The study was conducted with the objective of evaluating heritability and performance of some single cross maize hybrid in Dilla and Abaya areas. Analysis of variance showed that genotypes exhibited significant (p<0.01) differences in all traits at both locations except anthesis-silking-interval. Genotype by location interaction showed significant ((p<0.05) interaction for days to anthesis, silking, days to maturity and hundred seed weight. Heritability in broad sense is higher than 85% in all characters except anthesis-silking interval and ranges from -38.14% for anthesis-silking interval to 99.80% for plant height.The highest grain yield of 18.57 and 18.10 (t/ha) were obtained from limu and jabi in that order. In contrast, the lowest grain yield was obtained from Melkassa hybrid-130 (8.57 t/ha). In addition, Melkassa hybrid-130 performed less in all characters. The maximum number of days to anthesis, silking, maturity and hundred seed weight were scored from shone variety (67, 68.17, 92 and 55.53, respectively. The highest plant height of 278.67, 263.33, and 263 cm was obtained from limu, shone and jabi, in that order. The highest ear height was 227.05 and 212.48 cm for limu and jabi, respectively. From the five parents limu and jabi showed good performance in most characters and thus, selected as a check for the future to evaluate advanced lines by comparing with the checks. Most characters showed significance at locations, suggested that there is need to test for further study over years and locations for extracting different genotypes for the future breeding programs..
- Page(s): 01-05
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
- Mieso Keweti Shengu
Plant Science Department,
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources), Dilla University (DU), P.O. Box: 419, Dilla, Ethiopia - Beniam Tilahun
Plant Science Department,
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources), Dilla University (DU), P.O. Box: 419, Dilla, Ethiopia
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Mieso Keweti Shengu, Beniam Tilahun "Heritability and Performance of Single Cross Maize Hybrids in Dilla and Abaya Areas" International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation-(IJRSI) vol.3 issue 7, pp.01-05 2016
The demand for natural raw materials and source of energy are increasing day by day, due to rapid growth in human population and industrialization in developing as well as underdeveloped countries. Many natural water bodies of the world receive flux of sewage, domestic waste, industrial effluents and agricultural waste which contain substances varying from simple nutrients to highly toxic chemicals. Over the years rising industrial and agricultural activities plus a lack of proper environmental control measures demand the continuous monitoring of the water quality of river studies of that area. Thus, an attempt has been made to evaluate the impact of human activities around KRS dam of Cauvery river of Karnataka state, India. In this research work, water quality of Cauvery River was carried out in order to find out the impact of human activities. It is observed that, water in most of the sampling stations were very poor quality and partially suitable for human consumption.
- Page(s): 06-15
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
- Appaji Gowda
Department of Studies in Anthropology,
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Department of Studies in Environmental Science,
University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysuru – 570 006, India - Rajasekhara Reddy K
Department of Studies in Anthropology,
University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysuru – 570 006, India - Abhilash M R
Department of Studies in Environmental Science,
University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysuru – 570 006, India - Shiva Kumar D
Department of Studies in Environmental Science,
University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysuru – 570 006, India - Jagadish K
Department of Studies in Environmental Science,
University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysuru – 570 006, India
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Appaji Gowda, Srikantaswamy S, Rajasekhara Reddy K, Abhilash M R, Shiva Kumar D, and Jagadish K "Impact of Anthropological Activities on the Water Quality of Cauvery River, Karnataka, India" International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation-IJRSI vol.3 issue 7, pp.06-15 2016
Nattokinase is an enzyme that finds a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical industry, health care and medicine etc. The main aim of research work is to screen and identification of Bacillus subtilis from coconut field soil source and purification of nattokinase. Biochemical test like Methyl red (MR) and the voges-proskauer (V-P) broth opposite result were obtained, in urease test phenol red changes from yellow color to a red or deep pink (cerise) color and catalase test trypticase soy agar slants presence of gas bubbles. Using different nitrogen sources like cow fibrin, sheep fibrin, peptone and tryptone enzyme activity was found to be 6, 26, 28.3 and 38 U/ml respectively. The caseinolytic activity of Nattokinase was found to be 636.73 U/ml. The enzymes were purified to homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation, dialysis and ion exchange chromatography. Characterization studies showed an optimum temperature 400C, 38 U/ml and 1.0 U/ml of substrate and zinc chloride activator were found to be more when compared to the other.
