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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue X, October 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Evaluating factors that affect Corporate Social Responsibility participation in selected Small and Medium Enterprises in Zambia

Florence Ngúni Mumba, Dr Mike Goma, Prof. Mpundu Mubanga*
University of Lusaka, Zambia
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: In Chapter two, Literature is being reviewed from books, journal articles, prior research, case studies, magazines, online sources and various studies that have studied or reviewed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are outlined. The objective of this study, is to evaluate the factors that affect SME participation in CSR. The research questions developed in the aforementioned chapter are designed with this objective in observance.
The first section of this chapter, reviews Corporate Governance, being the realm of the study; looks at prior and related research including worldwide research, African Continent research and research done in Zambia by Choongo in 2017. Furthermore, CSR is outlined and prior research done by Mayondi (2014) is reviewed. To add on, Attitudes towards CSR are reviewed through a research done by Jahan and Axelson. Organisation Culture is evaluated through the research done by Jackson (2012) in Estonia. In addition, Patzelt and Shephered undertook a study on sustainable entrepreneurs in Berlin and Stonkutė etal (2018) undertook research on CSR practice and training and the research adopted an international approach, analysing universities located in several continents. Finally, SMEs are reviewed in the research done by Chibwe (2008).
In the second section, there is a critical review of empirical studies, gaps, contradictions and inconsistence in the literature reviewed (empirical). In the final analysis, the knowledge gaps and the possible outlines of what research should be undertaken is outlined.


This chapter will explore past studies relating to the topic, investigate the nature of the problem, and establish how the existing laws, practices, statutes, and theories can be applied in corporate social responsibility. Preliminary Literatures reviewed underscore the fundamental issues behind corporate social responsibility. The funnel method of literature review will be used, starting with world research, African continent, Southern Africa and narrowing down to research done in Zambia.


Young and Thyil (2014) have said, Governance can be defined as a flexible system of action incorporating strategic and monitoring activities that determines the way a company enacts its responsibilities to its shareholders and stakeholders and which is determined at any given time by the