RSIS International

Adapting to E-Learning Teaching during Covid-19 School Closure: It’s Effect on Physics Students’ Achievement

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue XII, December 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Adapting to E-Learning Teaching during Covid-19 School Closure: It’s Effect on Physics Students’ Achievement

Dr. Francis Elochukwu Ikeh1, Felicia Ugwu Chinyere2, Victor Ajah3, Olaniyi Owolawi4.
1,2,4Department of Science Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
3Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- The sudden outbreak of corona virus disease also known as COVID-19 in the world has become a major public health issues for many countries leading to total lockdown of most of the human activities in various parts of the world especially in Nigeria educational sector. This lockdown of educational activities in the country necessitated the investigation of effect e-learning teaching on students’ achievement in Physics during covid-19 school closure. The study employed quasi experimental design of pretest posttest non-equivalent control design. The population of the study consist of 3264 Senior Secondary Two (SS1I) Physics students in Awka education zone of Anambra State, Nigeria. Sample size of 332 SS2 Physics students were used for the study. A 40-item Physics Achievement Test developed by the researchers was used for the study. Face and content validation of the instrument was established. Reliability coefficient of .89 was obtained for the instrument using Kuder-Richardson (KR-20) 20. Data obtained were analyzed using means and standard deviations in answering all the research questions while analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the formulated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings of the study revealed that; students exposed to e-learning teaching had higher mean achievement scores compared to students exposed to conventional method; there was no significant difference in the mean achievement score of male and female students in Physics.

Keyword: E-learning, Covid-19, Physics and Achievement


Precisely, on Monday March 23rd 2020, many students in Nigeria received no education after schools were closed due to corona virus diseases outbreak. The ripple effect of corona virus according to Adeoye, Adanikin, Adanikin (2020) has been felt by both the educators and students in primary, secondary, colleges and universities as academic sessions were disrupted after the corona virus was declare a public health emergency. The pandemic have resulted in temporarily closure of all educational institutions in an attempt to contain the spread of the virus. Meanwhile, before the outbreak of corona virus especially in Nigeria, the use of digital content in education worldwide was relatively uncommon. If the virus therefore continues, it might change education from face to face classroom interaction to e-learning teaching (Shahzad, Hassan, Aremu, Hussain & Lodhi, 2020). The COVID-19 outbreak witnessed has opened up the importance and the need for an online and distance learning in Nigeria. This may be the reason why Lawal, Haruna, Kurfi and David (2020) opined that COVID-19 pandemic has opened up opportunities for an upgrade in the educational mode of delivery and the need to embrace emerging technologies.
It is therefore no doubt that electronic learning (e-learning) is gradually changing the educational scenario rapidly especially in developing countries like Nigeria. The term e-learning can be seen as the use of any electronic technology to aid in the acquisition and development of knowledge and understanding in order to demonstrate and positively influence students’ behavior. Musawi (2011) sees e-learning as a delivery method that combines a variety of non-traditional instructional techniques, tools, and approaches to design, develop, manage and evaluate the learning process. To Comerchero (2006), e-learning is a flexible term used to describe means of teaching through technology