Learning Assignment and Quality of Business Studies Textbook in Secondary Schools in Kenya

Submission Deadline-12th July 2024
June 2024 Issue : Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now
Submission Deadline-20th July 2024
Special Issue of Education: Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue III, March 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Learning Assignment and Quality of Business Studies Textbook in Secondary Schools in Kenya

Sarah Getahun Bekele, Paul Odundo Amollo, John Kamau Mwangi, Ganira Khavugwi Lilian
Department of Educational Communication Technology and Pedagogical Studies, University of Nairobi, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Properly designed business studies textbook promotes effective and independent learning through appropriate learning assignments yielding achievement of learning objectives for sustained academic results in business studies. Learning assignments in business studies textbook offers learner with opportunity to develop skills and master requisite knowledge accelerating exciting learning process paving way for lively episodes of learning in and outside classroom. However, inappropriate or amorphous questions in core textbook limits realization of specific objectives blocking knowledge construction and as a result degrading learners’ mean score in business studies. The study adopted exploratory research design through quantitative and qualitative approach to data collection and analysis. Counts, percentages, means, standard deviations, Chi square tests and content analysis were used for data analysis. Cross tabulation of results indicated that learning assignments significantly influence quality of Business studies textbook implying that appropriate learning assignment supports achievement of learning for sustained learning experience. Further analysis showed that subject goals, skill development and concept mastery influence quality of learning assignments encouraging knowledge retention and recall ability among leaners. Therefore, it is recommended that relevant learning assignments be provided in business studies textbook in order to accelerate learning across the school system.


Properly designed Business studies textbook incorporates set of appropriate learning activities that are aimed at promoting mastery of concept boosting development of requisite skills and values in Business Education. In a study on teaching methods Bekele, Odundo, Mwangi and Ganira(2021) stated that incorporation of variety of learning activities in Business Studies promotes positive attitude encouraging reading and revision sessions ushering in achievement of self-directed learning resulting in maximization of learning outcome among learners in secondary schools. Individualized learning encourages construction of knowledge increasing academic success at school promoting learner’s self-worth in class discussion. As opinionated by Anwar (2019) lesson objectives are achieved through well-structured learning activities in business studies textbook.