International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue III, March 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186
Ms. Preeti B. Upadhyay1, Mr. Abhishak Singh2, Dr. Alok Choudhary2
1Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance and Policy Analysis Bhopal, India
2Madhya Pradesh Council for Science and Technology Bhopal, India
Abstract: In Madhya Pradesh, the conventional method of supply and demand calculation for a comprehensive primary health care facility in rural areas is population census-based. The study is breaking the conventional method and using population and distance to the nearest public health facility for demand calculation. Location-allocation model of Arc GIS 10 was used for analyses. Currently, about 10, 209 Sub Health Centres are located in rural Madhya Pradesh in 313 developmental blocks. This study highlights the use of Geographic Information System technology for planning comprehensive health centres to optimize access to the rural population. Although the location-allocation methodology has been available for decades, it has been used sparsely by public health professionals. This paper makes an important contribution to the method for planning in resource-limited settings.
Key words: network analysis, public healthcare system, infrastructure planning, resource allocation
Madhya Pradesh has a population of 7.2 crores as per census 2011. The population of Madhya Pradesh has grown from 6 crores in 2001 to 7.2 crore in 2011, an increase of almost 20 percent in a decade. According to population projections for India and the States 2001-2026 (Office of RGI), the population of Madhya Pradesh is expected to reach 8.8 crores by the year 2026. The changing population and societal behavior are intensifying the pressures on health systems and demanding more healthcare service centers. The National Health Policy 2017 highlights issues related to Infrastructure and Human Resources/Skill Gaps. According to the government of Madhya Pradesh official records, there are 10,204 Sub Health Centers, 1,205 Primary Health Centers, 330 Community Health Centers, 86 Civil Hospitals and 51 Districts Hospitals providing health care in the state.
An attempt has been made by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Madhya Pradesh to determine the prevailing gaps in Sub Health Centers in the state. At the same time, various public health facilities require up-gradation from the current facility type. The Department of Health has requested State Health Resource Centre at Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance and Policy Analysis to support in identification and validation of public health facilities through a scientific data-driven approach.