Forms of Local Culture in Indonesian Language Teaching Books for Foreign Speakers (BIPA)

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue XII, December 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Forms of Local Culture in Indonesian Language Teaching Books for Foreign Speakers (BIPA)

Gustia Haryati1, Andayani2, Atikah Anindyarini3
1,2,3 Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The Indonesian language is experiencing very rapid development, not only in Indonesia but also abroad. This is evidenced by a large number of foreign speakers who are interested in learning Indonesian, or what is known as BIPA, namely Indonesian for Foreign Speakers. One of the interests of foreign students coming to Indonesia is because Indonesia has a diversity of cultures. Culture is the most important factor that must be taught to foreign students. This study aims to explain and illustrate the manifestation of local culture in BIPA textbooks that are focused on textbooks namely the Indonesian Sahabatku and Keren textbooks. The form of research used is content analysis with a qualitative approach by recording symbols or messages systematically and interpretatively, the source of the data is the BIPA textbook. Data was collected using observations and in-depth interviews with several BIPA experts to support data analysis. The results of this study found that the form of local culture is an important aspect for students in the success of BIPA learning. The material presented about culture can increase students’ motivation and goals in learning BIPA because learning the language of the nation is the same as learning culture in the global era.

Keywords: local culture, BIPA, Indonesian Sahabatku, Keren


Indonesia is a Southeast Asian country that has a strategic position, with this being one of the important countries. For example in the fields of economy, politics, trade, education, and culture which are most important for other countries in the world, especially in ASEAN [1]. Thus, language becomes the most important thing in communication. Indonesian national language is Indonesian, if the national language of a country is used by another country then the country has introduced its language [2]. Although with an effective image change, it becomes one of the ways to change reality, so that the role of culture and Indonesian in diplomacy is crucial. With the high interest of foreigners learning Indonesian language and Indonesian culture, it is an opportunity for BIPA teachers to internationalize Indonesian and must be welcomed positively [3].