Modelling Apiculture Production in Adamawa State, Nigeria: The Ordinary Least Squares Technique

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June 2024 Issue : Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now
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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume V, Issue IV, July 2020 | ISSN 2454-6194

 Modelling Apiculture Production in Adamawa State, Nigeria: The Ordinary Least Squares Technique

 Gabdo, B. H.
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Adamawa State University, PMB 25, Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- The study adopted the famous Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) approach to model apiculture production in Adamawa State, Nigeria. The primary source method was employed for data collection from 108 apiarists in the state spread across the four agricultural zones in the state. The four OLS functional forms (Linear, Semilog, Exponential and Cobb-Douglas) were modelled as basis for selection of best fit on account of statistical, economic and econometric criteria. The apiculture data was adjudged normally distributed, free from heteroscedasticity, multi collinearity and autocorrelation, but, with model misspecification issue. The Cobb-Douglas model was adjudged the best fit owing to significance of all variables with respective apriori expected signs, highest R2 = 92%, lowest RMSE = 0.286, AIC = 41.12 and BIC = 54.53. The study shows that labor, hives, farm distance and other costs adjudged significant variables affecting the production of honey. Together, they account for 92% of the variation in honey production. The study recommends timely and judicious utilization of resources for optimal honey yield in the area.
Keywords: Adamawa, Production, Apiculture, Cobb-Douglas, Beehives.