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- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
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Nirmala College of Pharmacy, Mangalagiri, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Lakshmaiah. P, D. Srinivasa Rao, U. Spandana "Purification and Characterization of Nattokinase from Bacillus Subtilis from Coconut Field Soils" International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation-IJRSI vol.3 issue 7, pp.16-20 2016
The hydro chemical study reveals the quality of water and its suitability for drinking, agriculture and industrial purposes. Presence of extreme quantities of salts in groundwater is one of the major constrains in agro-well farming and domestic use in Kadur, Chikmagalur. Irrigation with poor quality ground water in study area had many threats such as agricultural activities, over exploitation, rock interaction in aquifers and also persistence of continuous drought condition bringing uninvited rudiments to the soil in excessive quantities affecting its fertility and people health. This study mainly addresses Hydrogeochemical studies in the fourteen water samples of Kadur to understand the chemistry of water and to assess the suitability of water by using modern tools and secondary parameters. The results of all the findings are discussed in details which reflect the present status of the groundwater quality in the study area.
- Page(s): 21-28
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
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The land is the most fundamental component of the natural environment of the mother earth. It is a basic resource which facilitates the generation and development of other biophysical resources, such as water, soils, plants and animals. The altitude of the Suyalcatchment ranges between 1260 m and 2340 m from the mean sea level, that part of Lesser Himalaya. Despite several geo-environmental constraints the basin has not escaped anthropogenic impacts which continue to multiply with the increasing pressure of population and the resultant process of land use changes operative in the Suyal catchment. The practices of cultivation and grazing are now extended over large areas leading to the degradation of the fragile ecosystem and depletion of natural resources. A considerable proportion of the region is ecologically vulnerable and thus prone to the processes of environmental degradation. The region, therefore, deserves specific attention for protecting the fragile environment and sustainable development of natural resources.This paper suggests a suitable Land Use Pattern and Sustainability of Ecosystem with swains in Lesser Himalaya.
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The construction industry has been showing poor performance very often. This is one of the reasons for the cost overruns. Cost overruns has been a major issue in many Indian construction projects sepecially in high- rise building projects.Successful management of construction projects is based on three major factors i.e. time, cost and quality. The successful completion of construction projects within the specified time has become the most valuable and challenging task for the Managers, Architects, Engineers and Contractors. The aim of the study is to investigate the factors influencing Cost overruns in high rise construction projects. A valid questionnaire for the survey was developed based on factors for cost overruns identified from literature review. These factors are grouped into 8 categories for cost overruns and distributed to Contractors, Consultants, and Owners of high-rise construction projects. Cost overrun is also called as cost escalation, cost increase or budget overrun.
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- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
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In this paper, an Economic Manufacturing Quantity (EMQ) is set up under the effect of reliability with demand based on the selling price and seasonal time. The profit of the concern is absolutely depending on the manufacturing of the number of products equalizing the seasonal demand created for the product in the particular time and on the other hand based on fixing the selling price matching with the requirements of the customers and the demand. Hence, the production process of time demanded products should be reliable for the same. Due to wear and tear, breakdown of the machine and etc.. as a result, the production system may be severely affected and changed to out-of-control state. The imperfect system may increase the production time and costs and also produces less quality items. At the additional fixed cost, the less quality items are reworked or restored. Therefore every production process should be perfect to meet the unexpected seasonal demand. The time based manufacturing process is the critical one to make the system perfect till the seasonal demand is fulfilled within short span of time. To reduce the increasing cost of production and to supply the products at the required quantity with perfect quality in the desirable time , we consider reliability as a decision variable along with the improvement of cost and the production cost as a function of reliability. The profit function is maximized in this model by applying Euler-Lagrange formula. The numerical example and graphical illustrations are given to point up the model.
