RSIS International

Adoption of Improved Management Technologies among Poultry Farmers in Igabi Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue VII, July 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Adoption of Improved Management Technologies among Poultry Farmers in Igabi Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Ishola, B.F.1 and Olukotun, O.2

IJRISS Call for paper

1Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan.Oyo State, Nigeria
2Federal College of Forestry Mechanization P.M.B. 2273, Afaka-Kaduna, Nigeria

Abstract:- The study investigated the adoption of improved management techniques among poultry farmers in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State. Data were collected randomly through the use of well-structured questionnaire and personal oral interview from seventy two (72) poultry farmers. Descriptive statistics such as mean score, percentage and frequency table were used to analyse the data. The findings indicated that majority (68.06 %) of the respondents were male, while about 76% of the farmers were between the ages of 20-49 years old. Awareness of the improved management technologies were 100 % for both vaccination and improved feeding technologies among the farmers respectively. The mean score showed that 75.70 % of the poultry farmers had good awareness of the technologies, 72.40% of the farmers had interest in the improved technologies and 66.67 % claimed to have evaluated these improved poultry management technologies. Vaccination had the highest adoption level of 100 where about 66.49 % of the poultry farmers had adopted one or more of these technologies, 19.27% were at trial stage while 14.41 % of the farmers failed to adopt one or any of the improved management technologies in the study area. Improved technologies were too expensive (95.83%), lack of credit/funds to adopt (93.06%), lack of government support (77.78%) and lack of training (66.67%) were the major constraints affecting adoption of poultry management technologies in the study area. In view of the findings, the study highlighted the need for government to address the issue of credit availability through an institutionalize frame work aimed at linking farmers to formal sources of credit, if the quantum of poultry production is to keep pace with the protein requirement of the population. The study also recommended that farmers should establish cooperative society so that they can pool their resources and knowledge together in solving most of the problems identified in this study.

Keywords: Awareness, Adoption, Poultry Farmers, Improved, Management Techniques, Constraints