Effect of Maternal Employment on Academic Achievement & Psychological Well-being of Young Children

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue VII, July 2018 | ISSN 2454-6186

Effect of Maternal Employment on Academic Achievement & Psychological Well-being of Young Children

S. Malik, F.Ashfaq, R.Riaz & M. Qadeer

IJRISS Call for paper

 Dow Institute of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Karachi, Pakistan

Abstract: – Childhood is a crucial part of our life, physical and mental growth rapidly takes place in these years. Children are our future and mothers play vital role in molding the future. Keeping in view the importance of motherhood present research is designed to study the effect of maternal’s employment on child’s psychological wellbeing and academic growth. Sample of study is comprised of 114 children, out of whom 57 children were of non-working mothers and 57 were of working mothers. Their age was ranged between 8 to 12 years. All of they were attending private school of Karachi. Psychological well-being was measured by self-esteem scale of Rosenberg and position in class was taken as a measure of academic achievement. SPSS software was used for analyzing the data. Analysis of results is consistent with our objective. The mean score of children of working mothers is higher on academic achievement than the mean score of children of non-working mothers. Similarly the mean score of children of working mothers is higher on self-esteem than the mean score of children of non-working mothers. It is again significant at 0.00 levels. Significant difference at the 0.01 level between children of high and low self-esteem on academic achievement was calculated. Results further indicate significant mean difference of self-esteem between girls and boys of working mothers.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Psychological Well-being, Working/Nonworking Mothers & Boys/Girls


Mothers are not only supposed to bring the child from sky to earth. They play vital role in nursing, training and educating the child. Significance of motherhood is manifested in each stage of physical and psychological development of child. It is important to note that motherhood is also characterized by frustration because of not enjoying her life. Absence of mother is not always responsible for the cognitive and psychological failure of children but her mental well-being also matter.