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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue X, October 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Mobile Banking Services and Performance of Informal Businesses in Nairobi, Kenya

Rahab Wanjiru Waihenya1 & Prof. Peter Kithae2
1Post Graduate Student, Management University of Africa, Kenya
2Associate Professor, Management University of Africa, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The paper purposed to examine the effect of mobile banking savings mobilization and credit accessibility on performance of informal businesses in Nairobi. The study was anchored on two major theories; namely; financial intermediation theory and modern economic theory which guided research objectives examined in the study. Descriptive research design was used. The population of interest consisted of 11,000 participants of informal businesses in Nairobi County. The sample size for the study was 386 participants drawn from the business categories. The method of data collection instruments involved the use of primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained from the questionnaire and the secondary data was obtained from desk review. The researcher obtained authorization letter from the University to carry out the data collection. Data was collected using questionnaire. The study employed cross – sectional descriptive design analysis and inferential statistics. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 24) was used for data analysis. Multiple regression model was used to establish the relative significance of each of the variables on the effect of savings mobilization, and credit accessibility on performance of informal businesses in Kenya. The study found out that mobile banking savings mobilization enhanced performance of their businesses to a very great extent. Credit accessibility was also found to affect informal businesses performance to a very great extent. The study concluded that saving mobilization, credit accessibility, have a positive and significant effect on performance of informal businesses in Kenya. The study recommended enhanced security and safety of data and banking transactions to safeguard the informal business owners from cybercrimes which had become rampant worldwide. Financial Institutions should ensure first grade mobile banking infrastructure to support faster transactions and enhanced security.

Key words: savings mobilization, credit accessibility, performance of informal businesses


The penetration of mobile phones, mobile network operators and mobile communication services have enabled informal business sector to enjoy fast and efficient banking services-savings mobilization, credit accessibility, payments and transaction systems which were only available to big corporations and government corporations in the past (Fin Access, 2019). Data collected by Communications Commission Authority of Kenya (CCAK, 2010) indicate there were more than 54.56 million mobile telephone subscribers by the end of 2019, compared to mobile telecommunication services in Kenya, to under 15, 000 in 1999. The abrupt