Humanities Journal

Submission Deadline-30th July 2024
June 2024 Issue : Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now
Submission Deadline-20th July 2024
Special Issue of Education: Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now

Humanities Journal

Humanities Journal – Call For Papers

Humanities Journal is Double-blind,peer-reviewed, open access refereed journal with an aim of becoming a leading journal in the humanities disciplines.

The scope of the Journal focuses on theoretical and empirical research in the broader fields of Humanities areas. We publishes original research, creative work, and critical discourse on traditional, contemporary, and popular issues in arts and issues in the field of humanities studies.

IJRISS Call for paper

Contributions in the field of arts may include artists’ writings, critical essays, historical documentation, interviews, performance texts and plays and book review.

Submission Deadline

Volume / Issue / Month / Year Volume V Issue IX September 2021
Initial Submission 26.08.2021 – 25.09.2021

Submit Your Paper Online

Publication Charges 30 $ 



•    Anthropology
•    Archeology
•    Communication studies
•    Cultural studies
•    Development studies
•    Education
•    Geography
•    History
•    Journalism
•    Language
•    Law
•    Library science
•    Linguistics
•    Literature
•    Novels and short stories
•    Philosophy
•    Poetry
•    Religion
•    Teaching

We likewise distributes unique research, innovative work, and basic talk on conventional, contemporary, and famous issues in expressions and issues in the field of humanities ponders.

Commitment can be as reasonable or hypothetical methodologies, contextual investigations or articles in the field of humanities.

The journal is significant to social scientists, specialists, authors, scholars and policymakers with an enthusiasm for, and a worry for, craftsmanship hone, workmanship hypothesis and inquire about and different humanities issues in any of its structures and in any of its locales.

This is a scholastic journal and along these lines does not give any sort of craftsmanship evaluations or other business administrations.
