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Factors Affecting Awareness and Attitudes on the Green Purchase Intention of Eco-friendly Products in University Students.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Factors Affecting Awareness and Attitudes on the Green Purchase Intention of Eco-friendly Products in University Students.

H. I. C. George, H. P. T. N. Silva
Department of Social Statistics, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

IJRISS Call for paper

Pollution and earth-destructive behavior has obliged humans to look for ways to restore natural resources. As such, through the past few decades, the use of eco products has become a well-accepted approach and is now popularizing in the local context. This study derived from a quantitative approach securing data from university students of the Western Province in Sri Lanka. Data were collected from 380 students using stratified random sampling methodology and a self-administered questionnaire, across four universities in order to understand the factors that affect awareness and attitudes on the purchase intention of eco-friendly products. Statistical analysis was applied to describe sample and understand sample composition. Multivariate analysis was conducted employing a factor analysis coupled with a multiple linear regression analysis to identify the latent and underlying factors affecting and the relationship towards the purchase intention. The findings provided a comprehensive generalized profile stating any significant statistical differences on demographics and socio-economic variables. Multivariate analysis suggested that the underlying factors that affect purchase intention are overall awareness, environmental concern and product perception. Further, of the three, environmental concern proved to be the factor that impacts young consumers the most indicating that attention should be focused on this factor when dealing with purchase intention of eco products. The study concluded by suggesting that the use of eco labels on eco products with a price range suitable to attract young consumers would influence the intention for purchasing these products thereby participating in the improvement of the environment.

Keywords – Ecofriendly products, awareness, attitudes, purchase intention, factor analysis


The world has been depleting as a result of many man-related activities and for the past few decades it has risen to a considerable state causing humans to look back for restoration. This is now one of the most pressing problems known to mankind due to the adverse effects caused by it. As a result, new industries and avenues have been opened in dedication to remedy this cause. One such industry that opened up is the production of green products which grew from the recently introduced ‘green concept’. [3] mentioned ‘exponential growth’ is visible covering the past few years on the mentioned concept as well as in green marketing, while affirming that the market and global environment are impacted significantly due to this introduction. In simple terms, it captures the idea of no harm or minimized harm to the environment by hosting sustainable waste management systems, efficient use of resources, thereby reducing the use of harmful elements and the introduction of substitute products that are eco-friendly.
Even though eco-friendly products widely range the form of goods, the ideas of this concept have been disseminated to the services sector, and services such as construction, banking, consultation etc. have been developed based on these principles. Moreover, as used in this study, tangible goods/ products have been dominant among them. Accordingly, [12], implied from an overall sense that these green goods can be equaled to ‘environmentally friendly’ or ‘ecological’ goods. From a Sri Lankan perspective on green products, [7] highlighted that this ‘green’ does not focus only on lessening ecological destruction when consumer goods and services are utilized; rather, within the scope of this utilization, sustainability and development too also ensured.
Eco-friendly products have been brought into the markets mainly due to the increasing levels of pollution causing discomfort to the environment. Globally, developed countries have recognized this challenge and commenced working towards it while Sri Lanka too, has identified the need for using products harmless to the environment and has started working towards being environmentally conscious. [8] emphasized on the issues of “increasing levels of toxic waste, exposure to severe road traffic noise, high levels of garbage deposal and rapidly lessening landfill space in most of the urban areas”, and that businesses have to take measures to address such causes. Further, [13] concluded, in comparison – this concept has been rising in the West and Sri Lanka is now in the stage of green awakening. There is, however, room for much development which shows high necessity in comprehending the requisites and resources of the industry especially as it was recently introduced and is growing at infancy stages.