Flipped Learning Model and Pre-Service Teachers’ Computer Literacy Performance in Ghanaian Colleges of Education

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue I, January 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Flipped Learning Model and Pre-Service Teachers’ Computer Literacy Performance in Ghanaian Colleges of Education

Dzakpasu Prince Edem1*, Cynthia Adjartey2
1St. Francis College of Education, PO Box 100, Hohoe Volta Region, Ghana
2St Teresa’s College of Education, P. O. Box 129, Hohoe, Volta Region, Ghana
*Corresponding author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – This empirical work was basically designed to investigate possible impacts of flipped learning technique on academic performance of colleges of education student in Computer Literacy course. Two research questions and two hypotheses were designed to guide the research which was conducted on population of 1800 student in the two colleges of education in Ghana.Multiple sample technique was used to sample one school and two intact classes used that comprised of (experimental class comprised of 45 students while the control class comprised of 51students) for the research.Mean and Standard Deviation were used to answer research questions while hypotheses were tested using Analysis of Covariant. (ANCOVA) Reliability of instrument used for data collection was tested using Pearson Moment Correlation Co-efficient and reliability index value was 0.78The result of the analysis revealed that there is significant difference between performance of students taught Computer Literacy using flipped learning model and students taught same course using conventional learning method. It was therefore concluded that students taught Computer Literacy using flipped model performed better than students taught using conventional or Lecture method and that gender effect does not moderate performance of students taught Computer Literacy using flipped learning model. It was therefore recommended that colleges of education in Ghana should introduce flipped learning model into the teaching of Computer Literacy because flipped learning model has proven to be better than conventional or Lecture method and is not gender dependent.

Key words: Flipped Learning model, Conventional Learning Method, Academic Performance


In most colleges of education in Ghana, Computer Literacy is among the courses offered by student which was design to bring the student up to speed on both the software and hardware part of computer and some relevant packages which they would need in the course of their carrier as future teachers, some of the key content of the curriculum in Computer Literacy are Part of computer and their functions, some major software packages like Microsoft Word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft PowerPoint and others.