Professional Ethics in Engineering

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue I, January 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Professional Ethics in Engineering

Dr. Vineet Kumar Purohit

IJRISS Call for paper

Associate Professor, Mahaveer Institute of Technology and Science, Pali, Rajasthan, India

Abstract— The paper aims to discuss about the essential ethics (morals or principles) regarding profession of Engineering and the requirement also of these ethics like of responsibilities, rights, desirable ideals and personal commitments in engineering. It is the study of decisions, policies, and values desirable in engineering. This study may be helpful in improving skills in moral awareness, coherence, imagination, communication and, perhaps more indirectly , strengthening respect for persons, tolerance of diversity and confidence in resolving moral conflicts to preserve integrity. Professions are the forms of work involving expertise, independent judgement, self-regulation and service to the public. Codes of ethics state the moral responsibilities of engineers as seen by the profession and represented by professional society, they express the profession’s collective commitment to ethics, codes are enormously important not only in stressing responsibilities but also the freedom to exercise the engineers. There is description of responsibilities of individual and corporative as well which will throw light on vivid meanings of it like obligations, moral accountability, praiseworthiness and blameworthiness. Professional ethics supports responsible conduct and prevents both wrong doings and doers. Importance of shared responsibilities and personal commitments also plays vital role here. An attempt has been made to elaborate and discuss the responsibilities of engineers, related to the society and human beings, in an expatiated way, as engineers are the backbone of society.


Ethics and Professionalism

1. Professional Ethics:

With this overview of themes sampling of issues in mind, we can now define engineering ethics. The word ethics has several meanings. In the sense used in the Morality refers to moral values that are sound, actions that are morally required, policies and laws that are desirable. Accordingly, engineering ethics consists of the responsibilities and rights that ought to be endorsed by those engaged in engineering.

Normative sense differ form ethics or the ethics of American engineers, referring there by to what specific Indi- visuals or groups believe and how they act, without implying that their beliefs and actions are justified. In another descriptive sense, social scientists study ethics when they describe and explain what people believe and how they act, they con- duct opinion poll, observe behavior, examine documents written by professional societies and uncover the social forces shaping engineering ethics.