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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VII, Issue XI, November 2022|ISSN 2454-6194

Impact Assessment of Indigenous Chickens Production Interventions in the Semi-arid Regions of Zimbabwe: Case of Chivi District

Mudavanhu Tsikai, Ignatius Govere and Kainos Manyeruke
Masvingo Agritex, P Bag 354 Masvingo, Zimbabwe

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Most communal farmers in Chivi district of Zimbabwe rear indigenous chickens. However, the impact of interventions by government and non-government partners remains unknown. The purpose of this study is to assess impact of indigenous chicken production in semi-arid areas with a focus on Chivi district. The research focused on indigenous chickens as the enterprise has the potential to increase rural population income and in turn improve the nutrition for the rural population. A total of 160 indigenous chicken farmers were sampled from a population of 1240 who received past interventions in trainings, feed and chicks or pullets from development partners and government using a survey questionnaire. Variables such as age, farmer experience, education, type of dwelling, maize, cattle, goats, supplementary feed, type of housing, resting of fowl run, vaccinations and type of hatching method were found to be significantly affecting sales rate. Indigenous chicken production was found to be weakly profitable as a positive gross margin was obtained. The study also revealed that value chain actors in indigenous chicken production had no processors. It was concluded that though indigenous chicken production was profitable, the above stated factors affect impact of indigenous chickens. The value chain map had no processors. Capacitating farmers on poultry management and availing credit to finance production and marketing players is important to improve indigenous chickens among smallholder farmers.

Key Words: Indigenous chicken, linear regression, interventions, Profitability, Value chain.


There is an upward global trend in meat demand as evidenced by an increase of 109,4 million tons in 1974, 208 million tons in 1997 and is projected to be 327 million tons by 2020 (FAO, 2010b). There is a growing demand in white meat by the increase in population creating high demand for indigenous chickens (FAO, 2003). The increase in Africa’s middle class has shifted dietary preferences towards animal products (Tschirley et al., 2015). Through economic development and urbanization, it was seen that protein consumption has increased from 61g per person per day in 1961 to 80g per person per day in 2001 (Sans & Combris, 2016). This opens a market potential particularly for women who are culturally the custodians of indigenous chickens. Indigenous chicken production in Zimbabwe is traditionally produced using natural systems with very little supplementary feeds which have a positive impact on nutrition and health for most of the people.

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