Prioritization of Critical Success Factors for Construction Projects in Kenya

Elijah Kamau Mwangi, Jane Gathenya, John Kihoro – July 2018 Page No.: 01-10

A large number of Critical Success Factors (CSF’s) exist that play a major role in influencing the success of construction projects. However, their influence on project success at each phase of the project life cycle has received little attention. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate and prioritize the CSF at each phase of construction projects in Kenya. The practice in the Kenyan construction industry has been to evaluate project success based purely on the Time, Quality and Cost (TQC) criterion leading to incomplete and misleading assessments. This study discovered other evaluation criteria that are inherent in the Kenyan construction industry that included the organizational benefits, user benefits, project team members’ benefits, the Iron-Diamond, and the social benefits success criteria. The results showed that human related factors and external environmental factors were the most dominant CSFs while the project management actions was the least dominant CSF during conceptualization, planning, and execution phases but the dominance was reversed during the termination phase.

Page(s): 01-10                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 19 July 2018

 Elijah Kamau Mwangi
Department of Entrepreneurship, Technology, Leadership and Management, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

 Jane Gathenya
Department of Entrepreneurship, Technology, Leadership and Management, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

 John Kihoro
Department of Computing and eLearning (DCeL), The Cooperative University of Kenya, Kenya

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Elijah Kamau Mwangi, Jane Gathenya, John Kihoro “Prioritization of Critical Success Factors for Construction Projects in Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.01-10 July 2018  URL:

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The Head Teachers’ Directive Leadership Practices in Nakuru and Nairobi Catholic Private Primary Schools

Susan M. Mutune, Dr. George Onyango and Prof. Jotham Olembo – July 2018 Page No.: 11-20

High quality teaching staff is the cornerstone of a successful educational system. To attract and retain quality teaching staff sessional papers 12 of 2012 and 14 of 2012 urged head teachers to establish strategies and practices that address teacher’s needs in schools. The objective of the study was to establish head teachers’ directive leadership practices in Nakuru and Nairobi Catholic private schools. The study was guided by the path goal theory. Path goal theory recognizes that the actions of a leader (head teacher) have direct influence on the subordinates (teachers). Mixed methods research approach was used. The mixed method approaches combine quantitative and qualitative data in a single study. This study adopted the convergent parallel design. In this design quantitative and qualitative research is conducted simultaneously in a single study. The target population was 74 head teachers and 1184 teachers in the 74 primary Catholic private primary schools in Nairobi and Nakuru dioceses. Stratified sampling was used to categorize schools into two strata, the urban and rural schools. From each stratum, 40% of the head teachers and 20% of teachers were sampled. Simple random sampling was used to sample two teachers from each of the 6 teaching subjects. The study sampled 31 head teachers and 248 teachers. The instruments for conducting the study were; questionnaire for head teachers and teachers, interview guide for head teachers and focus group discussion guide for teachers. Content validity was determined by seeking expert judgment from specialist in Educational Management. Cronbach alpha was used to ascertain reliability of the instruments. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically while Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study established that the frequently directive leadership practices were concerned with school processes while the least practiced were concerned human relations. The study recommends induction courses and regular in servicing of head teachers. Further research on Catholic private secondary and tertiary institutions is recommended.

Page(s): 11-20                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 19 July 2018

 Susan M. Mutune
Department of Educational Management, Policy & Curriculum Studies, Kenyatta University, Kenya

 Dr. George Onyango
Department of Educational Management, Policy & Curriculum Studies, Kenyatta University, Kenya

 Prof. Jotham Olembo
Department of Educational Management, Policy & Curriculum Studies, Kenyatta University, Kenya

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Susan M. Mutune, Dr. George Onyango and Prof. Jotham Olembo “The Head Teachers’ Directive Leadership Practices in Nakuru and Nairobi Catholic Private Primary Schools” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.11-20 July 2018  URL:

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Impact of Tax Administration on Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria

Olayinka Olalekan M. – July 2018 Page No.: 33-43

The study examined the topic tiled, efficient and fair tax system for integration in the international economy: of what relevance to GDP? For a tax system that can compete favorably with other nations, then it must impact positively on the growth of GDP of that nation as it demonstrates its competitiveness. The impact of key components of taxation such as Personal Income Tax (PIT), Company Income Tax (CIT), Petroleum Profit Tax (PPT) and Value Added Tax (VAT) were measured on Gross Domestic Product (GDP).Secondary data for GDP was sourced from CBN Statistical Bulletin 2014 while secondary data for PIT, CIT, PPT and VAT were sourced from Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). The data were analyzed using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression. The findings revealed that the variables in the model is significant at 5% critical level and the regression coefficient, that is R-squared represented by 0.955 implies that 95.5% of the total variation in GDP is caused by PIT, CIT, PPT and VAT while the remaining 4.5% may be due to other variables in the stochastic term. It is recommended that the Federal Government should ensure modern technologies both in hardware and software are made available to tax officials in order to make the process of tax computation, assessment, collection and remittance more economical, efficient and effective. Also, there should be transparency and accountability of tax revenues by the Government and tax officials for the benefit of the citizens and Nigeria as a whole. Training and re-training programs for tax officials is also important to keep them abreast of new tax laws and policies since they are the custodians of these laws and policies and lastly tax authorities should ensure that tax payers are well educated and enlightened on their civil responsibility of paying taxes.

