 236-249

Ravindra B. Malabadi, Kiran P. Kolkar, Raju K. Chalannavar, Moumita Mondal, Lavanya L, Gholamreza Abdi, Himansu Baijnath “Cannabis sativa: Release of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Affecting Air Quality ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.23-35 May 2023 DOI:

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Thin Cell Layer Culture of Phalaenopsis sp. and Rhynchostylis sp.

Tran Van Minh- May 2023 Page No.: 36-42

Phalaenopsis sp: The corm of shoot tip from elite shoot 90-day-old was used as material on the medium of MS + BA (1mg/l) + NAA (0.1mg/l) to rise to 2-4 PLB/corm after 90 days cultivation. PLBs were used as materials for in vitro propagation. PLB was cut into thin slices and cultures on the PLB initiation medium MS + peptone (1g/l) + BA (1mg/l) + NAA (0.1mg/l). After 3 months, PLB was initiated on different samples with 11.8 PLB/corm shoot tip sample, 7.4 PLB/leaf sample, and 6.2 PLB/thin slice of PLB. PLB has multiplied on the medium MS + BA (1mg/l) + NAA (0.1mg/l) to rise 11,4 PLB/sample. PLB was regenerated and rooted on the medium MS + NAA (0.1mg/l) with a high rate of 100%. The thin cell layer culture of Phalaenopsis sp. was established.
Rhynchostylis sp: Shoot in 60-day-old clone in the pot was used as material for set up in vitro shoots by cultured on the medium MS + 2iP (1mg/l) + IBA (0,5mg/l) to raise 4-6 shoot/sample after 30 days of cultivation. Young shoots were multiplied on the medium MS + BA (1mg/l) + IBA (0.1mg/l) to produce 5-8 shoots/sample. The young shoot released young leaves and corms of shoot tip meristem used as material in thin cell layer culture. The corm shoot tip meristem was cultured on medium MS + BA (1mg/l) + IBA (0,5mg/l) to rise 4.8 shoots/sample; and young leaves were cultured on medium MS + 2iP (1mg/l) + IBA (0,5mg/l) to rise 2.4 PLB/sample and 3.6 shoots/sample. Shoots were multiplied on medium MS + BA (1mg/l) + IBA (0,5mg/l) and PLB was regenerated and rooted on medium MS + IBA (0,5mg/l). The thin cell layer culture of Rhynchostylis sp. was established.

Page(s): 36-42                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 May 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8504

 Tran Van Minh
International University, Vietnam National University HoChiMinh City
Key Lab of Plant Cell Biotechnology, Institute of Tropical Biology

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Tran Van Minh “Thin Cell Layer Culture of Phalaenopsis sp. and Rhynchostylis sp. ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.36-42 May 2023 DOI:

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The Taxonomy Mobile Learning Applications in Higher Institutions of Learning in Ugandan Universities: A Case of Kabale University, Uganda

Hussein Muhaise, Phelix Businge Mbabazi, Paul Ssemaluulu, Muhoza Gloria- May 2023 Page No.: 43-56

Since the use of mobile devices outpaces that of laptops and desktop computers today, the usability of these mobile devices is an important consideration. When mobile learning (a new kind of electronic learning) takes shape, bringing an important feature of mobility, the trend expands deeper into teaching and learning. Usability describes the quality characteristics of software product usage; hence, usability testing is a crucial concern in developing companies for the success of product deployment and use. The vast majority of existing usability evaluation approaches were created for desktop software development. As a result, currently existing models do not specifically address mobile learning, presenting a gap that we aimed to remedy. The study developed a model that estimates usability as a function of aggregated usability influencing factors. To provide a more comprehensive model, the proposed model includes essential features from other accessible models and incorporates the majority of those that assist mobile learning. A mobile learning prototype application was designed, tested, and installed to evaluate the efficiency of the developed model, coupled with a task list for objective research. Using a sophisticated statistical technique, the feedback from the experiment and survey was then utilized to assess and validate the prototype application in terms of high, average, or low usability. The findings act as guides for eLearning developing businesses to create more relevant mobile learning applications with high levels of usability.

Page(s): 43-56                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 May 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8505

 Hussein Muhaise
Department of Information Technology, Kabale University Uganda.

