RSIS International

Design Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Combination Tool for Special Purpose Thrust and Radial Bearing in Wind Ventilator Applications

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue X, October 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Design Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Combination Tool for Special Purpose Thrust and Radial Bearing in Wind Ventilator Applications

Susnehalkumar .S. Lade1, Pradipkumar .D. Darade2,  Dileep .N. Korade3, Kirankumar .R. Jagtap4

IJRISS Call for paper

1Student, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sinhgad Institute of Technology & Science, Pune, Maharashtra, India
2, 4Asso.Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sinhgad Institute of Technology & Science, Pune, Maharashtra, India
3Asst.Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sinhgad Institute of Technology & Science, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: -The project work involves the design development of multi tool device wherein drilling, counter boring and face grooving operations will be combined to drastically reduce the manufacturing time and cost. Wind turbine ventilators are ventilator which is powered by the wind to create effective ventilation. These type of ventilators are used in various industries. The design of wind turbine ventilators consists of a round metal vent with fins in them. Presently this system uses ball bearings for their operation however they offer lower life and the cost is higher. Thus they are to be replaced by combination of thrust and radial bearing. The manufacture of this bearing required a tool which can perform drilling and boring operation followed by a face groove. In order to reduce the time and cost of manufacturing it is required to develop a combination tool for the same. The tool geometry was developed using Unigraphics NX-8 software and the analysis was done using Ansys Workbench 16.0. The performance evaluation of the tool was done to determine the percentage error, reduction in cycle time.

Keywords – Drilling, Boring, Combination tool, Ball Bearing, Thrust Bearing, Radial bearing, Cycle time, Cost reduction.


Wind turbine ventilators are ventilator which are powered by the wind to create effective ventilation. These type of ventilators are used in various industries. This product works on wind assisted ventilation. The design of the wind turbine ventilators comprises of a round metal vent with fins in them and just a small amount of wind is enough for the wind turbine ventilators to rotate. The faster the wind, the faster the wind turbine rotates the faster the exhaust the heat, smoke, humidity, fumes, etc. goes out. The mechanics involved in the air movement is very simple. The hot air inside the shed tends to rise up as it is less dense.