Page(s): 33-43                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 19 July 2018

 Olayinka Olalekan M.
Pan Atlantic University, Lagos. Nigeria

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Olayinka Olalekan M. “Impact of Tax Administration on Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.33-43 July 2018  URL:

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The Protection of Non-Economic Interest in Investment: The Case of Ethiopian Investment Laws

Mezgebu Abye Zewdu – July 2018 Page No.: 44-54

The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the protection of non-economic interest groups under Ethiopian investment laws. In international perspective; there are many non economic interest groups and they may be protected differently in different investment laws. Ethiopia is not also an exception to this fact and there are many non economic interests in Ethiopia which seek the protection of investment laws. But there are many problems under Ethiopian investment laws and the practice with regard to giving protection to the non economic interests. They are not well protected and face challenges from the investors in the time of doing their investment activities. Such kinds of activities may be endangering for healthiness and security of non economic interests.
Finally this paper concludes that Ethiopia had better amend investment laws and follow up its practice on the protection of non economic interests in the investment.

Page(s): 44-54                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 22 July 2018

 Mezgebu Abye Zewdu
Assistant Lecturer of Law, School of Law, Mizan-Tepi University, Ethiopia
LL.B, University of Gondar, LL.M Candidate in Business and Corporate Law, Bahirdar University

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Mezgebu Abye Zewdu “The Protection of Non-Economic Interest in Investment: The Case of Ethiopian Investment Laws” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.44-54 July 2018  URL:

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The Changing Values of History of Education in Nigeria: Matters Arising

Ikurite, Numoipre and Jerome Ibejika Wosu Ph.D – July 2018 Page No.: 55-60

The paper examined the changing values of history of education in Nigeria. A brief explanation was given how history was previously expunged from our Nigerian school curriculum and how it was brought back in 2002 by the then President Olusegu Obasanjo. The paper went further to examine the concepts of history, education, looking at formal informal and non-formal as well as general ideas in the definition of education. The concept of history of education was also discussed briefly. Teacher education and its foundation were also discussed as well as who should be a teacher and his qualities were discussed. It also enumerated the goals of teacher education as in (FRN, 2004). The paper goes further to discuss the relevance of history of education to the teacher as well as the relevance of it to the society. The paper concluded by saying that the knowledge of history of education is indispensable for teachers to perform their duties effectively. And finally it was suggested that history study be made compulsory in our schools.

Page(s): 55-60                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 22 July 2018

 Ikurite, Numoipre
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Isaac Jasper Boro College of Education, Sagbama, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

 Jerome Ibejika Wosu Ph.D
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rivers State, Nigeria

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Ikurite, Numoipre and Jerome Ibejika Wosu Ph.D “The Changing Values of History of Education in Nigeria: Matters Arising” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.55-60 July 2018  URL:

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Analysis of Rural/Urban Students’ Academic Performance in Oyo State, Nigeria: Implication for Educational Planners

Oyeromi, Samson O Ph.D, Omiyale, Grace. Tolulope, Lato, Ehigiamuose Taiwo, Oyebamiji, Waheed Toyin – July 2018 Page No.: 73-81

This study examined the quantitative analysis of students’ Academic performance in rural/urban public schools in Oyo State. The study examine two subjects English language and Mathematics that are core subjects and prerequisite for admission in to tertiary Institutions in Nigeria. Four research questions were raised and tested. Descriptive survey research design was employed. The population for the study consisted of all students in Oyo State Senior public schools. Stratified random sampling techniques was employed to sample 40 ( 20 rural and 20 urban) public senior schools. 6996 students’ results and 4083 rural students results. Students pro forma was used to collect students’ results in English Language and Mathematics. The findings revealed that: the level of students’ performance in Oyo state public senior schools in English language and Mathematics was low; the percentage of failure rate in English Language and Mathematics that with credit level when comparing results of rural and urban.
Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made. Continuous assessment should be given consideration; teachers should be trained and retrained, enabling environment should be provided. And government should employed qualified teachers in core subjects.