 Phelix Businge Mbabazi
Department of Information Technology, Kabale University Uganda

 Paul Ssemaluulu
Department of Computer Science, Kabale University Uganda

 Muhoza Gloria
Department of Information Technology, Kabale University Uganda

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Hussein Muhaise, Phelix Businge Mbabazi, Paul Ssemaluulu, Muhoza Gloria “The Taxonomy Mobile Learning Applications in Higher Institutions of Learning in Ugandan Universities: A Case of Kabale University, Uganda ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.43-56 May 2023 DOI:

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Prevalence and Patterns of Herbal Medicine use in Bayelsa State: Potential Customers Victimology Insight for Behavioural Forensics

Ebiye Adipere, Ubodiom Epem, Harrison Ogala, Goodhope Kemebaradikumo Bonnie, Valentine Obinna Okpoko, Iboyi Nathaniel Onuche, Chigozie Ekene and Esther Tamarautare Fullpower- May 2023 Page No.: 57-64

The need to affirm the ever rising patronage of herbal medicine through the prevalence and patterns with the view to explore potential victimology insight for behavioural forensics necessitated this study. The data of the study was generated from 1200 participants drawn from eight LGAs using structured questionnaire as instrument. Findings from the study revealed high prevalence (91.17 %) of herbal medicine use; age, sex, educational level and income were associated with herbal medicine use. The study also revealed that age group 30 – 39 years (34.74 %) of the studied population was found to be the predominant participants that used herbal medicine, more females (53.11 %) used herbal medicine compared to males (46.89 %), participants with primary school level of education were found to be the major users of herbal medicine followed by participants with secondary school level of education (31.17 %), also, low income earners were found to be the predominant users of herbal medicines. Non-infection (sex enhancement, weight loss, fertility), anti-infection (malaria, typhoid, cough, STDs), pains/pregnancy management, and others 34.55 %, 30.99 %, 25.05 %, and 9.41 % respectively were the health issues herbal medicine was used to manage by the participants. Findings from the study portrayed likely vulnerabilities of the participants to potential victims of sharp medical practices or medical fraud.

Page(s): 57-64                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 04 June 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8506

 Ebiye Adipere
Admiralty University of Nigeria, Ibusa, Delta State

 Ubodiom Epem
Isaac Jasper Boro College of Education, Sagbama, Bayelsa State

 Harrison Ogala
Admiralty University of Nigeria, Ibusa, Delta State

 Goodhope Kemebaradikumo Bonnie
Bayelsa State College of Health Technology, Otuogidi, Bayelsa State

 Valentine Obinna Okpoko
Admiralty University of Nigeria, Ibusa, Delta State

 Iboyi Nathaniel Onuche
Admiralty University of Nigeria, Ibusa, Delta State

 Chigozie Ekene
Admiralty University of Nigeria, Ibusa, Delta State

 Esther Tamarautare Fullpower
Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa State

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Ebiye Adipere, Ubodiom Epem, Harrison Ogala, Goodhope Kemebaradikumo Bonnie, Valentine Obinna Okpoko, Iboyi Nathaniel Onuche, Chigozie Ekene and Esther Tamarautare Fullpower “Prevalence and Patterns of Herbal Medicine use in Bayelsa State: Potential Customers Victimology Insight for Behavioural Forensics ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.57-64 May 2023 DOI:

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Effects of scent leaf (ocimum gratissimum) on intestinal helminths affecting local free range chickens

Olorunsola, R. A. and Bagbe, A. S- May 2023 Page No.: 65-71

Scent leaf or Ocimum gratissimum is introduced to test its effectiveness as herbal purgatives in the treatment/eradication of gastrointestinal parasites in native chickens. Therefore, considering the side effects and the extracts and biologically protozoan builds against drugs, more attention should be given to the extracts and biologically active compounds which are isolated from plant species commonly used in herbal medicine. Hence, there is need for the study of potentials use of scent leaf (Ocimum gratissimmum) in the control of gastro-intestinal parasites of local free range chicken.
A total of 18 local free range chickens were used for the study. The birds were sourced from the local community market at 17 weeks of age. The local birds were weighed to determine their initial body weight. Six (6) local chickens were allocated to three (3) treatment.
The results reveals that all the free range chicken that were given scent leaf extract and commercial dewormer shows great reduction in number of eggs in their feaces. This indicates that scent leaf extract are equally effective as commercial dewormer (mebendazole).
From the studies, Ocimum gratissimum is a good antioxidant and also has some medicinal and nutritive values. This method of gastrointestinal helminthes control/eradication is cheap and easy to practice and could be adopted to replace conventional use of anti-helminthic drugs because of recent development of resistance of the helminthes to these drugs. The formulation of the plant extract regimen could be carried out without much technical know-how and the use of highly sophisticated equipment. Consequently, rural dwellers could access this nascent method of eradication of gastrointestinal helminthes in local free range chickens with little training/orientation.
From the results of this study it is recommended that Ocimum gratissimum extract and commercial dewormer (Mebendazole) be incorporated into the treatment of local free range chickens without any detrimental effect.

