Why Tourism Regulation Matter to Sustainable Marine Tourism? Lesson Learnt from Berau Regency, East Borneo Province, Indonesia

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue I, January 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Why Tourism Regulation Matter to Sustainable Marine Tourism? Lesson Learnt from Berau Regency, East Borneo Province, Indonesia

Anugrah Adiastuti*1, Heri Hartanto2, Adriana Grahani Firdaussy3
1Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
2Department of Procedural of Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
3Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The development of tourism especially in marine tourism has been rocketed steadily year by year. This situation also happened in Indonesia. Supported with vast territory, oceans are central for Indonesia prosperity’s because it captures fisheries and aquaculture activities, tourism industries and activities, including marine transportation and construction. Even though the income from tourism sector is quite promising but there is a widespread consensus that tourism growth especially in marine tourism should be sustainable. A number of threats that marine tourism shall be sustained, for instance unoptimized fisheries management, human impacts to coral reefs, substantial loss of mangroves especially in coastal development area, and the crucial thing about waste and plastic litter which impacts to ecosystems, community, and all related sectors. This writing analyse on the necessity of tourism regulation that matter to sustainable marine tourism. This research uses normative legal research which is a research design that examines the aspect of theories, concepts, legal principles, and regulations/legislations where relate to certain topics of this research which mainly focus in analyzing the matter of existing regulation to maintain the implementation of sustainable marine tourism in Berau Regency, East Borneo Province. Tourism regulation is required for sustainable tourism because it endows certainty on environmental protection, as legal basis for government officers/agencies in conducting action prevention and repressive action in connection with law enforcement, provide legal certainty on authority sharing between central government and regional government, and prevent overlapping jurisdiction but alongside each other making synergy and coordination must be held by inter and intra institution. As result, regulation either from central government and/or regional government, on marine tourism especially in Berau Regency, contributes to the obedience and law enforcement of to all parties who are interconnected to tourism sector.

Keywords: Tourism, Regulation, Marine and Coastal, Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Development.


Tourism industry has emerged as substantial force for global sustainable socio-economic development [1]. There are two types of tourism based on the geographical condition, terrestrial/ land tourism and ocean/marine & coastal tourism. For the development of tourism especially in marine tourism, it has been rocketed steadily year by year. Refer to the data and vision issuance by UNWTO, the number of International Tourist Arrivals between 1950-2030, there was significant change since 2010 for tourism activities especially in Asia and Pacific regions and European regions [2]. It is shown on the data in Table. 1.