RSIS International

Author & Style Guidelines

Welcome to the International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS). To ensure a smooth submission process and that your manuscript meets our standards, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Submission Process
  • Manuscript Submission: Submit your manuscript via our online submission system. Ensure your manuscript adheres to our formatting and submission guidelines.
  1. Page Setup
  • Page Size: A4
  • Margins: 
    •  Top: 0.76 inches 
    •  Bottom: 0.42 inches 
    •  Left: 0.42 inches 
    •  Right: 0.42 inches
  1. Header and Footer
  • Header: 0.24 inches from the top
  • Footer: 0.28 inches from the bottom
  1. Font and Spacing
  • Font: Times New Roman, size 12 throughout the document
  • Line Spacing: Single (1.0)
  • Paragraph Spacing: 12pt before and after each paragraph
  1. Title Page
  • Paper Title: Bold, centered, font size 18

  • Author Names and Affiliations: Bold, centered, font size 12

  • Corresponding Author: Identify with an asterisk (*) and provide contact details.

  1. Abstract and Keywords
  • Abstract: Provide a summary (250-300 words) of the research, including objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • Keywords: Include 3-5 keywords relevant to your study.
  1. Main Text
  • Headings:
    •  Main Headings (IMRD sections like Abstract, Introduction, etc.): Bold, uppercase, font size 14
    •  Subheadings: Bold, font size 12
    •  Other Content/Text: Font size 12
  1. Figures and Tables
  • Placement: Insert within the manuscript, near their first mention.
  • Quality: Ensure high resolution and clarity.
  • Captions: Provide descriptive captions for all figures and tables.
  1. References
  • Style: Numeric form (e.g., 1., 2., 3., etc.)
  • Format: Follow APA (American Psychological Association) style for citations and references. Ensure completeness and correctness.
  1. Ethical Considerations
  • Ethical Approval: Include a statement confirming that ethical approval was obtained for research involving human subjects or animals.
  • Conflict of Interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
  1. Data Availability
  • Statement: Indicate the availability of data. Provide links or references if data is publicly available. If not, provide a rationale.
  1. Revisions
  • Revised Manuscripts: Address all reviewers’ comments thoroughly and resubmit the revised manuscript along with a detailed response letter.
  1. Copyright and Licensing
  • License: All articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), permitting unrestricted use, sharing, and reproduction of the work with proper attribution.

By following these guidelines, you help us ensure a smooth review and publication process. We look forward to receiving your submission and appreciate your contribution to the field of social science research.