RSIS International

Role and Developmental Activities of Women in Panchayati Raj Institution of Shopian District of Jammu and Kashmir

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue II, February 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Role and Developmental Activities of Women in Panchayati Raj Institution of Shopian District of Jammu and Kashmir

Mohammad Iqbal Ganie

IJRISS Call for paper

Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, Govt. Hamidia Arts and Commerce College Bhopal, Barkatullah University, Madhya Pradesh, India

Abstract:-The idea of Panchayati Raj is unquestionably Indian in foundation. Panchayati Raj bodies, which are real and useful democratic decentralized institutions, provide plenty opportunities for a huge number of rural people to take real and useful involvement in the progress and democratic decision-making process and to impart in the minds of the rural people a courage of self help, self reliance and self dependence and to obtain the skill in the art of local self-government. Panchayati Raj institutions have been playing a vital role in order to monitor these rural development programmes. However these institutions have been supportive in identifying genuine beneficiary in order to get most benefits out of these schemes. A various number of constraints, hurdles and deficiencies are also to blame for letdown of these rural development programmes. Various issues, aspects and dimensions related to Panchayati Raj Institutions in Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir are studied in this paper.

Keywords: Women, Panchayati raj institution, Participation, Governance, Awareness


Panchayats as establishment of local self government at the town level had its root in old India. A kind of town chamber or a relationship of the occupants of the town comprising of town older folks, panchayats or Gram sangha performed regulatory and legal capacities. We discover reference to Gram sanghas in Manusmiriti, Kautilaya‟s Arthashastra (400 BC) and the Mahabharata. The present thought of law based decentralization (rustic neighborhood government ) is the consequence of Lord Mayo‟s goals (1870) and Lord Rippon‟s resolution(1882).The Report of the Royal Commission on Decentralization (1909), and the Government of India Acts of 1919 and 1935 have additionally contributed toward this path. The term “Panchayati Raj” came into utilization after the suggestions of Balwant Rai Mehta advisory group were acknowledged.