RSIS International

Quality Analysis of Waste Water and Treated Water in MMC Hospital

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Quality Analysis of Waste Water and Treated Water in MMC Hospital

Varsha Ashokan#, Anju KC*, Harsha P*

IJRISS Call for paper

  #Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, MDIT Ulliyeri, Kerala, India
*PG Students, Environmental Engineering, MDIT Ulliyeri, Kerala, India

Abstract- Hospital waste water is heterogeneous in nature, because it contains infectious pathogens, toxic, biodegradable matters, heavy metals and radioactive pollutants. That can cause pollution problems and environmental hazards. It is intended to make a study on waste water and treated water generated in Malabar medical college Ulliyeri (MMC). MMC is the one of the medical college in Kozhikode district. It is multifacilitated hospital in the developing stage due to this various function large quantities of waste water is generated. The objective of the study was to analyses the waste water characteristics and effluent characteristics also determined the efficiency of the treatment. The influent and effluent samples are taken at the sewage treatment plant (STP) on morning and evening section. Then the following parameters are tested. pH, Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Solid, Alkalinity, Chloride, BOD, Residual Chlorine, Total Coliform and Fecal Coliform. Compared with standards of effluent quality by CPCB 1995 and recommended the possible measures.

Keywords-Hospital, Hospital waste water, Hospital treated water, COD, BOD


Pollution may be considered as water, land, air. In its broadest sense includes all changes that curtail natural utility and exert deleterious effect on life. Various ecological sectors are polluted in various rates by various sources. Hospitals are one of the major sources of pollution because it consumes a large volume of water and also generate significant amount of waste water which include microorganisms, heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and radioactive elements. The impact of this waste water is a serious threat to human health and environment. In this paper we give characteristics of waste water and treated water (effluent) in MMC (Malabar Medical College Hospital Modakkallur) situated at near our campus. In this study we analyses characteristics of the waste water for canalization of the strength of waste generated by the MMC Hospital and also the analysis give the idea about impact or strength which can produce environment when discharged without treatment. Effluent characteristics give the existing treatment efficiency and its values are very important for discharging to the surrounding land and water bodies.