Page(s): 65-71                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 04 June 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8507

 Olorunsola, R. A.
Department of Animal production and Health, School of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology, Okitipupa. Ondo State

 Bagbe, A. S
Department of Biological Sciences, School of Science, Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology, Okitipupa. Ondo State.

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Olorunsola, R. A. and Bagbe, A. S* “Effects of scent leaf (ocimum gratissimum) on intestinal helminths affecting local free range chickens ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.65-71 May 2023 DOI:

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Persistent fuel scarcity, price increases, and way forward in Nigeria

Engr. Kazeem Babalola Olawale and Emmanuel Simon Yayock- May 2023 Page No.: 72-79

The scarcity and regular increase in the price of petroleum products in Nigeria has significant negative effects on businesses, the transportation sector, and the economy as a whole. Businesses suffer as they have to spend more on transportation and energy costs, which reduces their profit margins. This increase in costs is often passed on to consumers, leading to inflation and a decrease in consumer purchasing power. The transportation sector is also heavily affected by petroleum product scarcity and price increases, as fuel costs are a significant part of their operational expenses. This leads to higher transportation costs for goods and passengers, which ultimately affects the prices of goods and services across the economy. Furthermore, the Nigerian economy is heavily reliant on oil revenue, and any disruptions in the production and distribution of petroleum products can have severe consequences for the government’s revenue and overall economic growth. The way forward for Nigeria is to diversify its economy and reduce its dependence on oil as its primary source of revenue. This can be achieved by investing in other sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology. Additionally, the government can work towards improving the country’s infrastructure, particularly in the area of transportation, to reduce the impact of fuel scarcity and price increases on businesses and the economy. Finally, there needs to be an increased focus on developing and implementing alternative and renewable energy sources to reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels.

Page(s): 72-79                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 09 June 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8508

 Engr. Kazeem Babalola Olawale
Department of Automobile Technology, School of Secondary Education (Technical), Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi, Kano State, Nigeria

 Emmanuel Simon Yayock
Department of Automobile Technology, School of Secondary Education (Technical), Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi, Kano State, Nigeria

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Engr. Kazeem Babalola Olawale and Emmanuel Simon Yayock “Persistent fuel scarcity, price increases, and way forward in Nigeria ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.72-79 May 2023 DOI:

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Artificial Intelligence and Technology for Improving the Efficiency of The Judiciary in Nigeria

Eli Adama Jiya; Ahmed Nuruddeen Samaila; Yusuf Surajo- May 2023 Page No.: 80-85

Technology is an essential component of the civilization of twenty-first-century society and one of the key forces influencing public sector organizations. Public infrastructures like transportation systems and important service delivery are managed using technology and powerful computing software. Artificial intelligence (AI) on the other hand helps to add intelligence to computing devices and applications through learning, reasoning, and perceiving things from data. However, the level of adoption or application of these technologies in the Nigerian judiciary seems to be low as seen during the covid-19 outbreak. The closed down of courts led to an increase in the backlog of cases due to the suspension of court proceedings. Even the option of filling cases using technology like WhatsApp could not function effectively. AI can This paper identifies some areas technology and AI can improve the performance of Nigeria’s judiciary and increase the speed of justice dispensation.

Page(s): 80-85                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 13 June 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8509

 Eli Adama Jiya
Department of Computer Science, Federal University Dutsinma, Katsina State, Nigeria

 Ahmed Nuruddeen Samaila
Department of Software Engineering, Federal University Dutsinma, Katsina State, Nigeria.

 Yusuf Surajo
Department of Cyber Security, Federal University Dutsinma, Katsina State, Nigeria.

