The Congruence of Ethical Leadership: An Examination of Leadership and Organizational Ethical Climate in Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue V, May 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

The Congruence of Ethical Leadership: An Examination of Leadership and Organizational Ethical Climate in Nigeria

Chikelu Okey Felix. PhD, Bala Aliyu Kardi, Mustapha Shehu
Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State. Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract :Nowadays, organizations that ignor the importance of leadership ethicality and role might yield negative and imprecise results. Thus, leaders are required not only to develop but equally nuture a strong ethical organizational climate and internalise other moral values in modern organization. Against that backdrop, very little studies were able to integrate leadership values with organizational ethical climate and other moral values. though much have been written on ethics, moral values and leadership styles. Consequently, this study explored the development and validation of a theory and an instrument to explain the structural relationship between the itemized variables in the context of Nigeria business organization. Findings indicated that altruism positively influences and affects ethical leadership while ethical leadership equally has a significant positive effect on organizational ethical climate. Furthermore, integrity was observed to significantly moderate the positive effect of ethical leadership on organizational ethical climate. Against the above backgroud therefore, and based on findings, it is advocated that simultaneous application of multiple leadership styles in enhancing subordinates’ and organizational general ethicality. Thus, this requires further exploration and might lead to reconceptualization of ethical leadership and its dimensions.

Keywords: Ethical leadership, Ethical climate, Nigeria Business Organization.


Ethics and moral are different ball-games in the domain of Nigeria business organization, while ethical climate acts as a moral work compass (Kimberley, 2008). Thus, management leadership actions and organizational commitment including antecendents and consequences are emmmbedded within organizational ethical climate (Abrhiem, 2012). Against the above backdrop, actions or lack of it, directed or misdirected by organizational leadership or the top management are very essential in strenghtening organizational ethical climate. Ethical leaders and transformational leadership are reported by some scholars to have the capacity to enhance subordinates’mental, ethical, satisfaction, commitment and even attracting the best hands to the organization and equally in retaining them (Trevino, Hartman & Brown, 2000). Leadership with ethical dimensions has been proved to relate to followers’ performance and general ethicality. Ethical leadership adhere to ethical and moral standard and equally lead by example (Trevino, 1986).