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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Managing Millennials: A Qualitative Study of Millennials Job-Hopping in the BPO Industry

Anna Nicole L. Binolac1, Kate S. Venancio2*, Hillary C. Mendoza2, Angelica M. Caruyan2, Aira Mechaela B. Nietes2, Jacklyn C. Fernandez2, and Prof. Sheryl Morales3
1Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in Human Resource Management, Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Quezon City Branch, Philippines (Corresponding Author)
2Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in Human Resource Management, Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Quezon City Branch, Philippines
3Research Management Office, Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Quezon City, Philippines (Thesis Adviser)
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The study sought to investigate the experiences of millennial employees that led to poor retention rates. Qualitative research was conducted to get an understanding of the variables influencing millennial employee retention rates as well as how firms respond. There has been a lot of research over the last decade that explains why an employee changes jobs. Preceding research about millennials states the reasons behind millennial job-hopping: (1) the impact of job dissatisfaction; (2) the impact of job satisfaction; and (3) the impact of effective leadership and management. According to the findings of this study, in order to retain millennial employees, companies must improve their management and conduct a monthly evaluation of their employees’ performance. It is also proven that a salary increase can help the management retain their employees, and healthy communication with the employees can help to keep not only millennial employees but other generations of employees as well.

Keywords: Handling, retain millennial employees, Retention, Changing jobs, Job-hoppers


Millennials, born between 1981 and 2000, are the current workforce group and are likewise expected to be a significant economic force in the years to come. They are entering in large numbers (Alexander & Sysko, 2012). A growing number of people are shunning one job in favor of another. Employers have a hard time maintaining employees who frequently switch jobs. Managing millennial employees presents a challenge for the BPO industry, particularly in the call center sector. Willis Towers Watson’s (2016) analysis of the demography of the Asia-Pacific workforce reveals that 64 percent of BPO employees are millennials. Numerous studies have found that people facing challenges at work—whether it’s an illness, a lack of concentration on their goals, or anything else—underperform in their professions consistently. A large number of millennials change jobs often. They are open to a wide range of job options and would be willing to work for a different company in exchange for a raise of no more than 20%. (Rigoni & Nelson, 2016). While Millennials aren’t likely to quit their employment, the amount of enjoyment they feel at work plays an important role in their decision-making process. Attracting the best of these millennial employees is critical to the company’s long-term