Design and Fabrication of Semi Automatic Dual Axis Solar Tracking and Experimentally Analysis Its Efficiency

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Design and Fabrication of Semi Automatic Dual Axis Solar Tracking and Experimentally Analysis Its Efficiency

Neelesh Gupta1, Rajeev Arya2, Amit Khare3, Nilesh Diwakar4

IJRISS Call for paper

1PG Student, Thermal Department, Truba Institute of Engineering and Information Technology, Bhopal, M.P, India
2 Professor & Director Truba Institute of Engineering and Information Technology, Bhopal, M.P India
3 Professor & HOD of Mechanical, Truba Institute of Engineering and Information Technology, Bhopal, M.P India
4 Professor & Principal Truba Institute of Engineering and Science Technology, Bhopal, M.P India

Abstract:-Several studies reflect that, scholars had made many researches on solar panels, Conversion of solar energy into electric energy, tracking of sun, etc. In continuation to aforesaid research, this paper highlights the work done in experimenting with the Semiautomatic Dual Axis Solar Tracking of solar panels. Eventually some researchers had done sun tracking through the LDR, light sensor and photo detector. And it has been observed that these tracking systems, help in generating 20-23% extra power in comparison to fix axis solar panel system. We have deployed the solar tracking system and experimented using the Actuator (by programming C) which was optimised with the help of Keil software through microcontrollers. The actuator designed by me has Motor which runs via C programming and is based on displacement. Thus, it is 5 times cheaper than other tracking system counterpart available in market value. Experiment was conducted in Madhya Pradesh state located in centre of India and has about 300 sunny days per year with annual mean daily global solar radiation in the range of 5-7 kWh/m2/day. Hence, the experiment duration chosen for tracking SUN was from 8am (IST) to 4pm(IST), during which sun rays are almost perpendicular on the panel. During my study, it was observed that the other technology/equipments used for sun tracking, were less successful mainly because of seasonal variations and unable to move according to Sun path. These gaps were overcome to large extent through programming-based motor operated Actuator, where the Sun can be tracked in all the seasons(Summer, Spring, Monsoon, Winter)ensuring that Sun rays are perpendicular and helps in maximizing output at a reasonable cost. Although initially it is costly in comparison to fix axis panel, but in long run yields to more maximum output.

Keywords: Solar energy, solar tracker, actuator, solar panel, Single axis tracking, Dual axis tracking, Keil software, microcontroller, Proload software.