Leadership Effectiveness on Employee Work Productivity in Surabaya City Government Organizations

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Leadership Effectiveness on Employee Work Productivity in Surabaya City Government Organizations

Rachmad Kodariawan, Teguh Soedarto
Postgraduate Doctoral Program UPN Veterans East Java, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of leadership on employee productivity in the Surabaya City Government organization. The research was conducted in one of the Surabaya City Government organizations and was selected purposively. There are 12 respondents. Then the data that has been obtained is analyzed using SEM (Structural Equation Model). The results of the study show that leadership affects work productivity.

Keywords: Leadership, Productivity


Human resource development is one of the emphasis and targets in development. Therefore, it is very appropriate if, in the long-term development, considerable attention is devoted to quality development, namely the elements of cognitive, psychomotor, affective, and intuition. Societies, especially individuals involved in the world of organizations, are required to make more efforts to improve their abilities, skills, and knowledge to achieve the quality of human resources that are reliable, directed, efficient, and effective.
Reliable human resources can be said to be a conscious effort made by the leadership of an organization to decide the number and quality of employees needed by the organization, which is increasingly complex in managing human resource problems. It is also increasingly complex in managing its personnel affairs. Therefore, it is necessary to manage the increasing number of employees or human resources to be more directed, efficient, and effective. This follows what can be revealed, and the officers are responsible according to their expertise, irresponsible means unprofessional.
Productivity is one measure of the effectiveness of an organization at the individual, group, and organizational levels. If a leader has a dominant influence in the changes that occur in the organization, the fluctuations in the level of productivity that occur in subordinates will also be influenced by the leader. Productivity is a significant factor in maintaining and developing the success of the activities of an organization/company (Ravianto, 1990)