RSIS International

Artificial Conversational Entity for Health Insurance Sector

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue VII, July 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Artificial Conversational Entity for Health Insurance Sector

Anju V. P#

IJRISS Call for paper

 #Financial Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Kerala, India

Abstract— Chatbots are computer program that interact like humans using natural language, processing. A chatbot could answer a user in the same way that a human responds. Health insurance are types of insurance policies which cover the surgical and medical expenses of the policy holder. Health insurance policies are a good strategy to secure our health related issues. The policies will offer us with a certain amount of coverage depending upon our personal data. There are private and public health care existing in India. This work comprises of developing an artificial conversational entity for the health insurance sector in Indian scenario. There exists health insurance chatbots which are industry based. The insurer has to provide the medical risk factors to the chatbot. On the basis of the personal details of the insurer the chatbot will suggest the best insurance plans that can be given to that person. It helps in finding the best health insurance plans by evaluating the given past health insurance data. The data structure includes both the private and public health insurance schemes.

Keywords—chatbot, natural language processing, health insurance, risk factors.


Health of a person is the complete mental, physical and social well-being. It is not merely the condition of absence of injury and illness of a person. Health insurances meant to be the type of insurances that covers the medical expenses. It helps the insurer to get the best treatment and medical care and also financial protection in need of emergency. Health insurance policy is similar to the other insurance policies were it is a contract between insurer and a policy holder. In a health insurance policy the insurer agrees to provide a specified health insurance cover which includes a premium subject to different terms and conditions. Health problems may arise due to our life style, job, food habits or it can be even hereditary or it can even be caused by accidents. The health problems or related expenses always struck the normal life of people. And it is hard to meet that unexpected expenses by the common people. This is the point where comes the importance of insurances. If the people have any health insurance covers that scheme will help them to meet the unexpected expenses. In this case of emergencies people could get that insurance benefits. Now a day there are a number of insurance policies available in the market. They are available as general insurances or private insurance schema and their facilities also include private and public health care sectors. One can take any insurance schema which will secure them and their family.