Page(s): 73-81                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 July 2018

 Oyeromi, Samson O Ph.D
National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration, Ondo, Nigeria

 Omiyale, Grace. Tolulope
National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration, Ondo, Nigeria

 Lato, Ehigiamuose Taiwo
National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration, Ondo, Nigeria

 Oyebamiji, Waheed Toyin
National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration, Ondo, Nigeria

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Oyeromi, Samson O Ph.D, Omiyale, Grace. Tolulope, Lato, Ehigiamuose Taiwo, Oyebamiji, Waheed Toyin “Analysis of Rural/Urban Students’ Academic Performance in Oyo State, Nigeria: Implication for Educational Planners” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.73-81 July 2018  URL:

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A Study on Recruitment Practices in Garment Industry with Reference to Bangalore City

Chellamma.K, Dr. Vijayashree L, Dr. K. Purushothaman – July 2018 Page No.: 82-85

This study used primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected from employees of HR department from five different garment factories in Bangalore city through the use of pre-structured questionnaires. The secondary data are collected from other literatures like, research papers and website. Recruitment & selection process of garment factories procedures and techniques are more competitive. Proper background check is conducted before recruiting the employees either it is internal or external recruitment. Therefore garment industries are able to attract the potential employees will turn help them to achieve their goals. The study indicated that the mode for recruitment is through advertisements and employee referrals. It was also noted that the procedures used in recruiting and selection process was effective. The study strongly recommends to fairly conduct the recruitment and selection process also appraisal for the employees should be given in order to improve employees performance ultimately helps in achieving the organization goal. The study concludes that the result will give some inputs in the existing body of knowledge.

Page(s): 82-85                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 July 2018

Associate Professor & Research Scholar, Department of MBA, BNM Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

 Dr. Vijayashree L
Professor & Head of the Department, Department of MBA, BNM Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

 Dr. K. Purushothaman
Associate Professor, Department of MBA, BNM Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

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Chellamma.K, Dr. Vijayashree L, Dr. K. Purushothaman “A Study on Recruitment Practices in Garment Industry with Reference to Bangalore City” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.82-85 July 2018  URL:

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Mediating Institutional Quality on Transformational Leadership and Corporate Performance of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)

Justine U. Osuagwu, Mazlan B. Hassan, Sunday S. Akpan – July 2018 Page No.: 86-94

Performance of NNPC has been observed to be abysmally below expectations and there are growing concerns on possible cause of this poor performance. One area that often comes to debates is the leadership of the corporation. But other factors that are institutionally related have also been found to affect the way an organization performed. This research thus examines the effect of transformational leadership (TFL) on corporate performance with institutional quality as a mediator. A survey research design was employed to collect data from 261 respondents from NNPC and it affiliations and analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The study revealed that TFL had a significant positive effect on performance of NNPC while institutional quality did not mediate the relationship between TFL and corporate performance; rather, it had a significant negative effect on performance of NNPC. Therefore, TFL and institution quality each can independently cause significant change in performance of NNPC. The study recommends the adoption of TFL while institutional quality should be improved to achieve the desired performance of NNPC is expected in Nigeria

Page(s): 86-94                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 23 July 2018

 Justine U. Osuagwu
Putra Business School, University Putra Malaysia

 Mazlan B. Hassan
Department of Accounting and Finance, University Putra Malaysia

 Sunday S. Akpan
Putra Business School, University Putra Malaysia

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Justine U. Osuagwu, Mazlan B. Hassan, Sunday S. Akpan “Mediating Institutional Quality on Transformational Leadership and Corporate Performance of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.86-94 July 2018  URL:

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Corporate Board Gender Diversity and Financial Performance of Listed Building Materials Companies in Nigeria

SABO Usman – July 2018 Page No.: 95-100

The study examines the impact of corporate board gender diversity on financial performance of listed building materials companies in Nigeria. The population of the study comprises of 12 listed building materials companies in Nigeria out of which 9 companies are selected to be the sample of the study. The multivariate regression is used in analyzing the data. The findings of the study disclose that board gender has negative and insignificant impact on financial performance. The age of the companies which is the control variable has positive and significant impact on financial performance. The study recommends that the listed building materials companies in Nigeria should appoint more than one (1) female in the board of directors. These recommendations could be implemented by issuing an improved code of corporate governance by the Central Bank of Nigeria and Nigeria Security and Exchange Commission.

Page(s): 95-100                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 25 July 2018

 SABO Usman

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SABO Usman “Corporate Board Gender Diversity and Financial Performance of Listed Building Materials Companies in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.95-100 July 2018  URL:

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Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intentions of Academic Staff at Private Universities of Lahore, Pakistan

Tanzeela Siddiqui, Ahsan Nazir – July 2018 Page No.: 101-108

The study indented to determine the influence of Employability factors on employees’ turnover intentions with mediating role of overall job satisfaction in private universities of Pakistan. The study used survey method in collection of data and used convenience sampling in regard to collect valid 350 responses from different private universities of Lahore. Structural equation path modeling technique was applied through Partial least Square (PLS) – Smart 2 softwareto examine the relationship among selected constructs with effectively estimation of measurement model and structural model simultaneously. The outcome of the test shows that all explanatoryelements (job security, remuneration, relation with colleague, training seminar and policy administration) except work location have significant effect on employee turnover intentionswhereas study also demonstratewith evidence of higher R-square value that overall job satisfactionperform a more significant mediating function on the relationship between explanatory variables and dependent variable. In conclusion,Universities get favorable influence ondecreasing teacher’s turnover intentions through increasing the Overall job satisfaction which further give valuable assistance to human resource managers,policy makers and practitioners by referring them dynamic changes in their employability policies and practices.