- Page(s): 43-48
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
- W. Ritha
Holy Cross College( Autonomous ) ,Tiruchirapalli – 620 002, India. - S. Sutha
2Government Arts College, Trichirapalli – 620 022, India.
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Two cabinet solar dryers of same dimensions with flat plate solar collector have been developed to test their performance for tomato drying. The experiments were carried out simultaneously in natural and forced convection mode under the same metrological conditions of Chandwad (India).The moisture content of tomato slices were reduced from an initial value of 94% (w.b) to a final value of 10% (w.b) within 9 hrs in forced and 12 hrs in natural convection mode. Also the mass content of 1000 g of tomato slices were reduced to 106 g and 226.6 g in forced and natural convection mode for the same drying period of 9 hrs. During test period, the collector efficiency of cabinet solar dryer in forced and natural convection mode was found to be 32.96% and 17.12 %. For the same period of drying, dryer efficiency in forced convection was higher (11.24%) than natural convection mode (9.94%) of drying. The main aim of this study was to compare the performance of solar cabinet dryer in natural and forced convection mode and it may be useful in setting drying standards for selected agro-commodities.
- Page(s): 49-52
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
- Rajendra Patil
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Reverse logistics is important for today’s business environment, and it involves the process of product returns, products wrongly delivered damaged products, and product exchange programs. Most of the reverse logistics model ignored the energy cost along with transportation and waste disposal cost. In this paper we will present the inventory model with closed - loop supply chain system with energy, transportation and waste disposal costs. Numerical examples are presented for the proposed model, and the numerical example will illustrate the importance of accounting for the three costs.
- Page(s): 59-63
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
- W. Ritha
Department of Mathematics,
Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Trichirappalli-620-002, India. - I. Francina Nishandhi
Department of Mathematics,
Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Trichirappalli-620-002, India.
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Brain tumors are a typical growth of cells in the brain. It is important to diagnose these tumors as malignant or benign as early as possible after detection. This paper presents a non-invasive method to differentiate between malignant and benign tumors using NI Lab view software. A script in NI Vision Assistant software is developed that identifies tumors based on the amount of edema, fluids and necrosis in the brain which is reflected in the MRI Scans. Edemas and other fluids present in the brain have a different color and texture compared to the rest of the cerebral tissue. The method used describes a strategy for detection and extraction of tumor from patient’s MRI scan images of brain. It incorporates few noise removal functions, segmentation and morphological operations which are the basic concepts of image processing. The algorithm used in this work involves two stages; first is preprocessing of given MRI image, performing segmentation and applying morphological operations. The method was applied on 19 MRI scans and the results obtained reveal that the VI script developed has achieved 86.36% success rate.
- Page(s): 64-70
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
- Jyothirmai Joshi
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India - N. Moorthy Muthukrishnan
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad, India - H. Renuka
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India
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Jyothirmai Joshi, N. Moorthy Muthukrishnan, H. Renuka "An Approach for Detection of Brain Tumor using MRI Images Using LABVIEW" International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation-IJRSI vol.3 issue 7, pp.64-70 2016
This paper presents the theoretical background of digital modulation and evaluates the performance of BPSK, QPSK, and QAM modulation techniques with respect to Bit Error Rate in presence of Gaussian, Rayleigh, and Rician noise. The primary objective of any communication system is to receive the data with minimum errors as the errors degrades the system performance. Bit Error Rate (BER) is an important factor that decides the performance of different modulation techniques. This paper focusses on the effect of different types of noise for the above mentioned modulation schemes under AWGN channel. The complete system is implemented in MATLAB Simulink Environment.
