International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI)

International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI)
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    Statistics: International Journal

    Open Access: Yes
    Peer Reviewed: Yes
    ISSN: 2321-2705
    Issues Published: 104
    Frequency: Monthly
    Submissions: 51043
    Accepted: 5217
    Acceptance % : 10.22
    Authors: 6712

    International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) invites you to apply for Member of Editorial board so that we could develop and could share the purest of learning.

    1. Eligibility for becoming a member of the Editorial Board:

    • 5-year research or working experience in the related areas with PhD / Master’s degree.
    • Relevant working experience and professor title is preferred.


    • You can add your role as an Editorial Board Member for the International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) through Art to their CV.
    • This work helps to add in and provides a better way to create your identity as a well-known expert in your field and may lead to increased invitations to speak at conferences or demand for invited research of your specialized area.
    • You will be among the contributors who will shape and decide the urgent ways as required with changing societal needs.
    • Your ideas and subject inputs may help in arranging special issues as per topics of your interest and choice.
    • You will come across the latest research before everyone else and gives you a position of leadership in your research community.
    • The editorial board members could enjoy discounts on Article Processing Charges if they publish articles in RSIS Journals.

    2. Eligibility for becoming a Reviewer:

    • 2-year research or working experience in the related areas with Ph.D./Master Degree.
    • Relevant working experience is preferred.
    • The applicant should have a minimum of 2 publications.


    • You can add your role as a Reviewer for the International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) through Art to their CV.
    • This work helps to add in and provides a better way to create your identity as a well-known expert in your field and may lead to increased invitations to speak at conferences or demand for invited research of your specialized area.
    • You will be among the contributors who will shape and decide the urgent ways as required with changing societal needs.
    • Your ideas and subject inputs may help in arranging special issues as per topics of your interest and choice.
    • You will come across the latest research before everyone else and gives you a position of leadership in your research community.
    • The reviewers could enjoy discounts on Article Processing Charges if they publish articles in RSIS Journals.