RSIS International

Development of Animation Video Media Using Flash Player Class XII Department of Boga Vocational School 1 State Vocational School, Bandar Lampung

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue XI, November 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Development of Animation Video Media Using Flash Player Class XII Department of Boga Vocational School 1 State Vocational School, Bandar Lampung

Rekta Herwina

IJRISS Call for paper

FKIP Unila Jl. Prof. Sumantri Brodjonegoro no. 1 Bandarlampung, Indonesia

Abstract:-This study aims to produce the products of class XII students of SMK. This research is a research development of career information services with flash player-based video animation media for readiness to enter the workforce. Subjects taken in this study using a random technique that is 49 students. Methods of data collection using questionnaires, observation and interviews. Analysis of the data used is quantitative descriptive. The results showed that career information services with animated video media have the potential for work readiness at SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung and career information services with animated video media produced effectively assist students in preparing to enter the workforce with the effectiveness of animated video media by 77.84%. Career information services using animated video media can be used as an additional reference for school counselors to make decisions in the selection of students’ careers.

Keywords: career information services, video animation media, readiness to enter the workforce


In the field of counseling, career guidance is one type of service from the guidance and counseling program. Institutionally and mentoring and counseling are part of the overall education program in schools, aimed at helping or facilitating students (students) to achieve optimal self-development.
Difficulties, confusion, doubt, and lack of stability in making career decisions due to several factors, the first is because students do not understand who they are, such as their talents, interests and self-potential. Secondly, the information that students have is not mature enough, some of them get information from the internet and brochures, but they feel less satisfied with the information obtained.
In order to achieve the goal of quality education, guidance is needed in dealing with a problem. The guidance in the form of career guidance information service is considered as one of the ways to overcome that graduates of vocational students have the readiness to face the world of work.