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Eli Adama Jiya; Ahmed Nuruddeen Samaila; Yusuf Surajo “Artificial Intelligence and Technology for Improving the Efficiency of The Judiciary in Nigeria ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.80-85 May 2023 DOI:

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Phytochemical Screening, Proximate and Mineral Constituents of Triumfetta rhomboidea Leaves and Roots

A. F. Akinsola and A. G. Oluwafemi- May 2023 Page No.: 86-92

This study investigated the proximate, mineral constituents and qualitative phytochemical screening of both aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Triumfetta rhomboidea leaves and roots. The study involved the collection of samples from Ekiti State University farm, Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. The samples were analyzed using standard analytical methods. Proximate analysis revealed that the leaves and roots of Triumfetta rhomboidea contained moisture (15.8 ±0.0, 15.2 ±0.1), crude protein (14.2 ±0.1, 10.2 ±0.0), crude fat (2.10 ±0.02, 0.92 ±0.04), ash (16.2 ±0.0, 12.2 ±0.1), crude fibre (9.14 ±0.04, 10.3 ±0.2), carbohydrate (42.6 ±0.1, 51.2 ±0.4) and energy (246, 254) content respectively. In addition, Na (44.7 ±0.2, 28.7 ±0.6), K (1203 ±3, 723 ±3), Mg (83.8 ±1.4, 41.2 ±0.3), P (896 ±4, 692 ±3), Ca (403 ±2, 294 ±2), Zn (11.0 ±0.1, 14.3 ±0.1), Mn (4.12 ±0.11, 2.92 ±0.06), Cu (2.42 ±0.02, 1.73 ±0.03, Cr (0.015 ±0.005, 0.045 ±0.005), were found in TRL and TRR while Cd and Pb were not detected in both samples. The phytochemical study showed that both aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Triumfetta rhomboidea leaves and roots contained phenols, tannins, flavonoids, and, reducing sugars. However, terpenoids were absent in both aqueous and ethanolic extracts of leaves and roots of Triumfetta rhomboidea. Alkaloids and steroids were present in the aqueous and ethanolic extract of roots only. Terpenoids were absent in both aqueous and ethanolic extracts of leaves and roots respectively with saponins not found in the ethanolic extract of the leaves only. Cardiac glycosides and phlobatannins were identified in both aqueous and ethanolic extracts of leaves only. These findings suggest that Triumfetta rhomboidea leaves and roots may have potential health benefits and could be used as natural sources of important nutrients and phytochemicals. The plant parts considered in the present study can be very useful in the development of either therapeutic or prophylactic medicine and can also be good sources of supplements in foods. Further research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of Triumfetta rhomboidea and its components in different contexts.

Page(s): 86-92                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 June 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8510

 A. F. Akinsola
Depatment of Industrial Chemistry, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.

 A. G. Oluwafemi
Department of Biochemistry, Landmark University, Omu-aran, Kwara-State.

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A. F. Akinsola and A. G. Oluwafemi “Phytochemical Screening, Proximate and Mineral Constituents of Triumfetta rhomboidea Leaves and Roots ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.86-92 May 2023 DOI:

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Design and Construction of a Digital Logic Training Module for Laboratory Experimentation

B. N. Ben-Festus, M. O. Osinowo, and Ben Festus May 2023 Page No.: 93-98

A Digital Logic Trainer is used to train students on experimental verification and implementation of basic logic gates. This research work describes a digital logic training (DLT) module designed and constructed using semiconductor components such as diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits. The DLT module can be used to verify logic gate theorems including Boolean expressions, combinational logic designs and Karnaugh’s reduction techniques for a given logic circuit. The front panel of the DLT module comprises of different Boolean symbols for easy logic gates identification and operates effectively on a 5 V DC rectified from a 220 V AC power supply. The DLT module performs favourably well when compared with commercially available types and comes at a lower production cost.

Page(s): 93-98                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 June 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8511

 B. N. Ben-Festus
Department of Physics with Electronics, Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun State, Nigeria

 M. O. Osinowo
Department of Physical Sciences, Redeemer’s University Ede, Osun State, Nigeria.

 Ben Festus
Department of Physics with Electronics, Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun State, Nigeria

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B. N. Ben-Festus, M. O. Osinowo, and Ben Festus “Design and Construction of a Digital Logic Training Module for Laboratory Experimentation ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.93-98 May 2023 DOI:

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Smart Translation for physically challenged people

Prateek B Alavandi, Rajasekaran G, Akshay Gujjal, S K Shishir Prasad- May 2023 Page No.: 99-101

Hand gestures are one of the nonverbal communication methods used in sign language. It is most typically used by deaf and hard of hearing persons who have hearing or speech impairments. difficulties communicating with one another or with regular people folks. Several sign language systems have been created byThere are numerous producers all throughout the world, but they are neither versatile nor adaptable.end-user-friendly in terms of price Our project’s goal is to create a communication system for deaf people. This project is divided into two sections. (1) It translates an audio message into sign language, and (2) it translates images/video into text/speech. The first category we’ll look at takes audio as input, turns the audio recorded message into text, and displays predetermined Indian Sign Language visuals or GIFs. The use of this technique facilitates communication between hearing and deaf persons. In the second category, we will gather photographs and train images with CNN and present the results.