Page(s): 101-108                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 25 July 2018

 Tanzeela Siddiqui
Lecturer, The University of Lahore, Pakistan

 Ahsan Nazir
Visiting Lecturer, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

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Tanzeela Siddiqui, Ahsan Nazir “Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intentions of Academic Staff at Private Universities of Lahore, Pakistan” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.101-108 July 2018  URL:

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Impact of Reading Habits of Teachers on The Development of Reading Culture in Students: A Study of Some Selected Secondary Schools in Akinyele Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria

OLUWABIYI Modupe, ADETUNJI O. Albert – July 2018 Page No.: 109-116

The study examined the impact of the reading habits of teachers on the development of reading culture of secondary school students in Akinyele Local Government of Oyo State. It was a survey research. One Hundred and Ninety (190) teachers were randomly sampled from ten (10) different schools from the Local Government. Findings of the study found that teachers have no fixed time for reading while a good number of them don’t even read with far reaching effects on the reading habit of the students. This implies that they read when they feel it necessary or when circumstance compels them. It was also found out that only a few of the teachers read for pleasure, to pass an exam, or to write lesson notes. The majority read to be current with developments, and this is consistent with literature.

Page(s): 109-116                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 25 July 2018

Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Lead City University Library, Ibadan, Nigeria

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OLUWABIYI Modupe, ADETUNJI O. Albert “Impact of Reading Habits of Teachers on The Development of Reading Culture in Students: A Study of Some Selected Secondary Schools in Akinyele Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.109-116 July 2018  URL:

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Effect of Maternal Employment on Academic Achievement & Psychological Well-being of Young Children

S. Malik, F.Ashfaq, R.Riaz & M. Qadeer – July 2018 Page No.: 117-120

Childhood is a crucial part of our life, physical and mental growth rapidly takes place in these years. Children are our future and mothers play vital role in molding the future. Keeping in view the importance of motherhood present research is designed to study the effect of maternal’s employment on child’s psychological wellbeing and academic growth. Sample of study is comprised of 114 children, out of whom 57 children were of non-working mothers and 57 were of working mothers. Their age was ranged between 8 to 12 years. All of they were attending private school of Karachi. Psychological well-being was measured by self-esteem scale of Rosenberg and position in class was taken as a measure of academic achievement. SPSS software was used for analyzing the data. Analysis of results is consistent with our objective. The mean score of children of working mothers is higher on academic achievement than the mean score of children of non-working mothers. Similarly the mean score of children of working mothers is higher on self-esteem than the mean score of children of non-working mothers. It is again significant at 0.00 levels. Significant difference at the 0.01 level between children of high and low self-esteem on academic achievement was calculated. Results further indicate significant mean difference of self-esteem between girls and boys of working mothers.

Page(s): 117-120                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 25 July 2018

 S. Malik
Dow Institute of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Karachi, Pakistan

Dow Institute of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Karachi, Pakistan

Dow Institute of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Karachi, Pakistan

 M. Qadeer
Dow Institute of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Karachi, Pakistan

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S. Malik, F.Ashfaq, R.Riaz & M. Qadeer “Effect of Maternal Employment on Academic Achievement & Psychological Well-being of Young Children” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.117-120 July 2018  URL:

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Effects of Deforestation on Human Health in Yelwa Forest of Doma Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Mu’azu Audu Zanuwa, Muhammad Kamaludeen Adamu, Ibrahim Faruq Gaya – July 2018 Page No.: 121-125

The increase in demand for timber, fuel wood, charcoal, agricultural land and urbanization has placed pressure on forest resources in Nasarawa State. The study examined effects of deforestation on human health in Nasarawa State of Nigeria. The study adopted purposive sampling technique to choose the study area (Yalwa forest) in Doma LGA of Nasarawa state, and systematic sample was used to administer the questionnaires.The study revealed that majority (46.5%) of the respondents point out that logging activity is the main factor responsible for deforestation in the study area. More so, 69% of the respondents reported that malaria is the frequent disease in the study area.Also 59.6% of the respondents asserted that malaria is the most common disease their family members have been experiencing. In line with the findings the study recommends that there should be proper management and intensification of existing agriculture rather than expanding it on virgin lands.

