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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VIII, Issue II, February 2023|ISSN 2454-6194

Personality Traits as a Determinant of Mathematics Trainee- Teachers on Career Choice in Tertiary Institution Ekiti state

Abiodun A. Popoola, Oginni O. I. and Akinola A. S.
Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Ekiti-State University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti-State, Nigeria.
Received: 10 February 2023; Revised: 21 February 2023; Accepted: 24 February 2023; Published: 26 March 2023

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – This study examined the influence of personality traits as determinant of Mathematics trainee teachers on their choice of career in the teaching profession. It specifically investigated how teachers’ personality traits influence their choice of teaching career in secondary schools in Ekiti State. The study adopted descriptive research of correlational design type. The population for this study comprises all the trainee-teachers in tertiary education in Ekiti State. The sample consist of 600 participants which were selected using multi-stage sampling procedure. The instrument used for this study was a questionnaire on personality traits and career choice. Five personality inventory on career choice was used to collect data for the study. Face and content validity of the instrument was ascertained and the reliability of the instrument was carried out. The reliability coefficient of 0.67 was obtained using cronbach alpha, the coefficient was high and therefore adjudge reliable for the study. The instrument was admistered on the respondents in the selected tertiary institution. The data were analyzed using frequency count, percentages and chi-square analysis.. The result revealed that personality traits of Mathematics trainee –teacher influenced their choice of teaching as a career. Mathematics trainee teachers with relevant personality traits shown interest in teaching Mathematics than Mathematics trainee teachers of other personality traits. This investigation concluded with suggested recommendation that school counsellor should encourage Mathematics trainee teacher to accept taking teaching job after their programme instead of looking for other job and better develop interest in Mathematics. School authority and government should create conducive environment that can allow manifestation of relevant personality traits in Mathematics trainee teacher.
Keywords: personality traits, Trainee, Career Choice.

I. Introduction

The perception of individual about Mathematics are unique and different, the perceptual differences might have been as a result of the nature, scope and the multi-various definitions used to describe Mathematics. There is no generally acceptable definition of Mathematics but depending on individual’s perception and view about the subject. According to Odili (2006), Mathematics is a body of knowledge, a collection of techniques, methods and the product of human activity for solving problems. Badmus (2017) opined that Mathematic is the study of quantity, structure, logic and space. However, Mathematics could be described as the science of structure, order and relation that involve elementary practices of counting, measuring and describing the shape of objects. It is imperative to note that Mathematics is a broad and sensitive subject that need to be taught by commensurable personality trained and certificated teachers.

Personality traits reflect human characteristics, pattern of thought and behavior. Personality is a stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determine those similarities and difference in the psychological behaviors of people that have continuity in time and that may or may not be easily understood in terms of social and biological pressure of the immediate situation alone (Walinga and Strangor, 2007). Personality traits describes aspects of a person’s life, the individuals characteristics pattern of behaviors, thoughts and feeling. Traits are relatively constant, they do not usually change, traits are also bipolar, they are one extreme or the other. Personality traits may be describe as relatively consistent general behaviors patterns that an individual exhibits in most situations.

The quality of Mathematics education of any country may depend on the quality of Mathematics teachers personality traits. Mathematics teacher needs to possess knowledgeable personality traits and other unavoidable relevant personality traits. Esan (2017) listed seven personality traits that are crucial in the life of Mathematics teachers as follows: Mathematics teachers as a reservoir of knowledge; destiny facilitator; role model; innovator; provider of inducement per excellent; inventor and evaluator. However, a reservoir is an artificial lake where water is stored for supplying portable water for people’s use. This definition described the position that a occupies teacher in the field of knowledge at academic premises. Mathematics teachers are expected to be fully parked with Mathematics knowledge so that he will be a source of solution to all likely Mathematics problems. The role of Mathematics teacher is more than writing of lesson note and actual presentation in the classroom but also giving the word of encouragement, moral and serve as an example worthy of emulation for their learners.