RSIS International

Design and Construction of a Digital Bidirectional Visitor Counter (DBVC)

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VIII, Issue III, March 2023|ISSN 2454-6194

Design and Construction of a Digital Bidirectional Visitor Counter (DBVC)

Azeez , W.A.1*, Oyerinde S. A.2
1,2 Department of Physics, The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Nigeria.
*Corresponding author
Received: 11 February 2023; Revised: 27 February 2023; Accepted: 28 February 2023; Published: 28 March 2023

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – This study presents the Design and Construction of a Digital Bidirectional Visitor Counter (DBVC). The DBVC is a reliable circuit that takes over the task of counting number of persons/visitors in the room very accurately. Depends on the number of visitors, when the number of visitors reach the maximum required, the number will show on display board to indicate that the Hall is full. When somebody enters the Hall then the counter is incremented by one (+1) and when any one leaves the room then the counter is decremented by one (-1). The total number of persons inside the Hall is also displayed on the (P10 Display board). The microcontroller is used for detecting an entry or exit action and computing the figures (addition and subtraction) to acquire accurate results. It receives the signals from the sensors, and this signal is operated under the control of embedded programming code which is stored in ROM of the microcontroller. The microcontroller continuously monitors the Ultrasonic Receivers. When any object pass through the Ultrasonic Receiver’s then the Ultrasonic Rays falling on the receivers are obstructed. The obstruction occurs under two circumstances, either you obstruct sensor 1 (i.e. outside the building) before sensor 2 (i.e. which is inside the building) this shows that you are entering the building or you do it the other way round, which is obstructing sensor 2 before sensor 1 to indicates an exit movement. This obstruction is sensed by the Microcontroller, computed and displayed by a P10 Displayed board.

Keywords: DBVC, Ultrasonic sensor Rays/Receivers, Microcontroller, P10 LED, Display board and Circuit.

I. Introduction
Reliable estimates of the number of visitors are extremely important for planning and managing the use of the areas in question. On the basis of such estimates, it is possible to gain clearer picture of the use of the area and the sites where visitor traffic is heaviest. Information on visitor numbers help the people responsible for managing the areas to control the flow of visitors, for example, by directing them to routes that causeless deterioration to vegetation and landscape. In addition, visitor counts also help to maintain and develop services so that they better correspond to the real number of visitors to the area (e.g. firewood supply and waste disposal). Furthermore, reliable visitor statistics are needed, together with other information gathered from visitor surveys, for evaluating the effectiveness of the area’s own activities and for monitoring changes. Visitor counting is simply a measurement of the visitor traffic entering and exiting conference rooms, malls, sports venues, etc. With the increase in standard of living, there is a sense of urgency for developing circuits that would ease the complexity of life. Visitor counting involves the following distinct stages:

1. Careful planning of the visitor count
2. Installation of counters in the terrain
3. Monitoring of counters in the terrain
4. Defining the correction coefficient for the counters
5. Counting the number of visits

Visitor counting thus provides statistics on the number of actual visits that have been made to an area. When this information is combined within formation gained from visitor surveys, it is possible to estimate the number of visitors, i.e. how many people visit the area. In a public place such as shopping malls, religious centers and cinemas, data on the number of visitor is frequently needed for marketing research or statistic purposes. Usually the counting process is done manually by the officers who guard the entrance. If this process is done for a long period of time, it will be prone to human errors. Same goes to a room such as laboratory, main hall, mosque or bedroom. With the advent of industrial and business era in Nigeria and the subsequent establishment of many public areas such as churches, shopping malls, recreational centers and so on, there is a need to make adequate preparation and plans for visitor control and management. This will help to keep accurate information on population density per time, identify potential structural and social risks and effective decision making on issues related to population.