RSIS International

Tulembang Community Order: Have the Form, Structure, Oral and Value Context

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue II, February 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Tulembang Community Order: Have the Form, Structure, Oral and Value Context

Sumarlin Rengko HR, Tadjuddin Maknun, Inriati Lewa, Lukman
Cultural Sciences Faculty, Hasanuddin University

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- This study aims to obtain the structure of the text, the form of the text, the context of the narrative and the values contained in the speech texts in the Tulembang community, Gowa Regency. Broadly speaking, the speech in the Tulembang akulty community consists of two parts, namely mantra and kelong. The division is differentiated based on the shape and structure. The method used is descriptive qualitative method which means describing in general the contents of the text, namely describing the form of the text, the structure of the text and revealing the values contained in the text of the tulembang community’s speech. The analysis was carried out on the text using the theory of the combination of language and society. The theory referred to by the researcher is the anthropological linguistic theory which is directly related to language and its society. Through speeches in the Tulembang community, this research produces several important parts related to language and society in the Tulembang community. From the results of the research conducted, through the anthropological linguistic approach, the researcher got several important parts related to the speeches of the Tulembang community in Gowa Regency, namely; (1) the form of language in the speech text in the Tulembang community is in the form of literary text, (2) the speech in the Tulembang community has its own language structure, which contains the pattern of arranging stanzas, lines or paragraphs, (3) there are several values contained in the the text of Tulembang’s utterances, namely: religious values, work ethic values, positive thinking values, the value of cooperation, and the value of the human relationship with God, the value of the relationship between humans and other humans, and the relationship between humans and nature.

Keywords: Tulembang, Speech, Mantra, Kelong


Culture is an embodiment consisting of the concept of ideas, activities, and forms of objects. The cultural elements themselves consist of language, art, religious systems, social systems, living equipment systems, livelihood systems and knowledge systems. The results of culture itself, namely everything that results from the development of culture itself. One example of the results of culture itself is the creation of a work of art.
Various forms of community habits can easily be found in their daily lives, whether carried out by individuals or groups. This is done by the community in relation to their role as social beings. One form of the community’s habits is the habit of speaking and communicating. So language and communication are seen as two interrelated activities.