Page(s): 121-125                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 26 July 2018

 Mu’azu Audu Zanuwa
Department of Geography, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria

 Muhammad Kamaludeen Adamu
Department of Geography, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria

 Ibrahim Faruq Gaya
Department of Geography, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria

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Mu’azu Audu Zanuwa, Muhammad Kamaludeen Adamu, Ibrahim Faruq Gaya “Effects of Deforestation on Human Health in Yelwa Forest of Doma Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.121-125 July 2018  URL:

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Assessment of Feeding Program in ECD Enrolment in Eldas Sub-County, Wair County, Kenya

Timira Diyad Elmi, Mohamed Diyad Elmi – July 2018 Page No.: 126-130

In Eldas sub county most of the parents are poor, hence they rely on feeding program given to the children while at school. This helps the retention of children in school. Children from poor and low income families highly depend on the feeding programme. This lead to increased enrollment in schools and in turn upsurge performance since there is no temporary dropouts from school. Feeding program helps children’s physical growth, intellectual and holistic development. This paper investigates, asses and determine the effect of feeding program on pre-school enrollment in Eldas sub-county. The sub-county located in northeastern part of Kenya has yearned for ECD development since the establishment of the sub-county system. The performance being the subject in any school, Eldas thrived when feeding program was heavily implemented and in thus ECD enrollment raised practically. The National School Feeding Council launched a SFP in 1966 with an objective of increasing enrolment and attendance rates for pre- primary and primary school children The paper targeted two primary schools with preschools Two head teachers, two pre-school teachers, hundred pre-school children and hundred pre-school parents were selected using descriptive survey design and Questionnaires. 60% of the head teachers were male while majority (80%) of the pre-school teachers were female. This shows that most schools were headed by more male head teachers than female head teachers while most Pre-school teachers were female. There were more Male head teachers because there are more male teachers and most of them end up becoming head teachers. There were also more female pre-school teachers because most men do not like teaching pre-schools as it deals with small children who require a lot of attention which can be well provided by the female teachers. It established that 60% of the respondents indicated that availability of school feeding program influence enrollment. This was followed by those who indicated that it influences to some extent (30%). To address the problem of feeding in primary schools, the government of Kenya launched a Home-Grown School Feeding Programme, aimed at feeding some 550,000 schoolchildren previously fed by WFP, starting in the first term of 2009 (Ministry of Education, 2010). This has tremendously increased the enrolment of pre-school children to around 45%. It was confirmed that there is a significant association between feeding program and enrollment.

Page(s): 126-130                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 30 July 2018

 Timira Diyad Elmi

 Mohamed Diyad Elmi

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Timira Diyad Elmi, Mohamed Diyad Elmi “Assessment of Feeding Program in ECD Enrolment in Eldas Sub-County, Wair County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.126-130 July 2018  URL:

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Impact of Perception of Counterfeits on Customers’ Purchase Intention of Genuine Luxury Brands: The Mediating Effect of Brand Image and Brand Awareness

Muhammad Fahad – July 2018 Page No.: 131-138

Counterfeits which are mostly known as the pirated brands or replicas can be seen to be an emerging phenomenon. The purpose for conducting this study is to look into the broader scenario regarding counterfeits as mostly the focus made in previous researches is on the negative perspective of counterfeits rather than to search out some neutral or positive impact. Further, rather than just the counterfeits itself, its mere perception has been taken into account.
Through various tools and techniques including normality distribution, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, regression and mediation analysis an effort has been made to find out impact of perception of counterfeits on the intention of customers to purchase genuine ones with the mediating impact of brand awareness and brand image, A sample of 240 counterfeit users has been taken on convenient basis get a comprehensive understanding of the study.
The relation between perception of counterfeits and purchase intention of genuine luxury brands was found to be negative with the B value of -0.061 depicting that negative perception would encourage high intention of purchase towards the genuine products and vice-versa would be the case. The mediation effect of brand image and brand awareness was found to be significant with a percentage effect of 52.46% and 24.59% respectively which shows that both brand image and brand awareness altered the relation between perception of counterfeits and purchase intention of genuine luxury brands.

Page(s): 131-138                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 31 July 2018

 Muhammad Fahad
MS-BA, Institute of Banking & Finance, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan

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Muhammad Fahad “Impact of Perception of Counterfeits on Customers’ Purchase Intention of Genuine Luxury Brands: The Mediating Effect of Brand Image and Brand Awareness” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.131-138 July 2018  URL:

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Occupational Health Hazards in Traffic Force

Dr. Rasmi Mishra – July 2018 Page No.: 139-143


Police officers play an important role in the society by ensuring security. A physically and mentally fit police force is necessary to tackle the increasing law and order problems in our society.
Unfortunately, available studies indicate that police officers have an increased risk of certain diseases related to their occupation and lifestyle. The prevalence of occupational health hazards was reported to be high among police officers. There are various studies been conducted on Indian Policewhich shows that occupational stress is very high among the police personnel in India. Following are some of the occupational Health hazards observed in Police Departments,

Page(s): 139-143                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 31 July 2018

