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Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel by Anogeissus Leiocarpa Root Extract Using Hexane in Acidic Medium

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VII, Issue III, March 2022 | ISSN 2454–6194

Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel by Anogeissus Leiocarpa Root Extract Using Hexane in Acidic Medium

Ibejekwe Sunday John1*, Prof. U.B. Eke2, Sati Lubis1, Apagu Ngamarju Thliza1.
1Federal College of Education Pankshin, Chemistry Department. PMB 1027, Pankshin Plateau State.
2 Federal University of Ilorin, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Chemistry Department, Ilorin Nigeria.
*Corresponding authors

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The menace caused by corrosion on mild steel and on the economy of any nation cannot be overlooked. If not checked will result in damning consequence. As a result there has been several researches tailored in this regard, controlling corrosion by using inorganic inhibitors. However, these inorganic inhibitors are not environmentally friendly. Organic inhibitors (of plant origin) appears to be good alternative due to the presence of phytochemicals and it’s readily available. One of such plants is the hexane root extract of Anogeiossus Leiocarpus (Africa birch). The method used is weight loss at 303k, 313k, 323k and 333k. The concentration of root extract used on mild steel are 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0 grams. The results show the highest inhibition efficiency of 81 % for 1.0 g/l and 21 % for 0.7 g/l in 1M H2SO4 at 303k. This result implies that with increase of inhibitor, both surface coverage and inhibition efficiency increases but with decrease in corrosion rate. It was also observed that increase in temperature, there is reduction in inhibition efficiency. At 333k, IE % for 0.1 g/l is 51 % and 0.7 g/l is 13 %. For each temperature, it was also observed that with time increase, there is progressive decrease in weight loss and corrosion rate but increase in both surface coverage and IE %. The data derived from this research confirmed the fact that corrosion inhibition mechanism was affected by the root extracts.
Key words: inhibitor, mild steel, Anogeissus leiocarpa, inhibition efficiency, corrosion rate, surface coverage.
Mild steel is a type of carbon steel that contains a low level of carbon. Its carbon composition is between 0.05% – 0.25% by weight. Mild steel possesses the following characteristics; magnetic properties, ductility, malleability, affordability, and low carbon which makes it suitable for a wide range of applications. Mild steel is the most common alloy used in aircraft manufacture because of its durability, lightweight and ability to withstand severe pressure at high altitudes. Other uses of mild steel include structural steel, signs, cars, furniture and decorations, wire, fencing and Nails (Ayuba and Mustapha, 2013). Despite its wide range of technological applications, its poor resistance to corrosion in acidic medium limits its applicability. However, mild steel is observed to be degraded in mineral acid environments such as HCl, H2SO4, and HNO3.
Acids such as hydrochloric acid are used mostly in industrial processes such as cleaning, pickling, acid de-scaling