Page(s): 99-101                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 19 June 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8412

 Prateek B Alavandi
Department Computer Science Engineering, Atme College of Engineering Mysuru

 Rajasekaran G
Department Computer Science Engineering, Atme College of Engineering Mysuru

 Akshay Gujjal
Department Computer Science Engineering, Atme College of Engineering Mysuru

 S K Shishir Prasad
Department Computer Science Engineering, Atme College of Engineering Mysuru

1. “Machine learning model for sign language interpretation using webcam images,” 2014 International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communication and Information Technology Applications (CSCITA), 2014, pp. 317-321, doi: 10.1109/CSCITA.2014.6839279.
2. A translator for American sign language to text and speech,” 2016 IEEE 5th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2016, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/GCCE.2016.7800427.
3. Morphological Analysis of Speech Translation into Indonesian Sign Language System (SIBI) on Android Platform,” 2019 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and information Systems (ICACSIS), 2019, pp. 205-210, doi: 10.1109/ICACSIS47736.2019.8980000
4. An Improved Sign Language Translation Model with Explainable Adaptations for Processing Long Sign Sentences Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Volume 2020, Article ID 8816125, 11 pages
5. Convolutional Neural Network based Bidirectional Sign Language Translation System,” 2020 Third International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), 2020, pp. 769-775, doi: 10.1109/ICSSIT48917.2020.9214272
6. Application for Iraqi sign language translation on Android system”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)Vol.10, No.5, October2020, pp. 5227~5234ISSN: 2088-8708, pp5227-5234
7. Electronic Glove: A Teaching AID for the Hearing Impaired”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)Vol.8, No.4, August2018, pp. 2290~2298ISSN: 2088-8708, pp2290-2298
8. Recommendation app to communicate with hearing-impaired communities”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)Vol.9, No.6, December2019, pp. 5512~5518ISSN: 2088-8708, pp5512-5518

Prateek B Alavandi, Rajasekaran G, Akshay Gujjal, S K Shishir Prasad “Smart Translation for physically challenged people ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.99-101 May 2023 DOI:

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A study of Dinophysiales and Prorocentrales of Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

Kadiri, M.O and Ogbebor, J.U – May 2023 Page No.: 102-123

This study examined the taxonomy, spatial and seasonal occurrences of the Orders Dinophysiales and Prorocentrales in the Atlantic Ocean, from the Bight of Benin to the Bight of Bonny in Gulf of Guinea Nigeria. Samples were collected from Oceanic stations in ten (10) locations drawn from the eight (8) coastal states of Nigeria. Six (6) species of Dinophysiales and 11 species of Prorocentrales were found. Whereas the Prorocentrales comprised exclusively of Prorocentrum species, Dinophysiales consisted of species of Dinophysis (2), Ornitocercus (2), Plalacroma (1) and Ceratocorys (1). The species exhibited differential spatial and temporal variations. Spatially, the distribution of Dinophysiales was generally relatively scanty, with most widely distributed being D. caudata, while D. rotundata and Amphisolenia schauinslandii were rare, while Prorocentrales had a wider distribution with Prorocentrum gracile and Prorocentrum micans as cosmopolitan species and Prorocentrum aporum, P. balticum, P.compressum P. obtusum, P. scutellum and P. rhathymum as restricted species. In terms of seasonal occurrence, D. caudata (Dinophysiales), P. gracile, P. triestinum and P. micans (Prorocentrales) were found at all seasons- dry-wet, wet, wet-dry and dry while D. rotundatum occurred only in the wet season. P. balticum and P. compressum, occurred only in the wet, dry-wet and dry season respectively. Species that were extremely sparse, both spatially and seasonally, were Phalacroma hastatum, Prorocentrum aporum, P. balticum, P. lima and P. compressum. Global distribution of the identified species is also presented. A total of 47.6% of the collection of species identified in this study are known to be toxic and harmful such as Dinophysis caudata, D. rotundata Prorocentrum micans, P. emaginatum, P. lima. P.redfieldii, P.reticulatum and P. rhathymum.

Page(s): 102-123                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 20 June 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8512

 Kadiri, M.O
Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria

 Ogbebor, J.U
Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria.