 Dr. Rasmi Mishra
Chief Product Innovation Officer, Symple Wellness Platform Pvt. Ltd

[1]. Ragesh G, Tharayil HM, Raj TPM, Philip M, Hamza A. Occupational stress among police personnel in India. Open J Psychiatry Allied Sci. 2017 Jun 2

Dr. Rasmi Mishra “Occupational Health Hazards in Traffic Force” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.139-143 July 2018  URL:

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Pupils’ Competency in English Language in Primary Schools with Thematic Curriculum in Bundibugyo District, Uganda

Dr. Kayindu Vincent – July 2018 Page No.: 144-149

The current study was carried out in Bundibugyo district of Uganda to establish the level of pupils’ competency in Reading in English in primary schools with thematic curriculum, as well as to find out the level of pupils’ competency in Writing and Comprehension in English Language in primary schools with thematic curriculum. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design, using quantitative and qualitative approaches. A sample of 306 pupils of p.4-p.6 where thematic curriculum was being offered, was taken, selected from six private and six public primary schools, using the Kreijcie & Morgan (1970) method of determining the sample. In addition, ten head teachers were subjected to oral interviews. A researcher-designed oral test and a written test were administered to the pupils to assess their competency in English language. The findings were that the level of pupils’ competence in Reading in English Language in Bundibugyo district was, on average high, given the mean of 3.13; the primary school pupils in Bundibugyo district are, on average incompetent in writing and comprehending words, sentences and stories of simple English like that of P.3 level (given the grand mean of 2.16). The recommendations were that parents in Bundibugyo should put in more effort to work hand in hand with the teachers to ensure that their children do better in English; there is need for parents to regularly visit schools where their children are studying from to discuss with teachers their children’s progress and to forge the way forward for better results.

Page(s): 144-149                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 August 2018

 Dr. Kayindu Vincent
Kampala International University, Uganda, East Africa

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Dr. Kayindu Vincent “Pupils’ Competency in English Language in Primary Schools with Thematic Curriculum in Bundibugyo District, Uganda” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.144-149 July 2018  URL:

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Perceived Effect of Class Size on Academic Achievement of Junior Secondary School Students in Awka North Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria

EBOATU, VERONICA. N., EHIRIM, Jennifer Uchechi – July 2018 Page No.: 150-155

This study examined the perceived impact of class size on academic achievement of junior secondary school students in Awka North Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey design was used and the study was guided by four research questions. The population of the study was 179 junior secondary school teachers from which a sample of 110 was selected from five schools in the area of study using thesimple random technique. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled: ‘‘Perceived Impact of Class Size on Academic Achievement of Students’’ (PICSAAS) and wasvalidated by two experts in Educational Management and Policy and one expert in Measurement and Evaluation. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using the test-retest method and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis which yielded a co-efficient of 0.67. Data collected were analyzed using weighted means. The results, among others, showed that class size affects students’ academic achievement through interaction between teachers and students. The implications of the study were highlighted and the researcher recommended that government, in order to achieve optimum class size, should build more schools and classrooms for more conducive teaching-learning environments.

Page(s): 150-155                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 August 2018

Ph.D., Department of Educational Management and Policy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

 EHIRIM, Jennifer Uchechi
Department of Educational Management and Policy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

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EBOATU, VERONICA. N., EHIRIM, Jennifer Uchechi “Perceived Effect of Class Size on Academic Achievement of Junior Secondary School Students in Awka North Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.150-155 July 2018  URL:

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Do the Dominantly Used Managerial Techniques Differ According to Private University Type in Uganda?

Dr. Kayindu Vincent – July 2018 Page No.: 156-162

This paper presents part of the findings of the study carried out in private universities in Uganda to investigate among other things, whether or not there is a difference in the dominant usage of particular managerial techniques between denominational and non-denominational private universities in Uganda. Using a cross-sectional survey design, the data were collected from 380 academic officials who were selected using universal sampling. A standardized questionnaire, the Managerial Grid Survey was used to collect the data, and the data on this particular aspect was analysed using the t-test. The findings indicated that the academic officials’ dominant usage of particular managerial techniques in denominational and non-denominational private universities in Uganda differed significantly (sig.0.32). It was thus recommended that the founders of non-denominational private universities should borrow a leaf from the denominational private universities to promote team management in their universities.

Page(s): 156-162                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 August 2018

 Dr. Kayindu Vincent
Kampala International University, Uganda, East Africa

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Dr. Kayindu Vincent “Do the Dominantly Used Managerial Techniques Differ According to Private University Type in Uganda?” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.156-162 July 2018  URL:

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History of Education and the Development of Nigeria Society: An Analytical Approach.

