Soil Erosion Menace and the Incidence of Climate Change

Ibeabuchi U, Egbu, A. U and Kalu, A. O. – February 2018 Page No.: 01-11

Soil Erosion still remains one of the major land degradation problems which still challenge the efforts of the government at various levels in the war against hunger and poverty in Abia State. Studies on the impact of climate change on sediment transport suggest that transport enhancement due to increased soil erosion, particularly in areas with increased runoff, soil and vegetation changes in Abia state. This study adopts Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing techniques as veritable tools to classify areas with soil loss potential in Abia state. The rainfall distribution characteristics and rain days was studied, the frequency analysis was applied using normal distribution log-Pearson type III distribution, with rainfall data recorded for 43 years (between 1972 and 2015). This indicates that the distribution is negatively skewed and with an increase in rainfall variability, implying a change in weather, increased heavy rainfall intensity and extremes and soil loss. The 0.2 and 1% Chance Exceedance rainfall event were used as input into climate factor coupled with soil, DEM and anthropogenic factors as the basic requirement for environmental modeling of soil loss using Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). Sediment yield was computed and large deposits were found to leave Abia state basin accompanied by nutrients runoff, posing threat to agricultural productivity and land degradation. Results reveal that soil loss and sediment yield is an annual event which needs an Agro-environmental measure to reverse the negative trend towards environmental degradation.

Page(s): 01-11                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 February 2018

 Ibeabuchi U

 Egbu, A. U

 Kalu, A. O.

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Ibeabuchi U, Egbu, A. U and Kalu, A. O. “Soil Erosion Menace and the Incidence of Climate Change” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 2, pp.01-11 February 2018  URL:

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Labour Issues: A Major Concern of the Agricultural Sector of Alappuzha District, Kerala
R.Maniyosai, Antony Kuruvilla – February 2018 – Page No.: 12-14

Agriculture includes all activities done by a farmer, who is engaged in agriculture or farming which is done on a farm as a conjunction with such farming operations, including preparations for market, delivery to storage or to market or to carriers for transportation to the market. Farmer’s activities include farming in all of its branches and the cultivation and tillage of the soil, dairying. These activities depend on the labour force. Farming activities, especially wetland farming, need huge supply of labourers. Alappuzha district in Kerala is known as the “Granary of Kerala” because of the abundance of rice cultivation in this part of the state. Mechanization is not possible in the district due to Geographical as well as financial constraints. So it does not suit to the geographical conditions of the wetlands of the district. Here famers are forced to depend on human labourers. So the availability of labourers, their wages, their attitudes are important in the agricultural activity of the district. Unfortunately Alappuzha district is facing certain problems on the basis of labourers. The problems associated with their availability, mobility, wages, compensations are major constraints faced by the farmers of the district. The problems incurred by the labour force are not only affecting the farming activity but also they are affecting the land use pattern of the district. They even lead to the increase of the cultivable waste land of the district.

Page(s): 12-14                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 18 February 2018

Department of Geography, Government Arts College ( Autonomous) Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India

 Antony Kuruvilla
Department of Geography, Government Arts College ( Autonomous) Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India

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R.Maniyosai, Antony Kuruvilla “Labour Issues: A Major Concern of the Agricultural Sector of Alappuzha District, Kerala” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 2, pp.12-14 February 2018 URL:

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Empowerment of Women through Self Help Group – A Case Study of Baswara District (Rajasthan)

Dr. Harigopal G. Agrawal – February 2018 Page No.: 15-19

India is a developing country. India’s GDP is middling, even after six decades of independence. Undoubtedly, the problem of nearly twenty five percent of India’s people is poverty and unemployment. The government is focusing on their participation in rural development and developmental activities. Although, During the last six decades of India’s planned development, Women have not achieved success, especially rural women in many parts of the country lead the Self Help Group (SHG), have cognizable success in bringing women into main stream of decision making, hence, it is obvious that Self Help Groups have become a usable organizational set up to disburse micro credit to women and motivate them to enter into entrepreneurial activity. SHGs has made important contributions to the development of women entrepreneurs and the development of the economy. The main objectives of the paper are. To examine the empowerment of women through self help groups into different social categories. To examine outlook of the family members, husbands of the respondents and officers connected with workplace and to examine impact of the self help groups on the respondents. In the light of above situation, the present study is ground on primary data. The primary data is collected with the help of pre-tested questionnaire. Banswara District of Rajasthan State has been selected for this study. According to the proportion of its population in the district, 100 samples have been selected from various social categories, OC, BC, SC and ST. Data has been collected with the help of a structured questionnaire. Stratified random sampling techniques have been adopted for the study. The collected primary data is tabulated by computerized. Simple statistical tools such as percentages are used. A substantial part of this research paper is based on table analysis.

Page(s): 15-19                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 24 February 2018

 Dr. Harigopal G. Agrawal
Associate Professor, Economics Department, Shri K R Desai Arts & Commerce College, Jhalod (Dist – Dahod) – Gujarat, India

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[3]. Gangaiah, C., Nagaraju, B., and Vasudevulu, C. (2006), “Impact of Self-help Groups on Income and Employment”, Kurukshetra, Vol.54, No.5, March, pp.18-23.
[4]. Joseph Labinviana and Eawaran Kanagaraju (2006), “S.H.G.s and Tribal Development in Mizoram”, Kurukshetra, January, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp.35-48.
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Dr. Harigopal G. Agrawal “Empowerment of Women through Self Help Group – A Case Study of Baswara District (Rajasthan)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 2, pp.15-19 February 2018  URL:

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A Study of Quality of Work Life of Weavers under Integrated Handloom Cluster Development Scheme (IHCDS)

Katta Rama Mohana Rao, Kakumanu Kiran Kumar – February 2018 Page No.: 20-25

Handloom industry is the largest cottage industry providing widest avenues for employment opportunities, next to agriculture, prime thrust has been given to implementation of schemes for promotion and development of handloom sectors. From the beginning, co-operative has been considered to be the ideal infrastructural institution for implementation of various schemes for development of decentralized cottage industry like handlooms. Almost all schemes are therefore formulated co-operative oriented. Emphasis has also been laid upon formation of co-operatives with handloom weavers. The challenges in this sector include inadequate training for Upgradation of skills, unorganized structure, weak financial base of the weavers etc. But the major and fundamental challenges are lack of innovative designs and inadequate fashion marketing. However, the weavers face a number of challenges which affect their livelihood and overall wellbeing. The present study focused on the quality work life on Integrated Handloom Cluster Development Scheme (IHCDS) of the handloom weavers in Andhra Pradesh district, India.

Page(s): 20-25                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 06 March 2018

 Katta Rama Mohana Rao
Professor, Department of Commerce and Management Studies, Andhra University, India

 Kakumanu Kiran Kumar
Research Scholar, Department of Commerce and Management Studies, Andhra University, India

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Katta Rama Mohana Rao, Kakumanu Kiran Kumar “A Study of Quality of Work Life of Weavers under Integrated Handloom Cluster Development Scheme (IHCDS)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 2, pp.20-25 February 2018  URL:

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