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Kadiri, M.O and Ogbebor, J.U “A study of Dinophysiales and Prorocentrales of Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.102-123 May 2023 DOI:

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Determination of the Concentrations of Radionuclides and Heavy Metals and Their Transfer Factor from Soil to Crops/Vegetables in Some Agricultural Soils in Barkin Ladi Area, Plateau State, Nigeria

Ogori B.O., Lubis S and Bakji G May 2023 Page No.: 124-130

Radionuclides and heavy metals exist in every human environment as a result of increasing anthropogenic activities. Their pollution of soil, water, and atmosphere represents a growing environmental problem affecting food quality and human health. The samples of soil used for this study were collected from Foron Bisitchi and Mazat communities of Barkin Ladi Area of Plateau state. The samples were analyzed using Canberra Model 727/727R Lead Shield Gamma ray Spectrometer with NaI(Ti) detector and ED-XFR. The result shows the range of the concentration of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th in soils as, 203.56 ± 0.80 to 217.39 ± 0.54 Bq/Kg, 69.39 ±0.16 to 98.07 ± 0.88 Bq/Kg and 69.52 ±0.79 to 97.88 ± 0.67 Bq/Kg respectively. The concentrations of Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn and Zr in the soil ranges from 1,083 – 2,380.00 mg/kg, 1,006.79 – 2,709.00 mg/kg, 235.70 – 707.40 mg/kg, 1,156.00 – 2,288.00 mg/kg, 0.00 – 560.10 mg/kg and 4,440 – 7,770.00 mg/kg respectively. The radionuclides highest TF of 0.99 was recorded in potato while the least with 0.44 was recorded in cabbage. Likewise, the heavy metals recorded the highest TF of 38.57 in spinach with the least as 0.086 also in spinach. The result is found to be higher than the maximum permissible limit except for 40K which is lower. Almost all the TF are greater than 0.5 which is an indication that there is high uptake of the metals by the crops and vegetables. From the result obtained, it is evident that both the soil and the vegetables are polluted with the radionuclides and heavy metals. The soil is therefore not good for agricultural purposes unless the soil undergoes remediation

Page(s): 124-130                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 20 June 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8513

 Ogori B.O.
Federal College of Education Pankshin Plateau State

 Lubis S
Federal College of Education Pankshin Plateau State

 Bakji G
Federal College of Education Pankshin Plateau State

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Ogori B.O., Lubis S and Bakji G “Determination of the Concentrations of Radionuclides and Heavy Metals and Their Transfer Factor from Soil to Crops/Vegetables in Some Agricultural Soils in Barkin Ladi Area, Plateau State, Nigeria ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.124-130 May 2023 DOI:

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Artificial Intelligence Milieu: Implications for Corporate Performance in the Nigerian Banking Industry

Ononokpono, Nyong Joe, Osademe, Gloria Chinagozi, Prof. Akewushola Raheem Olasupo – May 2023 Page No.: 131-135

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used in the banking industry in Nigeria to scale new heights in customer relationship management. The function and popularity of Artificial Intelligence was soaring by the day and the banking industry had shown a moderate level of adaptation to AI. This study examined the implication of the usage and prospects of AI in the Nigerian banking industry. Survey research design was used for this study. The population covers members of staff of four Commercial Banks in Nigeria. The study adopted Multi stage Sampling techniques. Content validity techniques were used to validate the accuracy of the research instrument. The research findings depict that all variables are significant at 0.01 level. The results showed that adaptation of AI in the banking operation has positive implications in terms of customer satisfaction, customer retention, fraud, risk reduction and enhanced maximization. The study recommends that “enabling environment, some of which are in turn strongly influenced by larger political economic realities, especially the peculiar Artificial Intelligent setting in Nigeria is one obvious factor that need to be addressed. In conclusion, the study concluded that Artificial Intelligence in Nigeria banking industry has resulted in customer satisfaction, risk reduction and customer’s wealth maximization since Artificial Intelligence plays the role of detecting mismatch in transactions, provides personalised advisory services and developing solutions for eliminating human errors.

Page(s): 131-135                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 June 2023

DOI: 10.51584/IJRIAS.2023.8515

 Ononokpono, Nyong Joe
Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos State, Nigeria

 Osademe, Gloria Chinagozi
Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos State, Nigeria

 Prof. Akewushola Raheem Olasupo
Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos State, Nigeria

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Ononokpono, Nyong Joe, Osademe, Gloria Chinagozi, Prof. Akewushola Raheem Olasupo “Artificial Intelligence Milieu: Implications for Corporate Performance in the Nigerian Banking Industry ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) volume-8-issue-5, pp.131-135 May 2023 DOI:

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