Alikor, Oroma, Jerome Ibejika Wosu Ph.D – July 2018 Page No.: 163-169

This paper examined the relevance of history of education in Nigeria to the teacher and society at large. In order to actualise this aim, a short explanation on what education is was made, including who a teacher is, what history of education is all about and a relationship between the teacher and history of education. Furthermore, a basic review of history of education in Nigeria was made with a finding consistent with the assertion that “the African today is a product of two Worlds, the African and the west”. The traditional educational system in Nigeria, including a short review of the Islamic education in Nigeria was made. The introduction and subsequent growth of western education in Nigeria were also assessed. This paper further established the relevance of history of education to the teacher pointing out how history of education helps the teacher to gain knowledge of the past educational policies, curriculum and perspectives which influences the future. This paper also revealed some positive aspect of history of education to the society, including development of good citizenship, provision of identity and development of democracy in a nation amongst others.

Page(s): 163-169                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 09 August 2018

 Alikor, Oroma
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rivers State, Nigeria

 Jerome Ibejika Wosu Ph.D
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rivers State, Nigeria

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Alikor, Oroma, Jerome Ibejika Wosu Ph.D “History of Education and the Development of Nigeria Society: An Analytical Approach.” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.163-169 July 2018  URL:

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Assessment of Challenges Facing Solid Waste Management in Maisandari Neighbourhood of Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria

Alhaji Mukhtar and Joseph C. Akan (Ph.D) – July 2018 Page No.: 170-177

This study examined the significant causal factors of the challenges the Borno State Environmental Protection Agency (BOSEPA) faces in managing solid waste in the Maisandari neighbourhood in Maiduguri metropolis. The research was motivated by reconnaissance survey to such location which posited that BOSEPA has been unable to evacuate the waste generated on daily basis. This study assessed the key problems BOSEPA faces in managing waste in the neighbourhood. Seventy five residents who have lived in the neighbourhood for at least six years were purposively sampled and interviewed. Officials of BOSEPA were given a questionnaire the information from which was used to validate the data collected from the sampled residents. The data generated from the residents were processed by a Binary Logistic Regression method of estimation. The results revealed that five factors account for the challenge in managing solid waste in the area. The first challenge facing solid waste management is that the residents have a very poor environmental awareness. They do not observe the mandatory monthly Sanitation Day slated for the last Saturday of every month which is meant to tidy the area. Secondly, BOSEPA is inadequately funded by the Borno State Government (Ministry of Environment) thus crippling its capabilities. Thirdly, there is the problem of non-participatory involvement by the community in the planning and execution of policies on waste management. Fourthly, most people do not recycle the waste generated. Moreover, the residents do not sort their solid waste but simply deposit them at dumpsites. Consequently, much solid waste is generated within a short time after BOSEPA’s last collection. Lastly, UNEP (2005) recommendations for managing solid wastes in developing countries are suggested as a way out and there should be a conscious and sustained effort to: abandon the present Top-Down approach to waste management and adopt a Bottom-Up alternative so as to make waste management community-based and sustainable; to either prevent the production of waste or reduce the amount generated per time period; the volume of waste prior to disposal must be reduced; material must be recovered for use as direct or indirect inputs to new products; solid waste must be disposed in an environmentally sound manner in landfills.

Page(s): 170-177                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 07 August 2018

 Alhaji Mukhtar
Department of Geography, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

 Joseph C. Akan (Ph.D)
Department of Chemistry, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

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Alhaji Mukhtar and Joseph C. Akan (Ph.D) “Assessment of Challenges Facing Solid Waste Management in Maisandari Neighbourhood of Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.170-177 July 2018  URL:

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Effect of Innovation Patterns on the Performance of Organizations in Pakistan

Zeeshan Ahmed, Dr. Muhammad Imran Hanif, Dr. Abu Bakar Abdul Hamid, Nazia Latif – July 2018 Page No.: 178-183


The motivation behind this paper is to decide how distinctive development designs influence the monetary execution of worldwide innovative.


The creators incorporate the hypotheses of advancement execution with those of Schumpeter’s development designs, to be specific, inventive decimation and innovative amassing. Information spread more than 20 years is utilized to explore the impact of advancement on the firm execution.


Panel regression results indicate that, as compared to creative-destruction innovation, creative-accumulation patterns have a better firm performance, have a moderating effect on innovation-performance relationships, and have a better propensity to deal with difficult economic periods.

Research limitations/implications:

There is a shortage of research that considers the impacts of Schumpeterian designs on advancement execution, particularly ones managing the innovation division. Future work could consider other development factors (other than advancement designs), and whether the outcomes hold in different parts.

