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Evaluation of Tigernut Waste for Production of Bioproducts

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

Evaluation of Tigernut Waste for Production of Bioproducts

Adejoju Omodolapo Adedara1*, Helen Olayinka Ogunsuyi1*, Christiana Arinola Akinnawo2
1Department of Chemistry, School of Sciences, The Federal University of Technology, PMB 704,Akure, Nigeria
2Research Centre for Synthesis and Catalysis, Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- Conversion of biomass into fuels and value added bioproducts is highly essential considering the menace of the pollution associated with fossil sourced fuels and Chemicals. Biomass conversion technology is an emerging innovation in the global energy sector. Besides the inherent advantages identified with biomass resources such as renewability, abundance and intoxicity, the resource is a means of sure way of growing national economy. In this study, assessment of monomeric sugars in tigernut chaff and its potential for the production of some bioproducts (biodiesel and bioethanol) was investigated. Tigernut chaff was defatted by solvent extraction method; the oil was trans-esterified using homogenous and heterogeneous catalyst obtained from waste chicken egg shell. The biodiesel production was optimized by varying the reaction time, catalyst type and concentration. The defatted chaff was hydrolysed using 4% H2SO4. The effect of particle size and reaction time on the release of monomeric sugars as well as sugar degradation products in the hydrolyzed sample was evaluated. Identification and quantification of the monomeric sugar was done using a dual wavelength UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The hydrolysed biomass was fermented to bioethanol using Saccharomyces cerevisea and the crude bioethanol was purified with Bio-CaO. From the results obtained, the optimum yield of the biodiesel was established at 0.9 w/v catalyst concentration, 600C reaction temperature and 60min reaction time with potassium methoxide catalyst. The properties of the biodiesel obtained were consistent with the specifications of American Standard for Biodiesel Testing Materials (ASTM D 6751). The hydrolysis was found to be most effective at 1.11μm particle size and 120 min reaction time. The results revealed that tigernut waste can be used to produce biofuels and also as platform material for domestic and industrial purposes due to the concentration of monomeric sugar present it contains.

Keywords: Transesterification, Hydrolysis, Monomeric sugars and Bioethanol


Generation of value-added products from biomass resources through biorefining processes is now an emerging trend in bioenergy research. As essential as this research thrust is to the overall benefits of global development in terms of provision of sustainable energy sources and gainful management of agricultural wastes the process of achieving this task is still challenging. The depletion of fossil fuel reserves and global concern about climate change have necessitate the need for alternative fuels and bio chemicals to replace the fossil-based products.