RSIS International

Effects of graphic organizer and animation on students learning outcomes in Mathematics

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

Effects of graphic organizer and animation on students learning outcomes in Mathematics

Oginni, O.I.
Department of Science Education, Ekiti State University, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

The study examined the effects of graphic organizer and animation on students learning outcomes in Mathematics. The study employed pretest, post test quasi experimental design. The sample for this study consisted of 227 SSII students using multistage sampling procedure. One local government was randomly selected from the state together with three schools selected randomly with two experimental group and one control group. Intact classes were used in each of the selected schools. Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) and Mathematics Attitudinal Questionnaire (MAQ) were the instruments used to collect data for the study. The instruments were validated through the assistant of experts and the reliability coefficient of 0.81 and 0.76 were obtained respectively. The data collected was subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics, all at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that there is significant difference in the learning outcomes of students taught using graphic organizer, animation and conventional strategies. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations were made.

Keywords: graphic organizer; animation; multimedia; attitude: performance


Mathematics is seen as a complex discipline despite several studies and attempts are made to analyze the complexities and the abstract syllogism attached in order to enhance students achievement in the subject. An approach that demonstrate, visualize, describe and test the subject matter more clearly and comprehensibly is needed for excellent performance in Mathematics. Researches from various scholars in the field have shown poor performance in the subject; poor method of teaching; inadequate facilities; inadequate teaching and learning materials; attitudinal problems among others. Students acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitude in Mathematics are much dependent on the teacher’s effective teaching.