Page(s): 178-183                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 10 August 2018

 Zeeshan Ahmed
MS Scholar, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan

 Dr. Muhammad Imran Hanif
Post Doc Fellow, Putra Business School, University of Putra, Malaysia

 Dr. Abu Bakar Abdul Hamid
Professor, Putra Business School, University of Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Nazia Latif
M.Phil Scholar, School of Economics, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan

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Zeeshan Ahmed, Dr. Muhammad Imran Hanif, Dr. Abu Bakar Abdul Hamid, Nazia Latif “Effect of Innovation Patterns on the Performance of Organizations in Pakistan” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.178-183 July 2018  URL:

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Effects of Communicative Language Teaching Approach on Students’ Performance in Narrative Essay and Informal Letter Writing among Senior Secondary Schools in Sokoto State, Nigeria

UZOMA, Bethel Nnabugwu Ngozi, IBRAHIM, Mohammed – July 2018 Page No.: 184-190

This study investigated the effects of Communicative Language Teaching approach (CLT) on students’ performance in narrative essay and informal letter writing among 33 secondary schools in Sokoto State, Nigeria. The major objective of the study was to find out if teaching students essay writing skills using the CLT approach as against a Traditional Teaching Method, the Audio-Lingual Method (ALM), would make them perform better in their narrative essay and informal letter writing. The SS1 student population of the eight selected senior secondary schools was 3,104 and the population sample of the study comprised of 644Senior Secondary One (SS1) students drawn into four comparison groups from eight secondary schools in Sokoto State, Nigeria. The design for the study was quasi-experimental and intact classes were used. The study instrument was Language Performance Tests (LPT), with four separate designs. The groups were subjected to a pretest before they were exposed to treatments. The experimental groups were exposed to treatment using the CLT approach while the control groups were exposed to treatment using the ALM. The groups were also subjected to a posttest. The study tested four null hypotheses. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level of significance using statistical procedures of mean, standard deviation, and the t-test. The four hypotheses were rejected. The findings of the study showed that students taught aspects of narrative essay and letter writing using the CLT approach performed better in their essay writing than students taught the same using the ALM. The researchers recommended that teachers should adopt CLT that makes the learner perform better in essay writing and that teachers should be trained and re-trained on the application of the method to teaching essay and letter writing skills in particular and English Language in general.

Page(s): 184-190                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 11 August 2018

 UZOMA, Bethel Nnabugwu Ngozi
Ph. D, Department of English Language and Curriculum Studies, Biga College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria

 IBRAHIM, Mohammed
Ph. D, Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology, Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

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UZOMA, Bethel Nnabugwu Ngozi1, IBRAHIM, Mohammed “Effects of Communicative Language Teaching Approach on Students’ Performance in Narrative Essay and Informal Letter Writing among Senior Secondary Schools in Sokoto State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.184-190 July 2018  URL:

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Drawing Lessons from the Humanitarian Intervention in Somalia

Carl Jaison – July 2018 Page No.: 191-194

The humanitarian intervention in Somalia is important in many respects. It was the first time that the United Nations passed a resolution invoking Chapter VII of Article 2 of the UN Charter – which allowed for a coalition of states to intervene militarily into another member state for purely humanitarian objectives. It was also the first instance where member states seemed to assess the normative value of the non-interventionist and sovereignty principles, based on which countries co-exist in the international system. Given the above two propositions, Somalia’s case was animated by the fact that there was no civilian government that could endorse the legitimacy of the resolution and therefore became the first instance where the UN came into negotiations with non-state actors.

Page(s): 191-194                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 August 2018

 Carl Jaison
South Asian University, New Delhi, India

[1]. Rutherford, Kenneth R. (2008),Humanitarianism Under Fire: The US and UN intervention in Somalia, Kumarian Press
[2]. Wheeler, Nicholas J. (2000),Saving Strangers: Humanitarian Intervention in International Society. Oxford University Press
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[6]. Rutherford, Kenneth R. (2015), Victim-Assistance History in International Humanitarian Law: From Somalia to Geneva to Laos. Journal of ERW and Mine Action

Carl Jaison “Drawing Lessons from the Humanitarian Intervention in Somalia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.191-194 July 2018  URL:

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Common Errors Committed by Researchers and Misuse of Statistical Tests in Educational Research

M.A. Yusha’u – July 2018 Page No.: 195-202

The paper discusses common errors committed by researchers and misuse of statistical tests in educational research. It is designed to address questions asked by colleagues, postgraduates and undergraduate students in the faculty of Education and Extension Services. In addressing some of the questions; the paper discussed at the meaning of statistics and educational research, explained factors that lead to common errors and misuse of statistical tests (as determinants or determining factors). It also identifies and discussed types of errors committed by educational researchers and how to select correct statistical tests/tools. Finally, the paper suggested that researchers should be careful and critical in selecting design, sample, instrument and statistical tests.

Page(s): 195-202                                                                                                                   Date of Publication: 12 August 2018

 M.A. Yusha’u
PhD, Department of Science and Vocational Education, Faculty of Education and Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, P.M.B. 2346, Sokoto, Nigeria

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M.A. Yusha’u “Common Errors Committed by Researchers and Misuse of Statistical Tests in Educational Research” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.2 issue 7, pp.195-202 July 2018  URL:

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