RSIS International

Serum Biochemistry Profiles, Haematological Indices and Body Weight Gains of Albino Rats Fed Makurdi Rice Meals (MRM)

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue VI, June 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Serum Biochemistry Profiles, Haematological Indices and Body Weight Gains of Albino Rats Fed Makurdi Rice Meals (MRM)

Ikya, J. K.1&, Gaza, T.T.1, Shalem, S.1, Iorliam, B.M.1

IJRISS Call for paper

1Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria
&Corresponding Author

Abstract: In this study four parboiled rice varieties sold within Makurdi metropolis; Sipi, Mass, Tune 11 and foreign rice (Control) were purchased and coded A, B, C, and D respectively and subjected to proximate, microbiological and sensory quality analyses. Each of the rice samples were cooked, oven dried and milled into flour and used for the study. Thirty-six (36) Wister strain of albino rats were grouped into four groups of nine rats and fed with the rice samples for twenty-eight (28) days. Each of the experimental rats’ group were daily fed with thirty (30)gof the four rice samples. Body weight measurement were taken and blood samples were randomly collected and subjected to Serum Biochemistry Profiles and Haematological Indices analyses daily in a statistical completely randomized design (CRD). The results of proximate composition analyses showed that the moisture contents ranged from 12,50-14.50% with Mass having the highest value (14.50%).  The protein content of the rice samples ranged from 0.44-2.63% with mass having the highest value and foreign rice having the lowest protein content value of 0.44%. The rice samples had ash content that ranged between 2.50-3.20%, fibre content that ranged from 1.94-2.2% and fat content that ranged from 1.60-2.20% respectively. The carbohydrate content of   all the Samples were significantly (P<0.05) different and ranged from 75.47-80.31%. The results of microbial count showed range of values of CFU/g from 3.8×105-5.3×105 with Tune II and Sipi having the lowest and highest values respectively. The results of the sensory quality of different rice grain varieties showed that the texture of Sipi  and the foreign rice had no significant (p<0.05) difference while  mass and Tune II showed significant differences. For appearance there was no significant difference between the local rice varieties whereas there was a significant difference between the local rice varieties and the foreign rice with the highest value of 5.40. As for the taste/mouth and flavour, there was no significant (p<0.05) difference between the local rice varieties and the foreign. The result of the general acceptability showed that there was significant difference between Sipi and the foreign rice There was no significant difference between Mass and Tune II.  The results of Serum biochemistry profiles, haematological indices and body weight gains (g) of rice varieties fed rats showed that Serum biochemistry profiles were not significantly affected (P > 0.05). These serum biochemistry profiles were; Cholesterol(mmol/L) Sipi 0.97, Mass  0.95,   Tune II 0.94  and    foreign  0.97; total protein(g/L)  9.60(Sipi,),  9.64 (Mass), 9.62 Tune II  and  9.62(Foreign ), alanine amino Transferase- ALT (iu/L) Sipi,, (0.91),  Mass (0.93),  Tune II (0.92)   and  Foreign (0.92). Aspartate amino Transferase- AST (iu/L) Sipi, (1.61), Mass (1.62), Tune II (1.60) and Foreign (1.60) were not affected significantly (P > 0.05) from all the rice varieties. Haematological indices included Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Red Blood Cell (RBC) and White Blood Cell (WBC). The Packed Cell Volume- PCV   of rat fed rice meals Sipi, Mass, Tune II and Foreign respectively were Sipi, (41.56) Mass (41.54), Tune II (41.55)  and   Foreign (41.58). Red Blood Cell- RBC (1012/L) of rat fed  rice meals  respectively were Sipi, (9.05),  Mass (9.02),  Tune II (9.07)  and Foreign (9.01). White Blood Cell-  WBC (109/L) of rat fed meals were Sipi (1.54),  Mass(1.56), Tune II (1.53)  and Foreign (1.55).  The results were not affected significantly (P > 0.05) the Varieties.  > 0.05).  Body weight gains (g), 33.28,  33. 34, 33.27,  and  33.27  of the albino rats fed rice  meals of  Sipi. Mass. Tune II and Foreign respectively were not significantly different (p > 0.05) from one another. The local and the foreign rice varieties were healthy and recommended for human consumption.