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Physical Characterisation and Management of Solid Waste of Rajsamand City

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume II, Issue X, December 2017 | ISSN 2454-6194

Physical Characterisation and Management of Solid Waste of Rajsamand City

Parth Samdani1, Dr. M.P. Choudhary2

IJRISS Call for paper

   1M. Tech. Environmental Engineering, UCE, RTU, Kota, Rajasthan, India
2Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, UCE, RTU, Kota, Rajasthan, India

Abstract: Disposal of solid waste is one of the major environmental problems of most of the Indian cities, therefore municipal solid waste management is an emerging concern in major cities of India, including Rajsamand. Solid waste is a major environmental problem created and faced by the modern society. However, solid waste management is amongst the most poorly rendered services and negligence towards it causes environmental pollution and health hazards. Rapid urbanisation and growth in population has made the situation worst. The solid waste management approach in most of the Indian cities, including Rajsamand (Rajasthan), is extremely inefficient, using old and obsolete system for storage, collection, processing, treatment and disposal. Land filling is one of the most widely used municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal methods worldwide. It is the necessary part of an integrated solid waste system, since all waste treatment processes have residues that cannot be further reused or recovered and are eventually land filled. The data concerning to SWM in Rajsamand city were obtained through questionnaire, individual field visit and record of municipal council. The study reveals that the present system of MSWM in Rajsamand city is not satisfactory according to Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rules 2000.

Key words: Solid Waste, Storage, Processing, Recycling, Treatment, Disposal, Land filling.


Solid waste is defined as the waste arising from domestic, commercial, industrial, institutional and agricultural activities. Waste (or garbage) is any material, non-hazardous or hazardous, that has no further use, and which is managed at recycling, processing, or disposal sites. The disposal of solid waste is one of the major environmental problems of most of the Indian cities. Problem associated with solid waste began with the dawn of civilization when humans started coming together in communities. This problem continues to grow with the growth of population, rapid urbanization and development of industries. Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) encompasses activities in which materials are identified as either being of value and are either thrown away or gathered together for disposal.

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