- Page(s): 71-74
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
- J. A. Desai
Department of E & TC Engineering,
NBN Sinhgad School of Engineering, Ambegaon (Bk.). Pune, India - S. N. Kulkarni
Department of E & TC Engineering,
NBN Sinhgad School of Engineering, Ambegaon (Bk.). Pune, India
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J. A. Desai, S. N. Kulkarni "Effect of Noise on BER of BPSK, QPSK, DPSK, and QAM Modulation Techniques" International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation-IJRSI vol.3 issue 7, pp.71-74 2016
There has been a tremendous growth in the traffic due to urbanization, industrialization and increase in population. Recently conducted study on traffic management market reports that the traffic management market is expected to grow from $3564.9M in 2014 to $16894.9M by 2019. Hence it has become essential to build an intelligent traffic control and monitoring system in order to resolve the traffic congestion of roads and reduce accidents. This paper is designed to develop a density based dynamic intelligent traffic signal system having remote override facilities. The traffic signal duration changes automatically on sensing the traffic density at the junction and in the event of any emergency vehicle like ambulance, fire brigade etc. requiring priority are built in with RF transmitter and receiver. It overrides the traffic signals by providing instantaneous green signal in the desired direction while blocking the other lanes by red signal for some time.
- Page(s):75-80
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
- Mamatha T
Assistant Professor, Computer Science,
RVCE, Bangalore ,India - Chaitra C
Mechanical Department,
Student, Computer Science,
RVCE, Bangalore, India
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The photo energy or sunlight is main source of natural heat on earth. Sunlight is required necessarily as one element for life on earth. Nature of sunlight is to heating things and environment. In the winter season sunlight feels good because of lower temperature while in summers when the entire environment is hot then sunlight doesn’t give feel well.
Winters when heating is required then sunlight or Photo energy can be utilized for heating purpose of buildings and environment surrounding. But in summers when temperature is high outside and inside the premises then it’s required to keep temperature low inside the building. Marble paste can be used as a tool to Passive cooling of building.
- Page(s): 81-83
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
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Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur, India
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Data Mining becomes a vital aspect in data analysis. Study on data mining using a synchronized Clustering, Neural based approach gives us the usage trend analysis and it is very much depends on the performance of the clustering of the number of requests. The Self Organizing Networks is useful for representing and building unsupervised learning, clustering, and Visualization and feature maps. Growing Neural Gas is one of the types of Self Organizing Networks. We have trained the neural gas algorithm and transformed the data to adapt input features of resultant trained network. In this paper we are presenting a novel algorithm for clustering to detect patterns of the data. Self Organizing Map identifies the Winning neurons which are used in growing neural gas algorithm with mahalanobis distance measure. Thus the proposed algorithm is hybrid and it combines Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
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Modern buildings contain an increasing amount of electrical apparatuses. This technological explosion is escalating the demand for electrical power to support the equipment which has become an integral part of the way people conduct business. Two types of load assessments are normally carried out in the electrical field. One is done during the design stage when the electrical designer needs to determine the size of conductors and rating of electrical equipment for a new installation. The other is carried out to an existing building that is already equipped with electrical infrastructure but may require an assessment to carry out improvement works or additions to its existing load; in the case of the latter it is known locally as a Load Detail. The following paper is presented as the demand of energy in our country is increasing on large scale leading to large gap between supply and demand and at the same time generation cannot be increased to cater the growing demands because of limited resources in our country, since India being a developing nation there is a need to control and monitor the flow of energy in various sectors and hence energy conservation and use of efficient devices is the only solution. In this paper we have presented the use of energy efficient devices in our campus Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University as the demand is increasing day by day with the development of campus, we took a survey and analysed different loads prevailing in our campus and evaluated there consumption and compared it with the energy efficient installations, to our surprise we found lot a saving that could be achieved if this is implemented successfully.
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- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
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Department of ERE,
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Department of ERE,
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Department of ERE,
BGSB University, Rajouri, India
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Shafqat Mughal, Umar Maqbool, Tahleela Navid, Aaqib Firdous, Zahid Nazir, Ashish Sangra "Load Assessment & Future Energy Strategies" International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation-IJRSI vol.3 issue 7, pp.95-98 2016
In this paper, simulation results using MATLAB / SIMULINK of conventional and fuzzy type both power system stabilizers are shown. The performance of the proposed model is tested and performed on Single Machine Infinite Bus System (SMIB). By using different K constant, the performance of SMIB system with proposed model has been analyzed under different system condition i.e. SMIB with excitation system, without excitation system , with excitation system along with conventional PSS (lead-lag) and finally a combination of excitation system and fuzzy logic based PSS. The dynamic models for synchronous machine, excitation system, prime mover, governing system and conventional PSS are detailed in this paper..
