The Naming System for Villages and Borough in Cirebon Regency: A Study of Toponyms in Indonesia

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Naming System for Villages and Borough in Cirebon Regency: A Study of Toponyms in Indonesia

Nani Darheni
Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat West Java Provincial Language Center Indonesian

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study aimes to describe “The Naming System for Villages and Borough in Cirebon Regency: A Study of Toponyms” with used descriptive-ethnographic methods Spradley (2013) and Sudaryanto (2015). Data sources are derived from some village names/borough in Cirebon District, in the form of (a) written sources (literature study) and (b) oral sources. The direction of the discussion is (1) Tracking of toponymous areas and the origin of the source/language; (2) Description of morphological constructions; and (3) Construction of toponym philosophical meanings/representations in the names of villages/borough in Cirebon District. The results of the study in the discussion are based on: (1) Source Name: Direction of winds, Water and maritime elements, Figure, Flora, and others; (2) Origin of language, namely (Javanese Cirebon, Sundanese language, Sundanese language + Javanese Cirebon, JC-Indonesian, Indonesian, Kawi language, Sanskerta, Chinese language, Javanese + Sundanese language, and Arabic; (3) Toponyms in the names of villages in Cirebon District represent meanings and philosophies related to: (a) The Relationship between man and the Creator (God Almighty), (b) Human-Human; (c) Human-Nature; and (d) Human-the Unseen

Keywords: Toponyms, villages/borough, Cirebon District


A Study on names and naming is known as onomastics. Names are considered central in linguistic study communicated among people. Hough further explained that names in English language are categorized into nouns or noun phrases (NP) which sometimes called proper nouns (hereinafter referred to as name) (Hough, 2016). The relationship of onomastics as a linguistic branch was also asserted by Algeo in his article entitled “Is a Theory of Names Possible?” in 2010. Van Langendonck and Van de Velde (2016) also asserted that Name is noun which not only has a unique and limited denotative but also connotative meaning. Accordingly, there is the word ‘toponymy’ derived from Latin language, “tópos (τόπος)” ‘place’ and “ónoma (ὄνομα)” ‘name’ (Kostanski, 2009). Furthermore, the terminologies related to a toponymy study have been agreed as toponomastics in the International Congress OF Onomastic Sciences in 2011.
Toponymy is name giving topographical elements, either natural, artificial, or state administrative need element. Besides, the provision of topographical names is nationally standardized by National Names Authority (NNA) or Geospatial Information Agency (GIA). Some topographical names are packaged in the national gazetteer (list of topographical names) as mandate and recommendation from the resolution of United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN). Island, area, river, lake, gulf naming in various areas in this country is called topography. This science is also known as geography or toponymy.