Conventional Methods and Cooperative Effect of Basic Skills Game Volleyball

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue I, January 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Conventional Methods and Cooperative Effect of Basic Skills Game Volleyball

Damrah, Pitnawati, Erianti, Yuni Astuti
Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Purpose: Based on the author’s preliminary research, researchers found that many students did not have the basic skills for volleyball games. The problem occurred because of the improper strategy/teaching method used by the teacher. The purpose of this research is to show the effects of conventional and cooperative methods on the basic skills of volleyball games of the students.
Methodology: This is pre-experimental research. The population of this research is a group of 195 students. The samples were 30 male students from class X choosing by purposive sampling technique. The instruments of this test are the volleying test, including the passing test and serving test. The data were analyzed by the required analysis; the normality test, homogeneity test, and T-test.
Main Finding: Based on data analysis and discussion that has been described earlier, then it can put forward some conclusions as follows: 1) Conventional methods have a significant influence on the basic skills of volleyball games; the results obtained tobserved (12.27)> ttable (1.75). 2) The cooperative method provides a significant influence on the basic skills of volleyball games; the results obtained tobserved (3,74)>ttable (1.75). 3) Giving a cooperative method is not better than the conventional method of the basic skills of volleyball games with the obtained tobserved (1,467) <ttable (1.75).

Keywords: Conventional, Cooperative, and Volleyball.


Sport is a part of everyday human activities that are useful for forming physically and mentally healthy. Until now, the sport provides a positive and tangible contribution to the improvement of public health. Sports activities in the younger generation have the goal to change or mature the human resources, Astuti (2018).Besides, exercise also serves as a means for the name of both regions, nations, and countries as well as the establishment of achievement event. In Physical Education learning process, students besides are taught motor skills; they are also taught the values of sportsmanship, honesty, discipline and cooperation, and responsibility so that students can form both physically and mentally, Sagala, Syaiful. (2005).