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Assistant Professor
Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur, India - Shruti Choubisa
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Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur, India
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Ritu Jain, Shruti Choubisa "Power System Stability Enhancement Using Fuzzy Based Power System Stabilizer" International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation-IJRSI vol.3 issue 7, pp.99-104 2016
Flat Plate Collector (FPC) is widely used for domestic hot-water, space heating/drying and for applications requiring fluid temperature less than 100oC. Three main components associated with FPC namely, absorber plate, top covers and heating pipes. The absorber plate is selective coated to have high absorptivity. It receives heat by solar radiation and by conduction; heat is transferred to the flowing liquid through the heating pipes. The fluid flow through the collector pipes is by natural (thermo syphon effect) or by forced circulation (pump flow). For small water heating systems natural circulation is used for fluid flow. Conventionally, absorbers of all flat plate collectors are straight copper/aluminum sheets however, which limits on the heat collection surface transfer area. Thus, higher heat collection surface area is optimized by changing its geometry with the same space of conventional FPC. The objective of present study is to evaluate the performance of FPC with different geometric absorber configuration. It is expected that with the same collector space higher thermal efficiency or higher water temperature can be obtained. Thus, cost of the FPC can be further bring down by enhancing the collector efficiency. A test setup is fabricated and experiments conduct to study these aspects under laboratory conditions (as per IS standard available for the flat plate collector testing).
The experimental results revealed that the performance of the solar water heater by using all the materials produced the maximum efficiency of around 40 % to 47 % respectively. And the maximum outlet water temperature reached is below 70⁰C respectively. The order of material priority for better efficiency is copper, aluminium, than stainless steel.
- Page(s): 105-110
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
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Mechanical Engineering Department,
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Mechanical Engineering Department,
University Institute of Technology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India - P. Prajapati
Mechanical Engineering Department,
University Institute of Technology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India - R. Khare
Mechanical Engineering Department,
University Institute of Technology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India
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data from XML datasets. Since an XML document can have a small to relatively large amount of size and contain lots of user necessary data. An XML search output should be a part of the XML document which is formatted dynamically at search time, which is formed due to the structuredness of XML. Applying keyword searches over XML documents has number of problems, such as, what are the relevant elements that are matched in the document, way to generate the meaningful results, way of presenting the found results in simple and understanding form and so on.
Here, keywords searching technique based on probabilistic approach has been discussed. A probabilistic based XML documents differs from traditional XML documents. The nodes are considered either as ordinary node or distributional nodes. ELM (Extreme Learning Machine) provides venomous advantages such as fast learning speed, ease of implementation. In this paper, ELM has been chosen to classify the nodes and calculate the probability. When keyword is queried, SLCA node results will be searched and probability of SLCA node rooted subtree is calculated by classifying the nodes into ordinary nodes and distributional nodes. The result is compared with existing approaches like Prstack and SVM. The proposed technique results in higher precision with lower execution time.
- Page(s): 111-117
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
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Vastu Shastra is ancient Indian Vedic ( scriptures of religious importance ) and shastra’s (scriptures ) knowledge for construction area to achieve balance, harmony between Gods nature and people thereby paving the way for peace, prosperity, health, happiness and to avoid troubles.Vastu Shastra - meaning theories of planning for buildings, colonies, neighborhood townships and also for interiors. These had been laid down, formulated and used to be practiced centuries back.
In recent years an attempt to bring out, rejuvenate, revitalize and adopt this knowledge has been made. These recommendations incorporated with present practice of planning construction and design may enhance the quality of life. Technical aspects of this knowhow for residences have been illustrated in this paper. An attempt has been made to give an idea what Vastu Shastra says. The recommendations and practice for residential building of present world has been compared with principles of vastu shastra.
- Page(s): 118-121
- Date of Publication: 15 July 2016
- Reeta Gupta
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
LNCTS, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
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Reeta Gupta "Comparison of Vastu Shastra with Modern Building Science" International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation-IJRSI vol.3 issue 7, pp.118-121 2016